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No 17 CCS Remy Siding from August 1915


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On 11/18/2016 at 07:02, Bardess said:


My grandfathers brother Alexander George Mavor was brought in on 10 April 1916 with a gsw to the stomach. 

Do you have the original of this page?
Thanks for posting these. 

Edited by Nolindr
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18 hours ago, Bardess said:

Glad you found the entry, Nolindr

Oops, I edited my previous post, and hadn't seen your reply. I am new to the forum and still figuring it out.

I was wondering if you have the original page entry?
It is wonderful that you did all this work.  If you don't mind I will post about it in my genealogy blog.


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Great work Diane, I found 7 men from our roll of honour on the lists. All adds to their story.


Ste M

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Really pleased! The whole reason I transcribe WDs and place them on here is so that their names are added to the search engine. Brilliant

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/28/2016 at 10:08 AM, Bardess said:




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.


Admissions 76; evacuated by No 9 ambulance train, lying 77, sitting 72; discharged to duty 1; to Hazebrouck to 12 CCS 3 cases of scabies; number remaining at midnight 101.


Burials: 7490 Pte D Hickey, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.


Purchased locally milk 20 litres for 5 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe and eggs 100 for 20 francs from Mme A Burghgrave at Poperinghe.


57980 A/Cpl W Greer, RAMC 17 CCS reverted to Pte for an offence committed on 15th Oct. 46882 Pte G Betterton, RAMC 17 CCS awarded 3 days extra duty for an offense committed on 15th Oct.


Weather foggy and cold; wind NE




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.


Admissions 79; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 13, sitting 51; to Arques 8 dental and 2 eye cases; number remaining at midnight 109.


Deaths: 2056 Pte J White, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, fracture base of skull at 9:50am. 2079 Pte W Budden, 13th Middlesex Regt, GSW head at 6:15pm.


Burials: 2056 Pte J White, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.


Admitted to hospital: 4637 Pte G Jameson, RAMC 17 CCS fever NYD.


Discharged hospital: 11047 Pte J S Prest, RAMC 17 CCS [enteritis].


Weather misty, cloudy and very cold; wind NE


Purchased locally milk 9 litres for 2.25 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 11am.


Purchased locally milk 12 litres for 3 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


4637 Pte G Jameson, RAMC 17 CCS transferred to Base by No 17 ambulance train – gave a positive reaction to Paratyphoid A.


Admissions 86; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 40, sitting 95; to Arques 13 dental cases; to St Omer to No 10 Stationary Hospital 1 case of Scarlet Fever; number remaining in hospital at midnight 59.


Deaths: 20741 Spr G Withington, 57th Coy RE 3rd Divn, GSW shoulder – penetrating the chest at 7:20am. [800 Bermuda Vol Rifle Corps] 17144 Pte A Sheppard attached 1st Lincolns, GSW buttocks at 11:50am.


Burials: 2079 Pte W Budden, 13th Middlesex Regt. 20741 Spr G Withington, 57th Coy RE 3rd Divn. [800 BVRC] 17144 Pte A Sheppard attached 1st Lincolns Regt.


Weather fine and cold; wind N




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12 noon.


Admissions 79; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 10, sitting 14; to Arques dental cases 5; number remaining at midnight 116.


Deaths: 10596 Rfn A Marment, 9th KRR, GSW right arm and leg, back and chest at 4:35pm. 18177 Pte S Hannah, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers, GSW chest at 4:50pm. 10657 Pte H Stevens, 8th Gordon Highlanders, bayonet wound right leg at 11:45pm.


Admitted to hospital: 11063 Pte G Shepherd, RAMC 17 CCS ICT left arm.


12560 Pte B L Inglis, RAMC 17 CCS returned from No 4 Stationary Hospital at Arques after being fitted with glasses.


Weather fine and cold; wind N


The Sisters, TFNS, moved into their new camp on the west of the Hospital. The RE fitted up a wooden cookhouse and latrine for them. Pipe water supply also laid on.




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.



Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 1pm.


Admissions 98; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train, lying 53, sitting 94; to Hazebrouck to No 14 CCS 1 Belgian soldier, GSW left leg, 2900 Sgt E Bondroite attached to 4th Bty 7th Field Artillery, 17th Divn; 3 cases Scabies to No 50 CCS; to Boeschepe 1 case of suspected self-inflicted GSW left foot, 9093 Pte J Hodgson, 8th Black Watch by order of DMS 2nd Army; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 3 eye cases and 3 dental cases; number remaining at midnight 43.


Deaths: 9040 Pte T Woods, 8th Black Watch, GSW left leg, head and abdomen at 6am. 16619 L/Cpl A T Jackson, 8th Bedford Regt, GSW abdomen at 11:35pm.


Burials: 10596 Rfn A Marment, 9th KRR. 18177 Pte S Hannah, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers. 10657 Pte H Stevens, 8th Gordon Highlanders. 9040 Pte T Woods, 8th Black Watch.


Oil Stoves: In accordance with DMS, 2610/5 dated 19th October, have indented on the Ordnance Corps for 40 stoves for small marquees, Hospital and 20 stoves for bell tents.


Purchased locally 100 eggs for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe. 200 kilos potatoes for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. 82 litres milk from [14th Oct to 20th Oct inclusive] for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. 16 litres milk for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


Weather fine and cold; wind E




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Purchased locally 200 kilos potatoes for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 2:30pm.


The DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital at 3pm.


Admissions 144; evacuated by No 2 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 19; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 4; dental 14; number remaining at midnight 157.


Burials: 16619 L/Cpl A T Jackson, 8th Bedford Regt.


Weather fine and cold during the day and slight rain at night; wind E




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards.


Admissions 73; evacuated by No 7 ambulance train, lying 63, sitting 98; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 7 cases Scabies; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 13 dental cases; discharged to duty 2; remaining at midnight 62.


Returned from leave: Captain S A Lane, RAMC; 57835 Sgt J Reid, RAMC; 57240 Pte W Anderson, RAMC.


Purchased locally 19th Oct 10,000 kilos of coal for 450 francs from G Degrendel at Hazebrouck. Paid 22nd Oct.


57396 Cpl W Howell, RAMC returned from leave 21st Oct.


Purchased locally milk 12 litres for 4.50 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


Weather fine and cold; wind E




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Proceeded on leave to UK: Capt R A Flood, RAMC; 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC; 51705 Pte H Snowden, RAMC; CMT/1662 Pte R J Trimm, ASC.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 1:30pm.


Admissions 72; transferred to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital, eye cases 6, dental 11; to Hazebrouck to 50 CCS 3 cases Scabies; number remaining at midnight 123.


Deaths: 19763 Pte A Pitt, 8th Bedford Regt, GSW thigh, left at 4am. 8758 Pte R Wilson, 7th Seaforth Highlanders, GSW back and right side at 11:55pm.


Burials: 19763 Pte A Pitt, 8th Bedford Regt.


Discharged from hospital to duty: 32633 Pte D McLaren, RAMC 17 CCS, Bronchitis.


Weather fine and cold; mist at night; wind NE.


Purchased locally eggs 100 for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe.




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards at 12 noon.


Purchased locally milk 9 litres for 2.25 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 2:30pm.


Admissions 80; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, lying 60, sitting 80; to Arques 6 dental cases to No 4 Stationary Hospital; to Hazebrouck 2 cases Scabies to No 12 CCS; one Belgian civilian attached to RE, August Dervake of Breneghen suffering from right inguinal hernia to No 15 CCS; number remaining at midnight 50.


Deaths: 960 L/Cpl C Ogden, 1/4th West Riding Regt, GSW chest and legs at 5:30am. 15529 Pte J Funnell, 9th Norfolks, GSW buttocks at 1:50pm.


3pm Burials: 8758 Pte R Wilson, 7th Seaforth Highlanders. 960 L/Cpl C Ogden, 1/4th West Riding Regt.


Discharged from Hospital: 56847 Pte A Norman, RAMC 17 CCS [Influenza].


Weather stormy with rain in the evening; wind NE




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12:30pm.


Admissions 67; evacuated by No 10 ambulance train, lying 11, sitting 23; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 4, dental 1; number remaining at midnight 79.


Deaths: 8684 Pte J Rawlings, 1st North Staffords, GSW head and chest at 8am.


3pm Burials: 15529 Pte J Funnell, 9th Norfolk Regt. 8684 Pte J Rawlings, 1st North Staffords.


Admitted to Hospital: 11192 Pte M Daly, RAMC 17 CCS.


Weather very stormy and wet, cold; wind NE




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


DMS 2nd Army visited hospital and saw sites for huts for hospital at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.


Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards.


Admissions 39; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 27, sitting 49; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 3 dental cases; to Hazebrouck to No 12 CCS 3 cases Scabies; discharged to duty 2; remaining at midnight 38.


Weather wet and stormy; wind N




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Six extra marquees have been received from the Ordnance to make up the complement to 40 in accordance with instructions of DMS 2nd Army.


Local purchases potatoes 200 kilos for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Bought on 26th Oct milk 12 litres for 3 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe and eggs 100 for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe.


Admissions 88; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 9; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital dental cases 6; discharged to duty 1; remaining at midnight 112.


Proceeded on leave: Staff Nurse V N Maddock, TFNS for 10 days.


Admitted to Hospital: 10870 Pte G W Robinson, RAMC 17 CCS NYD [fever].


Weather wet and stormy, cold; wind SE




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12 noon.


Admissions 69; evacuated by No 5 ambulance train 118, lying 35, sitting 83; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 1 case of Scabies; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital 6 dental cases; discharged to duty 6; number remaining at midnight 49.


Local purchases milk 16 litres for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


Deaths: 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Stafford Regt, GSW right leg and back. 12782 Pte J Carr, 10th HLI, GSW head at 1:15pm. 18782 Pte J E Burn, 7th Yorks, GSW head and right leg at 9pm.


3pm Burials: 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Staffords.


Trench feet admitted: 7 due to standing in water in the trenches – 2 cases 5th West Yorks Regt; 2 cases 2nd Notts and Derby Regt; 1 case 4th West Riding Regt; 1 case 1st Buffs Regt; 1 case 6th Dorset Regt.


Taken on Imprest Account: 5.30 francs property of late 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Staffords.


Returned from leave: 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC; 51705 Pte H Snowden, RAMC; CMT/1662 Pte R I Trimm, ASC [attd 17 CCS].


Weather SW gale with rain, milder.




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Proceeded on leave: Lieut & Quartermaster J M Rapson, RAMC; 31080 Staff Sgt J K Niven, RAMC; 57932 Cpl W Butt, RAMC; M2/020090 Pte B J Hall, ASC [attd 17 CCS].


Local purchases eggs 54 for 13.50 francs from J Powseele at Poperinghe.


Trench feet: one case 11th HLI admitted today.


Admissions 101; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train, lying 26, sitting 12; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital dental case 1; discharged to duty 2; number remaining at midnight 112.


Deaths: 27363 Gnr B Dowse, 6th Siege Battery, RGA, GSW multiple – was found to be dead on arrival at 6:40pm. 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt, GSW pelvis at 10:30pm.


3pm Burials: 12782 Pte J Carr, 10th HLI. 18782 Pte J E Burn, 7th Yorkshire Regt.


Returned from leave: Captain R A Flood, RAMC.


Received letter from DMS 2nd Army No S/3/2/15 dated 29th October 1915 giving scale of huts approved by GHQ for this Casualty Clearing Station:


1 ward for Officers’ Favaron Hut


10 wards Other Ranks Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Operations Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Receiving and dressing Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Store Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Officers’ Mess and sitting room Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Sisters’ Mess and sitting room Tarrant Hut 61x19


1 Sergeants’ Mess and mens dining room Tarrant Hut 61x19


10 small marquees, boarding, heating and lighting.


Weather fine and cloudy; wind SW




Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.


Admissions 71; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 61, sitting 82; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital dental cases 6, eye 2; to Hazebrouck to No 50 CCS 3 cases of Scabies; to No 15 CCS 1 case of suspected self-inflicted wound; to Merville, Lahore CCS 2 Indian troops belonging to No 5 Mountain Battery; number remaining at midnight 54.


Deaths: 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles, GSW legs at 3:35am. 12868 Pte A Bremner, 11th Royal Scots, GSW abdomen at 2:15pm.


Burials: 27363 Gnr B Dowse, 6th Siege Battery, RGA. 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt. 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles.


Proceeded on leave: Capt W C B Meyer, RAMC.


Reinforcement: 43251 Pte R Howard, RAMC from No 5 General Base Depot, Rouen.


Brigadier-General R D Petrie, RE visited hospital and inspected sites for the new buildings [huts].


Taken on Imprest Account: 7.10 francs, property of late 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt. 16.70 francs, property of late 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles.


Weather fine and sunny; wind SW


Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Milk 14 litres for 23.50 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe. Eggs 600 for 138 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe. Eggs 28 for 6.30 francs from H Huggpe at Poperinghe. Eggs are very difficult to obtain now and prices range from 22.5 centimes to 23 centimes each.




Started receiving at 12 noon.


Admissions 113; evacuated by No 18 ambulance train, lying 22, sitting 40; to Hazebrouck to No 12 CCS 2 Scabies cases; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 2 dental cases; number remaining at midnight 107.


Deaths: 16630 Pte G Humphrey, 8th Bedfordshire Regt, GSW back and right arm at 2:50am. 8093 Pte H Welsh, 1st North Staffords, GSW multiple at 6:55pm.


Burials: 12868 Pte A Bremner, 11th Royal Scots. 16630 Pte G Humphrey, 8th Bedford Regt.


10417 Pte C Smith, RAMC 17 CCS evacuated to Base NYD fever.


Wire received from DMS 2nd Army in accordance with instructions of Principal Chaplain, the Revd Major Burns [Presbyterian] to proceed to 51st Divn to join the 1/5th Seaforth Highlanders.




I'm looking for My Great Uncle Walter Speight's No.17 Casualty Clearing station records (REME Sidings).

He died of wounds 10.06.17, He wrote in his diary every day up until the 6th June 1917. His last entry in his personal war diary states "In the St Peter's Street assembly trench waiting for time to mount" I found out recently this trench was near Armagh Wood/ Observatory Ridge/ Sanctuary dump area after looking at old trench maps of the area.

I believe he was injured and taken to the No.17 CCS where he died of wounds. Any more information would be great.



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Hi Woody71 and welcome to the Forum. Unfortunately, at the end of May 1917, the WD ceased naming casualties. I hope you are successful in finding another source. Is there anything in the 8th KOYLI WD?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/13/2018 at 10:59 AM, Bardess said:

Hi Woody71 and welcome to the Forum. Unfortunately, at the end of May 1917, the WD ceased naming casualties. I hope you are successful in finding another source. Is there anything in the 8th KOYLI WD?

Can't seem to find the War diary of the 8th KOYLI I think it may have been damaged/ destroyed somehow. I could be wrong though.

Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction.

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If you have a subscription to Ancestry the WD is hiding under Various [Infantry Brigades 23rd Division] so if you put in 2187 and start at page 58 you are in for quite a decent read

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/08/2016 at 09:29, Bardess said:



11:30am No 26606 Pte R Baish, RGA, shell wound right thigh, died.

12 noon Stopped taking in.

Admissions into hospital 115; evacuated to No 10 ambulance train 121; to No 4 Stationary Hospital, Arques, 5 dental and 2 eye cases; number in hospital at midnight 55.

The above 4 patients who died yesterday and today were buried at 3pm.



Many thanks for posting this WD giving much fascinating detail to the activity at the CCS, a particularly busy one!

I am researching the history of 122nd and was particularly interested to see the entry above regarding 'Pte' Baish RGA

Gunner Roland Baish was serving with 122nd Heavy Battery at the time of his death. Their position was just to the South of Kruisstraat (about a mile SW of Ypres).

He was wounded in the right thigh by shell fire, and evacuated to No 17 CCS on the 18th August 1915 at around 6.30 p.m.. The shell splinter came from a burst of '8 inch' shells which had landed just behind their 4.7 inch gun, three others were also wounded.

Thank you!


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You're most welcome, Alan. The whole reason for posting transcribed WDs is so that rellies/researchers can pick them up in a search. I particularly enjoyed this one as there is so much information regarding the injuries/time of death etc

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Arn and welcome. My copy finished at 31st May 1917 as I was only interested in casualties named and these ceased at the end of May

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  • 8 months later...
On 28/11/2016 at 08:20, Bardess said:



Began receiving 8:30am. Admissions 88; transferred to No 23 ambulance train, lying 7, sitting 13; to Hazebrouck 3; in hospital at midnight 91.






126137 Sgt Sosnoski, F, 11th Can Bde MG Coy GSW chest at 8:45pm


347482 Gnr Farrington, W, CFA attd 3rd Can Amm Sub Park GSW head [accident] at 8:45pm


139754 Pte Arrowsmith, F W, 60th Canadians GSW buttock, side, elbow at 9:20pm




Reported for duty from No 3 Gen Hosp: S/Nurse Miss Caisley, TFNS.


Very heavy rain in morning. Fine afternoon.

Hi Diane,


my name is Jurgen and I'm from Belgium.

After plowing through archives and links I found this entry of yours.

Let me start with saying how amazing it is what you did here.

I'm not that good with the whole archive site from Canada but I think it's great that stuff like it exists.

From time to time I manage to find some info there but for the No 17 CCS I found nothing. Probably because it was British.

Anyway, I was wondering if I could receive the original entry for the death of Farrington W on August 19th 1916.

I have adopted his grave and I am retracing his steps up until the moment he died.


Thank you again for all of your hard work.

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Good morning Jurgen and welcome to the Forum. I worked from photos taken by @sotonmate and attach it for you. The pleasure is all mine ^_^



Aug 7.jpg

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On 28/07/2019 at 03:50, Bardess said:

Good morning Jurgen and welcome to the Forum. I worked from photos taken by @sotonmate and attach it for you. The pleasure is all mine ^_^




Thank you so much Diane!


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  • 6 months later...

Thank you so much for all of your amazing work. We have now finally found what happened to my great uncle thanks to you. His name was Private Richard Brown 10318 and he died in 29th May 1917 age 21. I wonder if there is any way we could get a picture of the original page?  I would love To have as much information about Richard as possible to pass onto my grandchildren. Thank you again 

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  • 2 months later...


Thank you so much for adding the original.

 It is odd because Richard Brown is not listed on it, but I think he must have been on page before maybe as in your transcript he was listed above Sapper Aldridge who I can see on the original . That is all I can think it can be

Thank you again for all you have done x



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