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German names from Wolf's book


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His name was Johann Franz. 

in any case I have long lost any faith in the accuracy of the information in Wolf‘s table of officers.




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2 minutes ago, Glenn J said:

His name was Johann Franz

Hi Glenn I got that. That´s why I was wondering about what his first name was (not always the one up front) and why the person in the company with Prigge was called Hans. It ight be short for Johannes which would point to Johannes as first name or could be a different person.



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Hi Grey,

understood. I am happy that Johann and Hans Brimberg of the firm Prigge Brimberg are the same guy. He is named as Johann in connection with his former activity at Prigge  Brimberg in the periodical “Bauwirtschaft”. What I cannot do is confirm the connection to the GFR Zahlmeisteraspirant or definitively that he was the military mission Zahlmeister despite the connections and coincidences. 




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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Breuer Carl    ObLtzS to KaptzS (Ing) Marine 

Marine-Oberstabsingenieur (14.7.14) Carl Breuer, born 27 December 1866 was the chief engineer on the Goeben until May 1915 when he assumed responsibility for the entire Mittelmeerdivision. In October 1917 he was assigned to the staff of the North Sea  naval station. He ended the war as an instructor and the deck officer and engineer school, retiring on 24 November 1919. Charakter as a Fregattenkapitän (Ing.) on 18 December 1919.



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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Brinkmann (Brinckman) Franz    ObLtzS Marine    


Oberleutnant zur See Franz Brinckmann, born 25 February 1893 at Harburg. Crew of 1911. SMS Breslau on outbreak of war as a Leutnant zur See (3.8.14). Adjutant of the Haireddin Barbarossa from August 1914 to August 1915. U boat half-flotilla until November 1915. Various postings to the Torgut Reis and the Euphrates River detachment. Back to Germany in September 1918 with I. seaman division. Retired 6 November 1919. Holder of the Iron Cross 1st Class, Mecklenburg Military Merit Cross 1st Class, Turkish silver medal and Iron Crescent.

Returned to service in WW2 rising to Korvettenkapitän der Reserve.



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Yes, I notice that the register showns 

Erich Prigge. Hans Brimberg

My understanding is Hans was short for Johann

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Cheers mates,


Bronner Rudolf    LtzS (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1916-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Brümmer-Städt Bruno    LtzS (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1915-    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Brüning (gen. Brinkmann) Fritz    Maj Prof Dr     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Prof Oberstabsarzt Medical lecturer in Gülhane     1916-17    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book


I thought we did this bloke, but it appears not 

Brodosotti Hermann    Maj    Eisenbahn Field Railway Inspectorate Istanbul      1915-16    (born 1868 at Löwenberg died?) RTG 1916 illness lung catarrh (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book
Wolf shows he was comm 1-4-1889, so he must be either a Reservist or a.D. or something like that?

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10 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Brodosotti Hermann  

Bit of a mess, this one.

Major Hermann Stettmund von Brodorotti, born 9 August 1868 at Löwenberg in Silesia. Commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 95 on 21.9.89. By the publication of 1914 Prussian Rangliste in May 1914, he had risen to the rank of Major ((18.12.13) and was on the staff 2. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß. At mobilisation he assumed command of II./Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 64 which he led until 16 February 1915. He was commanding Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 30 after his return from the Ottoman theatre. Retired with the Charakter of Oberstleutnant on 20 October 1919. He died in 1933.

10 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Wolf shows he was comm 1-4-1889, so he must be either a Reservist or a.D. or something like that?

He was certainly not old for his rank. Promotion in the Prussian army in peacetime was glacial (not much better during the war!) and it would be a lucky individual who reached the rank of captain before his mid thirties. He was promoted to Hauptmann in 1904 so 35-36 years old at the time. It was then normal to hold that rank for nine or ten years before promotion to major.



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16 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Brüning (gen. Brinkmann) Fritz    Maj Prof Dr   


Stabsarzt (22.5.12) Dr. Friedrich Brüning, born 21 March 1879 at Neumünster. Originally a reserve medical officer, he entered active service in the Prussian army on 27 January 1909 in Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 30. He was serving at the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy in 1914 and at mobilisation was assigned to Feldlazarett 4 of the I. Armee-Korps. He was assigned to the military mission on 17 March 1915 as an instructor at the military medical institution in Constantinople moving to the position of embassy surgeon there on 6 July 1918. He remained briefly in the post war army being promoted to Oberstabsarzt on 16.7.20. He left the army on 30 June 1921 and became a professor of surgery at the university of Berlin. Died 4 November 1938.  

Not sure about the gen. Brinkmann???



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17 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Bronner Rudolf    LtzS (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)  

Marine-Ingenieur der Reserve (13.5.16) Rudolf Bronner, born 25 March 1882. Initially on SMS Berlin until March 1915 when placed at the disposal of the 1. Dockyard Division. July 1915 assigned to SMS Zähringen until February 1916 when transferred still in the rank of a Marine-Ingenieuraspirant der Reserve to SMS Breslau as a watch engineer. Demobilised/retired December 1916. Presumably illness?



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17 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Brümmer-Städt Bruno    LtzS (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) SMS Breslau (Midilli)   

Marine-Ingenieuraspirant Bruno Brümmerstädt (all one word!), born 16 November 1892 in Berlin. Initially on SMS Hessen until assigned to the Breslau in March 1915, presumably still in the rank of a Marine-Ingenieurapplikant (Maat) or Marineingenieuroberapplikant (Obermaat). He left in October of that year to attend the engineer and deck officer school, being promoted to Marine-Ingenieuraspirant 10 December 1917 having been assigned to the U boat school the previous September (1917). Left the navy on 30 November 1919 and awarded the Charakter of a Leutnant (Ing.) on 21 February 1920. As will be seen from above, he would at most have held the rank of a senior petty officer on the Breslau. Luftwaffe Major in WW2.




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2 hours ago, Glenn J said:

Not sure about the gen. Brinkmann???

Usually an indication of being born out of wedlock (genannt Brinkmann = named Brinkmann = the surname of the other parent)


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Thanks guys,

You lean something every day here on this site.

Glenn the rank structure is stuffed up either by Wolf or who ever translated, thats why I get mixed up.


Brünn W.    Maj Dr     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Oberstabsarzt Medical Bacteriologist in a Laboratory    1915-17    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Buhlan Willy    Capt / Hptm     Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Naval Shore Dett to OzbV Adjt of Adm von Usedom     1916-18    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Bultmann Johannes     Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery    1914-18    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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35 minutes ago, GreyC said:

Usually an indication of being born out of wedlock (genannt Brinkmann = named Brinkmann = the surname of the other parent)


Indeed it is; Apologies for not making myself very clear. My point was is that there is no indication that Dr. Brüning was so named.



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20 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Brünn W.    Maj Dr     Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei


Bavarian Stabsarzt Dr. Wilhelm Brünn, born in Straubing on 20 April 1876. Commissioned as an Assistenzarzt on 25.7.01 , he spent most of his pre-war career as a medical officer with the Schutztruppe in German East Africa, being assigned there on 20 March 1903. He only returned to Germany in August 1914 and was assigned to the 3. Infanterie-Regiment although at mobilisation was assigned to the Ersatz-Feldartillerie-Regiment. He also served with the 4. Feldartillerie-Regiment and the 7. Feldartillerie-Regiment. Promoted to Oberstabsarzt on 26.10.17. He retired on 11 July 1919.




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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Buhlan Willy    Capt / Hptm     Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando)

Hauptmann der Reserve der Marine-Infanterie Willy Buhlan, born 7 July 1876. Initially served as a company commander in the I. See-Bataillon/1. Marine-Infanterie-Regiment and was assigned to the Sonderkommando in June 1916. Served as Admiral von Usedom's adjutant until the war's end. Demobilised 25 November 1918.



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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Bultmann Johannes     Lt    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) Artillery officer - Coastal Artillery    1914-18  

Vizefeuerwerker der Reserve Adolf Johannes Bultmann (Landwehr-Bezirk II Bremen), born 23 April 1887 in Oldenburg. With the Sonderkommando for pretty much the entire war. Only commissioned on 18.1.18.  Demobilised 21 January 1920. Died 5 February 1978.




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44 minutes ago, Glenn J said:

Bavarian Stabsarzt Dr. Wilhelm Brünn, born in Straubing on 20 April 1876

So this could be his doctoral dissertation:


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57 minutes ago, GreyC said:

So this could be his doctoral dissertation:

Hi Grey,

seems very likely, his full name was Friedrich Wilhelm Brünn.



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Thank you


Burchardi (Buchardi) Theodor    LtCol (Col) Dr    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - shown QMG 5th Army at Gallipoli 1915 - Savas Bak. Levazim dairesinde görevli 1st Ordu Levazim islerinde (In the 1st Army Levazim Works in the Levazim Circle) Savas Bak. 1. Army supplies in charge of the 55. Huttner Pharmacist Inspector 1 and 5.Ordu Pharmacist Officer (Apotheker)    1913-18    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Bürklein (Bürklen) Reinhold     FähnrichzS Marine    Fähnrich (officer candidate) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1918-    (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Christoph (or see Kümmerling)    Wachtmeister    Offiziersstellvertreter (Deputy officer) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Usedom) or see Kümmerling    1915-16    awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 12-10-15 not confirmed? (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Names from Wolf and other sources, seam to not a line, maybe you will have better luck finding them with what spellings I found.

Christoph maybe the same as Kummerling, but I could not confirm?


I did notice this man, an wondered if he is the same as Buchardi or his son went with him, as many high officers seam to do, or they made a mistake with the rank showned Lt when it should be LtCol?

Burchardi Theodor    Lt    Askeri komiser 1914 (Military commissioner (1914)     1913-14    (not identified)? 

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Reinhold Bürklen, born April 23, 1898, entered the navy in October 1916, Fähnrich zur See (=officer candidate), on Goeben from May 1918. December 1918 transferred to the reserves in December 1918, promoted to Leutnant zur See der Reserve September 28, 1919, out of naval service on January 21, 1920 as a Leutnant zur See.

He's an Ergängungsoffizier of the Kriegmarine, with the rank of Kapitänleutnat (October 1, 1934), Korvettenkapitän (October 1,  1938) and then a regular Fregattenkapitän (August 1, 1942).

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Burchardi (Buchardi) Theodor  

Militär-Intendanturrat (17.8.07) Heinrich Paul Theodor Burchardi, born 17 July 1872 in Berlin . Herr Burchardi was a senior official in the intendance branch of the Prussian military administration with the broad equivalence to the rank of a major (hence his elevation to the rank of Ottoman lieutenant-colonel). He was also a Hauptmann der Reserve in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 25. Joined the Prussian military administration in 1889 and was one of the original members of the military mission of 1913 and is to be seen in the well known photo with Liman, Bronsart and Weber etc. Successively Intendant (commander logistics) of 1st and 5th armies and later of the mission in Constantinople. Following the war a senior civil servant (Oberregierungsrat) dealing with support and welfare matters. He was still alive and employed in 1936 as the director of the support office in Breslau.




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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Christoph (or see Kümmerling)    Wachtmeister    Offiziersstellvertreter


not sure we are going to get far with this one. Awards of the Liakat medal were not published in the Marine-Verordnungsblatt nor were appointments to the position of an Offizierstellvertreter. WIll keep an eye out for him but will probably need to stumble across some document with his name on it.



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Yes Christoph had me also, strange enteries for both men in Wolf?


Conn Bruno    Kor-Kapt (LtCol) Marine    Commander of the Thassos class destroyers (CoCommander Ottoman Destroyer "Tasoz" with Tevfik Halit Bey - Yarbay Conn 1914-1916 Çanakkale'deki Alman Deniz Birlikleri Komutani (German Marines Commander in Canakkale) Intelligence Staff of the German commander & Commander of the German Naval Forces in Canakkale German marine Corps in Çanakkale Commander     1914-16    awarded Ottoman Silver Liakat Medal 12-10-15 and EK I 3-16 (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Conrad Alfred    Lt    Straits Command Canakkale (Sonderkommando Usedom) 1915-17 return Sonderkommando     1915-17 1918-    RTG 1917 return 1918 (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Cummerow     Capt / Hptm    shown Inspector of the Etappe (LofC) for 6th Army - 6th Orduda Menzil Müfettisi (Range Inspector in the 6th Army) Mesopotamia     1915-16    Mesopotamia (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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