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Numbers of British P.1907 bayonets surviving


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15 hours ago, JMB1943 said:

Hello Phil,

Thanks for this one——3349.

Glad to see that you wild colonial boys still have your eyes open!!!

My feeling now is that getting to 300 is not going to be easy.




15 hours ago, Phil B said:

This turned up on one of my Facebook feeds 260euros if anyone wants it. The scabbard isn’t correct and the bayonet is in let us just say , less than pristine. Hope some more turn up soon. Looking forward to cracking 300 and onwards 

cheers from the colonies 




I saw this one to, now dropped to €250 - it was in the ww1 collectibles for sale group on Facebook ‘very good condition’ hmm…


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On 08/11/2023 at 00:12, MikeyH said:


I already highlighted this one, a week or so ago.  But was unable to do the link.  When previously auctioned a few months ago, there was a identity doubt over the number either 2462 or 2642, needs a close up to verify.


Andrew, Mike.

I think that the person selling this bayonet, has looked up Siamese rifles and bayonets for information and has confused the number he is stating on the bayonet, either #2462 or #2642 with Rama V1 2462, the Buddhist year. Bayonet could have a different number all together. 



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Yes, the original auction entry earlier this year, was confused, with some reference to the date.


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I just came across smiling tiger #6368 posted by Enfield-Stuff on another forum in August. It looks like it has escaped you cat trap so far, and not listed as yet. This will be another number closer to the 300 mark which we are slowly clawing towards.







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Thanks for your constant vigilance, that is yet another new serial!

I’ll update the Table at the end of the year, so keep up the good work.



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Just to show that we are forever on the prowl, I caged another smiling tiger.

#8964 appears to be a new # for the list and another closer to 300.





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Hi Dave,

That smiling tiger is already listed, #2390.

Good to see that there are several lots of eyes out there still hunting for them.



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Thanks for the new, and not so new, serial numbers.

Glad to know that the peepers are still open in both the northern and southern hemispheres!



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We refer you to the very first post of this thread.

You do have a good-looking MOLE bayonet there, but we are not interested in it per se.

Mole reportedly did not make any Bayonets after 1916, but yours, dated for June 1918, clearly disproves that.

Please keep your eyes open for any Smiling Tiger bayonet you may come across!






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  • 2 weeks later...


Its been a while since any action here and we actually moved off the first page of the Forum. Back again now tho.

I was just doing a bit of a search and came across a couple of smiling tigers up for auction in the U.S.. #4409 and #7538 which I think are both new numbers for the list.

If so, just in time to be added to your soon to be updated list for Christmas.

#4409 also has an original smiling tiger faintly marked and numbered leather scabbard, one of only a few of the originals that show up.

Cheers and Merry Christmas to all.




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Good-oh! Nice to keep these things up and about! Amazing how many have survived though instead of being recycled to make something else.

BTW, I have been finding it very hard to keep head above water never mind attend to GWF what with new academic responsibilities and duties but the semester has nearly ended so will be back properly in a week or so...


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Thanks for your unflagging energy in tracking down these rare big cats.

I will add this latest pair of serials to the year-end list, and perhaps we will see 300th serial next year.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas to you, Phil B and everyone who has helped with this project.



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Just when we thought all the smiling tigers were rounded up for the Christmas break, I think we have trapped another stray. (Canada auction with rifle.)

#4087 does not appear to be on the list, so should be one cat closer to the magical 300.

Cheers again,




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I will be getting a second “Puddy Cat” for Christmas, I know the originals had leather body, steel chape and final, as regular P1907. 
most surviving had scabbards modified. Replacement steel body and chape , final were brazened on. I guessing work was not too strict. The one I getting, the chape was riveted on, and final said to have original staple intact. We’re there different ways these scabbards were converted that someone on the forum might know of, like a comparison post of the scabbards?

I still learning here

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Sounds like a great Christmas present.

It also could be another new number for JMBs smiling tiger bayonet list.

I do not know of any study that has been done on the all metal scabbards but I have seen quiet a few and some are very rough, a few have shown up that look like new, some have the locket brazed and some riveted and some have the cape brazed on the opposite way to most.

Some could have been repaired in the field just to be put back in use quickly, as long as they could do the job.

If you look back through this post you will see quiet a few for reference.

These four below are ones I have had over time and as you can see, condition varies a whole lot, two have the rivets securing the locket.







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TR——thanks for that new serial!

Steve——congratulations on your latest pickup! Will you wrap it up and then unwrap on Christmas morning?

Waiting now for Phil B to announce his latest tiger catch……



EDIT: Quick count indicates just shy of 280.

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Thanks t.Ryan, still love to learn more, seeing yours together is a big help!

JMB. Good idea, wrap it up, If I get drunk enough, might forget what it is, to unwrap a surprise present!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here’s my Christmas Puddy Cat

The metal replacement scabbards, steel body, most have chape and final brazened on, a lesser number we’re welder on like mine.  The other thing, mine the final still has what seem like the original staples still attached. Kind of a nice, rare bonus as a collector.










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Nice Christmas present, Smiling tiger # 8964.

It is the bayonet that I added a photo of on 23rd. November just up the page, so not a new # but glad you were able to get your hands on it.

Now that you have 2 of them, you had better be careful because they have a habit of breeding; just ask Phil B.

The scabbard looks like it has been around for a long while, plenty of dents, rivets, and I recall seeing the odd staple in them before so anything is possible. Who knows how many times they may have been repaired and by whom. Enjoy.






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Hey there members, season greetings from down under!, just picked up this Wild Tiger Cor. Outfit,rifle and bayonet in good shape, the bore is still in great condition. Can someone out here translate the rifle and bayonet numbers. Thanks for the very helpful forum. Not to many of these wild beasts out there!! Kippa






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