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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

GWF Conference and Dinner 2010


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Thanks to everyone who took part in the GWF Annual Dinner Conference poll

Looking at the results, the consensus would appear to be a day conference, followed by meal, in the Midlands. Perhaps in future years, if this one is a success, we can hold one on the Western Front, but that may be a little too much at this stage.

Not quite so clear regarding date, but I would suggest that Spring next year is favourite. Avoiding Easter, and the possible dates of the Easter school holiday, this would perhaps suggest one of the following Saturdays - 20th March, or 24th April

The likely format will be a start at 11.00, with 4 or so speakers (although I've not asked anyone yet, my first port of call would be the various forum members who have talked to the WFA). Maybe one before lunch, then three afterwards. Finishing at 5.00 or so. Then time for mingling, beer drinking, book buying (I would imagine any forum authors would like the opportunity to bring along their masterworks) and reconvening for dinner at 7-7.30. Depending on the venue, the catering might be in-house or from external caterers. Another thought would be an after-dinner speaker - not sure how affordable he would be but someone like Richard Holmes perhaps?

The cost? Well, your guess is as good as mine. If numbers were low, then we might be able to find a function room at a sports club, at a low cost. If higher, we might need something more akin to a university or hotel. I would aim to have the cost as no more than £25 for the conference bit and other £20 or so for dinner.

So, I'd now like to ask for a firm commitment, to check we have enough people interested and to get some idea of what size venue we need. Please can you reply to this thread by confirming that you would intend to come along. Once we have a firm idea of numbers, I'd look to selecting a venue and a precise date. Then depending on the venue, I would probably need a deposit - maybe £10 a head. On receipt of this, a firm booking could be made.

Thanks for your time


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You could count me in - provided reasonably priced accomodation for the night is available within walking distance.

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Interested, please.


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Yes..i am interested.......and wild horses wouldn't keep Ayesha away!


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If at all possible, could we nail down a date for people to book their flights. Put my name down and if there are any members from Northern Ireland traveling will they PM to arrange flights and hotels and transport to and from the airports enabling us to all travel together.

I would like to thank Alan on behalf of everyone in the forum for all his hard work in organizing the event.



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Add me as well - no accomodation

Alan Tucker

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Nice to see some swift and decisive direction...thanks Alan.

I would love to attend could you put me down for a couple of places please.

Alan Tucker....perhaps we could all bunk up at yours (ha ha :lol: )


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Interested subject to the date chosen, as weekend days are hard for me, but I realise that its the best for the majority.

I think the cost of Richard Holmes would be a tad to rich for the conference and he is probably booked up well in advance. however we do have a hive of speakers on this forum, many of good repute.



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Yes please and probably several others with me, like the midlands bit, loads of nice places in leicestershire and Rutland

Rich M :blink::ph34r:

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Yes, count me in please. Preferably the March date.

One certainly, maybe two.

Well done. Great work.


ps Peter Hart is an invigorating speaker!

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Put my name down, and the Mrs. The April date not so good, Anniversary. If it has to be that date, will bring her round.

How about Dan Snow as guest speaker? :P


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Obviously the exact date would be an issue, can certainly do the 24th April.


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Any chance of not too far from Birmingham Airport?

Bother it - I'll be there. Now where is that piggy bank........


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I would certainly be interested....

Me too


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