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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Time Team Special Monday 10th Nov


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One of the only criticisms I have made about the excellent Time Team and Time Team Specials is they have never, ever touched the Great War. now at last a special on The Lost World War One Bunker excavations at Vampirer farm presumably a record and over view of the excavations reported here in the summer. The digi box is all set not to miss it!!

Channel 4 Monday evening 9.00-10.30 pm

As a programme what did we think of it? SG

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Time Team is one of my favourite shows ever! I wonder how long we'll have to wait to see this episode here in Aus?

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I suppose in this day and age Health & Safety at C4 makes a loud sucking sound (as perfected by motor mechanics) every time the crew mentions poking metal objects around possible unexploded ordnance....


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I am looking forward to it as well - but the thread reminded me of some rather sarcastic comments made at a conference a few years ago - about Time Team's artificial 3 day deadline. Hopefully this will not be the case... Were any Forum members involved in the production?


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It's a Time Team Special, not a regular Time Team production, in which Baldrick and Co visit and report on the Vampire project, which was carried out by the Association for Battlefield Archaeology and Conservation, headed by Johan Vandewalle and Peter Barton, with Kristof Jacobs and Dr Tony Pollard from Glasgow University (GUARD). So no artificial 3-day timeframe.

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Used to be a regular member of the time Team forum on their website and remember having quite discusussion over what should constitute the title Time Team "Special"; there was a programme a few years ago about excavating an iron age settlement now in a loch, fairly interesting but not stunningly so and TT involvement consisted entirely of TR,s voice over, no ,member went near the place, i thought that was pushing it a bit. If it is a "Time team special" then i expect to see abit of the Time Team involved. Hopefilly there will be a bit more invomvement tonight but the subject matter should be really worthwhile. SG

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Time Team is one of my favourite shows ever! I wonder how long we'll have to wait to see this episode here in Aus?

There may be a way you could view it via Channel 4's website. I ma sure that they have a replay function or something like it.

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Anyone seen it ? Comments ?

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just watched was impressed shame that they could not progress further but you never know in years to come maybe vampire will give up more of its secrets


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I thought it was brill. About time these 'tunnellers' had some recognition. What engineers! Reminded me of the book 'Birdsong'. I am glad I recorded it on hard drive.

Well done Time Team. I wish they would excavate the fields around the Transloy ridge, I might find the remains of my grandfather, William Jack Corby and 100's of others who died on 7 October who have no known grave.


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Excellent programme.

Must be so dissapointing to have to stop when they did but you never know........


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Excellent programme. Not sure why it was called a Time Team Special though, unless TR walking about IS the Time Team. Detracted from Peter Barton and the others' achievements. I watched Digging up the Trenches on Saturday - Peter Barton in the same clothes, different location, but same maps. Production-wise, therefore, a bit of a mystery. History-wise - fascinating.

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Thought it was very interesting...and yes, a shame that the cave-in stopped them getting any further. I thought the state of preservation of the tunnels and artefacts was amazing considering the wet conditions and the time that has passed.

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Just finished watching it on C4+1 as my flat mate was watching Katie and Peter (It's a load of rubbish IMHO),

I very much enjoyed it, just a shame it they couldn't carry on. I think a follow up programme would be quite interesting.

Some if not all of the artifacts were in amazing condition like the water pump, probably as there was no oxygen and with clay soil that would have helped with the preservation a great deal.


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Peter Barton is seen at the edge of a large crater when the programe was on about the Messines Ridge mines.

This crater did seem familier, could it be the one that is somewhat further south and owned by Mr Dunning ?

Bob Grundy

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