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Gallipoli Map Overlays -3D


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Hello Kayihan. Firstly thank you for posting the links. It was very interesting and there are some very good study pieces. In answer to your question you need the following;

1. Google Earth on a PC

2. High quality photos of the Sevki Pasha maps - preferably scanned as these will limit the optical distortions.

You load your photos onto your PC and ideally make a copy of the sets with the white borders removed (cropped). Then use Google Earth to load up each image as an overlay. It will take some time as you have to carefully fit the maps. I would recommend starting at the top at Suvla Point as it is easier to fit the coastline. You wil have to keep fading the image in and out using the "properties" function at the bottom of the box during this process and you will have to stretch the frame of each map to get an accurate fix. Once one large sheet is done, it becomes easier as the sheets are generally the exact same size so you can size the frame first and then fit it exactly next to the previous one. It took about an hour to do but remember I was pretty well practised.

Once all are fitted remember to save each one in "save my places" otherwise you will lose them and also you need to remember to leave the reference photos exactly whe they are as GE needs to locate them on your PC each time you load up. Once done, you can switch into 3D under "tools" and tick the "show terrain" box. Then you will be able to fly over the 3D landscape in real time, spin around, zoom inand out and generally feel as if you are flying over the land in an aeroplane. Phase 2 is to get this to work on my iPad so I have some mobility and phase 3 is to get some 3G to work out on the ground.

If you have trouble, let me know and I will post more detailed instructions.

Separately, I would be interested in finding out if you have any of the 1:25,000 scale modern maps of the peninsula. I know these exist but I have not been able to get copies. If and when I can locate a set I will have them scanned and converted into data layers so I can build the 3D maps in a similar fashion. You will notice that the GE base layer differed from the Sevki Pasha contours - when in 3D not all the contours run horizontally. I assume this is because of a number of reasons such as surveying inaccuracies, transpositioning errors (the Sevki Pasha maps were I believe based on a set of smaller scale maps either 1:20,000 or 1:25,000 and scaled up) erosion of the land, optical distortions of the scans and survey distortions not compensating for the curvature of the earth etc. I am hoping to basically build a better digital base layer and create additional separate layers of trench systems, filed boundaries, tracks, wells, Derek's, drainage systems, soil types etc etc..... ultimately I aim to plot all troop locations according to the diary records and be able to run a time and motion display of the troops that is fully interactive with links to the war diaries of each unit. That way we will be able to follow the battle in slow motion and choose to follow , say, one particular unit's path..... A sort of virtual battlefield on why I hope will be an accurate 3D baselayer.

Big project, but first I need the best available modern contour maps and do a raster to vector conversion (I think). From that point it becomes easier I believe. In the long term I hope to put it online as a assuming there are no copyright issues. I have a few open lines of enquiry to secure 1: 25,0000 maps but nothing has materialised so far. I am assured they have been declassified by someone in the know, but that does not mean they are easily available. Any pointers would be welcome. I have seen them on someone's PC but not the Gallipoli peninsula sheets. Close but not close enough.

Sevki Pasha is 1:5,000 scale (I think) and the few British 1:10,000 maps Sheets 117 &118 and Sheets 105 & 106 are the best and most accurate historical maps. There are some larger scale sketch maps but only of tiny areas and not very accurate, and a few aer photos, e.g Dublin Castle, Lancashire Landing, Krithia etc, . Anything smaller scale than 1:25,000 will not advance us beyond the GE framework i.e. the Russian maps 1:100,000 are just not detailed enough.

Any pointers would be welcome.

Hello Martin,

Thank you for the leads you have kindly provided. From an open source Şevki Paşa Map (No:17) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/75/Battle_of_Gallipoli_-_Turkish_map_of_ANZAC_area.jpg I've been able to add an overlay on GE as my first experiment. The rest of the work will depend on my scanning of the paper set and continuing the same exercise with other sheets. Please see https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150704796403962&set=a.10150684052718962.402694.702353961&type=3

Your method is also outlined in the Garmin page: http://www.garmin.com/us/products/onthetrail/custommaps#fragment-2 and compatible devices for which the outline method is applicable is linked as: http://www.garmin.com/us/products/onthetrail/custommaps#fragment-3

The benefit of ownership of a compatible Garmin device would be to be able to load the overlay directly to the GPS device although it has a much smaller display than the iPad.

Unfortunately on the list of maps of the 'General Command of Mapping' (http://www.hgk.msb.gov.tr/urunler/satis/satis1.htm ) open for sale to the public I cannot see any product more detailed than 1:250 000. Although the site supposedly has an English version (http://www.hgk.msb.gov.tr/english/english.htm ), none of the links are in operable condition, so sorry to quote only the Turkish link. All topographical maps of the scale of 1:25 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 are categorised as classified and will not be made available to individuals but may be lent to to universities or some other public service institutions for research or planning purposes.

Thank you and kind regards..


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Great post and information. The English language link does work and most importantly identifies that the Digital Terrain Elevation Data - DTED1 (1:250,000 dataset for 3" lat x 3" long) is available to the public http://www.hgk.msb.gov.tr/english/products/maps/maps.htm. Hopefully it might be what Linesman needs to release another great product.



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Great post and information. The English language link does work and most importantly identifies that the Digital Terrain Elevation Data - DTED1 (1:250,000 dataset for 3" lat x 3" long) is available to the public http://www.hgk.msb.g.../maps/maps.htm. Hopefully it might be what Linesman needs to release another great product.



Hi everyone

After having loaded my overlay to Google Earth under filename '2nd try Anzac', I've left clicked the 'Show Sidebar' button in Google Earth, then located the file on the Sidebar, right clicked with the mouse and then 'Save Place As...'

Having saved the file, I loaded it to 'Public' folder in 'Dropbox'. (For those of us unfamiliar with 'Dropbox' please visit https://www.dropbox.com/tour It offers free cloud storage and when you upload files into the 'Public' domain they are visible and downloadable to others.)

My downloadable link to Şevki Paşa Map sheet # 17 overlay for the ANZAC Cove is http://db.tt/m9ZK0ZLk by clicking on which you'll be able to download 2nd try Anzac.kmz file. After the download doubleclicking on the .kmz file will open the overlay in Google Earth.

Should you load similar files by likewise procedure in Dropbox Public domain, please follow the guideline in https://www.dropbox.com/links/features?source=links on howto provide a link and make them publicly available.

Cheers and thank you!


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Having just overcome some some rather annoying and unncessary technical issues with Memory Map, I now have a geo-referenced Sevket Pasha map running in Memory Map on my satnav. I have also just done the same for 9 Salonika trench maps. Although these are not quite to the standard of the Sevket Pasha maps, I will shortly be trying these out on the ground. Assuming sucess, only 41 SP maps to go!


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