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No 17 CCS Remy Siding from August 1915


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This diary is very difficult to read indeed, so, in posting this snippet, I am trying to gauge interest


No 17 Casualty Clearing Station



01.08.15 Sunday

Admissions to hospital 91; evacuations to hospital train 43; discharged to duty 2; number in hospital at midnight 95.

The Matron-in-Chief to Expeditionary Force visited the Hospital at 5:15pm. Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby also visited the hospital at the same time. Monthly returns despatched today.

Sent blood for examination to Officer in Charge No 4 Mobile Laboratory of No 41458 Gnr A Burton, 32nd Coy RGA suffering from suspicious symptoms of Enteric.

Two mental cases in hospital [Delusional Insanity]; orderlies been detailed to help them under constant supervision and written instructions issued to them.

Weather fine; wind SW


Admissions to hospital 13; evacuations to hospital train 63; discharged to duty 2; number in hospital at midnight 44.

Went up to Remy Siding to arrange for purchasing of timber for temporary coop houses re improvising these with tarpaulins as the RE are unable to do this for me in accordance with instructions from C R E.

The sum of 27 francs 45 centimes belonging to No 8135 Rfn J Williams, 9th Service Bn Rifle Brigade and 30 francs belonging to SRC/106 Driver J Lamb, 25th Coy ASC [mental case] were taken on in imprest account. The Paymaster Base has been notified.

Weather stormy with occasional showers; wind SW

03.08.15 12 noon

The Reverend A L Preston [C of E] proceeded to Remy Siding for duty in accordance with instructions from the Senior Chaplain.

Admissions to hospital 24; evacuations to hospital train 14; to rest camp 2; discharged to duty 2; number in hospital at midnight 53.

Two cases of acute appendicitis operated on by Lieut W C B Meyer, RAMC at 4:30 and 6pm. Obtained some timber from Le M????? aux Bois for erecting temporary kitchens etc at Remy Siding.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW


Went out to Remy Siding and inspected camp. Saw OC RE re erecting kitchens etc. The erections are to be made of canvas on framework and roofed with felt.

Met DMS 2nd Army at Remy Siding. RE have started laying down water installations. Purchased locally 62 eggs at 8 francs 40 centimes.

Admissions to hospital 10; discharged to duty 1; number in hospital at midnight 60.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW


Taken on in imprest account money left by patients in hospital, found by Packstore Sergeant and a Sister, of the following were No 7044 Rfn J T Smith, 9th KRR [14 francs 60 centimes]; No 1546 Pte J Mills, 2nd KOYLI [85 francs 10 centimes]. Report sent to paymaster Base for entry in men’s accounts.

Admissions to hospital 54; to rest camp 3; to duty 3; number in hospital at midnight 108.

No 5915 Pte R Cook, 5th Dragoon Guards 1st Cavalry Division was brought into hospital at 7:30 and he was dead. No details were received with him as to nature of accident, “simple injury abdomen probably ruptured liver”. I have wired OC 1st Cavalry Division Temporary Hospital at 9pm for particulars.

Went out to Remy Siding and inspected hospital. Gave instructions for Sisters camp to be pitched after consultation with OC 10 CCS and Matron of that Unit in accordance with instructions of DMS 2nd Army. The Sisters of this Unit are to live and ???? with Sisters of 10 CCS by order of DMS 2nd Army.

One case suspected Scarlet Fever admitted and segregated in a tent. No 836 Trooper G Milton, N Somerset Yeomanry.

Weather fine and warm; wind SW

One mental case, delusions with violence, No 2333 Pte E Teale, 18th Hussars admitted and orderlies placed over him. Six NCOs and men of the 4th Dragoon Guards 2nd Brigade 1st Cavalry Division were brought in to hospital at 6pm suffering from injuries received by explosion of gun cotton they were experimenting with.

06.08.15 11:30am

GOC 2nd Brigade 1st Cavalry Division visited the hospital to see the NCOs and men of 4th Dragoon Guards who were injured by the explosion yesterday.

Admissions to hospital 3; evacuated to hospital train 19; number of cases in hospital at midnight 91.

No 836 Trooper G Milton, N Somerset Yeomanry admitted to hospital on 5th found to be suffering from Scarlet Fever was evacuated to No 7 General Hospital St Omer at 3pm; all precautions taken and patient was isolated. Reported by wire to ADMS 3rd Cavalry Division, DMS 2nd Army and DDG GHQ. A PM was made on the late No 5915 Pte R Cook, 5th Dragoon Guards to find out cause of death. A large mediastinal haemorrhage discovered but the artery from which this occurred was not discovered.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW


No 8285 Sergt G W J Pollard, 11th R Warwick Regt admitted with delusions and kept under observation.

Admissions to hospital 7; evacuated to hospital train 13; to rest camp 1; to duty 7; transferred to No 7 Cavalry Field Ambulance in accordance with a request by SMO 7th Cavalry Brigade on 5th August. Number in hospital at midnight 65.

No 5915 Pte R Cook, 5th Dragoon Guards 1st Cavalry Brigade was buried at 4pm at the Hazebrouck Cemetery. Went to Remy Siding to inspect camp.

Weather cloudy and fine

08.08.15 Sunday 11am

Reported to DMS that Remy Siding camp was ready for occupation by remainder of Unit in accordance with instructions of DMS 2nd Army.

Received verbal orders from DADMS 2nd Army at 2:30pm to hand over hospital and transfer remaining patients to OC No 15 Casualty Clearing Station and to proceed to Remy Siding and rejoin remainder of Unit. Handed over building and 114 patients to OC 15 CCS at 5pm. Packed up and started for Remy Siding with personnel in motor ambulances at 7:30pm. Arrived at Remy Siding at 8:30pm.

Admissions to hospital Hazebrouck 76; evacuated to hospital train 18; rest camp 11; number at midnight Remy Siding 116 wounded.

7:30pm reported departure to DMS 2nd Army

Weather fine and warm; wind SW


No 57396 Cpl W Howell, RAMC of this Unit admitted with accidental wound of head.

The Sisters arrived from Hazebrouck at 11:30am. Surgeon General O’Donnel, DDG Field Force visited the hospital at 4pm.

No 2543 Pte W Goss, RAMC awarded 7 days FP No 2 for neglect of duty when driving room orderly for offence committed on 7th August.

Admissions to hospital 504; evacuated to hospital train 409; to 6th Divisional rest station 36; remaining in hospital at midnight 119.


Admissions to hospital 71; evacuated by Ambulance train 183; evacuated by Motor convoy to Ambulance train at Hazebrouck 21; number in hospital at midnight 19.

Weather warm and strong wind SW


Two German prisoners [wounded] evacuated to Ambulance train. The 3 German prisoners were interviewed by Intelligence Officer 5th Corps yesterday afternoon at 4pm. 6th Corps Intelligence did not want them.

No 54195 Pte T Hudson and 12560 Pte B Inglis, RAMC of this Unit admitted to hospital with Influenza and Catarrhal Enteritis respectively.

Admissions to hospital 3; discharged to duty 1; number in hospital at midnight 27.

No 109033 Sergt F Donner, 1st Lincolns admitted on 10.08.15 suffering from ptomaine poisoning as the result of eating tinned salmon; progress satisfactory. Stools examined by Bacteriologist for Chol??? bacilli negative.

Weather fine and warm; wind SW.

By order of DMS 2nd Army, Nos 17 and 10 CCS will take in patients at Remy Siding on alternate days; No 17 to start at 12 noon 12th August.






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Very interesting, Bardess; is this a private diary?

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No, John, it's yer actual War Diary and goes on for about 150 pages ^_^ [and thanks for taking an interest]

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Was that a midnight/1am post?


I think CCS & FA diaries are great, lots of detail on aspects of the war that don't usually get raised.


As you've highlighted names I guess that's been the interest for you. I have all the CCS diaries that connect to the MH106 series that FWR have transcribed. I had a notion that extracting the names, numbers, injuries and any other relevant info from CCS (like yours) would then give another angle on the MH106, kind of a combined resource. Dare I say, additional casualty lists?


One of the CCS diaries I have has a significant list of names, mainly officers but includes type of wound and admin & discharge date. Plus details of deaths for some ORs. Not sure without looking if it's a MH106 related CCS.


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Haha, you know me so well! Yup, I'm all for names, injuries, deaths etc to be available on this Forum. I remember being a newbie and searching for my rellies and only one came up but that was 'special'. I must be slightly macabre methinks


PS: Did you look at the latest email?

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Yes, email seen and gratefully received. Thanks


I'm being a bit lazy here and not doing the transcription thing but as an example from 34CCS diary (in MH106 with FWR)



Checked the first man - 18448 Sandy and he has 3 hits on FWR Military Hospitals Admissions and Discharge Registers WW1


And another from 36CCS




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That's astonishing, Bardess - never thought that ORs would be named in such a document.

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Oh, if only days were a month long :rolleyes: I'd be in there, madly transcribing



As Tim has just said, there are loads just waiting to be copied and typed up :P

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In your own time...   ;-))

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Not just casualties but also nurses arriving/departing, postings of RAMC ORs to other units, promotions, awards. Courts martial on Self Inflicted wound men.


One day we'll be linking men from the HA lists in the 'casualty List' topic to the CCS diary to those in MH 106 available on FWR and have a combined source telling part of a man's story.


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  • 3 weeks later...


No 57794 Pte F Deacon, RAMC, admitted to hospital NYD [Syncope]


12 noon started taking in patients.


Lieut S Todd, RAMC joined from No 50 CCS as Dentist to this Unit.


4pm The GOC 1st Army visited the hospital today.


6pm The Consulting Surgical Specialist, Colonel Wallace, RAMC visited the hospital and saw some cases.


Admissions to hospital 64; evacuated by ambulance train [No 10] 9; discharged to duty 1; number in hospital up to midnight 93.


Weather fine and warm; wind SW



The following supplies were purchased for cash for the week ending 13th August for use in this hospital:


7.8.15: Eggs 52; potatoes 200 kilos from Monsieur Delaforge Schaicke at Hazebrouck

11.8.15: Eggs 52


1:45pm No 4733 Pte T Galligan, 2nd Leinster Regt died of gunshot wound head and was buried in the Special Cemetery at 3:30pm


11pm No 1975 Pte W Otter, 5th York and Lancaster Regt. Multiple gunshot wounds, died. No 12560 Pte B Inglis, RAMC and No 57794 Pte F Deacon, RAMC No 17 CCS were discharged to duty today.


Admissions to hospital 149; evacuations to No 4 ambulance train 148 - includes one German prisoner; discharged to duty 1; number in hospital at midnight 88.


Weather wet and stormy; wind SW



12 noon Started taking in at 12 noon. Admissions to hospital 49; evacuated to ambulance train 20; discharged to duty 3; 2 cases of Scabies transferred to No 12 CCS at Hazebrouck; number in hospital at midnight 95.


No 1975 Pte W Otter, 1st York and Lancaster Regt was buried at 3pm in the Cemetery.


100 kilos of potatoes purchased for 13 francs from Monsieur Catteau, Poperinghe.


2:15pm No 9469 Pte C Connell, 2nd Leinster Regt died of wounds

4:40pm No 41777 L/Cpl H Watts, 62nd Field Coy, RE died of wounds

10:35pm No 5305 Pte J Hood, 2nd York and Lancaster Regt died of wounds


Weather stormy and wet; wind SW



12 noon Stopped taking in cases. The Reverend J G Burns [Pres] Chaplain and I E Dunlop, Staff Nurse [TFNS] proceeded on 10 days leave to England today.


6pm Capt Watson Williams, RAMC [Special Reserve] reported his departure for the 6th Corps for duty with 1/5th York and Lancs Regt in accordance with orders from DMS 2nd Army M6/32/15 dated 14.8.15


Purchased for cash: Eggs 52 for 8 francs 40 centimes from Monsieur Delaforge at Hazebrouck; wood [fire] 4 ????? [looks like stores?] for 56 francs from Monsieur Vanderbuesch at Hazebrouck.


Admissions to hospital 86; evacuated to No 6 ambulance train 100; number in hospital at midnight 83.


Weather stormy with rain; wind SW


Of the evacuations by ambulance train, 2 were cases of Tubercle of Lungs.



Admissions to hospital 37; evacuated to No 8 ambulance train 8; to No 4 Stationary Hospital Arques, dental cases 16; eye cases 2; to Hazebrouck 4; number in hospital at midnight 93.


Taking in today from 12 noon


Weather stormy; wind SW



No 2567 Pte G H Whitaker, 5th KOYLI, suffering from self-inflicted wound of hand was admitted here by mistake instead of to Special Hospital at Boeschepe; he was called for by Lieut F W Begg, RAMC [TF] at 12 noon and removed to the Special Hospital.


12 noon Stopped taking in cases.


200 kilos of potatoes purchased for 26 francs from Monsieur Catteau at Poperinghe.


Admissions to hospital 66; evacuated to No 9 ambulance train 78, including 2 cases of Tubercle of Lungs; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital eye case 1; discharged to duty 1; number remaining in hospital at midnight 80.


No 5553 Cpl J Patterson, 12th Manchester Regt admitted on 14th with GSW left leg, developed gas gangrene; leg amputated above knee.


Weather fine and warm; wind SW



Admissions to hospital 50; evacuated to No 4 ambulance train 9; to Hazebrouck 7; to No 4 Stationary Hospital Arques 3; discharged to duty 2; number in hospital at midnight 118.


Lieut J S Hall, RAMC [T] reported his arrival for duty from 1/5 York and Lancs Regt, 6th Corps.


5pm No 1718 Pte J C Always, 2nd Royal Fusiliers, GSW chest, died.

6:30pm No 2201 Pte H R Wood, 2nd Royal Fusiliers, GSW abdomen, died


Blood examination of No 1629 Pte F Drury, 5th West Yorks Regt, positive to Paratyphoid B. Reported to ADMS 49th Div, DMS 2nd Army and DGMS GHQ


Weather fine and warm; wind SW



5am No 1987 Pte W Taylor, 8th West Yorks Regt, GSW abdomen died.

11:30am No 26606 Pte R Baish, RGA, shell wound right thigh, died.


12 noon Stopped taking in.


Admissions into hospital 115; evacuated to No 10 ambulance train 121; to No 4 Stationary Hospital, Arques, 5 dental and 2 eye cases; number in hospital at midnight 55.


Indented on Ordnance for tent floor boards; marquees 34; Bell tents 27 and forwarded through DMS 2nd Army for approval.


Purchased by cash Eggs 104 for 17 francs 50 centimes from Monsieur Delaforge at Hazebrouck and 1,000 kilos coal for 53 francs from W Houvenaghel at Hazebrouck.


The above 4 patients who died yesterday and today were buried at 3pm.


Weather fine and cool; wind SW


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Could not agree more. When I happened to stumble across the WD for 3 CAN CCS also at REMY SIDINGS. My Great Grandfather Samuel Trim was mentioned along with his wounds that seems to tie in with his units WD "On 22 December the Company was relieved and began to move out of the trenches for rest at Erie Camp, west of Ypres. As it moved through the ruins of Zillebeke around 6pm, heavy shellfire fell".




No3 Can CCS.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


6am No 4484 Pte J Makinson, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers, GSW [multiple] died and was buried at 3pm.

No 58571 Spr W Devereux, RE, GSW abdomen died at 6:15pm. No 15303 Gnr H Jones, 10th Bn RHA, GSW head died at 10pm.

Admissions to hospital 45; evacuated to No 15 ambulance train 10; these included 2 Paratyphoid B cases – transferred to Hazebrouck. 17 cases to Arques – 1 case of scabies; number remaining in hospital at midnight 92.

The following cases gave a positive blood culture of B. Paratyphosis B; No 12985 Pte W J Forster, 7th Yorks Regt and No 1629 Pte F Drury, 5th West Yorks Regt. All precautions were taken and they have been evacuated as noted above.

All fever cases kept in a separate marquee and blood taken for examination for Typhoid and Para A and B. If positive culture reported by No 1 Mobile Laboratory, the case is segregated at once and all precautions taken. Reports sent to DGMS – GHQ; DMS 2nd Army and ADMS 2nd Army.

Seven horses [Officers’ chargers] were returned to the DDR 2nd Army by order of DMS 2nd Army; two horses retained with Unit in accordance with his instructions – receipt obtained for 7 horses from OC Field Remount Section 2nd Army.

Reference tent floor boards indented for on 19.08.15 [vide] order received from DMS to send in indent for 34 Marquees and 20 Bell tents; the 7 extra asked for were required for tents occupied by Nursing Staff [TFNS] ???? representing the matter to DMS 2nd Army.

Weather cloudy and close; wind SW


11:05pm Telephone message received from DADMS 2nd Army that all leave to England had been cancelled.

Pte J Swarbrick, ASC [MT] proceeded at 2pm on 10 days leave to England. The two men who died in hospital yesterday were buried today at 2pm.

Admissions to hospital 123; evacuated to No 8 ambulance train 88; to Hazebrouck 11; discharged to duty 5; number in hospital at midnight 116.

Weather stormy and wet; wind NW

Purchased in Hazebrouck on 19.08.15 by authority of Ordnance Officer 2nd Army 3 ten-gallon IG tanks with taps and lids for storage of drinking water at francs 35 each.


No 8850 Pte D McIntyre, 1st Gordon Highlanders, GSW abdomen died at 5:30am and was buried at 3pm.

DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital today. He instructed me to resubmit and indent for 12 iron bedsteads for the use of serious cases.

Taking in day from 12 noon. Admissions to hospital 60; evacuated to No 14 ambulance train 5; to Hazebrouck 14; to No 4 Stationery Hospital, Arques Scabies 4; Dental 6; discharged to duty 6; number in hospital at midnight 149.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW

Buckets made of kerosene oil tins [2 to each marquee or tent] filled with water and sand placed near each marquee or tent for use in case of fire.


The following deaths took place in hospital. No 13991 Spr C Tozer, 12 Coy 6th Division RE, GSW thigh and abdomen at 6:30am; No 14053 Pte J Birtles, E Yorks Regt, GSW abdomen, head and arms at 7:20am.

10 Belgian soldiers transferred to this hospital from Red Cross Hospital, Poperinghe [which was being shelled] at 10:30pm last night; they were 4 wounded; 3 injuries; 3 sick. 5 Belgian soldiers [2 wounded; 1 suffering from Colitis and 2 NYD, blood requested] evacuated by No 11 ambulance train at 3pm. 5 minor cases to be returned to Belgian authorities in accordance with a request by Officer in Charge of Belgian Hospital at Poperinghe.

Admissions to hospital 126; evacuated to No 11 ambulance train 126; to No 15 CCS 11; discharged to duty 4; number in hospital at midnight 134. The late Ptes C Tozer and J Birtles noted above were buried at 3pm in the cemetery.

The following deaths took place in hospital No 1939 Pte C L Langrick, 1/4th Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regt, GSW neck at 7:15pm. No 2306 Pte W Mitchell, 5th Leicester Regt, GSW right arm and back at 3pm.

Purchased 3 x 700 kilos of coal at 53 francs per 1,000 kilos from Monsieur Degroote Freres at Abeele. One Belgian sick removed by Belgian authorities.

Ceased taking in cases at 12 noon today. Weather fine and warm; wind NW


Started receiving cases at 12 noon. Admissions to hospital 43; evacuations to No 22 ambulance train 26, which includes 1 case of Paratyphosis A; to Arques No 4 Stationery Hospital Eye case 1 and Scabies 2; 4 Belgian sick removed by Belgian authorities at 4pm. Number in hospital at midnight 141.

The late Ptes Langrick and Mitchell who died in hospital yesterday were buried in the cemetery at 3pm.

Interpreter [Belgian] Jose Smet attached 147th Brigade HQ admitted with tonsillitis. Weather fine and warm; wind NW

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In accordance with instructions from DMS 2nd Army, I proceeded with Capt Wright, RAMC to Lillers and inspected latrines, introduced by OC West Riding CCS in that hospital for the purpose of installing the same system in this Unit, ie, system of incineration of faeces and urine passed into soakage pits. Returned from Lillers at 4:30pm.

Purchased 52 eggs for francs 9 centimes 10 from Monsieur J Deforge, Poperinghe.

11am Major Meyers, RAMC, mental specialist visited the hospital this morning. Admissions to hospital 141; evacuated to No 4 ambulance train 129, which includes 1 Belgian Interpreter; to Hazebrouck 31 – 1 German Measles to St Omer No 7 General Hospital; to Arques 4 eye cases; discharged to duty 22.

No 8 Rifleman J Sidell, 5th Bn Rifle Brigade, died at 8:50pm from GSW abdomen.

The following rejoined from leave to England – Rev Major J G Burns [Pres] and Staff Nurse I E Dunlop, TFNS.

57952 Cpl W Butt, RAMC of this Unit discharged from hospital.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW


No 8024 Pte T Harper, 5th Bn S Stafford Regt, GSW abdomen died at 1:15am. No 11216 Pte C Howcroft, RAMC of this Unit admitted to hospital NYD fever.

Admissions to hospital 40; evacuated by No 10 ambulance train 16 – this includes 1 Belgian GSW head, a civilian working for the RE C De Beer who was admitted on 24.08.15; to Hazebrouck 7; to Arques 1; discharged to duty 3; number in hospital at midnight 93.

Rifleman Sidell and Pte Harper noted above were buried in the Cemetery at 3pm. Purchased 200 kilos of potatoes for 24 francs from Monsieur Catteau of 94 Rue de Cassel at Poperinghe.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW


Admissions to hospital 135; evacuated to No 15 ambulance train 107; to Hazebrouck 29; to Arques 4; discharged to duty 13; number in hospital at midnight 66.

No 7032 L/Cpl P Bent, 2nd Leinster Regt, GSW abdomen died at 12:23pm and was buried at 3pm.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW

Stopped receiving cases at 12 noon.


The following have been granted leave to England by DMS 2nd Army: Lieut Colonel L Way, RAMC OC 17 CCS 30.08.15 to 04.09.15; Sgt Mjr W T Leach, RAMC 17 CCS 30.08.15 to 05.09.15; L/Cpl H Drage, RAMC 17 CCS 30.08.15 to 04.09.15

Started receiving cases at 12 noon.

No 54195 Pte T Hudson, RAMC of this Unit discharged from hospital to duty today.

Admissions to hospital 51; discharged to duty 31; number in hospital at midnight 86.

No 33002 Sgt G Denton, No 12 Siege Bty, RGA died from wound received owing to the bursting of a 9.2 gun.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW


Lieut Col L Way, RAMC OC 17 CCS proceeded on leave to England. Sgt Major W T Leach, RAMC 17 CCS and L/Cpl H Drage, RAMC 17 CCS proceeded on leave to England.

Major Meyers, RAMC Mental Specialist, visited this hospital to examine 3 cases of Shock [shell]

No 2427 Pte J S Bannister, 1/4th Lincolns diagnosed Paratyphoid B. He had been evacuated 27.08.15 to 12 CCS Hazebrouck. Necessary wires despatched. Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

The following deaths occurred in hospital today:

No 10701 Pte W E Walker, 2nd South Lancs from GSW abdomen at 6:45am; No 19056 Pte J Howard, 2nd South Lancs from GSW abdomen, shoulder [R] and foot [R] at 6:25am; No 16082 Pte J G Walker, 4th Royal Fusiliers from GSW head at 4:10am; No 47982 Gnr C Westmoreland, 12th Siege Bty from GSW leg [L] accidental at 2:25pm; No 8772 Staff Sgt W McKay, 1st East Yorks from GSW back and legs at 4:30pm; No 5393 Pte Magee, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles from GSW thigh with fracture of femur at 6pm.

Burials: No 33002 Sgt G Denton, 12th Siege Bty, RGA; Ptes W E Walker, J G Walker and J Howard.

Arrivals: No 2400 Pte T F Powell, 1st R Warwicks, batman to the Rev Burns, CF joined the Unit; No 019826 Pte J Swarbrick, ASC MT returned from leave 11:15am.

Admissions 100; evacuations 53 lying and 60 sitting to No 16 ambulance train; number of patients at midnight 77.

Local purchases: 12 eggs for 2.10 fr from C Beddeteau, 6 eggs for 1.05 fr from C Arters and 3 litres milk for 0.75 fr from R Merlevede.

T Lieut A W Rattrie, RAMC 17 CCS has been granted leave of absence to England from 5th Sept to 10th Sept. Sister A G Layton, TFNS 17 CCS granted leave to England from 11th Sept to 20th Sept. Weather showery and cold


Admissions 24; evacuated to No 4 ambulance train to Base, lying 2, sitting nil; by motor convoy to Hazebrouck 25; to Arques, eye cases 2, scabies 2; to RTO Poperinghe 2; number in hospital at midnight 70. Started receiving cases at 12 noon.

Local purchases: 100 eggs for 20.00 fr from Desoutter-Blondeau; 12 eggs for 2.10 fr from C Beddeteau; 6 eggs for 1.05 fr from C Arters; 3 litres milk for 0.75 fr from R Merlevede.

Burials: Pte Magee, Staff Sgt McKay and Gnr C Westmoreland noted above.

Leave to England has been granted to Rev A L Preston, CF from 5th to 11th Sept. Weather showery and cool.


Admissions 100; evacuated to No 22 ambulance train to Base, lying 31, sitting 61; number in hospital at midnight 84. Major Meyers, RAMC Mental Specialist visited this hospital and examined 1 case of neurasthenia.

12 noon stopped receiving cases

Deaths: No 21756 Sgt J W Bateson, 6th [Service] Bn KOYLI died at 2pm from GSW spine and abdomen.

Local purchases: 15 litres fresh milk for 3.75 francs from Merlevede and 200 kilos potatoes for 24 francs from Monsieur Catteau, Poperinghe.

Usual monthly returns rendered. Thresher disinfector received from Ordnance. A load of building material brought from Ypres.

No 11106 Pte J Hebblethwaite, RAMC 17 CCS admitted to hospital suffering from NYD [Pyrexia].

Fresh water supply from Mont des Cats laid on – not for drinking till report of analysis received.

Weather cool.

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Wonderful - please keep posting!

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Pleasure ^_^



Admissions 66; evacuated by No 14 ambulance train to Base, lying 10, sitting 6; by motor convoy to Hazebrouck 23; to No 4 Stationary Hospital Arques 3 eye cases; number in hospital at midnight 108.

12 noon started receiving.

Deaths: 5312 L/Cpl L Waterhouse, 12th Manchester Regt at 6:05pm from GSW both thighs, chest, wrist and head.

Burials: Sgt Bateson noted above was buried today.

The DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital at 3pm.

Weather cool and showery; wind SE


Admissions 125; evacuated by No 15 ambulance train to Base, lying 56, sitting 78; discharged to RTO 4; number in hospital at midnight 97. 11106 Pte Hebblethwaite, 17 CCS discharged hospital today.

12 noon stopped receiving.

Deaths:  88271 Fitter S Sgt H Bradbury, 23rd Bty 48th Brigade RFA at 2:15pm from GSW abdomen and arm [L]. 19634 L/Cpl J Jones, 1st Wilts Regt at 1:35am from GSW head [fractured skull]. 21915 Pte F Crookes, 6th KOYLI at 3:55am from GSW head [fracture base of skull].

Burials: L/Cpl Jones, Pte Crookes and L/Cpl Waterhouse noted above were buried today.

Major MEYER, RAMC Mental Specialist and batman MS/4592 Pte F A Miles, ASC joined this Unit for temporary duty.

Weather very wet


Admissions 38; evacuations by No 12 ambulance train to Base, lying 18, sitting 8; by motor convoy to Hazebrouck 35; to No 4 Stationary Hospital Arques, eye cases 2, scabies 2; to self-inflicted hospital Boeschepe 2 cases of self-inflicted wounds and 1 case supposed self-inflicted; number in hospital at midnight 73.

43490 Pte F M Kilroy, RAMC 17 CCS admitted to hospital suffering from debility and varicose veins leg [R] and evacuated to Base.

12 noon started receiving cases.

8836 A/Sgt H J Campbell, RAMC 17 CCS charged with “conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline creating a disturbance in Camp”. Charge dismissed.

Deaths: 2409 Pte W Clayton, 5th Lincoln Regt at 10:15pm from GSW thigh [R].

Burials: Fitter Staff Sgt Bradbury noted above was buried today.

Local purchases: 28 eggs from M Chirbou [?] Poperinghe for 5.60 francs.  Unit was paid today.

Weather very wet and cold


Returned to duty this morning from 5 days leave to England: Sgt Mjr W T Leach, RAMC.

8836 Sgt H J Campbell, RAMC charged with using obscene language to his comrades was severely reprimanded.

Admissions to hospital 108; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train 91; discharged to duty 3; number remaining in hospital at midnight 70.

Deaths in hospital: 7549 Pte F Dann, 1st Buffs Regt, GSW neck, shoulder and spine at 4:10am. 23352 Pte C Lister, 5th Worcester Regt, GSW head at 5:20am. 5508 Pte T T Jenkins, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers GSW head at 11am.

Burials: 2409 Pte W Clayton, 7549 Pte F Dann, 23352 Pte C Lister, 5508 Pte T T Jenkins.

Purchased 95 eggs for use of patients from Poperinghe for 19 francs.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW


Proceeded on leave: Lieut A W Rattrie, RAMC 6 days to Scotland: Rev Captain A L Preston, CofE 7 days to England. L/Cpl H Drage 57943, RAMC, returned from leave to England.

Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions to hospital 68; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train 19 lying, 5 sitting; to Hazebrouck 23; to Arques 4 scabies and 1 eye; discharged to duty 7.

Deaths: 6847 Pte J Halliday, Royal Scots Fusiliers from GSW back 5:45pm. 4333 Pte W Mitchell, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers, GSW abdomen and left buttock 8:10pm.

11216 Pte C Howcroft, RAMC of this Unit admitted to hospital with tonsillitis.

Weather variable with showers; wind SW


11:30am Colonels Wallace and Herringham, AMS visited the hospital.

12 noon stopped receiving.

Deaths: 4311 Pte J Hornby, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers, GSW abdomen 8:50am. 12013 Pte F Swallow, 7th East Yorks Regt, GSW head and feet 9:30am.

Taken on in Imprest Account: 10 francs 40 centimes found in possession of the late 4311 Pte J Hornby who died this morning and the ????????????????????????????????   Clearing  House Base notified.

Purchased locally 32 litres of milk for 8 francs from the 1st to 6th Sept inclusive.

Taken on imprest account 10 francs and entered in AB 64 on account of the late 16806 Pte W Mayhew, 2nd Suffolk Regt.

Sister R Cross, TFNS, returned from leave.

Burials: 6847 Pte J Halliday; 4333 Pte W Mitchell; 4311 Pte J Hornby; 12013 Pte F Swallow.  

Deaths: 16806 Pte W Mayhew, 2nd Suffolk Regt, GSW right thigh at 1:45pm. 6837 Pte W Richards, 2nd Suffolk Regt, GSW abdomen, legs and back at 5pm.

Admissions to hospital 124; evacuated by No 1 ambulance train, lying 61, sitting 77; number in hospital at midnight 70.

DMS 2nd Army visited hospital today. He informed me that, in the event of an outbreak of Cholera amongst the troops, this hospital would be used as a Cholera hospital.

Weather fine and warm; wind SW


10956 Pte J Cockshutt, RAMC of this Unit admitted to hospital NYD temp 102o

Admissions to hospital 48; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 9, sitting 2; to Hazebrouck 19; to Arques 1 eye case, 1 scabies; number remaining in hospital at midnight 83.

Burials: 16806 Pte W Mayhew, 2nd Suffolk Regt; 6837 Pte W Richards, 2nd Suffolk Regt.

Purchased locally 200 kilos of potatoes for 24 francs from M Catteau at Poperinghe.

Weather fine and warm; wind W

Deaths: 4220 Pte J Ward, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers, GSW back and both legs.

Stopped taking in at 12 noon.

Admissions to hospital 107; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 50, sitting 77; discharged to duty 3; number in hospital at midnight 66.

Burials: 4220 Pte J Ward, 10th Lancashire Fusiliers.

16 iron bedsteads with mattresses, sheets etc received from Ordnance today. 50 pairs wooden trestles received for raising stretcher off the ground.

Weather fine and warm; wind W


Started receiving at 12 noon.

The following NCOs of Unit admitted to hospital with fever NYD today: 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC; 57835 Sgt J Reid, RAMC.

Admissions to hospital 39; evacuated by No 14 ambulance train, lying 9, sitting 8; to Hazebrouck 16; to Arques [eye cases] 3; discharged to duty 2; number in hospital at midnight 63.

56847 Pte A Norman, RAMC of this Unit admitted to hospital NYD fever.

GOC 5th Corps General Allenby visited the hospital at 3pm.

Purchased locally at Poperinghe 100 eggs for 20 francs from M Maertens.

Weather fine and cool; wind N


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Deaths: 12182 Pte H J Nash, 7th Lincolns Regt, GSW head 2am. S/9765 Pte G Godwin, 3rd Rifle Brigade, GSW multiple arms and legs 8:20pm. 15041 Pte M Hogg, 2nd Durham LI, GSW multiple at 11:45pm.

Burials: 12182 Pte H J Nash, 7th Lincolns Regt at 3pm.

Admissions to hospital 177; evacuated by No 6 ambulance train, lying 55, sitting 79; to Hazebrouck 38; to Arques eye cases 2, scabies 12 to No 4 Stationary Hospital; number in hospital at midnight 34.

3879 Pte A Jones, RAMC [MIC not found] of this Unit evacuated to Base for Neurasthenia.

Returned from leave: 9133 Pte C Milsom, 5th OBLI and 56664 Pte J Manford, RAMC 17 CCS.

The following 3 Belgian boys were admitted suffering from accidental wounds caused by the explosion of detonators while working in the 2nd Army workshops at Abeele: 58 Prudent Lebbe living at Poperinghe Road, Watou; 45 Hector Wagemaker living at Abeele; 47 Marcel Ramont living at Watou.

Weather fine and cool; wind NW

4pm Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby, AMS visited the hospital and saw some of the surgical cases.


The following proceeded on leave [5 days]: 56739 Sgt J Ward, RAMC; 6017 Cpl H Moody, RAMC and 9236 Pte F L Greenwood, RAMC of this Unit.

Returned from leave: 46419 QMS H Charlesworth, RAMC of this Unit and Lieut A W Rattrie, RAMC [temp].

Deaths: 1129 Pte F Sharpe, 1/4th Bn Leicester Regt, GSW right arm and right leg 12:50am. 58 Civilian labourer Prudent Lebbe, multiple bomb detonator wounds at 11:45am. 12251 Pte A Spruit, 11th King’s Liverpool Regt [Pioneers] GSW abdomen 1:15am.

Burials: 15041 Pte M Hogg, 2nd DLI. S/9765 Pte G Godwin, 3rd Rifle Brigade. 12251 Pte A Spruit, 11th King’s Liverpool Regt.

Admissions 51; discharged to duty 22; number in hospital at midnight 85.

Admitted to hospital: 56847 Pte A Norman, RAMC and 11051 Pte C Robinson, RAMC 17 CCS also 019826 Pte J Swarbrick, ASC attached 17 CCS.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW


Returned from leave Rev Captain A L Preston [CofE] Chaplain to Forces 17 CCS.

DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital at 5pm and inspected the new pattern temporary latrine put up in which excreta are incinerated on the spot.

10:30am 17092 Cpl P A Tatem, Bermuda Volunteer Rifles attached to 1st Lincoln Regt admitted with suspicious symptoms of Cerebrospinal Meningitis has been isolated in a tent and every precaution taken. Cerebrospinal fluid taken for examination.

8pm A positive result was notified by OC No 1 Mobile Laboratory. Wired to DMS 2nd Army, ADMS 3rd Division and DGMS GHQ. DMS 2nd Army sending a motor ambulance to remove the case to No 7 Stationary Hospital tomorrow morning.

10956 Pte Cockshutt, RAMC 17 CCS who was operated upon for appendicitis was evacuated by No 18 ambulance train to the Base. 57737 Pte J McNamara, RAMC admitted to hospital for fever NYD.

Burials: 1129 Pte F Sharpe, 1/4th Leicester Regt at 3pm.

Taken on in Imprest Account francs 1 centimes 88 found on the late 1129 Pte F Sharpe. Notified Paymaster. Notified by OC to enter on AB 64 which is not available, not having been brought by the man.

Placed on sick list: Captain R A Flood, RAMC with fever NYD and Staff Nurse I E Dunlop, TFNS with fever NYD.

12 noon stopped receiving.

Admissions to hospital 95; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train, lying 45, sitting 67; number remaining in hospital at midnight 68.

Weather fine and warm; wind NW


Started receiving at 12 noon.

10am The case of Cerebrospinal Meningitis noted yesterday transferred to No 7 Stationary Hospital at Malisse – tent and clothing disinfected also the attendant and his clothing.

Admissions 47; evacuated by No 15 ambulance train, lying 7; to Hazebrouck 14; Arques scabies 11; Malisse [Cerebrospinal Meningitis] 1; Boulogne to 14 General Hospital Staff Nurse J E Dunlop, TFNS NYD fever; discharged to duty 22; remaining in hospital at midnight 92.

Discharged to duty: 46882 Pte G Betterton, RAMC 17 CCS.

Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby, AMS visited the hospital at 5pm and saw some of the surgical cases.

Captain S A Lane’s leave postponed for the present owing to Captain R A Flood being on the sick list.

Weather fine and very warm; wind veering to SW

Purchased locally: 100 kilos potatoes for 12 francs from M Spas at Hazebrouck; 52 eggs for 9 francs 50 centimes from M Vanbleos [?] at Hazebrouck; 62 litres of milk for 15 francs 50 centimes from M Merlevede at Poperinghe.


Belgian civilian 47 Marcel Ramont died at 5:40am from accidental wounds of the head, hands and legs, the result of detonators exploding in the factory at Poperinghe. He was buried in the Cemetery here at 11am.

2543 Pte W Goss, RAMC 17 CCS signed declaration, AFW 3125 to continue in the Service in my presence.

Admissions 152; evacuated by No 8 ambulance train, lying 54, sitting 102; to Arques eye cases 3; remaining in hospital at midnight 53.

Deaths: 3426 Pte R Dawson, 2nd South Lancashire Regt, GSW head, back and right leg at 2:20pm.

Discharged to duty: 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC and 57835 Sgt J Reid, RAMC 17 CCS.

2pm Colonel Sir A Bowlby, AMS visited the hospital and saw some surgical cases.

Sent in to DMS 2nd Army names of two officers, two NCOs and one private for mention in despatches in accordance with his instructions.

Weather cloudy and warm with some rain; wind SW


12 noon Transferred to No 12 CCS, Officers’ Ward – Capt R A Flood, RAMC 17 CCS NYD fever, specimen of blood taken, result not known yet.

Deaths: 11801 Pte G Barlow, 1st Royal Fusiliers, GSW chest, head and legs.

Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 24 francs from M Catteau, Poperinghe.

Admissions to hospital 42; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 4; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 5, scabies 1; to Hazebrouck 24 cases to No 50 CCS; to duty 8.

51870 Pte H Wood, [MIC not found] RAMC 17 CCS admitted to hospital.

Burials 3426 Pte R Dawson, 2nd South Lancs and 11801 Pte G Barlow, 1st Royal Fusiliers at 3pm.

Weather cloudy and warm; wind SW

Proceeded on leave: 31890 Sgt E L Hilborne, RAMC; 57930 Pte D McDonald, RAMC and M2/019781 Pte H G Wells, ASC 17 CCS.

Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Warned all Officers, NCOs and men of Unit to return to England all cameras in their possession and to destroy films and plates in accordance with Routine Order No 1137 dated 11.09.15.

11257 Pte G Reeve, RAMC 17 CCS admitted to hospital.


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Hi Bardess:  I  just stumbled onto this thread and can not see the date it started, but I think your an angel for doing this.  


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The blood examination of Capt R A Flood, RAMC and Staff Nurse J E Dunlop, TFNS found to be negative.

Admissions to hospital 130; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 34, sitting 82; to Hazebrouck 15 CCS 11; remaining at midnight 60; to Arques 5 cases scabies.

4977 Pte A Miller, 2nd Notts and Derby, self-inflicted wound left hand transferred to 53rd FA at Boeschepe.

Returned from leave: 56739 Sgt J Ward, RAMC, 6017 Cpl H Moody, RAMC and 9236 Pte E L Greenwood, RAMC 17 CCS.

5pm Colonel Sir A Bowlby visited the hospital and saw some surgical cases.

Weather cloudy and warm; wind SW



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admitted to hospital 10870 Pte G W Robinson, RAMC 17 CCS.

12 noon Colonel Sir A Bowlby visited hospital and saw some surgical cases.

Purchased locally on 16.09.15 eggs 62 for francs 11 centimes 50 from L Vanbleos, Hazebrouck and C Arteous, Poperinghe.

Admissions to hospital 41; evacuated by No 11 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 3; to 12 CCS Hazebrouck 22; to Arques eye cases 3; to duty 13; remaining in hospital at midnight 82.

Deaths: 6532 L/Cpl T Knight, 1st Shropshire LI, GSW abdomen. 1376 Pte B Brown, 4th Lincoln Regt, GSW left shoulder and arm.

The Unit was paid at 2pm. 1s1/2d belonging to late 1376 Pte B Brown was taken on Imprest Account.

Weather fine and warm; wind W



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Taken on Imprest Account sixpence belonging to late 6532 L/Cpl T Knight, 1st Shropshire LI.

Admissions 127; evacuated by No 3 ambulance train, lying 52, sitting 68; to Arques eye cases 6, scabies 3; remaining at midnight 80.

1641 Pte W Waind, 5th West Yorks, 49th Division who was admitted and segregated as a Contact case, now suffering from suspected Scarlet Fever. Reported to DMS 2nd Army, DGMS HQ and ADMS 49th Division by wire.

3pm Burials: 6532 L/Cpl T Knight, 1st King’s Shropshire LI. 1376 Pte B Brown, 4th Lincoln Regt.

12 noon DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital also Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby.

Weather warm and fine; wind NW

Local purchase 200 eggs for 40 francs from M Decadt at Poperinghe.



12 noon started receiving.

11am The Matron in Chief, Miss McCarthy, RRC visited the hospital also Colonel Wallace, AMS Consulting Surgeon, visited the hospital.

Deaths: 15853 Pte S Platt, 2nd South Lancashires, GSW head, back, both arms and legs.

11071 Pte W Winnall, RAMC 17 CCS admitted to hospital NYD fever. 1641 Pte W Waind, 5th W Yorks noted above sent to No 7 Stationary Hospital at Malisse suffering from suspected Scarlet Fever – all precautions taken.



Admissions 54; evacuated by No 24 ambulance train, lying 34, sitting 13; to No 12 CCS Hazebrouck 25; to Arques dental cases 3, skin 1; to duty 6; remaining in hospital at midnight 88.

Burials: 15853 Pte S Platt, 2nd South Lancs Regt.

2418 Pte W Fenwick, 5th West Yorks who was transferred to 12 CCS this morning gives a positive reaction to Paratyphoid B – reported to OC 12 CCS – wire to DMS 2nd Army, ADMS 49th Division, DGMS GHQ.

Joined Unit as reinforcements from Rouen 12586 Pte W G Harvey, RAMC and 4637 Pte G Jameson, RAMC.

Weather fine and cold; wind N



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Deaths: 9592 Sgt M Malone, 2nd South Lancs Regt, GSW left leg and arm at 2:10am. 8372 Sgt A Winterton, 7th Lincolns, GSW left knee and compound fracture left leg at 10:30am.

Lieut J S Hall, RAMC [T] 17 CCS placed on sick list with DAH.

Admissions 89; evacuated by No 12 ambulance train, lying 50, sitting 59; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 12; to Arques 3 eye cases; remaining in hospital at midnight 50.

11:30am Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby and Colonel Alexis Thompson, Consulting Surgeon visited the hospital.

3pm Burials: 9592 Sgt M Malone, 2nd South Lancs Regt. 8372 Sgt A Winterton, 7th Lincoln Regt.



3pm Lieut J S Hall, RAMC [T] admitted to hospital for DAH and transferred to Officers’ Ward to 12 CCS.

One mental case NYD 87110 Shoeing Smith A Hagger, No 3 Siege Battery evacuated to the Base with an escort.

Discharged from hospital to duty: 51870 Pte H P Wood, [MIC not found] 57737 Pte J McNamara and 10870 Pte G W Robinson, RAMC 17 CCS.

Weather fine and cold; wind N

Purchased locally 88 litres of fresh milk [for week ending 20.09.15] for 22 francs from A Merlevede, Poperinghe.



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Returned from leave: 31890 Sgt E L Hilborne, M2/019781 Pte H G Wells, ASC.

Admissions 52; evacuated by No 14 ambulance train, lying 11, sitting 1; number in hospital at midnight 90.

Deaths: 21105 Pte W H Sandys, 6th DCLI from GSW abdomen and head at 5:40pm. 2606 Rifleman J F Hopkins, 8th KRR, brought in dead GSW head at 7:15pm.


Capt R A Flood, RAMC 17 CCS rejoined Unit after discharge from hospital 12 CCS.

Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 24 francs from A Catteau at Poperinghe and eggs 104 for 20 francs 80 centimes from L Vanbleos at Hazebrouck.

Weather fine and cold; wind N



Proceeded on leave 11019 Pte H W Groves, RAMC; 8669 Pte W Morris, RAMC; 2543 Pte W Goss, RAMC 17 CCS for 5 days.

Wooden tent bottoms [20] for bell tents arrived today. Taken on in Imprest Account 5 francs 70 cents, property of late 2606 Pte J F Hopkins, 8th KRR.

12 noon stopped receiving.

3pm Burials: 21105 Pte W H Sandys, 6th DCLI. 2606 Rifleman F J Hopkins, 8th KRR.

Deaths: 37431 Gnr T McCann, 27th Trench Bty, 17th Divn RGA, GSW abdomen and head at 1:20pm. 17078 Pte C Pearce, 6th DCLI, GSW right side at 2:10pm.

Admissions 101; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, lying 53, sitting 68; to Malisse 1 case of German Measles 3354 Pte E Lyons, 1st Monmouth Regt attached 48th Division; remaining at midnight 65.

57930 Pte D McDonald, RAMC rejoined from leave to Scotland.

Miss E W M Watmore, Staff Nurse, TFNS reported for duty from No 10 Stationary Hospital.

3pm Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards today.

Weather fine and warm; wind N



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Deaths: 800 Pte L Batty, 6th KOYLI, GSW head.

Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 21 francs from M Spas Schricke at Hazebrouck.

Admissions 83; evacuated by No 9 ambulance train, lying 5, sitting 4; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 17; to No 10 Stationary Hospital at St Omer 2093 Pte H King, 5th Notts and Derby Regt, 46th Divn, Cerebrospinal Meningitis [positive]. All precautions taken. Number in hospital at midnight 113.

Deaths: 1509 Gnr T Comer, RFA 1st Lincoln Bty, 45th Divn, GSW chest at 3:45pm.

3pm Burials: 37431 Gnr T McCann, 27th Trench Bty, RGA. 17078 Pte C Pearce, 6th DCLI. 800 Pte L Batty, 6th KOYLI.

Taken on in Imprest Account 4 francs property of late Gnr T McCann, 27th Trench Bty, RGA.

Discharged from hospital 11257 Pte G Reeve, RAMC 17 CCS.

10:30am Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Weather very warm and close; cloudy; wind SW. Rain and thunderstorm occurring at 7pm.



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Taken on in Imprest Account 125 francs property of the late 1509 Gnr T Comer, 1st Lincoln Bty, RFA.

12 noon Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Deaths: 12249 Pte E Jepson, 2nd Sherwood Foresters, GSW head and left shoulder at 12:35am. 88695 Pte H A Walker, D Bty, RFA, 48th Brigade, 14th Divn, from GSW head, right thigh and right leg at 11:10pm.

Burials: 1509 Gnr T Comer, RFA. 12249 Pte E Jepson, 2nd Sherwood Foresters.

Admissions 110; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 62, sitting 60; number remaining at midnight 83.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW



Started receiving at 12 noon.

11am Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Deaths: 19662 Pte E Upton, 1st Wiltshire Regt, GSW buttocks at 3:50am. B1715 A/Cpl W Bartlett, 9th Bn Rifle Brigade, GSW back and left thigh at 5am. 518 Pte H W Fraser, 4th Gordon Highlanders, GSW abdomen at 6pm.

Four German prisoners admitted wounded and examined by Intelligence Officer, 5th Corps.

Temp Lieut R McCheyne Paterson, RAMC reported himself for duty from No 12 CCS by order of DMS, 2nd Army.

Admissions 785; evacuations by No 11 ambulance train, lying 41, sitting 91, by No 17 ambulance train, lying 58, sitting 152; to Hazebrouck 206; to Arques Scabies 4; number remaining in hospital at midnight 306.

Purchased locally fresh milk 10 litres for 2 francs 50 centimes from M Dequeher, Poperinghe; fresh milk 11 litres for 2 francs 75 centimes from M Derycke, Poperinghe; fresh milk 12 litres for 2 francs 75 centimes from M Bellingier, Poperinghe.

Weather wet and stormy; wind SW

Burials: 88695 Pte H A Walker, RFA. 19662 Pte E Upton, 1st Wilts. B1715 A/Cpl W Bartlett, 9th Rifle Brigade.



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Deaths: 11658 Pte G H Eastabrook, 5th KSLI, GSW back at 5am. 1446 Rifleman F Butfield, 9th KRR, GSW leg right at 4am. 21038 Pte T Bell, 2nd Royal Scots, GSW left arm, left leg at 4am. 1896 Pte A Dobinson, 3rd South Lancs, GSW multiple at 10:30am.

11am 4 German wounded prisoners transferred from No 7 FA; one of these is unconscious from wound of head and has no identifying marks about him. 172nd Regt on his shoulder straps.

Deaths: 1973 Pte W Hall, 5th Leicesters, GSW head at 1:36pm. 13205 Sgt E Chiles, 6th Bn DCLI, GSW chest and left arm at 1:55pm. 1 German prisoner, identity unknown, belonging to 172nd Regt, GSW head at 6pm. 2615 Pte A Deakin, 9th KRR, GSW chest at 7:10pm.

4pm Burials: 518 Pte H W Fraser, 4th Gordon Highlanders. 1446 Pte F Butfield, 9th KRR, 11658 Pte G H Eastabrook, 5th KSLI. 21038 Pte T Bell, 2nd Royal Scots. 1896 Pte A Dobinson, 3rd South Lancs. 1973 Pte W Hall, 5th Leicesters. 13205 Sgt E Chiles, 6th DCLI.

Admissions 248; evacuations by No 21 ambulance train, lying 67, sitting 188; by No 22 ambulance train, lying 100, sitting 5; to Hazebrouck 66; number remaining at midnight 140.

12 noon Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

6pm 12 iron bedsteads with mattresses received from the Ordnance.

Weather raining in the morning and fine in the afternoon; wind SW



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 109; evacuations by No 21 train, lying 85; number remaining at midnight 161.

Sent in names of Sisters TFNS for mention in despatches by Order of DMS, 2nd Army.

Returned from leave: 11019 Pte H W Groves, RAMC; 8669 Pte W Morris, RAMC; 2543 Pte W Goss, RAMC 17 CCS.

4:30pm DMS, 2nd Army visited the hospital.

11am Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Deaths: 17469 Pte P McVay, 10th DLI, GSW head at 4:20pm. One man whole identity is unknown, GSW multiple at 9am; 8055 Cpl W Nicholls, 2nd South Lancs Regt, GSW back at 11:45am. 10260 Pte E V Chapman, 6th SLI, GSW head at 8pm.

Burials: 2615 Pte A Deakin, 9th KRR. 17469 Pte P McVay, 10th DLI. One man identity unknown. One German prisoner 172nd Regt identity unknown. 8055 Cpl W Nicholls, 2nd South Lancs.

Weather cold with rain at intervals; wind SW



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 78; evacuated at 2am by No 5 ambulance train, lying 41, sitting 55; number remaining at midnight 152.

12 noon Colonel Sir Anthony Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Deaths: 17234 Pte W Hurt, 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers, GSW head at 12 noon. 1198 Pte J Carter, 2nd South Lancs Regt, GSW left side at 8:40pm.

Burials: 10260 Pte E V Chapman, 6th SLI. 17234 Pte W Hurt, 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Weather stormy and cold with rain; wind E



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally eggs 40 for 8 francs from M Bothinger, Poperinghe. Milk 7 litres for 1.75 f from M Deryche, Poperinghe.

Admissions 36; evacuated at 4:30pm by No 22 ambulance train, lying 52, sitting 42; number remaining at midnight 97.

Deaths: A1158 Sgt G Osborne, 7th KRR, GSW left thigh at 7:20pm. 49175 Shoeing Smith J Salmon, 81st Howitzer Brigade, RFA, GSW head at 10pm.

Burials: 1198 Pte J Carter, 2nd South Lancs Regt.

On 25th and 26th September I had to apply to OC No 7 FA for 24 bearers to help in carrying the wounded to the ambulance trains, the personnel of this Unit not being sufficient to cope with the work.

The weather has been very cold and stormy with heavy showers of rain; wind NW.

The RE have finished the bathroom/wash house and kitchen which have been taken into use.

I am having cinder tracks made throughout the camp and several have been completed already; the ground gets very muddy after heavy rain.

Admitted to hospital 57865 Pte S Bossom, RAMC 17 CCS; NYD fever.



Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

I have got the RE to put up a wooden hut with a wooden floor at one end of the operation marquee; dimensions 11’ x 10’ x 6’ rising to 8’ for use as a sterilizing room and for boiling water. For this purpose I have placed the two Autoclaves and one Soylent Stove in it. I have had some shelves made also for dressing boxes etc. The Autoclaves and Stove are placed on sheet iron plates to prevent the risk of fire. I am utilizing a hospital marquee for the operating theatre and I had two operating tables in it to allow  two operations to be done at one time. I find the operating tent provided for the purpose is not large enough or so convenient as a marquee. Next to the operating theatre I have pitched a marquee as a dressing tent in which I have placed four ordinary 6 feet tables screened off by screens to enable 4 serious cases to be dressed at one time, if necessary; I find this a most useful arrangement.

Taken on Imprest Account 5.45 f, property of the late 17234 Pte W Hurt, 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers; 3.95 f, property of late 49175 Shoeing Smith J Salmon, 81st Howitzer Brigade, RFA.

Purchased locally milk 15 litres for 3.25 f from M O Deryche at Poperinghe, eggs 60 for 12 f from M Martel, Hazebrouck, Milk 111 litres for 27.75 f from M A Merlevede, Poperinghe.

Admissions 97; evacuated at 7:30pm by No 5 train, lying 59, sitting 64; to Hazebrouck 5; to St Omer 1 Scarlet Fever to No 7 Stationary Hospital; discharged to duty 13; remaining at midnight 59.

Deaths: 1109 A/Cpl W Aikenhead, 9th Rifle Brigade, GSW left thigh and head at 3:25am. 6739 Pte J C Bassett, 4th Middlesex Regt, GSW buttocks and legs at 9:50am. 7108 Pte A Smith, 4th Middlesex Regt, GSW multiple head, legs and arms at 3:25pm. 8598 Pte J Fitzgerald, 4th Middlesex Regt, GSW abdomen at 5:20pm

Burials: A1158 Sgt G Osborne, 7th KRR. 49175 Shoeing Smith J Salmon, 81st Howitzer Bde, RFA. 1109 A/Cpl W Aikenhead, 9th Rifle Brigade. 6739 Pte J C Bassett, 4th Middlesex Regt.

Temp Major C S Myers, RAMC [Mental Specialist] reported his departure for No 1 CCS in accordance with Order of DGMS.

12 noon Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Weather very stormy with rain; cold; wind SW

Edited by Bardess
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Dispatched War Diary for September to DAG Base 3rd Echelon and office copy for the month of June to O i/c Records, RAMC Base.

Started receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.

Admissions 65; evacuations by No 1 ambulance train, lying 17, sitting 14; to No 1 Stationary Hospital, St Omer 1 case of Erysipelas [all necessary precautions taken]; number remaining at midnight 95.

Temp Lieut D C Taylor, RAMC admitted to hospital NYD fever and transferred to No 12 CCS at 3pm.

Admitted to hospital 32633 Pte D McLaren, RAMC and 57794 Pte F Deacon, RAMC 17 CCS suffering from NYD fever.

Taken on in Imprest Account property of the late 8598 Pte J Fitzgerald, 4th Middlesex Regt, 5 francs 5 centimes.

Deaths: 15792 Pte H Johnston, 2nd Royal Scots, GSW back at 5:45pm. 12809 Pte R Powell, 2nd Suffolks, GSW right arm at 11:20pm.

Burials: 7108 Pte A Smith, 4th Middlesex Regt at 3pm. 8598 Pte J Fitzgerald, 4th Middlesex Regt at 3pm.

Weather cloudy and fine, very cold; wind NW.

Purchased locally milk, 14 litres for 3.50 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe and potatoes, 200 kilos for 20 francs from M Merlevede at Poperinghe.


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally eggs 118 for 23 francs from M A De Burghgraevy at Poperinghe.

Surgeon General Sir Arthur Sloggett, DGMS visited the hospital with Colonel Blenkinsop, DADG War Office at 5pm.

Admissions 87; evacuations to Hazebrouck, lying 24, sitting 36 and 1 case of Scabies; remaining at midnight 105.

Deaths: 12621 Sgt T Rothwell, 7th East Yorks, GSW abdomen at 5:15pm. 10462 Pte G Reece, 6th Somerset LI, GSW head at 4pm. 9675 Pte J Berry, 4th Middlesex Regt, GSW right shoulder at 9:50pm. 11150 Rfn A Salkeld, 9th Rifle Brigade, GSW back at 11:45pm.

Burials: 15792 Pte H Johnston, 2nd Royal Scots. 12809 Pte R Powell, 2nd Suffolk Regt. 12621 Sgt T Rothwell, 7th East Yorks.

Taken on in Imprest Account 63.30 francs, property of late 12621 Sgt T Rothwell, 7th East Yorks.

12 noon Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Weather fine and warm during the day; frost and cold at night; wind E


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 51; evacuated by No 7 ambulance train, lying 34, sitting 43; number in hospital at midnight 83.

Deaths: 16966 Pte J Moran, 2nd Royal Scots, GSW head at 5:50pm

Burials: 10462 Pte G Reece, 6th Somerset LI. 9675 Pte J Berry, 4th Middlesex Regt; 11150 Pte A Salkeld, 9th Rifle Brigade. 16966 Pte J Moran, 2nd Royal Scots.

Admitted to hospital 57916 Pte J Campbell, RAMC 17 CCS, NYD fever.

Frostbite: 3 cases admitted on 2nd Oct; reported to DMS 2nd Army in accordance with his instructions.

Weather fine and milder; wind NW


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally 100 eggs for 20 francs from M Spasschricke at Hazebrouck and 16 litres milk for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Admissions 62; evacuations by No 8 ambulance train, lying 44, sitting 47; to Malisse, No 7 General Hospital 2 cases of suspected Scarlet Fever; discharged to duty 3; number remaining at midnight 52.

12 noon Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Deaths: 5570 Sgt G Garton, 9th Northumberland Fusiliers, GSW head.

Frostbite: Two cases admitted and report sent to DMS 2nd Army in accordance with instructions.

Weather find and cold; wind NW


Started receiving at 12 noon.

3pm Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Admissions: 69; evacuations by No 1 ambulance train, lying 8, sitting 4; to Hazebrouck No 12 CCS 2 cases of Scabies; number remaining at midnight 108.

Burials: 5570 Sgt G Garton, 9th Northumberland Fusiliers.

Taken on in Imprest Account 11.70 francs, property of late 5570 Sgt G Garton, 9th Northumberland Fusiliers.

Two cases of frostbite admitted today and reports made out for DMS 2nd Army. They were caused by standing for several hours in water in the trenches.

In accordance with instructions from DMS 2nd Army, Temp Lieut R McCheyne Paterson, RAMC 12 CCS on temporary duty to be attached permanently to 17 CCS from 25.09.15.

Weather very wet, cold and stormy; wind NW


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 1pm.

Purchased locally 75 litres of milk [1st Oct to 6th Oct inclusive] for 18.75 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe and 200 kilos of potatoes for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe.

Admissions 122; evacuated by No 2 ambulance train, lying 42, sitting 124; number remaining at midnight 73.

Deaths: 7990 Pte J Ward, 1st West Yorks, GSW buttock left at 9:55am.

Burials: 7990 Pte J Ward, 1st West Yorks.

Three cases of frostbite admitted on 5th Oct reported to DMS 2nd Army caused by standing for several hours in water in the trenches.

Six cases admitted today due to standing for several hours in water in the trenches.

Weather cloudy with some rain; cold; wind NW



Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 80; evacuations by No 11 ambulance train, lying 12, sitting 23; discharged to duty 12; number remaining at midnight 94.

Deaths: 21887 Pte J Broome, 2nd Sherwood Foresters, GSW head at 4:40am.

Burials: 21887 Pte J Broome, 2nd Sherwood Foresters at 3pm.

Two cases of men suffering from effects of gas admitted and reported to DMS 2nd Army. No Gas Specialist available to examine them - 7761 Pte W Durrant, [MIC not found] 7th Seaforths and 12559 Pte C Kilburn, 11th Royal Scots.

Report sent to DMS 2nd Army on six cases of frostbite admitted on 6th Oct.

One case of frostbite admitted today.

Weather fine and somewhat cold; wind SW


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 11am.

Admissions 95; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, lying 43, sitting 104; to Hazebrouck No 12 CCS, 6 cases of Scabies; number remaining at midnight 35.

Deaths: 23334 Pte S Westbrook, 3rd Worcester Regt, GSW back at 7:53am. 17765 Pte S Gibbon, 1st East Yorks, GSW back at 7:40pm.

Burials: 23334 Pte J Westbrook, 3rd Worcester Regt.

Paratyphoid B: 85058 Dvr J Grayshon, B Battery, 52nd Brigade, RFA gave a positive reaction. Notified DMS 2nd Army by wire. All precautions taken.

The wooden bath and wash house erected by the RE has now been finished. I have equipped it with bath tubs and basins and made provision for hot water from a Soylent Stove. Have placed a man in charge of this and have made out and posted up a set of rules. Arrangements have been made also for the provision of towels and wraps for patients if required.

Weather fine and cold; wind NE


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally eggs 25 for 5.60 francs from M C Claeys at Poperinghe and 100 eggs for 20 francs from M W Trowant at Poperinghe.

Admissions 73; evacuated by No 3 ambulance train, lying 7, sitting 10; discharged to duty 1; remaining in hospital at midnight 90.

Deaths: 7488 Pte F J Pepper, 1st Leicester Regt, GSW right shoulder at 3:15am. 14826 Pte G W R Peek, 6th DCLI, GSW left buttock at 6am.

3pm Burials: 17765 Pte S Gibbon, 1st East Yorks. 7488 Pte F J Pepper, 1st Leicesters. 14826 Pte G W R Peek, 6th DCLI.

Admitted to hospital: 10417 Pte C Smith, RAMC 17 CCS NYD fever.

6pm One Naik and one Driver, 5th Mountain Battery, Indian Army, were admitted here from 142nd Field Ambulance suffering from Gastritis and Bronchitis respectively. Notified DMS 2nd Army by wire.

Weather fine and cold; somewhat cloudy; wind NE


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally milk 20 litres for 5 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

12 noon Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Admissions 74; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 39, sitting 58; 2 Sepoys, No 5 Mountain Battery, evacuated to Lahore CCS, Merville; number remaining in hospital at midnight 64.

Deaths: 83802 Bmdr G Martin, C Battery, 46th Bde, RFA, GSW head, right leg and left foot at 3:30pm. 15518 Pte P R Everitt, 9th Norfolk Regt, 24th Divn, GSW chest at 9:15pm.

7:30am Departures: Sister A E Hobday, TFNS, left on transfer to Lahore British General Hospital at Calais in accordance with DMS 2nd Army No 8/14/5 dated 8th October 1915. Reported to DMS 2nd Army.  

11am Reported Arrival: Temp Lieut D C Taylor, RAMC rejoined Unit on discharge from No 12 CCS.

Discharged from hospital: 57865 Pte S Bossom, RAMC 17 CCS

Admitted to hospital: 12586 Pte W G Harvey, RAMC 17 CCS.

Weather fine and cool; wind NE

Two cases of frostbite admitted today and reported to DMS 2nd Army. Both men had been standing in water in the trenches. One had suffered last winter for 4 months from the same complaint. Both evacuated to the Base.


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 84; evacuated by No 24 ambulance train, lying 17, sitting 27; number remaining at midnight 123.

3pm Burials: 83802 Bmdr G Martin, C Battery, 46th Bde, RFA. 15518 Pte P R Everitt, 9th Norfolk Regt.

Admitted to hospital: 42184 Pte G Wolfenden, RAMC 17 CCS NYD fever.

Purchased locally Milk 15 litres for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe. Coal 500 kilos for 26 francs from M Verhille-Reubreght at Godewaersvelde. On 1st Sept Coal 10,000 kilos for 450 francs and paid for today from M George Degrendel at Hazebrouck.

Weather fine and cold; wind NE


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally milk 20 litres for 5 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Admissions 117; evacuated by No 1 ambulance train, lying 54, sitting 117; to Arques 5 dental cases to No 4 Stationary Hospital; to Hazebrouck 2 cases Scabies to No 12 CCS; number remaining at midnight 65.

Deaths: 7090 L/Cpl W Wood, 4th Royal Fusiliers, GSW abdomen at 6:30am. 12295 Pte J Jacques, 2nd Notts and Derby Regt, GSW left shoulder at 5:45pm.

Burials: 7090 L/Cpl W Wood, 4th Royal Fusiliers.

Transferred to the Base on 11th Oct 12586 Pte W G Harvey, RAMC 17 CCS for debility.

11am Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Weather fine and cool; wind NE


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 20 francs from Mme A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Milk 76 litres [7th Oct to 13th Oct inclusive] for 19 francs from Mme A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Eggs 100 for 20 francs from Mme De Burghgrave at Poperinghe.

3pm The Bishop of Khartoum visited the hospital and held a Confirmation Service.

Admissions 72; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, lying 10, sitting 11; to Hazebrouck to 50 CCS 1 Scabies; to Arques dental cases 6, eye cases 3; remaining in hospital at midnight 112.

Burials: 12295 Pte J Jacques, 2nd Notts and Derby Regt.

Admitted to hospital: 11047 Pte J S Prest, RAMC 17 CCS.

Reinforcements joined Unit from Rouen: 59155 Pte W Thorne, RAMC and 42605 Pte R Robinson, RAMC.

Weather fine and warm; wind SW


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Indented on Ordnance for 40 oil stoves for the hospital marquees in accordance with instructions of DMS 2nd Army [this now cancelled DMS arranging for the supply of stoves].

11am Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Admissions 157; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 70, sitting 121; discharged to duty 1; to Arques 9 dental cases; to St Omer to No 10 Stationary Hospital 1 case of cerebrospinal meningitis; number remaining at midnight 75.

Deaths: 9580 Pte A L Close, 10th DLI, GSW abdomen.

Burials: 9580 Pte A L Close, 10th DLI.

New latrines built by RE opened for use. Faeces incinerated and urine trenched.

Purchased locally milk 19 litres for 4.75 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Weather thick mist during forenoon – fine later, warm; wind NE


Started receiving at 12 noon.

3pm Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards.

Admissions 149; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, sitting 17; to Hazebrouck to No 12 CCS 7 cases of Scabies; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 6, dental 4; number remaining at midnight 170.

Deaths: 7490 Pte D Hickey, [alias, real name Hickison] 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, GSW scrotum and concussion.

Admitted to hospital: 56847 Pte A Norman, RAMC 17 CCS with fever NYD.

Discharged from hospital: 57794 Pte F Deacon, RAMC 17 CCS influenza. 57916 Pte J Campbell, RAMC 17 CCS influenza. 42184 Pte G Wolfenden, RAMC 17 CCS Rheumatic fever.

12560 Pte B L Inglis transferred to No 4 Stationary Hospital at Arques for treating his eyesight and fitting new glasses.

Staff Nurse Miss V Maddock, TFNS joined for duty from 16 General Hospital at Treport.

Weather misty, cloudy and cold; wind NW

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Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.

Admissions 76; evacuated by No 9 ambulance train, lying 77, sitting 72; discharged to duty 1; to Hazebrouck to 12 CCS 3 cases of scabies; number remaining at midnight 101.

Burials: 7490 Pte D Hickey, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Purchased locally milk 20 litres for 5 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe and eggs 100 for 20 francs from Mme A Burghgrave at Poperinghe.

57980 A/Cpl W Greer, RAMC 17 CCS reverted to Pte for an offence committed on 15th Oct. 46882 Pte G Betterton, RAMC 17 CCS awarded 3 days extra duty for an offense committed on 15th Oct.

Weather foggy and cold; wind NE


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.

Admissions 79; evacuated by No 22 ambulance train, lying 13, sitting 51; to Arques 8 dental and 2 eye cases; number remaining at midnight 109.

Deaths: 2056 Pte J White, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, fracture base of skull at 9:50am. 2079 Pte W Budden, 13th Middlesex Regt, GSW head at 6:15pm.

Burials: 2056 Pte J White, 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Admitted to hospital: 4637 Pte G Jameson, RAMC 17 CCS fever NYD.

Discharged hospital: 11047 Pte J S Prest, RAMC 17 CCS [enteritis].

Weather misty, cloudy and very cold; wind NE

Purchased locally milk 9 litres for 2.25 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 11am.

Purchased locally milk 12 litres for 3 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

4637 Pte G Jameson, RAMC 17 CCS transferred to Base by No 17 ambulance train – gave a positive reaction to Paratyphoid A.

Admissions 86; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 40, sitting 95; to Arques 13 dental cases; to St Omer to No 10 Stationary Hospital 1 case of Scarlet Fever; number remaining in hospital at midnight 59.

Deaths: 20741 Spr G Withington, 57th Coy RE 3rd Divn, GSW shoulder – penetrating the chest at 7:20am. [800 Bermuda Vol Rifle Corps] 17144 Pte A Sheppard attached 1st Lincolns, GSW buttocks at 11:50am.

Burials: 2079 Pte W Budden, 13th Middlesex Regt. 20741 Spr G Withington, 57th Coy RE 3rd Divn. [800 BVRC] 17144 Pte A Sheppard attached 1st Lincolns Regt.

Weather fine and cold; wind N


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12 noon.

Admissions 79; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 10, sitting 14; to Arques dental cases 5; number remaining at midnight 116.

Deaths: 10596 Rfn A Marment, 9th KRR, GSW right arm and leg, back and chest at 4:35pm. 18177 Pte S Hannah, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers, GSW chest at 4:50pm. 10657 Pte H Stevens, 8th Gordon Highlanders, bayonet wound right leg at 11:45pm.

Admitted to hospital: 11063 Pte G Shepherd, RAMC 17 CCS ICT left arm.

12560 Pte B L Inglis, RAMC 17 CCS returned from No 4 Stationary Hospital at Arques after being fitted with glasses.

Weather fine and cold; wind N

The Sisters, TFNS, moved into their new camp on the west of the Hospital. The RE fitted up a wooden cookhouse and latrine for them. Pipe water supply also laid on.


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.


Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 1pm.

Admissions 98; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train, lying 53, sitting 94; to Hazebrouck to No 14 CCS 1 Belgian soldier, GSW left leg, 2900 Sgt E Bondroite attached to 4th Bty 7th Field Artillery, 17th Divn; 3 cases Scabies to No 50 CCS; to Boeschepe 1 case of suspected self-inflicted GSW left foot, 9093 Pte J Hodgson, 8th Black Watch by order of DMS 2nd Army; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 3 eye cases and 3 dental cases; number remaining at midnight 43.

Deaths: 9040 Pte T Woods, 8th Black Watch, GSW left leg, head and abdomen at 6am. 16619 L/Cpl A T Jackson, 8th Bedford Regt, GSW abdomen at 11:35pm.

Burials: 10596 Rfn A Marment, 9th KRR. 18177 Pte S Hannah, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers. 10657 Pte H Stevens, 8th Gordon Highlanders. 9040 Pte T Woods, 8th Black Watch.

Oil Stoves: In accordance with DMS, 2610/5 dated 19th October, have indented on the Ordnance Corps for 40 stoves for small marquees, Hospital and 20 stoves for bell tents.

Purchased locally 100 eggs for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe. 200 kilos potatoes for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. 82 litres milk from [14th Oct to 20th Oct inclusive] for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. 16 litres milk for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Weather fine and cold; wind E


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Purchased locally 200 kilos potatoes for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 2:30pm.

The DMS 2nd Army visited the hospital at 3pm.

Admissions 144; evacuated by No 2 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 19; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 4; dental 14; number remaining at midnight 157.

Burials: 16619 L/Cpl A T Jackson, 8th Bedford Regt.

Weather fine and cold during the day and slight rain at night; wind E


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards.

Admissions 73; evacuated by No 7 ambulance train, lying 63, sitting 98; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 7 cases Scabies; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 13 dental cases; discharged to duty 2; remaining at midnight 62.

Returned from leave: Captain S A Lane, RAMC; 57835 Sgt J Reid, RAMC; 57240 Pte W Anderson, RAMC.

Purchased locally 19th Oct 10,000 kilos of coal for 450 francs from G Degrendel at Hazebrouck. Paid 22nd Oct.

57396 Cpl W Howell, RAMC returned from leave 21st Oct.

Purchased locally milk 12 litres for 4.50 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Weather fine and cold; wind E


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Proceeded on leave to UK: Capt R A Flood, RAMC; 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC; 51705 Pte H Snowden, RAMC; CMT/1662 Pte R J Trimm, ASC.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 1:30pm.

Admissions 72; transferred to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital, eye cases 6, dental 11; to Hazebrouck to 50 CCS 3 cases Scabies; number remaining at midnight 123.

Deaths: 19763 Pte A Pitt, 8th Bedford Regt, GSW thigh, left at 4am. 8758 Pte R Wilson, 7th Seaforth Highlanders, GSW back and right side at 11:55pm.

Burials: 19763 Pte A Pitt, 8th Bedford Regt.

Discharged from hospital to duty: 32633 Pte D McLaren, RAMC 17 CCS, Bronchitis.

Weather fine and cold; mist at night; wind NE.

Purchased locally eggs 100 for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe.


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards at 12 noon.

Purchased locally milk 9 litres for 2.25 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 2:30pm.

Admissions 80; evacuated by No 4 ambulance train, lying 60, sitting 80; to Arques 6 dental cases to No 4 Stationary Hospital; to Hazebrouck 2 cases Scabies to No 12 CCS; one Belgian civilian attached to RE, August Dervake of Breneghen suffering from right inguinal hernia to No 15 CCS; number remaining at midnight 50.

Deaths: 960 L/Cpl C Ogden, 1/4th West Riding Regt, GSW chest and legs at 5:30am. 15529 Pte J Funnell, 9th Norfolks, GSW buttocks at 1:50pm.

3pm Burials: 8758 Pte R Wilson, 7th Seaforth Highlanders. 960 L/Cpl C Ogden, 1/4th West Riding Regt.

Discharged from Hospital: 56847 Pte A Norman, RAMC 17 CCS [Influenza].

Weather stormy with rain in the evening; wind NE


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12:30pm.

Admissions 67; evacuated by No 10 ambulance train, lying 11, sitting 23; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital eye cases 4, dental 1; number remaining at midnight 79.

Deaths: 8684 Pte J Rawlings, 1st North Staffords, GSW head and chest at 8am.

3pm Burials: 15529 Pte J Funnell, 9th Norfolk Regt. 8684 Pte J Rawlings, 1st North Staffords.

Admitted to Hospital: 11192 Pte M Daly, RAMC 17 CCS.

Weather very stormy and wet, cold; wind NE


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

DMS 2nd Army visited hospital and saw sites for huts for hospital at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.

Colonel Sir W P Herringham visited the medical wards.

Admissions 39; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 27, sitting 49; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 3 dental cases; to Hazebrouck to No 12 CCS 3 cases Scabies; discharged to duty 2; remaining at midnight 38.

Weather wet and stormy; wind N


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Six extra marquees have been received from the Ordnance to make up the complement to 40 in accordance with instructions of DMS 2nd Army.

Local purchases potatoes 200 kilos for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Bought on 26th Oct milk 12 litres for 3 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe and eggs 100 for 22.50 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe.

Admissions 88; evacuated by No 21 ambulance train, lying 4, sitting 9; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital dental cases 6; discharged to duty 1; remaining at midnight 112.

Proceeded on leave: Staff Nurse V N Maddock, TFNS for 10 days.

Admitted to Hospital: 10870 Pte G W Robinson, RAMC 17 CCS NYD [fever].

Weather wet and stormy, cold; wind SE


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 12 noon.

Admissions 69; evacuated by No 5 ambulance train 118, lying 35, sitting 83; to Hazebrouck to 15 CCS 1 case of Scabies; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital 6 dental cases; discharged to duty 6; number remaining at midnight 49.

Local purchases milk 16 litres for 4 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe.

Deaths: 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Stafford Regt, GSW right leg and back. 12782 Pte J Carr, 10th HLI, GSW head at 1:15pm. 18782 Pte J E Burn, 7th Yorks, GSW head and right leg at 9pm.

3pm Burials: 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Staffords.

Trench feet admitted: 7 due to standing in water in the trenches – 2 cases 5th West Yorks Regt; 2 cases 2nd Notts and Derby Regt; 1 case 4th West Riding Regt; 1 case 1st Buffs Regt; 1 case 6th Dorset Regt.

Taken on Imprest Account: 5.30 francs property of late 13129 Pte J Bailey, 8th South Staffords.

Returned from leave: 47711 Sgt N Glover, RAMC; 51705 Pte H Snowden, RAMC; CMT/1662 Pte R I Trimm, ASC [attd 17 CCS].

Weather SW gale with rain, milder.


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Proceeded on leave: Lieut & Quartermaster J M Rapson, RAMC; 31080 Staff Sgt J K Niven, RAMC; 57932 Cpl W Butt, RAMC; M2/020090 Pte B J Hall, ASC [attd 17 CCS].

Local purchases eggs 54 for 13.50 francs from J Powseele at Poperinghe.

Trench feet: one case 11th HLI admitted today.

Admissions 101; evacuated by No 16 ambulance train, lying 26, sitting 12; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital dental case 1; discharged to duty 2; number remaining at midnight 112.

Deaths: 27363 Gnr B Dowse, 6th Siege Battery, RGA, GSW multiple – was found to be dead on arrival at 6:40pm. 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt, GSW pelvis at 10:30pm.

3pm Burials: 12782 Pte J Carr, 10th HLI. 18782 Pte J E Burn, 7th Yorkshire Regt.

Returned from leave: Captain R A Flood, RAMC.

Received letter from DMS 2nd Army No S/3/2/15 dated 29th October 1915 giving scale of huts approved by GHQ for this Casualty Clearing Station:

1 ward for Officers’ Favaron Hut

10 wards Other Ranks Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Operations Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Receiving and dressing Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Store Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Officers’ Mess and sitting room Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Sisters’ Mess and sitting room Tarrant Hut 61x19

1 Sergeants’ Mess and mens dining room Tarrant Hut 61x19

10 small marquees, boarding, heating and lighting.

Weather fine and cloudy; wind SW


Stopped receiving at 12 noon.

Surgeon General Sir A Bowlby visited the surgical wards at 3pm.

Admissions 71; evacuated by No 17 ambulance train, lying 61, sitting 82; to Arques No 4 Stationary Hospital dental cases 6, eye 2; to Hazebrouck to No 50 CCS 3 cases of Scabies; to No 15 CCS 1 case of suspected self-inflicted wound; to Merville, Lahore CCS 2 Indian troops belonging to No 5 Mountain Battery; number remaining at midnight 54.

Deaths: 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles, GSW legs at 3:35am. 12868 Pte A Bremner, 11th Royal Scots, GSW abdomen at 2:15pm.

Burials: 27363 Gnr B Dowse, 6th Siege Battery, RGA. 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt. 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles.

Proceeded on leave: Capt W C B Meyer, RAMC.

Reinforcement: 43251 Pte R Howard, RAMC from No 5 General Base Depot, Rouen.

Brigadier-General R D Petrie, RE visited hospital and inspected sites for the new buildings [huts].

Taken on Imprest Account: 7.10 francs, property of late 15157 L/Cpl H S Page, 9th Suffolk Regt. 16.70 francs, property of late 3769 Pte G Richards, 1st Queens Westminster Rifles.

Weather fine and sunny; wind SW

Purchased locally potatoes 200 kilos for 20 francs from A Merlevede at Poperinghe. Milk 14 litres for 23.50 francs from M Deryche at Poperinghe. Eggs 600 for 138 francs from A de Burghgrave at Poperinghe. Eggs 28 for 6.30 francs from H Huggpe at Poperinghe. Eggs are very difficult to obtain now and prices range from 22.5 centimes to 23 centimes each.


Started receiving at 12 noon.

Admissions 113; evacuated by No 18 ambulance train, lying 22, sitting 40; to Hazebrouck to No 12 CCS 2 Scabies cases; to Arques to No 4 Stationary Hospital 2 dental cases; number remaining at midnight 107.

Deaths: 16630 Pte G Humphrey, 8th Bedfordshire Regt, GSW back and right arm at 2:50am. 8093 Pte H Welsh, 1st North Staffords, GSW multiple at 6:55pm.

Burials: 12868 Pte A Bremner, 11th Royal Scots. 16630 Pte G Humphrey, 8th Bedford Regt.

10417 Pte C Smith, RAMC 17 CCS evacuated to Base NYD fever.

Wire received from DMS 2nd Army in accordance with instructions of Principal Chaplain, the Revd Major Burns [Presbyterian] to proceed to 51st Divn to join the 1/5th Seaforth Highlanders.


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I keep seeing the name of Sir Anthony BOWLBY,such a busy man if one assumes that he will visit more than just 17 CCS. Here a Wiki to illuminate his story:



I notice that he was a resident of Lyndhurst, but a handful of miles across the New Forest from here, so I will seek his grave on my next ramble to Ye Olde English Sweetie Shoppe in the High Street. They have genuine old-fashioned jars of the stuff, you name it or hanker after it from childhood memories of such as sherbet dabs, liquorice skipping ropes (well, perhaps not that), they have it !

Edited by sotonmate
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