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DCM please help


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I have tried looking on the London and Edinburgh Gazettes with my usual zero result

Can someone please look for info of: P. Leageian, D.C.M. Welsh Regt, no other details, sorry

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Can't find anything on TNA or Ancestry for Leageian either. Do you have his service number?


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The name is listed on the war memorial in the hamlet of Troedrhiwfuwch which is in Glamorgan.

Searching the 1911 census for the village returns no names that even closely resemble Leageian. the coomonest name beginning with L is Lewis

There is a photo which can be found here http://www.rayfo.co.uk/page9.htm scroll to the bottom of the page, but it is indistinct on the image.

Additionally I have gone page by page through Walkers recipients of the DCM 1914 -1920 with no name even remotely resembling what you are after.

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Sorry but I have not found his MIC; as ninesergeants mentioned on #6 he is listed on the Troedrhiwfuch Memorial. That's about all I know, trying to add to the details for the Gelligaer Historical Society, who are researching all those named on the memorials of the old parish website which will be available for all to see on their website.

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Put Welsh Regiment DCMs into CWGC and there are twenty results, but none remotely like this chap's name - the only guy with a first name beginning with P is a Patsy McCarthy. How odd / annoying!


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I'm reading it as I see it off the memorial LEAGEIAN. I'll check with the Welsh Regiment Musuem in Brecon and come back to you when I have had a reply.


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For your interest; The curator at the Welsh Regiment Musuem looked high and low but cannot find anything that is remotely like the name on the memorial. I guess this is one of them "brickwalls"

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To be honest, this could be anything. How certain are you that, that is exactly what it says?

Can I just clarify the answer to this question, perhaps by putting it another way

Have you actually read this off the memorial in person, or are you, like the rest of us interpreting the photograph

As Mike says it could be anything. I have tried photoshopping it with no better results than Mike.

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Doesnt help though, this one is interesting for the detectives. There are some Leage listed in the archives I think its a French name but nothing to suggest a Welsh context. Could it be a name translated into Latin?

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I wonder if he shortened his name. There are very few initial P's in the regiment, maybe P Lewis?

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A puzzle, I'm drawing a blank at the moment. Will keep trying though.

Initial thoughts are name could be a mis-spelling for whatever reason, Leageian is a very odd and distinctive name. I've had a look at 1911 census and there was a Luigi living in the area, first initial R, also possibly Egan? Legion? League?! No likely candidates on CWGC for Welsh Regiment, DCM.

I've also had a quick look at Welsh Newspaper Archive with no joy.

Hmmm... tricky. Sorry I can't be of any help at the moment, but I'll keep trying.

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Been in contact with the local Historical society who are interested but like us stumped . Did though suggest Gaelic? Did some googling and came up with names which may just have a possibility, however cant match anything up at all. What a way to spend an afternoon. Are there any Irish sounding names starting with L or O'L on the Welsh DCM roll?

Ó Longáin - (O) Langan or Long - Co Armagh chiefs
Ó Lonagáin - (O) Lanigan - Co Tipperary chiefs
Ó Lorcáin - (O) Larkin - Co Wexford - chief of Fothart
Ó Lorcáin - (O) Larkin - Co Armagh - chief of Farney and West Uí Breasail
Ó Lorcáin - (O) Larkin - Co Galway - the Uí Maine
Ó Lorcáin - (O) Larkin - Co Tipperary - eranaghs of Lorrha
Mac Lochlainn - MacLaughlin - Co Donegal (Inishowen) - the Northern Uí Neill
Ó fLaithbheartaigh - (O) Laverty or Laherty - Co Donegal - lords of Aileach
Ó Limhain - (O) Lavin - Co Roscommon
Ó Laochdha - Leahy - Co Cork - Corca Laoighde
Ó Laoghaire - (O) Leary - Co Cork
Ó Léanacháin - Lenaghan, Linehan or Lenihan - Co Roscommon, Limerick/Tipperary
Ó Leannain - Lennon - Galway, Mayo and Fermanagh
Mac Giolla Mhín - MacLiveen - South Down
Ó Longargain - (O)Lonergan - Co Tipperary
Ó Longain - Long or (O)Langan - Co Armagh
Ó Longaigh - Long - Co Cork
Ó Lochlainn - (O)Loughlin or Lochlain - Co Clare - lord of Corcomroe

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So as it stands the chap has his name on the local memorial but that name as written is nowhere to be seen on Ancestry or anywhere else on the internet. He is not apparently recorded on the Commonwealth war graves commission database and if he was a casualty should be. It is of course possible that he died after leaving the army and hence his omission from the CWGC database. The trouble is there is no sign of his active service in WW1. This does not preclude home service in which he may have died hence no mention in the National Archives Medal index card database or inclusion in the casualty database. This would leave the question of the DCM which may have been for example Boer war. Do we have access to Boer war DCMs not necessarily to the Welsh R. If so any names which may be similar to Leageian or an Anglicized version thereof?

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FWIW a search of DCMS on Ancestry using "Wel*h" and initial "P" just leaves

  • E.P. Davies, The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • M.P. Hennessey, The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • P. Murphy, The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • P. Pattison,The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • P. Roberts, The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • P.B. Roderick, The Royal Welch Fusiliers
  • L.A.P. Roots, The Welsh Regiment
  • P. Williams, The Welsh Regiment
  • P.F. Witten, The Royal Welch Fusiliers

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