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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

somme tour 2007

Guest tafski

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The culprit, or should that be the Talented one...BALDRICK!

willy didnt we see this guy at the traffic lights in dunqurke :lol::lol:

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lonsdale cemty, my grandfather with his crosses

A beautiful picture, the footprints made me think of the dead soldiers spirits walking around the grounds at night

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sterling work by jack alexander and his team, only trouble is some one or persons have stolen at least 2 saltire flags from this monument can you believe it?


I'm grateful for the kind words about the Contalmaison Cairn. Everyone involved with the project felt privileged to take up the standard that was laid down by the men of the 16th Royal Scots. This was their idea, finally brought to completion 85 years after they suggested it.

It seems to have become a bit of a landmark already - with a huge number of visitors, including a gratifying number of youngsters who are inspired by the story of Edinburgh's footballing battalion and (by the oddest of coincidences) their footballing contemporary, Donnie Bell, who is commemorated close by.

I just returned from my own visit to the Western Front, during which the weather was less kind than it appears to have been to the lads on this thread. I took a fair few pics while I was there. A foul afternoon at Hawthorn Ridge was one of the highlights. On the way back up to Zeebrugge we stopped at St Julien ...


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The culprit, or should that be the Talented one...BALDRICK!

Will,the batman has a real talent.Or you spent too much on his camera last Xmas :D

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It grieves me to post the next 2 pages never thought such a henious event would happen on a pals tour <_< as quartermaster and head cook on this tripi noticed that our supplies were going missing,at first i thought maybe mice !!!! or even a rat of some description was having a frebbie with our rations , but on investigation they would have had to have had rather large rucksacks for the amount of rations that were missing

so a trap was set Ham, cheese,onion, Butter and bread were laid out on the table lights extinguised sentrys posted and we retired to bed

within 30 mins our sentry reported movement down stairs ,explaining that he heard scraping and sawing noises coupled with little squeals of delight and grunting noises ,armed with half full bottles of wine and assorted spirits , and with the stealth and guille of 22 SAS we approached the kitchen area where our trap was laid ,and with the intention of belting the you know what out of what ever or who ever was having a frebbie feed on us ,

on a pre determined signal the lights were turned on and we assaulted the kitchen like the embassy was stormed , and to our surprise we saw ...................see next pic

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willy didnt we see this guy at the traffic lights in dunqurke :lol::lol:

The Hills Have Eyes Pt.3

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This is Avrils field that was the sight of the original signals trench,being reconstructed,that comes out of the cellar of a big barn there.Lots of work ahead.

You can see John trying to help in the capture of an enemy sheep WIA.More worried than anything,poor beast :P


The trench & new museum should be a good input for the place.Not a woman to mess with though.Still got a headache from it :D

I hope this improves Mrs Williams Bank Balance... :P

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Willy, that lad of yours took some fantastic photographs - is this a serious hobby or something for fun? He's certainly got an eye for a good photograph.



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Thanks all for posting the pics - great to see them, even if I had to avert my eyes at the sight of the sporrans!


well the old git had to have some where to keep his loose change the youngster neeeded some where to keep the folding stuff :lol:

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Great pics lads, although Tafski in a kilt has given me pause for thought..........

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I hope this improves Mrs Williams Bank Balance...

It's nice to know you have Avril's welfare at heart. Sorry to disappoint you, but the creation of the museum and the placement of the collection that will find its home there, plus the wall of remembrance that she hopes will be created around the outside of the building will all be part of a charitable organisation quite separate from the rest of her establishment. And why was she so particularly clear about that? Because she said right from the off that people would say she was only making money out of the dead. She got that right, didn't she?

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