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14th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers


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Bard Cottage Cemetery has this plot where six soldiers are buried on the same day can anyone tell their story

Robert Hughes Evans 21105 A/Sgt

Clayton Albert Newman 56896 Sgt

Arthur Ogley 66193 Pte

Ebenezer Cox 56377 Pte

William Thomas Richards 22259 Cpl

Percy Talbot 20531 Sgt

Four of the Six are NCO ranks so must surely have impacted on the Battalion


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Looks like they were caught just before the Battle of Pilckem Ridge -a good mix of men from Wales, England and the Isle of Man! I don't know anything other than that given in the Regimental History but I know someone who might be able to tell you a bit more about Evans, who was a native of Llanrug near Caernarfon.

Hyyyyywwwyyynnn????? :D



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Not sure here...the printed synopsis of the 14th RWF's War Diary simply states:

20th July 1917- Marched to International Corner and embussed for Elverdinghe. Relieved 1st South Lancs at Canal Bank.

24th July Marched to "H" Camp

26th July One officer & 30 Other Ranks raided enemy trenches and found them unoccupied.

The fuller version might give a better account. A single unlucky shell could have done this much damage and merited no mention whatever in the Diary...or maybe they were attached to (eg.) the Trench Mortar Batteries and doing something different to the rest of the unit...

Home addresses from the battn. embarkation roll 1 December 1915 include:

Evans - 11 Caemount Street, Llanberis. The four soldiers Nos. 21102-21105 were all from Llanberis and all KIA.

Talbot - Pinfold Lane, Pankridge, Stafford


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Thanks for the replies i have found that the battalion had suffered severe shell fire on the 23rd July including gas shells could they have been victims of gas or HE etc, and not sure where they were located ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The local paper under Llanberis re Evans states

The sad news has been received of the death in France on 24th July of Sgt Robert Evans, 11 Ceunant Street. He was the son of Mr Hugh and Mrs Margaret Evans and was 31 years old. He had been in France some 20 months and was previously wounded. It appears that he was in a dug out in the trenches when, at around six in the morning, a colleague, Pte Richard R Jones of Prince of Wales Hotel, heard a shell land nearby and he discovered that it had landed on a nearby dugout, burying three of its occupants. Much effort was made in cleaning the rubble and to his surprise the first he came across was his friend Bob Evans but it was too late to help him. He was buried in a military cemetery. Pte Jones notified the family of this. They also received word from 2nd Lt C Trevor Lloyd of the same Company who expressed his condolences to the family. (HC 7/8/1917)

From the original war Diary

23rd July 1917

Battalion in front line- considerable artillery activity on both sides during the day and in the night. The enemy again sent many gas shells both on CANAL BANK and in the front line +there were a number of casualties the action of the gas being apparently delayed for some hours. A patrol under 2ns Lt W O Roberts entered the German but found no garrison. Work interrupted by gas but consisted mainly of clearances and maintenance and construction of strong point in front line by wiring.

24th July 1917

Battalion in front line- again considerable artillery activity though less on the part of the enemy and fewer gas shells. WELSH HARP shelled heavily. Work continued as before. The battalion relieved in the front line at 2.30a.m by the 13th RWF and marched to H Camp. All were reported in camp at 7a.m. Several casualties reported due to gas shelling on previous day.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Pte Richard R Jones of the Prince of Wales Hotel was my Grandmother's son. My late father's half brother who was KIA 23rd August 1918. His name is listed on panel 6 of the Vis En Artois Memorial but I don't know if it is known where his remains lie. As far as I can find out he was a Pte. ser. No.21102. 14th(service)Batt. RWF. I was amazed to see the 2 references to him in this post and would dearly like to find out more about him and his service record. As a brand new member to this forum I would greatly appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.

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Hi Paul

Welcome to the forum.

It does not seem that his Records have survived.

If you send me your email by Personal Message I will send you some stuff. Place your cursor over my name and select send a message.


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  • 4 years later...


I am researching Robert Hugh Evans 21105 - 14th Battalion Welsh Fusiliers....who was my gr grandmothers brother.

I have some info gained from Ancestory.com....and very limited family knowledge of him - however does anyone know if any military records exist of him?

Many thanks


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Can't find service or pension papers for him - but he was an original 14th btn man in the embarkation for France, and you have the information above.

Perhaps he is mentioned in earlier casualty reports for his previous wound - mametz or other place on the Somme?



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Attached is a photo of the 14 Battalion RWF - also know as the "Snowdonians" Robert Hugh Evans is center back. Anyone any ideas who the others are in the photo?




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Welcome/Croeso to the Forum

Great photo!

I haven't heard of the name Snowdonians as referring to the whole battalion before. Possibly it refers to the platoon. I'm not a hundred percent on this though and others may have a view.

The battalion, when going overseas in Dec 1915, had a number of men from Arfon area of Caernarfonshire. The whole embarkation list exists providing the names and addresses. Given Bob Evans is in the photo the others may be from villages surrounding Llanberis. That being the case then I can name around 19 to 20 from Llanberis/Llanrug/Cwmyglo/Deiniolen. Whether they are the men in the photo is another matter but I would say there is a strong possibilty.

In post 5 I have provide details from the Herald Cymraeg of 7/8/1917. Genedl Gymraeg 16 2 1915 names Robert Evans as one of 4 Llanberis men made Corporals. Carnarvon Herald of 21 1 1916 has a photo of him stating he is now serving in France. There may be more in the newspapers as I haven't yet gone through them all.

If you hover your cursor over my name on the left you will see the Personal Messenger button. If you want to send me your email I'll send you the 14th Bn synopsis etc.


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The 14th RWF have another seven fallen in one raid, earlier the same year, buried at Bard Cottage with around ten others having no known grave or buried elsewhere.

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HI Hywyn

Do you have a scanned copy of the Carnarvon Herald of 21 1 1916 that has a photo of Robert Evans?

Many thanks


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Another snap of I would guess is the 14th Battalion..Robert Hugh Evans is center bottom

What struck me was how young the rest of the group in the photo was / is.

Any thoughts to who the others are in the photo?




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  • 2 weeks later...

The chap i was researching was Ebenezer Cox, i dont think he will be in the photo's as he had only recently been attached (6 weeks believe) with the Battalion after being invalided home from Mesopotamia from the Cheshire Regiment for 12 months, have searched Northwich papers, Fleetwood papers & Blackpool, for his photo but no luck, Geoff

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Looking for information about Alfred Edwin Piper 20564, who I suspect was my great grandfather. Info from medal rolls sugests 14 Battalion RWF.Served 28/12/14 to 13/6/17 with disembarkment date for France of 2/12/15. Family members I've been in contact with don't know very much, My father seems to think he may have been gassed. Any information much appreciated. Looking for a link with North Wales.

Many thanks


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Joined before conscription so probably a Kitchener volunteer. 14 RWF served with the 38th (Welsh) Division which, as you know, went overseas in early December 1915. Major actions at Mametz Wood (7-12 July 1916) and at Third Battle of Ypres (started 31 July 1917 though Alfred looks to have missed that).


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War Diary for 14 RWF is digitised here:


...and might be on Ancestry?

The diary is unlikely to name him (though you never know until you look) but it will give you a day by day account of what the battalion was up to.


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20564 Alfred Edwin Piper is on a casualty list in 1916 as from Llanrwst.

The Embarkation Roll gives him an address of 8 Union Street, Chester.

1911 Census has an Alfred Piper born ca 1876 at Scotland Street, Llanrwst.

(The Roll does have the occasional error, typos etc. Next one on the Roll is 20565 Peter Fox who is shown as from 10 Albert Place Llanrwst. Other material suggests Peter to be a Flint man.)

Does the Llanrwst connection (or the Chester one come to that) mean anything in respect of you great grandfather?

edit: have seen you PM now. I'll wait on the reply to this post before expanding.

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Hi Hywyn,

thank you for the quick response.

Llanwrst is what I was hoping for! Chester is new. I have him in Llanwrst (the 1911 census and on birth certificates of some of his children) in 1911 and 1917. I'm waiting for a copy of a 1914 birth certificate of another child, registered in Llanwrst but family say daughter was born in Manchester as Alfred moved around a bit possibly working for Laings.

I'm excited now! Am I correct about 20564 being in 14th Battalion.

I'd welcome any information you are happy to share.

Many thanks


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We're on the right tracks then.

Looks like that's a typo error with addresses mixed for 20564 Piper and 20565 Fox. Nil Service Records that I can see for either in which to confirm so best treat is suspicious unless you actually get anything firmer to put Fox to Llanrwst or Piper to Chester.

Yes, overseas service with 14th Bn.

PM me you email* and I'll send you some stuff over the next couple of days.


* Indicate in it whether you have access to Ancestry.

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Can I gatecrash the party with an enquiry about another 14th Battalion man?

I am trying to gather information about Pte 21169 Edward Jones Hughes but have hit a brick wall. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.



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