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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum
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Note: This blog was formerly maintained under topic Canadian Field Artillery - 61st Battery 14th Brigade, begun by Steve Bodie on 20 April 2009.

The last post in the former topic was on 12 February 2018.


Entries in this blog

Sunday, 18 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 11

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     MIKAN 3405426 Engineers repairing bridge blown up by Germans. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3023     MIKAN 3643051 German prisoners captured by the Canadians. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918     MIKAN 3643052 German p



August 17th Photos: MIKANs

MIKAN 3403996 Engine in a mine near Denain, destroyed by Hun Engineers, not shell fire. o.3498     MIKAN 3404924 Canadian Cavalry resting in a wood waiting to advance. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3009     MIKAN 3404931 Canadians resting by roadside. Amiens. August, 1918. o.3083     MIKAN 3405923 Machine Gun Section, 3rd Infantry Battalion on the march. August, 1918. o.3802     MIKAN 3522209 22nd Battalion bivouaced behind the line



August 17th Photos: Alexander Turnbull Library

H894 A general view of the New Zealand Stationary Hospital in Wisques during World War I. Shows a number of buildings, huts and a few tents.  A large sign on the right includes a Union Jack and a Red Cross. Photograph taken 17 August 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders.     H898 A group portrait of the Non Commissioned Officers and men of the New Zealand Stationary Hospital in Wisques, France during World War I.  They are gathered under a wooden archway carved by a Maori patient. R



August 17th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 9776 Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 6th Earl of Radnor, the Director of Agricultural Production and his staff. Le Touquet, 17 August 1918.     © IWM Q 11190 American, French and British sailors with civilians and a performing dog at a convalescent depot at Trouville, 17 August 1918.     © IWM Q 11191 Convalescent soldiers on the beach with an old French man and two children at Trouville, 17 August 1918.     © IWM Q 11192 Soldiers in their huts at No



Saturday, 17 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 10

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue     E02945 A Wagon GS Mk10 of the 13th Infantry Brigade loaded with supplies moving forward near near Warfusee-Abancourt, in France, on August 17th, 1918.  The 4th Division symbol a rising sun containing the Divisional numeral csan be seen on the rear tailboard of t



August 16th Photos: G. Alexander Turnbull Library

ALB80465s036 Airco DH-4 light bomber, Ministry for Culture and Heritage, updated 9-Jul-2014     Off to War. Bishop Sadlier holds a church parade at the Mounted Infantry camp, Nelson. 16 August 1914. Nelson Provincial Museum, F N Jones Collection 311615      Church Service at the Cavalry Camp. 16 August 1914. Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection 181781     H886 A group portrait of New Zealand nurses of the New Zealand Stationary Hospital g



August 16th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 9784 Australians in service of the Directorate of Agricultural Production bringing wheat in on limbers for threshing. Near Amiens, 16 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9785 Soldiers of the Directorate of Agricultural Production using a Ruston threshing machine. Near Amiens, 16 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9786 Soldiers of the Directorate of Agricultural Production using a Ruston threshing machine. Near Amiens, 16 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9787 Soldiers of t



August 16th Photos: MIKANs

MIKAN 3403169 Prisoners captured by Cdns. Note German wearing Scottish cap. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3030     MIKAN 3403191 German prisoners marching through Amiens. August, 1918. o.3831     MIKAN 3403192 German prisoners marching through Amiens. August, 1918. o.3830     MIKAN 3403957 Heap of brass clocks, candlesticks, and ornaments collected by Germans & salvaged by Canadians. Amiens. August, 1918. o.3053     MIKAN 340395



August 5th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 6961 Ruins of Morlancourt, scene of local fighting May to August 191, 15 August 1918.     © IWM Q 6962 Ruins of Morlancourt, scene of local fighting May to August 191, 15 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9274 Troops of the Leinster Regiment possibly and the 14th Battalion, London Regiment London Scottish checking vegetables grown at Etaples, 15 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9777 A garden of the Directorate of Agricultural Production at Etaples, 15 August 1



August 15th Photos: MIKANs

MIKAN 3395609 Lt.-Col. Moshier, Capt. Grant and Capt. Turnbull, 11th Field Ambulance, outside captured German dug-out. August, 1918. o.3801     MIKAN 3397906 German Casualty Clearing Station, captured among other things by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3054     MIKAN 3397907 German field guns captured by Canadians. Amiens. - August, 1918. o.3058     MIKAN 3397908 An American and Canadian soldier near old German transport line. Battle of



Thursday, 15 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 8

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   Warvillers Churchyard Extension 6th April 2017



August 14th Photos: MIKANs

MIKAN 3396816 Canadian, French troops resting around German gun. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3029     MIKAN 3396817 Fishing without rod, line or net. - Amiens. August, 1918. o.3037     MIKAN 3396818 Fishing without rod, line or net. - Amiens. August, 1918. o.3038     MIKAN 3397394 French soldiers making wreaths to place on graves. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918 o.3016     MIKAN 3397395 A French Caterpillar on a lorry passing throu



August 14th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 7159 Gunners of the D Battery, 61st Anti-Aircraft Section, Royal Garrison Artillery by their 13 pounder 9 cwt anti-aircraft gun. Near Carvin, 14 August 1918.     © IWM Q 7160 Gunners of the 237th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Near Carvin, 14 August 1918.     © IWM Q 7161 Gunners of the 213th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. Near Carvin, 14 August 1918.     © IWM Q 7162 Gunners of the 213th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Art



Wednesday, 14 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 7

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     14th Brigade Trench Mortart Battery     60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     © IWM HU 121471 Major Leonard Vivien Drummond-Hay MC. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.  Death 14 Au



August 13 Photos: MIKANs

Note these MIKAN images were captured 8th-13th August, 1918.   MIKAN 3194813 German prisoners captured by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918 o.2954     MIKAN 3194938 22nd Battalion bivouaced behind the lines. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918 o.2978     MIKAN 3239910 Wounded and prisoners captured by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. o.2953     MIKAN 3395389 Picks and shovels and other material salvaged by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. August,



August 13th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 9830 King George V with Captain K. J. Allardyce inspecting a party of troops of the Fiji Labour Corps, 13th August 1918.     © IWM Q 9832 King George Vs visit to France, 13 August 1918. A smoke screen demonstration.     © IWM Q 9833 King George V going aboard H.M.S. Whirlwind after his visit to France. Photograph taken at Dunkirk, 13 August 1918.     © IWM Q 9835 King George V inspecting American seaman during his visit to the Western Front. P



Tuesday, 13th August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 6

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery           14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   14th Brigade Trench Mortar Battery   Gunner Bertram Cox - 60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery Death Corner - Rouvroy-en-Santerre I've managed to visit three times over past five years...Ro



August 12th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM Q 9238 King George V visits the III Corps headquarters at St. Gratien, 12 August 1918. This was the British Corps which formed part of the Fourth Army in the Battle of Amiens.   © IWM Q 9239 King George V inspecting the Guard of Honour on his visit to the III Corps headquarters at St. Gratien, 12 August 1918. This was the British Corps which formed part of the Fourth Army in the Battle of Amiens.   © IWM Q 9240 King George V and General John Monash inspecting troops of



August 12th Photos: MIKANs

More likely most of these photos were taken on August 8th.   MIKAN 3397056 German dead killed during the Canadian advance. Battle of Amiens. August, 1918. o.3060   MIKAN 3397890 Machine gunners advancing into a wood passing German gun. Battle of Amiens, August, 1918. o.2966   MIKAN 3522228 60 pounders in action. Battle of Amiens. Actual date perhaps 8 August, 1918 o.3006   MIKAN 3522229 60 pounders in action. Battle of Amiens. Actual date perhaps 8 August,



Monday, 12th August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 5

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Trench Mortar Battery     Gunner Herbert Irwin 41st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Thomas Dinesen     MI



August 11th Photos: Le Quesnel, Cassel, Liverpool, Sommacampagna

© IWM Q 6934 British and German stretcher-cases at a field dressing station in the open with an improvised covering of ground sheets held up by wiring staples. They are waiting for evacuating by ambulance. Note the vehicle of the British Sportsmen's Ambulance Fund. Le Quesnel, 11 August 1918.     © IWM Q 6935 British and German stretcher-cases out in the open awaiting evacuation from a field dressing station. Le Quesnel, 11 August 1918.     © IWM Q 6936 A surge



August 11th Photos: Amiens Gun Park Part 2

MIKAN 3397916 Sir Edward Kemp interested in captured guns. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3089     MIKAN 3397917 Sir Edward Kemp interested in captured guns. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3088     MIKAN 3397919 General Currie interested in captured guns. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3098     MIKAN 3397922 Arranging captured trench mortars and machine guns. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3093     MIKAN



August 11th Photos: Amiens Gun Park Part 1

MIKAN 3395388 Tank Officer and Men interested in an anti-tank rifle captured by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.2972     MIKAN 3397889 A Gun captured by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.2965     MIKAN 3397891 A German 8.3 battery & ammunition dump captured. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3026     MIKAN 3397892 A large German gun captured by Canadians. Battle of Amiens. 11th August, 1918. o.3021  



Sunday, 11th August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 4

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Identified men of the Hallu Eight   Clifford Abram Neelands     Sydney Halliday     William Sims     Lachlan McKinnon



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