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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

somme tour 2007

Guest tafski

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well pals

D day arrived and the race was on, the long awaited 2007 somme tour was on,last car to dover gets the beer in was the challenge ,so a team from the north and a team from the south west were off, but not before a certain member of the south west team packed his wardrobe into the back of an already heaviley laden vehicle

Both teams arrived in dover, south west team first so the beer was on the guys from the north,after a few pints of refreshment we eventually booked in dropped off our wash bags, tour shirts were issued and we all retired back to the bar for more amber nectar and of course some food an enjoyable evening was had by, I of course retired to bed earlier thsan most as i was in much need of my beauty sleep, and believe me i need to over dose

after a much needed sleep we all met up at stupid a clock, and made our way to the ferry to start our great adventure ,hope fully now you will be able to sit back and enjoy the antics of our 2007 somme tour

enjoy, WE DID

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i will post a few more pics and thn maybe other tour members will have a chance to post thir pics as most had superior cameras to mine :D


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but not before a certain member of the south west team packed his wardrobe into the back of an already heaviley laden vehicle

I wonder who that was? :ph34r:


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Excuse my cameras pic's, i set it to low quality as the memory card I had was tiny and couldn't store many hi-res pics. so I had loads of lo res.





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From the Mueseum in Notredam da lorrette's chapel (upstairs)





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from the mueseum near Notredam da lorrette




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Oi! Garron. You kept that quiet. How come you're out there, then? I thought you were still in college? Nice pics, keep 'em coming. Enjoy the trip (yeah, like as if you wouldn't...and don't get in a round with Tafski...')

Stick it, the Welsh!


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Oi! Garron. You kept that quiet. How come you're out there, then? I thought you were still in college? Nice pics, keep 'em coming. Enjoy the trip (yeah, like as if you wouldn't...and don't get in a round with Tafski...')

Stick it, the Welsh!


we kept it quiet as well bernard :lol: and he couldnt survive a round either :lol:

tafski B)

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It was a last minute thing, friday night phone call, sailed monday morning.

I went awol from collage and work (awaiting field punishment for that)

Yep I been there, done it, didn't buy the t-shirt as it has a stupid spelling mistake :lol:

it was fantastic, the weather that was ordered off ebay didn't let us down, it was way better to do a trip with friends.

I went to Mametz aswell :) will be posting pictures of that later (once I sort out memory card reader, its on the blink)


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Great pics!

So what was the tour schedule? (besides stopping at nearly every available pub to partake of amber liquid? ;) )


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Great pics!

So what was the tour schedule? (besides stopping at nearly every available pub to partake of amber liquid? ;) )


as if B) keep reading the thread ye see the serious stuff

tafski B)

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This is the in the tower.The ossuaries(bone house)outside have the remains of 20000 unknowns at Lorrette.


Theses stacked coffins are a mixture of known troops from the Great war up to Indo Chine/Maroc & go down about 5 levels.

In front of it are the ashes of someone who died in the concentration camps.


This memorial is to a Tour de France winner.

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Keep the snaps coming you lucky so and so's.


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The man in the mask must be Kevin last seen appearing in Crimewatch! It was fantastic meeting you all...until then Trish though you were my imaginary friends... although now having met you i think she would prefer to have stuck with her original suspicion that I spent my time on pornography and gambling sites.

I know you have more pics sp lets see them


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well mick

it was nice to meet up with you and yer good lady wife,and as her thoughts after meeting us tell her we will borrow a mag and have 10bob each way on a horse at kempton :lol:

more pics to follow

tafski ;)

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other pals may have more pics of notre damme de lorrette so i am sure they will post better now for a few pics from the museum to the rear of NDDL a few artillery peices


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Guest KevinEndon

One of the field guns had a blackbird nesting in it also along with the blackbirds nest was a shell jammed up the barrel, when I went to look at the shell stuck in the barrel the blackbird flew out of her nest showing her 3 eggs. From a thing of death and destruction there was beauty and life.

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