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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum
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Note: This blog was formerly maintained under topic Canadian Field Artillery - 61st Battery 14th Brigade, begun by Steve Bodie on 20 April 2009.

The last post in the former topic was on 12 February 2018.


Entries in this blog

Monday, 2nd September 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 26

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lieutenant Abner Gladstone Virtue - 61st Fld Bty   60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Corporal W.H. Metcalf Metcalf died in Lewiston, Maine on 8 August 1968.   Lietuenant Colonel



September 1st, 1918 Photos: IWM & AWM

All Imperial War Museum and Australian War Memorial photos captured Sunday, 1st September 1918.   AWM E03104 The 21st Battalion having left the trench to start to go through the village at Mont St Quentin. At 1 a.m. on 1 September 1918, orders were received that the 21st Battalion would not take part in the attack on Mont St Quentin, but would move up to support the 23rd and 24th Battalions. At 9.45 a.m. the battalion moved forward to support the 23rd and 24th Battalions, who rep



Sunday, 1st September 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 25

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lieutenant Abner Gladstone Virtue - 61st Fld Bty   60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery  



Saturday, 31 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 24

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   © IWM (BOX 773-416-18JF-51B-1918) Plotting reference 51B Q 14. Key feature Ecourt St Quentin   © IWM (BOX 764-395-57MB-51B-1918) Plotting reference 51B M 29. Key feature Mercatel   © IWM (Q 9



Friday, 30 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 23

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   © IWM (BOX 335-54-4B-36A-1918) Plotting reference 36A F 24c 30a. Key feature Le Doulieu   175863 Fotografia di aereo cappottato Reperti fotografici del tenente osservatore di aviazione Giuseppe Cela. 



Thursday, 29 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 22

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery - Gunner Bertram Cox     © IWM (Q 7006) Battle of the Scarpe.  Capture of the Greenland Hill by the 51st Division.  Daylight patrol of the 6th Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders working forward towards Hausa a



Wednesday, 28 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 21

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   William Hew Clark-Kennedy Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St George Croix du Guerre avec Palms (Belgium) Distinguished Service Order Distinguished Service Order First Bar Victoria Cross   MIKAN 3522245 Canadians advancing through swamps of Ri



Tuesday, 27 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 20

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   © IWM (Q 7001) Battle of Albert.  The Royal Field Artillery guns and limbers passing a mine crater in the road in front of Warlencourt, 27 August 1918.   © IWM (Q 7002) Royal Artillery gunners sortin



August 26th Photos: MIKAN

MIKAN 3395607 Canadians resting in captured trenches. Advance East of Arras. 26th August, 1918. o.3139   MIKAN 3395608 Canadians resting in a trench near captured gun. Advance East of Arras. 26th August, 1918. o.3118   MIKAN 3395884 Canadian Dressing Station within half mile of the line. Advance East of Arras. Aug 26- Sep 3, 1918. o.3122   MIKAN 3395885 Canadian stretcher bearers attend to man hit by shell-fire. Germans prisoners bringing in their wounded. Advance E



Monday, 26 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 19

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue   55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Charles Smith Rutherford Rutherford was the last winner of the Victoria Cross from World War I to die, on 11 June 1989 at the age of 97.  He is buried at The Union Cemetery, Colborne, Ontario, Canada.



August 25th Photos: IWM Aerial

© IWM (BOX 869-832-57MC-57C-1918) Plotting reference 57C H 6. Key feature Vaulx-Vraucourt and Beugnatre   © IWM (BOX 278-2051-206K-36G-1918) Plotting reference 36G 36 H 31. Key feature North of Laventie   © IWM (BOX 335-3-4B-36A-1918) Plotting reference 36A F 2 3 9. Key feature Outtersteene   © IWM (BOX 278-2056-206K-36G-1918) Plotting reference 36G 22 23. Key feature Sailly-sur-la-Lys   © IWM (BOX 335-4-4B-36A-1918) Plotting reference 36A F 8 9 14 15.



August 25th Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM (Q 7005) Battle of Albert. British soldier tending a wounded horse of the Royal Artillery at Bihucourt, 25 August 1918 (captured on 23 August).   © IWM (Q 7035) Second Battle of the Somme. An armoured car about to start on a reconnaissance near Biefvillers, 25 August 1918.   © IWM (Q 7036) Second Battle of the Somme. Armoured cars setting out on a reconnaissance near Biefvillers, 25 August 1918.   © IWM (Q 8257) Captain R Maude (Assistant Provost Marsh



Sunday, 25 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 18

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery  



Saturday, 24 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 17

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     55th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     © IWM (BOX 164-950-53B-28M-1918) Plotting reference 28M 31S 1 27R 36 X 6. Key feature Saint-Jans-Cappel, 24th August, 1918.   © IWM (BOX 282-1966-206K-36H-1918)



August 23rd Photos

All Imperial War Museum, Alexander Turnbull Library, and Australian War Memorial photos captured on Friday, 23rd August, 1918. © IWM (Q 6987) Battle of Albert. Ruins of Meaulte taken by the 5th Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment (12th Division), on 22 August 1918 (23 August). The pontoons were left behind by the British in March.     © IWM (Q 6988) Battle of Albert. German shell bursting on a building in Meaulte on the day after its capture, 23 August 1918.  



Friday, 23 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 16

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     © IWM (BOX 373-122-21HAB-36A-1918) Plotting reference 36A R 27b. Key feature, Vielle-Chapelle 23rd August, 1918.  



August 22nd Photos

© IWM (Q 6991) A Royal Engineer fishing by hurling a bomb into a canal.  Le Sart, 22 August 1918.     © IWM (Q 6992) Taking cover from flying pieces from a Royal Engineers explosion.  Le Sart, 22 August 1918.     © IWM (Q 6993) A Royal Engineers waggon carrying a sheet of elephant iron.  Le Sart, 22 August 1918.     © IWM (Q 6994) A Royal Engineers waggon carrying a sheet of elephant iron.  Le Sart, 22 August 1918.     ©



Thursday, 22 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 15

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery "D" Sub...that's my grandfather's sub-section.   Lt Virtue     © IWM (BOX 857-6603-12LB-57C-1918) Plotting reference 57C B 19. Key feature Ervillers, 22nd August, 1918.     Private A.R. Hallett   Many more photos to follow from 22nd



August 21st Photos: Imperial War Museum

© IWM (Q 6963) Second Battle of the Somme 1918.  German shell burst showing two soldiers ducking in foreground (possibly official cameraman J B McDowell and his assistant).  Near Courcelles, 21 August 1918.     © IWM (Q 6964) Second Battle of the Somme.  German shell bursts.  Note a soldier on right, ducking.  Near Courcelles, 21 August 1918.     © IWM (Q 6965) Second Battle of the Somme.  German shell bursts near Courcelles, 21 August 1918.  



Wednesday, 21 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 14

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Lt Virtue     Alexander Turnbull Library   H910 Two New Zealand soldiers lead horses past the destroyed tracks of a light German railway near Serre, France, in World War I. Photograph taken 21 August 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders.   H924 Two columns o



August 20th Photos

Australian War Memorial    E04978 Albert, France. 20 August 1918. An Australian and Canadian Cemetery on the Bapaume Road, east of Albert in France, after its recapture from the Germans. Canon Scott is seen standing by the grave of his son, Captain Henry Hutton Scott, 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards), Canadian Infantry, killed on 21/10/1916, age 24, during the Battle of the Somme. He is buried in Bapaume Post Military Cemetery.     Photo of Henry Hutton Sc



Tuesday, 20 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 13

Library and Archives Canada   5th Canadian Divisional Artillery   14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery   61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue   60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery   Photos from August 20th to follow.



Monday, 19 August 1918 - Canada's Hundred Days - 12

Library and Archives Canada     5th Canadian Divisional Artillery     14th Brigade Canadian Divisional Artillery     61st Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Lt Virtue     60th Field Battery Canadian Divisional Artillery     Antigonish Cenotaph Project Private Francis "Frank" Bouchie Date of Birth: December 28, 1897* at East Havre Boucher, Antigonish County   Parents: Mauric



August 18th Photos: AWM, lIllustrazione Italiana

Lieutenant Leo Aloysius McCartin died 18 August 1918     H15935 Meteren, France. 18 August 1918. A German Army held ridge near the town under bombardment by British Army artillery. Donor Imperial War Museum Q6950     E05573 18 August 1919. Front view of a Company Cooker.   Generalfeldmarschall Hindenburg besichtigt das 3. Garderegiment z. F. im Westen Aufnahme vom 18. August 1918     Column of German prisoners escorted by US soldiers, France



August 18th Photos: Imperial War Museum

George Frederick Pratt died in 1918     © IWM Q 6947 Action of Outtersteene Ridge. Signallers, Royal Engineers 9th Division, at an artillery observation post sending back messages about the British creeping barrage. Meteren, 18 August 1918.     © IWM Q 6948 Action of Outtersteene Ridge. Artillery observers watching the progress of the creeping barrage laid down to support the attack of 27th Brigade, 9th Division. Meteren, 18 August 1918.     © IWM Q 6



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