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Saw your reference to meeting (Dries) and checked your location, believing you were elsewhere in Belgium, it now looks like I have been treading on toes, apologies.

I did go to the location, on Abeelsweg, the blue circle on map, took photos and spoke to two gentlemen with a tractor and trailer waiting to make entrance to the property, asking them if the place was known as Schaballie Farm, they looked bewildered until I changed the wording to brickworks and then they were in agreement that it had been the place the whole area but in there words a long time ago.

Then  went to Lijssenthoek Cemetery and while there in the visitor centre found a map that showed the area, this was a different map to yours and named the Farms 

but could not see Schaballie Farm listed, not sure if I can upload this map for copyright reasons, but will email it to you.



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"Apologizing for treading on toes" ? I have absolutely no idea ... (No need to explain though.)

Yes, the brickworks stopped in the 1970s, and it became a dump dor a number of years. Now a green area.

Yes, I received the map. And I'd be surprised if ever someone found a map with a "Schaballie Farm" in the Lijssenthoek area.




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I've been through all the Sherwoods' diaries again just to double check locations. Originally I was checking between the dates 4/2/1918 and 18/2/1918. I added a week before and after to those dates just in case.

As I've said before;

18th Jan - 25th Jan. 1st Sherwoods were in billets in Poperinghe.

27th Jan - 11th Feb. 1st Sherwoods Steenvorde & Eecke area as per post #41


Just to add to this;


15th Sherwoods

9/1/1918. Elverdinghe

16/1/1918 Pig & Whistle, Langemarck

February Diary is missing but 105 Infantry Brigade HQ diary places 15th Sherwoods at Requete Farm (Sheet 20SW)


17th Sherwoods.

Mid Jan - Mid Feb

Siege Camp, Elverdinghe and Irish Farm


Neither particularly close but no other Sherwoods battalions anywhere near. If he had been recovering at Remy Siding that of course opens it up to all the Sherwood battalions in France/Belguim at the time.


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Still researching the Schaballie Farm/brickworks and have found something very interesting on a Trench Map, I have included the map and circled the Schaballie property, what is of interest is the branch line coming northeast from Remy Sidings passing the brickworks and a branch coming off and going into the said brickworks, would this be because they were using the bricks in the war effort, if so this would be a reason for soldiers to be in the vicinity and a possible means of our pair meeting, not sure what our soldiers role would be but does bring some new thinking into it.



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On 01/12/2018 at 19:05, Aurel Sercu said:

Sorry if I am interfering to add something that may have become irrelevant after previous postings..

Only to say that when I associated the name of the farm with the hamlet "Schaapbalie" (my posting #71 page 3) I was (very) wrong.

In the Abeelestraat in Poperinge there was indeed a brickery with that name Schaballie from approx. 1885 to 1970. In 1900 the owner Alphonse Schaballie had a small "kasteel" (chateau) built. It was at / near "Rekhof". Photo can be attached if desirable.


Aurel makes reference to Alphonse Schaballie as owning the brickworks, I googled this name there is a tree on Myheretige for a person of this name from Poperinge,

Born 1852- died 1933, had a son Sadi Louis Cornelis Alphonse Maria Schaballie

in 1892 who died in 1970, this could be the reason why brickworks closed after this date, the site is managed by a Jean Degezelle, is it possible the family had some oral history of what went on around it’s properties and could it have been passed down the family, does anybody have access to the Myheretige site or able to contact Jean Degezelle it could reveal some hidden secrets or nothing at all.


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