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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

26 Counties casualties, statistics.


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I decided to update the 26 County Casualties of the Great War by adding “The Gray Area” where soldiers and sailors from the 26 counties who did not qualify for inclusion in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission are listed. Munition workers, inspectors and tradesmen, Barrack staff, including canteen workers and recruiting staff and army clerks. Civilian drivers for the army, Remount Superintendents, War Office Accountants, Coast Watchers, civilian A.O.C. workers at the Curragh Camp etc. It also has newly found casualties of the Great War, only recently discovered, over 300 of whom were sent forward and accepted by ‘In From The Cold’ Project for inclusion in the Commonwealth Commission. These just await the final clearance and rubber stamp of the M.O.D. Also in this volume you will find over 40 recently found the graves of Royal Naval sailors and Mercantile Marine previously with no known grave and are listed on the Tower Hill Memorial. And finally every soldier and sailor who served in the Great War who died after service between 06/08/1914 to 31/08/1921 (same dates as the C.W.G.C.) whether or not their deaths were connected to their war service, once it is noted in their death certificate, these also are remembered here. 


Anyhoo, when the above information is added we can now formulate the statistics.


Age, where known at time of death;











































































NUMBERS BY COUNTY (updated to include the Grey Area).

Below are the figures for the 26 counties, after the duplicates are removed (10% are listed in more than one county) is 31396 the total pre-Grey Area total-29498.


Carlow, 594.

Cavan, 736.

Clare, 774.

Cork, 5070.

Donegal, 1352.

Dublin, 9134.

Galway, 1258.

Kerry, 887.

Kildare, 1116.

Kilkenny, 846.

Laois, 608.

Leitrim, 362.

Limerick, 1433.

Longford, 368.

Louth, 868.

Mayo, 1211.

Meath, 626.

Monaghan, 554.

Offaly, 700.

Roscommon, 593.

Sligo, 656.

Tipperary, 1645.

Waterford, 1281.

Westmeath, 812.

Wexford, 996.

Wicklow, 887.


Enclann published an article in the Irish Independent some years ago which gives casualty figures for the 6 Counties;-













The 20 Deadliest dates for Irishmen were;

Date; Casualty Count; Principal Battles for date.

01/07/1916 -470. First day of the Battle of the Somme.

21/03/1918 -439. Start of the German Spring Campaign.

09/09/1916 -309. First day of the Battle of Ginchy.

10/10/1918 -302. Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster.

09/05/1915 -275. First day of the Battle of Aubers Ridge.

31/05/1916 -266. Battle of Jutland.

16/08/1917 -258. First day of the Battle of Langemarck.

25/04/1915 -208. Beginning of the Gallipoli Campaign. Gallipoli landings.

24/05/1915 -203. St Julien and Bellewarde.

03/09/1916 -187. First day of the Battle of Guillemont.

15/09/1916 -185. First day of the Battle of Flers-Courcelette.

01/11/1914 -173. First day of the Battle of Coronel.

27/04/1916 -164. Gas Attacks at Hulluch.

31/07/1917 -162. Start of the 3rd Battle of Ypres.

26/04/1915 -160. Landings at Helles and Anzac.

21/08/1915 -151. Battle for Hill 60 and Scimitar Hill.

29/04/1916 -143. Siege of Kut ends, British surrender to the Ottomans.

19/10/1914 -141. Second day of the battle of the Yser.

20/10/1914 -134. First day of the Battle of the Yser.

25/09/1915 -133. First day of the Battle of Loos.


The 20 most common Surnames.

Murphy 4465.

Kelly 347.

Byrne 320.

O'Brien 290.

Walsh 274.

Ryan 225.

Doyle 224.

Sullivan 191.

McCarthy 174.

Lynch 156.

Smith 149.

O'Connor 152.

Reilly 149.

Carroll 143.

Dunne 134.

Murray 137.

O'Neill 145.

Nolan 134.

Burke 136.

Collins 129.







Known birth locations-27909.

Unknown birth Location-3487.


Type of death, most common;-

Killed in action, Killed, and the Naval version- Killed or died by means other than disease, accident or enemy action-16413.

Died (accident or illness), Died of wounds, Drowned, illness, lost at sea etc-11608.

Suicide, where recorded-89.



Able Seaman and Lamps-3.

Able Seaman and Quartermaster-2.

Able Seaman-411.

Acting Barrack Sergeant-1.

Acting Battery Quartermaster Sergeant-2.

Acting Battery Sergeant Major-1.

Acting Bombardier-38.

Acting Captain-2.

Acting Company Quartermaster Sergeant-3.

Acting Company Sergeant Major-11.

Acting Corporal-93.

Acting Drummer-1.

Acting Gunner-1.

Acting Lance Corporal-40.

Acting Lance Sergeant-4.

Acting Leading Seaman-4.

Acting Leading Stoker-2.

Acting Quartermaster Sergeant-1.

Acting Regimental Sergeant Major-2.

Acting Second Corporal-3.

Acting Sergeant Major-5.

Acting Sergeant-86.

Acting Staff Sergeant-1.

Acting Stoker-1.

Admiralty Employee, H.M.S. Vivid-1.

Air Mechanic 1st Class-6.

Air Mechanic 2nd Class-1.

Air Mechanic 3rd Class-8.

Aircraftman 1st Class-5.

Aircraftman 2nd Class-5.

Airman 1st Class-4.

Airman 2nd Class-2.

Airman 3rd Class-2.


Armourer (Pensioner)-1.

Armourer’s Crew-2.

Army Clerk-1.

Army Pensioner and Barrack Labourer-1.

Army Pensioner-1.

Army Schoolmaster, Warrant Officer, 1st Class-1.

Army Teacher-1.

Army Worker-1.

Artificer Engineer-2.

Assistant Administrator-1.

Assistant Cook-4.

Assistant Engineer-1.

Assistant Paymaster-1.

Assistant Steward-7.

Assistant Storekeeper-1.

Assistant Surgeon-1.



Auditor of Ministry of Munitions-1.

Auxiliary Coast Guardman-1.



Barrack Labourer-6.

Barrack Sergeant Army Pensioner-2.

Barrack Warden-6.

Barrack Worker-1.

Battery Quartermaster Sergeant-4.

Battery Sergeant Major-17.

Blacksmith 1st Class (Petty Officer 1st Class)-1.


Blacksmiths Mate-1.


Boatswain and Lamps-1.

Boatswain’s Mate-1.


Boiler Maker-1.


Boy 1st Class-18.

Boy 2nd Class-1.

Boy Mechanic-1.

Boy Servant-1.

Boy Telegraphist-3.

Boy Writer-1.


Brevet Colonel-2.

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel-1.

Brigadier General-7.





Canteen Manager-1.

Canteen Server-1.

Canteen Stewart-1.

Caporal (French Army)-1.

Captain (Acting Major)-1.

Captain (Adjutant)-2.

Captain (Dental Surgeon)-1.

Captain (Quartermaster)-1.

Captain (T.P.)-5.

Captain (Trade-Quartermaster) -1.

Captain (Veterinary Surgeon)-1.

Captain and Adjutant-2.

Captain and Brevet Major-1.

Captain/Acting Captain-2.

Captain/Acting Major-1.


Captain/Master (Towing Master)-1.

Captain/Staff Captain


Captain/Temporary Captain-3.


Caretaker of War Department Property-1.


Carpenters Crew-6.

Carpenter's Mate, Second Class (A)-1.


Chaplain 2nd Class-1.

Chaplain 3rd Class-3.

Chaplain 4th Class-26.

Chaplain/Reverend/Franciscan Friar-1.


Chauffeur (British Red Cross)1.

Checker with the Royal Army Service Corps-1.

Chef de Cuisine at the Curragh Camp-1.

Chief Armourer-1.

Chief Boatswain-1.

Chief Clerk of Munitions-1.

Chief Cook-1.

Chief Electrical Artificer, Second Class-1.

Chief Engine Room Artificer 1st Class-3.

Chief Engine Room Artificer, 2nd Class-1.

Chief Engine Room Artificer-3.

Chief Engineer-4.

Chief Gunner-1.

Chief Gunnery Officer-1.

Chief Master At Arms-1.

Chief Mate-1.

Chief Motor Mechanic-1.

Chief Officer-8.

Chief Petty Officer Victualling-1.

Chief Petty Officer-23.

Chief Ship’s Cook-1.

Chief Shipwright 2nd Class-1.

Chief Sick Berth Steward-1.

Chief Steward-2.

Chief Stoker-34.

Chief Waiter-1.

Chief Water Tender-1.

Chief Writer-3.

Chief Yeoman of Signals-3.

Civilian (American red Cross)-1.

Civilian (Army Canteens)-1.

Civilian Check Clerk for the A.S.C-1.

Civilian Subordinate to the Army-1.

Clerk 2nd Class-1.

Clerk 3rd Class-2.

Clerk of Ministry of Munitions-1.


Coast Guard (Grade III)-1.

Coast Guard Stoker-1.

Coastguardsman Grade 2-1.



Colour Sergeant-16.

Commander Surgeon-1.



Commissioned Mechanician-1.

Company Quartermaster Sergeant-1.

Company Quartermaster Sergeant-53.

Company Sergeant Major-154.

Company Sergeant-2.


Cook’s Mate-4.


Cooper 1st Class-1.


Coopers Crew-1.

Corporal and Driver-1.

Corporal Saddler-1.

Corporal Second Class-

Corporal Wheeler-1.

Corporal/ Lance Sergeant-2.

Corporal/Acting Corporal-8.

Corporal/Acting Sergeant-1.

Corporal/Lance Sergeant-5.

Corporal/Shoeing Smith-1.




Deck Boy-1.

Deck Hand-58.

Deputy Surgeon General-1.

Detective Sergeant (HMS Hampshire)-1.

Divisional Clerk-1.



Drill Sergeant-1.



E.R. Artificer 1st Class-1.

Electrical Artificer 3rd Class-1.

Electrical Artificer 4th class-1.

Electrical Artificer-1.

Electrical Engineer-1.


Engine Room Artificer 1st Class-2.

Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class-5.

Engine Room Artificer 4th Class-5.

Engine Room Artificer-5.

Engineer Lieutenant Commander-3.

Engineer Lieutenant-7.

Engineer Rear Admiral-1.

Engineer Sub-Lieutenant-3.


Engineman, Second Class-1.


Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant-1.

Farrier Sergeant-8.

Farrier Staff Sergeant-1.

Field Marshal-2.

Field Marshall, Secretary of State for War-1.

Fifth Engineer Office-1.

Fireman 1st Class-1.

Fireman 3rd Class-1.

Fireman and Trimmer-47.


First Engineer-7.

First Lieutenant-4.

First Mate/Acting Captain-1.

First Mate-7.

First Officer-1.



Fleet Paymaster-4.

Fleet Surgeon-5.

Flight Cadet-2.

Flight Commander-2.

Flight Lieutenant-3.

Flight Sergeant-1.

Flight Sub-Lieutenant-3.

Flying Officer (Pilot)-1.

Forewoman Clerk at the Royal Barracks-1.


Fourth Engineer Officer-9.

Fourth Mate-1.



Gentleman Cadet-1.



Guard (Can Rlwy Service)-1.





Honorary Lieutenant (Quartermaster)-1.

Honorary Major Quartermaster-1.



Inspector of Munitions-1.

Junior 7th Engineer-1.

Junior Engineer-1.

Labourer, A.O.C. The Curragh Camp-1.

Lamp Trimmer-1.


Lance Bombardier-15.

Lance Corporal-1555.

Lance Sergeant/Band Sergeant-1.

Lance Sergeant-229.


Leading Boatman-10.

Leading Boatswain -1.

Leading Carpenters Crew-1.

Leading Deck Hand-4.

Leading Fireman-3.

Leading Mechanic-1.

Leading Seaman-97.

Leading Signalman-4.

Leading Stoker-50.

Leading Telegraphist-5.

Leading Victualling Assistant-1.

Lieutenant (Acting Captain)-1.

Lieutenant (Quartermaster)-3.

Lieutenant (T.P.)-7.

Lieutenant Colonel (Bt. Major) and Acting Lieutenant Colonel-1.

Lieutenant Colonel-97.

Lieutenant Commander-12.


Major (Acting Lt Colonel)-1.

Major (Director of Ordnance, 6th Division)-1.

Major (T.P.)-2.

Major and Quartermaster-1.

Major General-1.



Master at Arms-1.

Master Gunner 2nd Class-3.

Master Mariner-2.

Master/Lieutenant R.N.R.-1.





Mechanical Stoker-1.


Member (W.R.A.F.)-2.

Mess Attendant First Class-1.

Mess Room Steward-3.



Military Clerk-1.

Military Store Keeper-1.

Munition Examiner-2.

Munition Worker-110.



Naval Cadet-1.

Naval Writer-1


Nursing Sister-5.

Office Keeper-1.

Office Stoker-2.

Officer’s Cook-1.

Officer’s Steward 3rd Class-5.

Officer's Cook 1st Class-1.

Officer's Steward 1st Class-3.

Officer's Steward 2nd Class-1.

Orderly (Red Cross)-1.

Ordinary Seaman-59.

Ordinary Signalman-3.

Ordinary Telegraphist-1.


Pantry Steward-2.


Paymaster Lieutenant-1.

Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant-1.

Pensioned Recruiter-1.

Petty Officer 1st Class (Pensioner)-1.

Petty Officer 1st Class-32.

Petty Officer 2nd Class-6.

Petty Officer Regulating-1.

Petty Officer Stoker, 2nd Class, Pensioner.-1.

Petty Officer Stoker-65.

Petty Officer Telegraphist-2.

Petty Officer-58.

Petty Stoker-1.

Pilot Officer-1.


Plumber 1st Class-1.


Plumbers Mate-1.

Private (Acting Sergeant)-4.

Private (Lance Corporal)-43.

Private (Rev)-1.

Private (Signaller)-1.

Private 1st Class-75.

Private 2nd Class-15.

Private and Drummer-2.

Private and Munition Worker-1.

Private and Signalman-1.

Private, Aero Rigger-1.



Quartermaster Sergeant /Instructor-1.

Quartermaster Sergeant-19.


Ramp(Camp?) Warden at Kilworth Camp, County Cork-1.


Refrigerator Greaser-2.

Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant-6.

Regimental Sergeant Major-27.


Rifleman/Lance Corporal-5.


S.S. Deckhand.-1.






Sailmaker’s Mate-2.



Sapper/ Wheelwright-1.

Sapper/Lance Corporal-1.



Sea Captain-1.

Seaman (Acting Deck Hand).-1.

Seaman First Class-3.

Seaman Second Class-3.



Second Cabin Bedroom Steward-1.

Second Cook-2.

Second Corporal-17.

Second Engineer-18.

Second Hand-1.

Second Hand-4.

Second Lieutenant (Adjutant)-1.

Second Lieutenant/Pilot.-1.

Second Lieutenant-751.

Second Mate-18.

Second Officer-4.

Senior Reserve Attendant-1.

Senior Reserve Attendant-1.

Senior Wireless Operator-1.

Senior Wireless Operator-1.

Sergeant (Army Hospital Corps)-1.

Sergeant (C.Q.M.S.)-1.

Sergeant (Mechanic)-1.

Sergeant (Shoemaker)-1.

Sergeant Drummer-3.

Sergeant first class-1.

Sergeant Major-25.

Sergeant Pilot-1.


Seventh Engineer-1.

Ship’s Cook-8.

Ship’s Corporal 1st Class-3.

Ship’s Corporal-2.

Ship’s Steward Assistant-2.

Ship’s Steward-2.

Ship’s Stewart-1.

Ship's Stewart Assistant-1.

Shipwright 1st Class-7.

Shipwright 2nd Class-9.


Shoeing Smith Corporal-2.

Shoeing Smith-26.

Sick Berth Attendant 1st Class-1.

Sick Berth Attendant 2nd Class-1.

Sick Berth Attendant-4.

Sick Berth Steward 2nd Class-2.

Sick Berth Steward-1.

Signal Boatswain-1.

Signal Boy-3.



Sister (Nursing)-2.



Soldaat 2 kl-1.

Squadron Commander-1.

Squadron Corporal Major-1.

Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant-3.

Squadron Sergeant Major-4.

Staff Nurse-8.

Staff Quartermaster Sergeant-2.

Staff Sergeant (Saddler)-1.

Staff Sergeant Major-9.

Staff Sergeant-27.

Staff Surgeon-2.

Steward 2nd Class-4.

Steward 3rd Class-4.



Stoker 1st Class-225.

Stoker 2nd Class-29.

Stoker Petty Officer-16.

Stoker Second Class-2.


Storekeeper  -1.

Storekeeper and Able Seaman-1.


Sub Conductor-3.

Sub Lieutenant-17.

Superintendent at the Remount Depot, The Curragh-1.

Surgeon General-1.

Surgeon Lieutenant-2.

Surgeon Probationer-4.


Telegraphist, 1st Class-1.


Temporary Captain-2.

Temporary Lieutenant and Adjutant-1.

Temporary Lieutenant Colonel-1.

Temporary Lieutenant-1.

Temporary Major-1.

Temporary Paymaster-1.

Temporary Second Lieutenant-2.

Temporary Sergeant Major-1.

Third Engineer-17.

Third Hand-1.

Third Mate-1.

Trimmer Cook-1.




Unknown ranks-278.


Vegetable Cook-1.


W.O. Class 2-2.



Waiter Second Class-2.

Waiter Third Class-3.


War Office Accountant-1.

War Office Clerk-2.

Wardroom Steward-1.

Warrant Engineer-1.

Warrant Officer 2nd Class-2.

Warrant Officer Class 1 (Acting Sergeant Major)-1.

Warrant Officer Class 2 (Company Sergeant Major)-4.

Warrant Officer-1.

Warrant Telegraphist-1.

Warrant Telegraphist-1.


Water Tender-2.



Wing Commander-1.

Wireless Operator-19.

Wireless Telegraph Operator-1.


Worker (Q.M.A.A.R)-11.

Writer 1st-1.

Writer 2nd-2.

Writer 3rd-1.


Yeoman of Signals-6.












Note- where the South Irish Horse is listed under the Household Cavalry and Cavalry of the line (Including the Yeomanry and Imperial Camel Corps)- it is listed as the South Irish Horse, where it is listed as 7th Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, it is listed with the Royal Irish Regiment.

Where the North Irish Horse is listed under the Household Cavalry and Cavalry of the line (Including the Yeomanry and Imperial Camel Corps)- it is listed as the South Irish Horse, where it is listed as 9th Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers it is listed with the Royal Irish Fusiliers). This is why their casualty numbers look small.

(Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers-1.

(Queen’s Own) Hussars-1.

(The King’s) Hussars-1.

10th (Prince of Wales’s Own Royal) Hussars-3.

11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars-6.

11th King Edward's Own Lancers (Probyn's Horse)-1.

121st Indian Pioneers-1.

123rd Outram's Rifles-1.

12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers-7.

12th Prince of Wales Royal Lancers.-1.

13th Hussars-2.

14th (King's) Hussars-2.

14th King George’s Own Ferozepore Sikhs-2.

15th (The King's) Hussars-4.

17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge’s Own)-3.

18th (County of London) Battalion (London Irish Rifles)-1.

19th (Queen Alexandra’a Own Royal) Hussars.-6.

1st Armoured Car Coy, Attached to the 6th Light Armoured Battery.-1.

1st County of London Yeomanry (Middlesex Yeomanry).-2.

1st Duke of York's Lancers (Skinner's Horse ).-1.

1st King Edward’s Horse-7.

1st Royal Dragoons-1.

21st (Empress of India's) Lancers-3.

2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)-7.

2nd King Edward's Horse-4.

2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse)-1.

2nd Life Guards-2.

2nd Reserve Regiment of Cavalry attached to the Dorset Yeomanry (Queen's Own)-1.

3rd (King's Own) Hussars-2.

3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters)-2.

3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales' Own).-3.

4th (Queen's Own) Hussars-17.

4th Dragoon Guards (Royal Irish)-4.

5th (Royal Irish) Lancers20.

5th Dragoon Guards (Princess Charlotte of Wales's)-3.

5th Lancers-2.

6th Dragoon Guards-5.

6th Dragoons (Inniskilling)-6.

7th Foot Guards/Irish Guards.-1.

8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars-13.

9th (Queen’s Royal) Lancers.-3.

Admiralty, Queenstown-1.

African Imperial Forces-1.

American Red Cross-1.

Argyll and Southern Highlanders-71.

Army Canteen Board-1.

Army Chaplains Department/Royal Army Chaplains Department-32.

Army Cyclist Corps/ Army Cyclist Corps -33.

Army Educational Corps-2.

Army Gymnastic Staff-1.

Army Hospital Corps and D.O.R.E. (Cork).-1.

Army Ordnance Corps-9.

Army Ordnance Department/Royal Army Ordnance Corp-28.

Army Pay Corps/Royal Army Pay Corps--7.

Army Pay Department-1.

Army Pay Office-2.

Army Reserve-1.

Army School Masters-1.

Army Service Corps/-395.

Army Veterinary Corps/Royal Army Veterinary Corps-35.

Artists Rifles-1.

Australian Army Chaplain's Department-1.

Australian Army Medical Corps-8.

Australian Army Nursing Service-1.

Australian Army Pay Corps.-1.

Australian Army Service Corps-4.

Australian Army Veterinary Corps-1.

Australian Engineers-11.

Australian Field Artillery-39.

Australian Infantry A. I. F.-515.

Australian Infantry Base Depot-3.

Australian Light Horse-26.

Australian Light Trench Mortar Battery-5.

Australian Machine Gun Corps-12.

Australian Mining and Boring Company-1.

Australian Pioneers-11.

Australian Provost Corps-1.

Australian Railway Corps-1.

Australian Remount Unit-1.

Australian Salvage Corps.-1.

Australian Sea Transport Services-1.

Australian Trench Mortar Battery.-2.

Australian Tunnelling Corps-7.

Bedfordshire Regiment-27.

Belgian Army-3.

Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)-86.

Border Regiment-54.

British Army Red Cross Society Volunteers-1.

British Canadian Recruiting Mission-1.

British Red Cross Society-2.

British South African Police-4.

British War Office-1.

Buff’s (East Kent Regiment)-56.

Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)-143.

Camp Commandants Staff, S.A. Forces-1.

Canadian Army Chaplains Department-1.

Canadian Army Corps of Military Staff Clerks-1.

Canadian Army Medical Corps-10.

Canadian Army Service Corps-7.

Canadian Army Veterinary Corps-1.

Canadian Artillery-2.

Canadian Cavalry Machine Gun Sqadron.-1.

Canadian Cavalry Machine Gun Sqn-1.

Canadian Cavalry Regiment-1.

Canadian Corps Gas Services-1.

Canadian Divisional Cyclist Company-2.

Canadian Engineers-26.

Canadian Expeditionary Force-39.

Canadian Field Artillery-40.

Canadian Forestry Corps-4.

Canadian Garrison Artillery-1.

Canadian Garrison Regiment-1

Canadian Infantry-725.

Canadian Labour Corps-2.

Canadian Light Horse-1.

Canadian Light Trench Mortar Battery-1.

Canadian Machine Gun Corps-15.

Canadian Militia-2.

Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade-5.

Canadian Mounted Rifles-17.

Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps-2.

Canadian Pioneers-5.

Canadian Railway Service-1.

Canadian Railway Troops-12.

Ceylon Planters Rifles Corps-1.

Cheshire Regiment-122.

City of London Regiment-3.

Clerk at Linenhall Barracks, Dublin-1.

Coldstream Guards-43.

Commands and Staff, General Staff and Colonel Commandant, Royal Artillery and Colonel in the Irish Guards-1.

Connaught Rangers-1466.

Cork Steamship Company-1.

Corps of Army Schoolmasters-2.

Corps of Military Accountants-1.

Corps of Military Police-11.

Corps of Military Staff Clerks-1.

Corps of Royal Engineers-309.

County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters).-1.

Curragh Camp Staff-1.

Devonshire Regiment-48.

Dorset Yeomanry (Queen's Own)-4.

Dorsetshire Regiment-25.

Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers.-1.

Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry-58.

Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry-1.

Duke of Wellington's  (West Riding Regiment)-59.

Durham Light Infantry-63.

Durham Royal Garrison Artillery-1.

East African Army Chaplain's Department-1.

East African Unattached List-1.

East Lancashire Regiment-125.

East Riding Yeomanry-4.

East Surrey Regiment-52.

East Yorkshire Regiment-55.

Empress of India's Lancers-2.

Essex Regiment-55.

Essex Yeomanry-1.

Euphrates Levy-1.

Fort Garry Horse-3.

French Army-1.

French Red Cross-3.

General List-7.

General Staff-6.

Glamorgan Yeomanry-1.

Glasgow Yeomanry (Queen's Own Royal).-1.

Gloucestershire Regiment-44.

Gordon Highlanders-46.

Grenadier Guards-62.

Guards Machine Gun Regiment-15.

Gurkha Rifles-1.

H.M. Coastguard-19.

Hampshire Regiment-79.

Hertfordshire Regiment-3.

Highland Light Infantry-170.

Honourable Artillery Company-3.

Household Cavalry and Cavalry of the line (Including the Yeomanry and Imperial Camel Corps)-283.

Hussars of the line-1.

Indian Army Reserve of Officers-8.

Indian Army-64.

Indian Civil Veterinary Department-1.

Indian Labour Corps-1.

Indian Medical Service-4.

Indian Ordnance Department.-1.

Inniskilling Dragoons-1.

Inns of Court Officer Training Corps-2.

Irish Guards-1680.

Italian Merchant Marine-2.

King Edwards Horse-5.

King’s (Liverpool Regiment).-325

King’s African Rifles-3.

King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment).-64.

King’s Own Scottish Borderers-9.

King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry-69.

King’s Royal Rifle Corps-33.

King’s Shropshire Light Infantry-48.

King's Dragoon Guards-1.

King's Own Scottish Borderers-146.

King's Royal Irish Hussars-7.

Labour Corps-249.

Lancashire Fusiliers-169.

Leicestershire Regiment-22.

Leinster Regiment-1579.

Life Guards-4.

Lincolnshire Regiment-45.

London Regiment (City of London Rifles)-3.

London Regiment (Finsbury Rifles).-1.

London Regiment (London Irish Rifles)-6.

London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade)-3.

London Regiment (London Scottish)-4.

London Regiment (Post Office Rifles ).-18.

London Regiment (Prince of Wales' Own Civil Service Rifles)-5.

London Regiment (Queen Victoria's Rifles)-4.

London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)-173.

London Regiment and RFC (70 Squadron).-2.

London Regiment-124.

Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians).-5.

Loyal North Lancashire Regiment-108.

Machine Gun Corps-334.

Machine Gun Guards-7.

Malay States Volunteer Rifles-1.

Manchester Regiment-165.

Mercantile Marine Reserve-83.

Mercantile Marine-953.

Middlesex Hussars-5.

Middlesex Regiment-103.

Military Foot Police-3.

Military Labour Corps, South Africa-1.

Military Police Corps-8.

Military Provost Staff Corps-3.

Monmouthshire Regiment-8.

Montgomeryshire Yeomanry-1.

Mounted Military Police-1.

Munitions Factory in Wales-1.


Naval Store Department-1.

New Zealand Army Service Corps-2.

New Zealand Chaplains' Department.-1.

New Zealand Engineers-4.

New Zealand Entrenching Battalion, N.Z.E.F.-1.

New Zealand Field Artillery-8.

New Zealand Machine Gun Battalion-2.

New Zealand Machine Gun Corps-5.

New Zealand Medical Corps-4.

New Zealand Pioneer Battalion-2.

New Zealand Reinforcements-1.

New Zealand Rifle Brigade-38.

New Zealand Training Unit-5.

Newfoundland Mercantile Marine-1.

Newfoundland Regiment-1.

Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve-4.

Nigeria Regiment, W.A.F.F-2.

Non Combatant Corps-1.

Norfolk Regiment-35.

North Irish Horse-4.

North Somerset Yeomanry-2.

North Staffordshire Regiment-38.

Northamptonshire Regiment-34.

Northumberland Fusiliers-190.

Northumberland Hussars-1.

Norwegian Merchant Marine-2.

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment-69.

Nurse at Isolation Hospital, Mitcham, England.-1.

Officer Training Corps-1.

Otago Regiment, N. Z. E. F.-16.

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry-26.

Oxfordshire Yeomanry-1.

Pembroke Yeomanry-1.

Prince of Wales's Own Royal Hussars-2.

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry-32.

Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service.-9.

Queen Alexandra's Own Royal Hussars, attached to the R.F.C.-1.

Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps-17.

Queen Victoria’s Own Sappers and Miners-1.

Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment)-56.

Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders-25.

Queen's Lancers-3.

Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)-12.

Queen's Own Hussars.-2.

Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars-1.

Red Cross, U.S Forces. Army Nurse Corps.-1.

Reserve Cavalry Regiment-47.

Rhodesia Regiment.-2.

Rifle Brigade-109.

Royal Air Force-147.

Royal Army Medical Corps-353.

Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train-1.

Royal Australian Navy-7.

Royal Berkshire Regiment-37.

Royal Canadian Artillery-1.

Royal Canadian Dragoons-6.

Royal Canadian Navy-1.

Royal Canadian Regiment-4.

Royal Canadian Volunteer Reserve-1.

Royal Corps of Signals-2.

Royal Defence Corps-52.

Royal Dublin Fusiliers.-3502.

Royal East and West Kent Yeomanry-1.

Royal Engineers-283.

Royal Field Artillery-456.

Royal Fleet Auxiliary-2.

Royal Flying Corps-93.

Royal Garrison Artillery-639.

Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Field Artillery-561.

Royal Horse Artillery-11.

Royal Indian Marine-2.

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers-1076.

Royal Irish Fusiliers-1184.

Royal Irish Lancers-2.

Royal Irish Regiment-1906.

Royal Irish Rifles-1075.

Royal Marine Artillery-20.

Royal Marine Band-3.

Royal Marine Labour Company -1.

Royal Marine Labour Company Rouen-1.

Royal Marine Labour Corps-9.

Royal Marine Light Infantry-84.

Royal Marine Reserve-2.

Royal Marines-7.

Royal Military College Sandhurst-2.

Royal Munster Fusiliers-2054.

Royal Naval Air Service-12.

Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve-1.

Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve-2.

Royal Naval Detachment-1.

Royal Naval Division-3.

Royal Naval Reserve-546.

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve-58.

Royal Navy-1110.

Royal North Devon Hussars/ Royal North Devon Yeomanry-1.

Royal Regiment of Artillery-4.

Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment)-76.

Royal Scots Fusiliers-95.

Royal Scots-46.

Royal Sussex Regiment-37.

Royal Warwickshire Regiment-73.

Royal Welsh Fusiliers-121.

Royal Welsh Regiment-109.

Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry-5.

Scots Guards-58.

Scottish Horse-10.

Seaforth Highlanders-51.

Serbian Army-1.

Shekhawati Regiment-1.

Soldiers Home, Parkgate Street, Dublin-1.

Somerset Light Infantry-22.

South African Engineers-1.

South African Heavy Artillery-2.

South African Horse-3.

South African Infantry-2.

South African Infantry-72.

South African Medical Corps-7.

South African Motor Cyclist Corps-1.

South African Mounted Brigade Scouts-1.

South African Mounted Rifles-7.

South African Native Labour Corps-1.

South African Pay Corps-1.

South African Pay Department-1.

South African Pioneers-1.

South African Remount Department-1.

South African Rifles-1.

South African Road Corps-1.

South African Service Corps-1.

South African Signal Service-1.

South African Special Service Company-1.

South African Veterinary Corps

South Irish Horse-26.

South Lancashire Regiment-166.

South Nottinghamshire Hussars-1.

South Staffordshire Regiment-45.

South Wales Borderers-81.

Special List-7.

St John's Ambulance Brigade.-1.

Suffolk Regiment-25.

Suffolk Yeomanry-4.

Tank Corps-22.

Territorial Force Nursing Service-3.

Training Reserve-2.

Uganda Volunteer Force-1.

United States Army-501.

United States Expeditionary Force-1.

United States Naval Reserve Force-6.

United States Navy-2.


VAD, St John’s Ambulance Brigade.-1.

Voluntary Aid Detachment-15.

War Office-2.

Warwickshire Yeomanry-1.

Welsh Guards-9.

West African Regiment, W.A.F.F.-1.

West India Regiment-2.

West Yorkshire Regiment-60.

Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry-4.

Wicklow Head Coast Guard Station.-1.

Wiltshire Regiment-45.

Women’s Legion, attached to the Army Service Corps-1.

Women’s Royal Air Force-3.

Worcestershire Regiment-57.


York and Lancaster Regiment-86.

Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry-6.

Yorkshire Regiment-52.


Cemeteries and Memorials.

7th Field Ambulance Cemetery, Turkey-12.

A. I. F. Burial Ground Flers, France-19.

Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, France-61.

Abbey Cemetery, Youghal, County Cork-2.

Abbeyleix Catholic Churchyard, County Laois-1.

Abbeyleix New Cemetery, County Laois.-1.

Abbeymahon Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Abbeyshrule Graveyard, County Longford.-1.

Abbeyside Cemetery, Dungarvan, County Waterford.-1.

Abeele Aerodrome Military Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Aberdeen (Allenvale) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Aberdeen (Grove) Cemetery. U.K.-1.

Aberdeen (Nellfield) Cemetery. U.K.-1.

Aberdeen (Trinity) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Abney Park Cemetery, London, U.K.-2.

Accrington Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Acheux British Cemetery, France.-3.

Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-12.

Acton Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Adanac Military Cemetery, France.-15.

Addolorata Cemetery, Malta.-46.

Adelaide (West Terrace) Cemetery, South Australia.-2.

Adelaide Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux in France.-16.

Adinkerke Churchyard Extension, Belgium.-2.

Adinkerke Military Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Aeroplane Cemetery, Belgium.-13.

Affane Cemetery, County Waterford-1.

Affane Old Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford.-2.

Agharra Graveyard, County Longford.-1.

Aghern Cemetery, Fermoy, County Cork.-1.

Aglishclohane (Aglish) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Tipperary.-1.

Agny Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Agra Cantonment Cemetery, India.-1.

Ahmednagar Government Cemetery, India.-1.

Airdrie (St Joseph's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Aire Communal Cemetery, France.-28.

Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, France.-17.

Aix-Noulette Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-10.

Ajmer New Cemetery, India.-1.

Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-17.

Albuera Cemetery, Bailleul-Sire-Bertholt, France.-6.

Alderney Roman Catholic Cemetery, Channel Islands.-1.

Aldershot Military Cemetery, U.K.-34.

Alencon (St Leonard) Cemetery, France.-2.

Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-103.

Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-49.

Allonville Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Alva Cemetery, Clackmannanshire, Scotland.-1

Amara War Cemetery, Iraq.-97.

Ambala Cantonment Cemetery, India-1.

Amerval Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Ancre British Cemetery, France.-47.

Annacurra Graveyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Annagh Cemetery, County Kerry.-1.

Annagh Graveyard, Belturbet, County Cavan.-1.

Annayalla (St Michael) Catholic Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Annequin Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.-2.

Anneux British Cemetery, France.-17.

Annezin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Annitsford (St John) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Anor Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Anzac Cemetery, France.-4.

Anzin-St Aubin British Cemetery, France.  -2.

Arcachon Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Archangel Allied Cemetery in the Russian Federation-5.

Archangel Memorial in the Russian Federation.-8.

Ardagh Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Ardbraccan (St Ultan) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-1.

Ardcanny Churchyard, County Limerick.-1.

Ardcarn (St Beaidh) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Roscommon.-1.

Ardcath Graveyard, County Meath.-2.

Ardcroney Old Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Ardee (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Louth.-2.

Ardfert Cemetery. County Kerry.-1.

Ardmore (Old Abbey) Graveyard, County Waterford.-1.

Ardnagashel Private Burial Ground, County Cork.-1.

Ardrossan Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Argoeuves Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ari Burnu Cemetery, Turkey.-3.

Arklow Cemetery, County Wicklow.-7.

Arlington National Cemetery, U.S.A.-10.

Armagh (St Patrick's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Armagh.-4.

Arneke British Cemetery, France.-20.

Arneke, Churchyard, France.-1.

Arogyavaram Pothpole Union Mission Sanitorium Cemetery, India.-1.

Arquata Scrivia Communal Cemetery Extension, Italy.-2.

Arras Flying Services Memorial, France.-20.

Arras Memorial in France.-435.

Arras Road Cemetery, France.-2.

Artillery Wood Cemetery, Belgium.-56.

Ashburton Cemetery, Ashburton District, New Zealand.-1.

Ashburton Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Ashfield Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Ashton-in-Makerfield (St Oswald) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Ashton-Under-Lyne (Hurst) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Assevillers New British Cemetery, France.-7.

Atherstone Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Athies Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Athis-Mons Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Athlumney Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Athnowen (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Athy (St Michael’s) Cemetery, County Kildare.-7.

Auberchicourt British Cemetery, France.-2.

Aubers Ridge British Cemetery, France.-12.

Aubigny British Cemetery, France.-1.

Aubigny Communal Cemetery Exension, France.-40.

Auchonvillers Military Cemetery in France.-33.

Auchy-Les-Hesdin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery, Waikumete, New Zealand.-2.

Audruicq Churchyard and Extension, France.-1.

Aughaval (Holy Trinity) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-2.

Aughaval Cemetery, Westport, County Mayo-1.

Aughrim Old Graveyard, Roscommon.-1.

Aulnoy Communal Cemetery, France.-6.

Aumatre Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Australian Book of Remembrance, Australian Capital Territory, Australia-1.

Authuile Military Cemetery, France.-20.

Aval Wood Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Aveluy Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-11.

Aveluy Wood Cemetery (Lancashire Dump), France.-4.

Avesnes-Le-Comte Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-11.

Avesnes-Sur-Helpe Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Awoingt British Cemetery, France.-9.

Ayette British Cemetery, France.-13.

Aylsham Cemetery in Norfolk, U.K.-1.

Ayr Cemetery, Ayrshire, U. K.-3.

Azmak Cemetery, Turkey.-31.

Baarle Churchyard, Drongen, Belgium.-1.

BABY 700 Cemetery, Anzac.-1.

Bac-Du-Sud British Cemetery, France.-18.

Bacquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, France.-18.

Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery, Iraq.-94.

Bagneux British Cemetery, France.-21.

Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extansion, France.-179.

Bailleul Communal Cemetery, France.-61.

Bailleul Road East Cemetery, France.-13.

Bailleulmont Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Balfeighan Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Balla (Holy Trinity) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Balla Old Catholic Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Ballaghaderreen Graveyard, Roscommon-1.

Ballina (New League) Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Ballina (Old League) Cemetery, County Mayo.-2.

Ballina (Templehollow) Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Ballina Catholic Cathedral Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Ballinabrannagh Catholic Churchyard, County Carlow-1.

Ballinaclough Cemetery, County Limerick.-1.

Ballinakill Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Ballinakill House Private Burial Ground, Waterford.-1.

Ballinakilla Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Ballinasloe (Creagh) New Cemetery, Galway-10.

Ballinasloe (Creagh) Old Graveyard, Galway-1.

Ballincollig, Military Cemetery, Cork.-10.

Ballingarry Old Graveyard, Tipperary.-3.

Ballinrobe (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Ballintemple Cemetery, Cork.-3.

Ballintra Cemetery, County Monaghan.-2.

Ballybay First Presbyterian Churchyard, County Monaghan.-2.

Ballybrack (St Mary) Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Ballybrack Graveyard, County Donegal.-1.

Ballybracken Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Ballyburley Church of Ireland Churchyard, Co. Offaly.-2.

Ballycumber (Liss) Churchyard, County Offaly.-2.

Ballydesmond Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Ballydrinan Old Graveyard, Tipperary.-1.

Ballyellin Cemetery, County Carlow-1.

Ballyglass Cemetery, County Westmeath.-20.

Ballygunner (St Mary) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-2.

Ballyhaunis (Abbey) Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Ballyhooley (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Ballyjamesduff Presbyterian Cemetery, County Cavan.-1.

Ballyknocken Church of Ireland Churchyard, Carlow.-1.

Ballylaneen (St Anne) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Ballylucra Cemetery, Glanmire, County Cork-1.

Ballymacelligott Cemetery, County Kerry.-1.

Ballymachugh (St Paul) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Ballymacoda (The Hill) Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Ballymacormack Graveyard, Longford.-1.

Ballymacormick Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Longford.-1.

Ballymakenny Graveyard, Drogheda, County Louth-1.

Ballymodan Old Graveyard, Bandon, County Cork.-2.

Ballymore Cemetery, County Cork-1.

Ballymore Eustace (St John) Churchyard, County Kildare.-1.

Ballymore Old Graveyard, County Cork.-2.

Ballynacally (Kilchreest) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Ballynacorra Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Ballynakilla Churchyard, County Cork.-12.

Ballynaneashagh (St Otteran’s) Catholic Cemetery, County Waterford.-21.

Ballynarry Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Ballyoskill Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Balrothery (St Peter) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Dublin.-2.

Baltimore (Tullagh) Graveyard, County Cork-3.

Banagher Old Graveyard, Co Offaly.-1.

Banbridge Town Cemetery, County Down.-1.

Bancourt British Cemetery, France.-9.

Bandon (Kilbrogan) Catholic Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Bangor Cemetery, County Down.-1.

Bangor Monachorum (St Dunawd) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Bangor, (Glanadda) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Bannow Cemetery, Wexford.-1.

Bantouzelle Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bantry Abbey Cemetery, County Cork.-2.

Bapaume Australian Cemetery, France.-4.

Bapaume Post Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Barastre Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bard Cottage Cemetery, Belgium.-32.

Bari War Cemetery, Italy.-3.

Barlin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-19.

Barlin Communal Cemetery, France-3.

Barna Old Graveyard, County Galway-1.

Barnahely Cemetery, County Cork.-2.

Barneux British Cemetery, France.-1.

Barniskey Graveyard, Avoca, County Wicklow.-1.

Barnsley Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Barnton Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Barrie (St Mary's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Barrowford (All Souls) Roman Catholic Burial Ground, U.K.-2.

Barrow-in-Furness (Thorncliffe) Cemetery and Crematorium, U.K.-3.

Basra Memorial, Iraq.-31.

Basra War Cemetery, Iraq.-265.

Bath (Locksbrook) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bathgate Cemetery, West Lothian, U.K.-1.

Battleford (Municipal) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Batumi British Military Cemetery, Georgia.-1.

Bazentin-Le-Petit Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Beach Cemetery, Turkey.-7.

Beaucourt British Cemetery, France.-1.

Beaulencourt British Cemetery, France.-3.

Beaumetz Cross Roads Cemetery, France.-5.

Beaumetz-Les-Cambrai Military Cemetery No 1, France.-1.

Beaumetz-Les-Loges Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Beaumont-Hamel (Newfoundland) Memorial, France.-1.

Beaumont-Hamel British Cemetery, France.-2.

Beaurains Road Cemetery, France.-7.

Beaurevior Communal Cemetery British Extension, France.-2.

Beaurevoir British Cemetery, France.-9.

Beauval Communal Cemetery, France.-8.

Becourt Military Cemetery, France.-18.

Bective (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-1.

Bedford House Cemetery, Belgium.-44.

Beehive Cemetery, Willerval, France.-1.

Beersheba War Cemetery, Israel.-9.

Beirut War Cemetery, Lebanese Republic.-2.

Belfast (Dundonald) Cemetery, County Antrim.-2.

Belfast (Dundonald) Cemetery, County Antrim.-3.

Belfast (Milltown) Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Antrim.-19.

Belfast City Cemetery, County Antrim.-7.

Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Belgian Military Cemetery Oren (Begraafplatts Oeren)-1.

Belgrade Cemetery, Belgium.-11.

Bellacourt Military Cemetery, France.-8.

Belle Vue British Cemetery, France.-1.

Bellicourt British Cemetery, France.-9.

Bellot Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bells Hill Burial Ground, U.K.-1.

Belmont Abbey (St Michael) Roman Catholic Churchyard. U.K.-1.

Belturbet Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Bennetsbridge Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Bennettsbridge Cemetery, County Kilkenny-1.

Berehaven (St Finian’s) Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Berehaven Cemetery, County Cork.-2.

Berks Cemetery Extension, Belgium.-17.

Berles New Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Berles-Au-Bois Churchyard Extension, France.-7.

Berlin South Western Cemetery, Germany.-23.

Bermuda Royal Naval Cemetery, Bermuda.-1.

Bernafay Wood British Cemetery, France.-16.

Bertenacre Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Bertrancourt Military Cemetery, France.-7.

Bessbrook (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard Extension, County Armagh.-1.

Bethencourt Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Bethleem Farm West Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Bethune Town Cemetery, France.-207.

Beugnatre Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Beuvry Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-11.

Bexhill Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Bienvillers Military Cemetery, France.-22.

Biganos Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Birchington (All Saint’s) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Birkenhead (Flaybrick Hill) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Birmingham (Brandwood End) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Birmingham (Lodge Hill) Cemetery, U.K.-15.

Birmingham (Witton) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Birmingham (Yardley) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Birr (Clonoghill) Cemetery, County Offaly.-4.

Birr Cross Roads Cemetery in Belgium.-29.

Birr Military Cemetery, County Offaly.-3.

Birr Old Graveyard, County Offaly.-1.

Birtley (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U. K.-1.

Blackpool (Layton) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Blackrock (St Michael) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-3.

Blackwater (Killila) Graveyard, Wexford.-1.

Blairmore (St Annes) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Blandford Cemetery, U.K-4.

Blangy-Tronville Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Blargies Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Blarney Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Blauwepoort Farm Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium.-1.

Blenheim (Omaka) Public Cemetery, New Zealand-1.

Blessington (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow-1.

Bleue-Maison Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Bleuet Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-40.

Blighty Valley Cemetery, France.-6.

Bloemfontein (In Memoriam) Cemetery, Free State, South Africa.-1.

Bodelwyddan (St Margaret) Churchyard, Flintshire, U.K.-2.

Bodenstown Old Graveyard, Kildare.-1.

Bodmin Cemetery, UK-1.

Bois Guillaume Communal Cemetery, France.-9.

Bois-Carre British Cemetery, France.-79.

Bois-De-Noulette British Cemetery, France.-7.

Bois-Grenier Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Bolton (Heaton) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bondie (St Brandan) Old Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Bonnay Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Bonneville Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bordon Military Cemetery, Hampshire.-4.

Borre British Cemetery, France.-16.

Borre Churchyard, France.-1.

Borrisokane New Cemetery, County Tipperary.-1.

Boscon British Cemetery, Italy.  -2.

Botley (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Bouchier New British Cemetery, France.-4.

Bouilly Cross Roads Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, France.-179.

Bourg-Et-Comin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bournemouth East Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bouzincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-8.

Bouzincourt Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bouzincourt Ridge Cemetery, Albert, France.-1.

Boves West Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Boyelles Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Boyle (Aslynn) Cemetery, Roscommon.-5.

Boyle Church of Ireland Cemetery, Roscommon.-2.

Bradford (Scholemoor) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Bradford (Undercliffe) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Bradford Bowling Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bradford-on-Avon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Braine Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Bralo British Cemetery, Greece.-1.

Bramley (St Peter) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Bramshott (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-3.

Brancourt-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Brandhoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.-9.

Brandhoek New Military Cemetery in Belgium.-25.

Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No 3, Belgium.-29.

Brandon Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Bray Military Cemetery, France.-13.

Bray Vale British Cemetery, France.-1.

Bray-Sur-Somme Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Breandrum Cemetery, County Fermanagh-2.

Brebieres British Cemetery,  France.-1.

Brecon Cemetery, Brecknockshire, U.K.-1.

Brentwood Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Brewery Orchard Cemetery, France.-6.

Bridge House Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Bridgetown Catholic Churchyard, County Clare.-1.

Brie British Cemetery, France.-4.

Brighton (Extra-Mural) Borough Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Brighton (The Downs) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Brighton and Preston Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Brighton City (Bear Road) Cemetery.-4.

Brighton General Cemetery, Victoria.-1.

Brisbane General (Toowong) Cemetery, Australia.15.

Bristol (Arnos Vale) Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-14.

Bristol (Canford) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bristol (Greenbank) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bromley (Plaistow) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Brompton Cemetery, U.K.-14.

Bronfay Farm Military Cemetery, France.-13.

Brookwood 1914-18 Memorial, U.K.-27.

Brookwood American Cemetery, Woking, Surrey.-1.

Brookwood Military Cemetery, U.K.-45.

Brown’s Copse Cemetery, France.-38.

Brown’s Road Military Cemetery, France.-18.

Bruay Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-7.

Bruay-Sur L'Escaut Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Bruree Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Limerick.-1.

Brussels Town Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Bubblingwell Cemetery Shanghai China-2.

Bucquoy Road Cemetery, France.-30.

Buffs Road Cemetery, France.-2.

Buisngy Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Bulawayo (Athlone) Cemetery in Zimbabwe, South Africa.-1.

Bulls Road Cemetery, France.-4.

Bully-Grenay Communal Cemetery, British Extension, France-9.

Bully-Grenay Communal Cemetery, French Extension in France.-12.

Bunbeg Church of Ireland Cemetery, County Donegal.-1.

Bungay Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Bunratty Old Graveyard, County Clare.-1.

Bunyans Cemetery, France.-1.

Burnham-on-Sea Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Burnley Cemetery, Lancashire-2.

Burriscarra Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Bus House Cemetery, Belgium-4.

Bushfield Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Bushmans Nek Area Cemetery, Kwazulu Natal.-1.

Busigny Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Butlerstown (St Anne) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Buttes New British Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Buttevant (St John) Churchyard, County Cork.-12.

Buttevant (St Mary’s) Catholic Cemetery, County Cork.-4.

Buzancy Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Cabaret Rouge British Cemetery, France.-105.

Cabin Hill Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Caerphilly (Penyrheol) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Caerphilly (St Martin) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Cagnicourt British Cemetery, France.-4.

Caheragh Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Caherciveen (Killavarnogue) Cemetery, County Kerry.-3.

Caherlag Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Cahir Military Plot, County Tipperary.-4.

Cahir Old Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-56.

Caix British Cemetery, France.-3.

Calabar Memorial, Nigeria.-1.

Calais Southern Cemetery, France.-28.

Calcutta (Bhowanipore) Cemetery, Kilkata in India.-1.

Calgary Union Cemetery, Canada.-3.

Calvaire (Essex) Military Cemetery-1.

Calvary Cemetery, Winchester, Middlesex County, Massachusetts-1.

Cam Cemetery, Roscommon.-1.

Cambrai East Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Cambrai Memorial, France.-159.

Cambridge (Mount View) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Cambridge Cemetery, Massachusetts-1.

Cambridge City Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Cambrin Churchyard Extension in France.-27.

Cambrin Military Cemetery, France.-13.

Camelon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Camon Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Canada Cemetery, France.-4.

Canada Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-31.

Canadian Cemetery No 2, France.-14.

Cannock Chase War Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Cantaing British Cemetery, France.-10.

Canterbury Cemetery, Kent. U.K.-3.

Cantimpre Canadian Cemetery, France.-2.

Cape Town (Maitland) Cemetery, South Africa.-6.

Cape Town (Plumstead) Cemetery, South Africa.-2.

Capelle-Beaudignies Road Cemetery, France.-1.

Cappagh (St Eugenius) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Tyrone.-1.

Cappamore (Tower Hill) Old Graveyard, County Limerick.-1.

Cardiff (Cathays) Cemetery U.K.-7.

Carlingford (Holy Trinity) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Louth.-2.

Carlow (St Mary’s) Cemetery, County Carlow.-7.

Carlow Old Cemetery, Carlow.-2.

Carnieres Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Carnlough (Cavalry) Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Antrim.-1.

Carnmoney Cemetery, County Antrim.-2.

Carnock New Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Carnoy Military Cemetery, France.-23.

Carrick Graveyard, Edenderry, County Offaly-1.

Carrickmacross Church of Ireland New Cemetery, County Monaghan.-1.

Carrickmacross Workhouse Cemetery, County Monaghan.-1.

Carrick-on-Shannon (St George) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Leitrim.-1.

Carrick-on-Suir New Cemetery, County Tipperary.-3.

Carrigaline Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Carrigallen Catholic Churchyard, County Leitrim.-1.

Carrig-on-Bannow Cemetery, County Wexford-1.

Cashel (Rock of Cashel) Graveyard, County Tipperary-1.

Cashel Cathedral, Tipperary.-1.

Castleands (Ringrone) Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Castlebar Catholic Cemetery, County Mayo.-3.

Castlebar Church of Ireland Cemetery, County Mayo-1.

Castlebar Old Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Castlecomer (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-2.

Castlefin (St Mary) Catholic Cemetery, County Donegal.-2.

Castlegannon Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny-1.

Castlehaven Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Castlehyde Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Castlehyde Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Castlemacadam New Cemetery, County Wicklow.-1.

Castlemagner Chapel, Cemetery, Cork.-1.

Castlemartin (St Michael) Churchyard U.K.-1.

Castletown Berehaven (St Finian’s) Cemetery, County Cork.-9.

Castletown Kinneigh Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Castletown Old Graveyard, Co. Offaly.-1.

Castleyons Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Caterham and Warlingham (Caterham) Burial Ground, U.K.-3.

Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial, France.-14.

Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, France.-26.

Catterick Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Caudry British Cemetery. France.-10.

Caudry Old Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Cavalry Cemetery and Mausoleum, Sant Louis, Saint Louis City, Missouri.-1.

Caversham Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Cawnpore Cantonment New Cemetery, India.-4.

Cayeux Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Celbridge (Church Lane) Cemetery, County Kildare.-1.

Cement House Cemetery, Belgium.-22.

Cerisy-Gailly French National Cemetery, France.-1.

Cerisy-Gailly Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Chambieres French National Cemetery, France.-2.

Chambrecy British Cemetery, France.-1.

Chapel Corner Cemetery, France.-1.

Chapelizod (St Lawrence) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Dublin-3.

Chapelle British Cemetery, France.-2.

Chapelle-D'Armentieres New Military Cemetery. France-3.

Chapelle-D'Armentieres Old Military Cemetery, France.-3.

Charleroi Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Charleville (Holy Cross) Cemetery, County Cork.-2.

Charmes Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Chatby Memorial, Egypt.-36.

Chatham (Maidstone Road) Cemetery, Kent.-2.

Chatham Naval Memorial, U.K.-121.

Chauny Communal Cemetery British Extension, France.-6.

Cheltenham Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Cherisy Road East Cemetery, France.-1.

Chester Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Chichester Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Chigwell Row (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Chipilly Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Chiseldon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Chiselhurst Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Chiswick Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Chocques Military Cemetery, France.-48.

Christ Church Cemetery, Delgany, County Wicklow.-1.

Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial, Turkey.-8.

Church of Ireland Graveyard , Holycross, County Tipperary.-1.

Churchhill Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Cimetiere de La Madeleine in Amiens, France.-1.

Cinq Rues British Cemetery, France.-28.

Cirencester Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Citadel New Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, France.-43.

City of Paris Cemetery, France.-2.

Clacton Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Claines (St John the Baptist) Churchyard, U.K.-1`.

Clane (St Michael) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kildare.-1.

Clara Monastery Old Graveyard, County Offaly.-1.

Clara Old Graveyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Claremorris (Ballinsmaula) Catholic Cemetery, County Mayo.-2.

Clashmore Old Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Cleggan Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Cliveden War Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Clogh Parish Church, Monaghan-1.

Clogher Old Graveyard, County Louth-1.

Clonallan Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Down.-1.

Clondahorky Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-2.

Clondalkin (St John) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Dublin.-1.

Clones (Sacred Heart) Catholic Cemetery, County Monaghan.-1.

Clones (St Tighernach) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Clonfert Cemetery,  Newmarket, County Cork-1.

Clonmany (St Columba) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Clonmany Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-2.

Clonmel (St Patricks) Cemetery, County Tipperary.-23.

Clonmel Friends Burial Ground, County Tipperary.-1.

Clonminch Catholic Cemetery, County Offaly.-6.

Clonmore, Piltown, County Kilkenny.-1.

Clontallagh (Mevagh) Graveyard, County Donegal.-1.

Cloonfinlough Old Graveyard, Roscommon.-2.

Cloughanover Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Cloughprior Cemetery, Tipperary.-1.

Cloyne (St Coleman) Cathedral Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Cobh Old Church Cemetery, County Cork.198.

Coburg General Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Cockhill Catholic Cemetery, County Donegal.-11.

Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard. U.K.-1.

Cojeul British Cemetery, France.-4.

Colchester Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Coleraine (St John) Roman Catholic Churchyard, County Derry.-1.

Colne Valley Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Cologne Memorial, Germany.-1.

Cologne Southern Cemetery, Germany.-65.

Colombo (Kanatte) General Cemetery, Sri Lanka.-2.

Columbkille Old Graveyard, County Kilkenny.-2.

Colwall (St James The Great) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Combles Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-8.

Compiegne South Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Compton Chamberlayne Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Conde-Sur-L’Escaut Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Confey Cemetery, County Kildare.-1.

Connaught Cemetery, France.-14.

Contalmaison Chateau Cemetery, France.-2.

Contay British Cemetery, France.-21.

Coon Catholic Churchyard in Kilkenny-1.

Cootehill (Holy Trinity) Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Corbally Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-40.

Corbie Communal Cemetery in France.-2.

Cork (St Finbarr’s) Cemetery, Cork.-13.

Cork (St Joseph’s) Cemetery, Cork.-47.

Cork (The Friends) Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Cork Military Cemetery Park, Cork.-83.

Corkbeg Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Corkbeg Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Cornamagh Cemetery, Westmeath.-29.

Couin British Cemetery, France.-12.

Couin New British Cemetery, France.-7.

Coulommiers Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

County Tipperary-1.

Courcelette British Cemetery, France.-14.

Courtnacuddy Catholic Cemetery, County Wexford.-1.

Coxyde Military Cemetery, Belgium.-36.

Crawley Monastery Burial Ground, Sussex.-1.

Cretinier Cemetery, France.-1.

Crewe Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Croisilles British Cemetery, France.-60.

Croisilles Railway Cemetery, France.-37.

Croix-Du-Bac British Cemetery, France.-1.

Cromarty Cemetery, Ross and Cromarty, U.K.-1.

Cromer No 2 Burial Ground, U.K.-1.

Cronenbourg French National Cemetery, France.-1.

Crooke Old Graveyard, County Waterford.-1.

Crookstown Churchyard, County Kildare.-1.

Croonaert Chapel Cemetery, Heuvelland, West-Vlaanderen , Belgium.-1.

Cross Roads Cemetery, France.-10.

Crosserlough Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Crouy British Cemetery, France.-6.

Crouy-Vauxrot French National Cemetery, France.-2.

Croydon (Queen’s Road) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Cruden Parish Churchyard and Extensions, U.K.-1.

Crump Trench British Cemetery, France.-6.

Crusheen (Kylwince) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Cuesmes Communal Cemetery, Belgium-1.

Cuinchy Communal Cemetery, France.-24.

Culdaff Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal-1.

Cullen Old Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Curragh Military Cemetery, County Kildare.-104.

Currin Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Currykippane (St Mary’s) Cemetery, County Cork.-14.

Currykippane Jewish Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Curtlestown Catholic Cemetery, County Wicklow.-1.

Dadizeele New British Cemetery in Belgium.-51.

Dadizele Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Dainville British Cemetery, France.-2.

Dainville Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Dalhouse Civil Cemetery, India.-1.

Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery, Syria.-11.

Damery Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Danbury (St John The Baptist) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Danestown Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Dantzig Alley British Cemetery. France.-22.

Daours Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-10.

Dar Es Salaam War Cemetery, Tanzania-40.

Dartmoor Cemetery, France.-9.

Dartmouth (St Peters) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Darwen Cemetery, Lancashire.-1.

Deal Cemetery, U.K.-7.

Dean (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Dean’s Grange Cemetery, Dublin.-99.

Dedeagatch British Cemetery, Greece.-1.

Deepcut Military Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Deir El Belah War Cemetery, Israel.-5.

Delgany (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-4.

Delhi (India Gate) Memorial, India.-32.

Delhi War Cemetery, India.-3.

Delsaux Farm Cemetery, France.-7.

Delville Wood Cemetery, France.-76.

Demuin British Cemetery, France.-1.

Denain Communal Cemetery, France-1.

Dendermonde Communal Cemetery and Extension, Belgium.-2.

Denny and Dunipace Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Deolali Government Cemetery, India.-2.

Derby (Nottingham Road) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Dernakesh Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-28.

Dernancourt Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Derry House Cemetery No 2, Heuvelland, Belgium.-1.

Derryvally Presbyterian Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Desertegney Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Desplanque Farm Cemetery, France.-3.

Devizes Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Devonshire Cemetery, France.-1.

Dickebusch New Military Cemetery Extension, Belgium.-11.

Dickebusch New Military Cemetery in Belgium.-26.

Dickebusch Old Military Cemetery in Belgium.-8.

Dinant Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Dingle (St James) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kerry.-1.

Dive Copse British Cemetery, France.-13.

Divisional Cemetery, Belgium.-8.

Divisional Collecting Post Cemetery and Extension, Belgium.-6.

Dochy Farm New British Cemetery, Belgium.-11.

Dodoma Cemetery, Tanzania.-2.

Doingt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-6.

Doiran Memorial, Greece.-157.

Doiran Military Cemetery, Greece.-15.

Dolla Old Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Dominion Cemetery, France.-8.

Domino British Cemetery, France.-1.

Don Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Donagh Old Graveyard, County Fermanagh.-1.

Donaghcumper Cemetery, County Kildare.-2.

Donaghmore Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Doncaster Hyde Park Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Doneraile (Old Court) Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Donoman Graveyard, County Limerick-12.

Donoughmore Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.-3.

Doonbeg Catholic Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Dorchester Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Douai British Cemetery, France.-2.

Douai Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Douala Cemetery, Cameroons.-2.

Douchy-Les-Ayette British Cemetery, France.-19.

Douglas (St Luke) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-4.

Douglas Catholic Cemetery, Cork.-20.

Douglas Cemetery, Isle of Man.-2.

Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No 1, France.-29.

Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No 2, France.-8.

Dourlers Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Dover (St James) Cemetery, U.K.-18.

Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium.-87.

Dragoon Camp Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Dranouter Churchyard, Belgium.-2.

Dranoutre Military Cemetery, Belgium.-13.

Drimoleague Old Graveyard, Drimoleague, County Cork.-1.

Drinagh Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Drishane Graveyard, Cork.-1.

Drogheda (Calvary) Catholic Cemetery, County Louth.-2.

Drogheda (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Louth.-1.

Drogheda (St Peter's) Catholic Cemetery, County Louth.-4.

Dromavally Burial Ground Killorglin, County Kerry.-1.

Dromin Old Graveyard, County Louth.-2.

Dromod Catholic Churchyard, County Kerry.-1.

Dromod Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kerry.-2.

Drumalee Catholic Cemetery, County Cavan.

Drumcar (St Fintan) Church of Ireland) Churchyard, County Louth.-1.

Drumcliffe Cemetery, County Clare.-2.

Drumcondra (St John the Baptist) Churchyard, Dublin.-1.

Drumcondra, St George's Burial Ground, Dublin.-4.

Drumcong Catholic Churchyard, County Leitrim.-1.

Drumconrath New Catholic Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Drumcor Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Drumgoon (Middle Chapel) Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Drummond Cemetery, France.-1.

Drumshanbo Catholic Churchyard, County Leitrim.-1.

Drung Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Dublin Friend's Burial Ground, County Dublin.-1.

Dud Corner Cemetery, France.-87.

Dudley Park Cemetery, South Australia.-1.

Dueville Communal Cemetery Extension, Italy.-1.

Duhallow A. D. S. Cemetery, Belgium.-36.

Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun in France-52.

Dukinfield Joint Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Dunbrody Park, Arthurstown, County Wexford.-1.

Dunbulloge Cemetery, Carrignavar, County Cork.-1.

Dundalk (Castletown) Catholic Cemetery, County Louth.-3.

Dundalk (St Patrick’s) Cemetery, County Louth.-18.

Dundee (Balgay) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Dundee Area Cemetery, Kwazulu Natal.-1.

Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery, New Zealand.-2.

Dunfermline Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Dunfierth Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Dungarvan (St Mary) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Dungourney Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Dunkirk Town Cemetery, France.-10.

Dunlavin (St Nicholas) Churchyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Dunleckney Cemetery, Bagenalstown, County Carlow.-1.

Dunmore Catholic Churchyard, Kilkenny.-1.

Durban (Ordnance Road) Military Cemetery, Kwazuly Natal, South Africa.-1.

Durban (Stellawood) Cemetery, South Africa.-5.

Durban (West Street) Cemetery, South Africa.-1.

Durrington Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Durrow (St Columbcille) Catholic Churchyard, County Offaly.-2.

Durrow Catholic Churchyard, County Laois.-2.

Dury Crucifix Cemetery, France.-9.

East Finchley Cemetery and St Marylebone Crematorium, U.K.-1.

East Finchley Cemetery, London-1.

East London Cemetery, Plaistow. U.K.-2.

East Mudros Military Cemetery, Greece.-40.

Eastbourne (Ocklynge) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Eastern Creek, Cornwall Station, Near Roma.-1.

Eastern Health Board Offices Grounds of Kilmainham, County Dublin-5.

Ebblinghem Military Cemetery, France.-34.

Ebbw Vale Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Ecclesmachan Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Eckington Burial Ground, U.K.-1.

Ecoivres Military Cemetery, France.-28.

Ecoust Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Ecoust-St Mein British Cemetery, France.-3.

Edgeworthstown Cemetery, County Longford.-1.

Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery, U.K.-7.

Edinburgh (Dalry) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Edinburgh (Mount Vernon) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Edinburgh (Newington or Echo Bank) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Edinburgh (Rosebank) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Edinburgh (Seafield) Cemetery, U.K.-18.

Edinburgh Eastern Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Edinburgh Eastern Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Edmonton Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Edmonton St Joachim's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Edrans Cemetery, Canada-1.

Eglish (Holy Trinity) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Offaly.-1.

Elmhall Cemetery, Belcarra, County Mayo.-1.

Elouges Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Elzenwalle Brasserie Cemetery, Belgium.-8.

Embarkation Pier Cemetery, Turkey.-21.

Emo Catholic Churchyard, County Laois.-2.

Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Englebelmer Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Englefield Green Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Ennemain Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Ennis (Clare Abbey) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Ennis (Drumcliffe) Cemetery, County Clare.-5.

Enniscorthy New Catholic Cemetery, County Wexford.-7.

Enniskillen Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Fermanagh.-1.

Ennistymon Cemetery, County Clare.-5.

Epehy Wood Farm Cemetery, France.-19.

Eppeville Old Churchyard, France.-1.

Epsom Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Erquelinnes Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension, France.-23.

Eshowe Cemetery, Natal, South Africa.-1.

Esnes Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Esplechin Churchyard, Belgium.-1.

Esquelbecq Military Cemetery, France.-9.

Esquimalt (Veterans) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Essex Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-26.

Estaires Communal Cemetery and Extension, France.-16.

Eston Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Etaples Military Cemetery, France.-209.

Eterpigny Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Etretat Churchyard Extension, France.-5.

Etretat Churchyard, France.-9.

Etreux British Cemetery, France.-61.

Etreux Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Ettagh (St Mark) Churchyard, County Offaly.-1.

Euston Post Cemetery, France.-20.

Exeter Higher Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Faenza Communal Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Faithlegg Catholic Churchyard, Waterford.-1.

Fakenham Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Falmouth Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Famagusta Military Cemetery, Cyprus.-1.

Fampoux British Cemetery, France.-2.

Fanlobbus (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Fareham, Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Faslane Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, France.-50.

Fauquissart Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Favreuil British Cemetery, France.-3.

Featherston Cemetery, South Wairarapa District, Australia.-2.

Felixstowe New Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Fenor, Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Ferme Buterne Military Cemetery, France.-43.

Ferme-Olivier Cemetery, Belgium.-22.

Fermoy Military Cemetery, County Cork.-22.

Ferozepore Military Cemetery, India.-1.

Ferrybank Catholic Churchyard, Kilkenny.-1.

Feuchy British Cemetery, France.-8.

Feuchy Chapel British Cemetery, France.-7.

Feuquieres-En-Vimeu Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Fienvillers British Cemetery, France.-3.

Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, France.-5.

Fillievres British Cemetery, France.-1.

Finner Cemetery, County Donegal.-9.

Fins New British Cemetery, France.-15.

Fintown Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Fishguard Church Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Five Points Cemetery, France.-2.

Flanders Field American Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Flatiron Copse Cemetery, France.-30.

Flenu Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery, France.-3.

Floursies Churchyard, France.-5.

Flushing (Vlissingen) Northern Cemetery, Netherlands.-1.

Folkestone Old Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Foncquevillers Military Cemetery, France.-8.

Fontaine-au-Bois Communal Cemetery, France.-4.

Fontaine-au-Pire Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Forceville Communal Cemetery and Extension, France.-7.

Forenville Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Forest Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Forest of Dean (Christ Church) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Forest Town (St Alban) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Foreste Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Forgan (Vicarsfield) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Formby (St Peter) Churchyard, United Kingdom-1.

Fort Carlisle Military Cemetery, County Cork.-5.

Fort George Military Cemetery,  Guernsey.-1.

Fort Pitt Military Cemetery, U.K.-10.

Fosse 7 Military Cemetery (Quality Street), France.-1.

Fosse No 10 Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-9.

Fouilloy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Foulkstown Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny-2.

Fouquescourt British Cemetery, France-9.

Fouquieres Churchyard Extension, France.-5.

Foxton Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Frameries Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Frankfurt Trench British Cemetery, France.-2.

Franvillers Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, B.C.-1.

Freetown (King Tom) Cemetery Memorial, Sierra Leone.-1.

Freetown (King Tom) Cemetery, Sierra Leone.-2.

Fremantle Cemetery, Western Australia.-8.

Frenchcourt Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Frensham (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Fricourt British Cemetery, France.-1.

Friend’s Burial Ground, Cork.-1.

Frindsbury (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Friockheim Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Frosses Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Fulford Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Galloon (St Comgall) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Fermanagh-1.

Galway (Bohermore) New Cemetery, County Galway.-18.

Galway (Forthill) Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Garrycloyne Catholic Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Gaza War Cemetery, Israel.-34.

Gent City Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Gentelles Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Geraldine Old Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-18.

Giavera British Cemetery, Italy.-5.

Giavera Memorial, Italy.-1.

Gibraltar (North Front) Cemetery, Gibraltar.-15.

Gillingham (Woodlands) Cemetery, U.K.-26.

Givenchy-En-Gohelle Canadian Cemetery, France-1.

Glacknadrummond Methodist Churchyard, County Donegal-1.

Glageon Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Glageon Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Glanworth Old Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Glasgow (Sighthill) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Glasgow (St Kentigern’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-11.

Glasgow (St Peter's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Glasgow Western Necropolis, U.K.-7.

Glaslough Church of Ireland New Cemetery, County Monaghan-1.

Glasnevin (or Prospect) Cemetery, Dublin.-275.

Glasnevin (St Mobhi's) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Dublin.-3.

Glencorse New Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Glendermot Church of Ireland Churchyard and New Cemetery, Londonderry.-1.

Glenealy Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Glengariffe Bay Roman Catholic Cemetery, Antrim.-2.

Glenkeen Cemetry outside Borrisoleigh, County Tipperary.-1.

Glenmore (St James)Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Glennan Presbyterian Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Glenville Church of Ireland Churchyard, Cork.-1.

Glossop Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Godburg Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Godewaersvelde British Cemetery in France.-14.

Godezonne Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Golder’s Green Crematorium, U.K.-1.

Goldhanger (St Peter) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Gomiecourt South Cemetery, France.-2.

Gommecourt British Cemetery No 2, France.-4.

Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, France.-3.

Gonnehem British Cemetery, France.-2.

Goole Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Gordon Cemetery, Mametz, France.-1.

Gordon Dump Cemetery, France.-11.

Gorey (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wexford.-1.

Gorre British and Indian Cemetery, France.-14.

Gorteen Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Gortroe Cemetery, Bartlemy, County Cork.-1.

Gosport (Ann's Hill) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Gouy-En-Artois Communal Cemetery, France-1.

Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery, France.-9.

Granardkill Catholic Churchyard, County Longford.-1.

Grand Hasard Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Grand Ravine British Cemetery, France.-2.

Grandcourt Road Cemetery, France.-6.

Grand-Fayt Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Grand-Seraucourt British Cemetery, France.-18.

Granezza British Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Grange William Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Grangegeeth Old Graveyard, County Meath-1.

Grangegorman Military Cemetery, Dublin.-617.

Grangemouth (Grandsable) Cemetery in Stirlingshire.-1.

Grantham Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Gravesend Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Grayshott (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Churchyard, Hampshire, U.K.-1.

Grayshott (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Churchyard, Hampshire, U.K.-1.

Great Crosby (St. Luke) Churchyard. U.K.-1.

Great War Memorial in St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny.-3.

Great Warley (Christ Church) Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Great Warley (Lorne Road) Cemetery. U.K.-4.

Great Yarmouth (Caister) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Green Hill Cemetery, Turkey.-40.

Greencastle (St Finian) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Greenock Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Greenwich Cemetery, U.K.-23.

Greenwich Royal Naval Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Grenagh Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial, France.-6.

Grevillers British Cemetery, U.K.-24.

Greyshott (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K-1.

Greystones (Redford) Cemetery, Co Wickow.-1.

Grimsby (Scartho Road) Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Grootebeek British Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Grove Town Cemetery, France.-50.

Guards Cemetery, Combles, France.-2.

Guards Cemetery, Lesbeufs, France.-53.

Guards Cemetery, Windy Corner, France.-51.

Guards Grave, Villers Cotterets Forest in France.-19.

Guemappe British Cemetery, France.-1.

Guildford (Stoke) Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Guillemont Road Cemetery, France.-33.

Guise (La Desolation) French National Cemetery, France.-2.

Guise Communal Cemetery in France.-7.

Guizancourt Farm Cemetery, France.-10.

Gunners Farm Military Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Gwalia Cemetery, Belgium.-10.

H. A. C. Cemetery, France.-4.

Habarcq Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Haddington Roman Catholic Graveyard, U.K.-1.

Hagle Dump Cemetery, Belgium.-7.

Haidar Pasha Cemetery, Turkey.-13.

Haidar Pasha Memorial, Turkey.-2.

Haifa War Cemetery in Israel.-12.

Hailles Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Halifax (Fort Massey) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Halifax (Mount Olivet) Cemetery, Canada.-3.

Halifax (St John’s) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Halifax (Stoney Road) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Halifax Memorial, Canada.-4.

Halle Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Halluin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ham British Cemetery, France.-12.

Hamburg Cemetery, Germany.-15.

Hamel Military Cemetery, France.-12.

Hamilton Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Hamilton Cemetery, Hamilton, Ontario-2.

Hamilton East Public Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Hampstead Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Hancourt British Cemetery, France.-2.

Handsworth (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Graveyard, U.K.-1.

Hangard Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-9.

Hannescamps New Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Hanwell (City of Westminster) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Harare (Pioneer) Cemetery, Zimbabawe.-1.

Hargicourt British Cemetery, France.-10.

Hargicourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery, Belgium.-18.

Harlebeke New British Cemetery in Belgium.-43.

Harrogate (Grove Road) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hartlepool North Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Haslar Royal Naval Cemetery, U.K.-30.

Haspres Coppice Cemetery, France.-1.

Hastings Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Hatfield Road Cemetery, U.K.-7.

Haute-Avesnes British Cemetery, France.-1.

Hautmont Communal Cemetery, France.-9.

Hautrage Military Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Haverskerque British Cemetery, France.-2.

Hawthorn Ridge Cemetery No 1, France.-1.

Hawthorn Ridge Cemetery No 2, France.-13.

Haynecourt British Cemetery, France-3.

Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery, France.-52.

Headley (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Heath Cemetery, France.-22.

Hebburn Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hebuterne Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Hedauville Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Hedge Row Trench Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Heestert Military Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Heilly Station Cemetery, France.-73.

Helles Memorial in Turkey-1073.

Hem Farm Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Hendon Cemetery and Crematorium, U.K.-3.

Henin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Henin Crucifix Cemetery, France.-1.

Heninel-Croiselles Road Cemetery, France.-1.

Hennington Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Henu Churchyard, France.-2.

Herbecourt British Cemetery, France.-1.

Herleville Churchyard, France.-1.

Hermies British Cemetery, France.-2.

Hermies Hill British Cemetery, France.-7.

Herne Bay Cemetery, U. K.-2.

Hersin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-7.

Heudicourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Hibernian Military School, Church of Ireland Churchyard, Dublin.-1.

Hibers Trench Cemetery, France.-1.

High Tree Cemetery, France.-1.

Highland Cemetery, Le Cateau, France.-27.

Hill 10 Cemetery, Turkey.-23.

Hill of Slane Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Hillsborough Cemetery, Auckland-1.

Hindley Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hoddesdon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton, Hampshire, U.K.-71.

Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn, New Jers-1.

Holy Cross Cemetery, Charleville, County Cork.-1.

Holy Cross Graveyard, Killeshin, County Carlow-1.

Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Philadelphia, U.S.A.-1.

Holycross Cemetery, County Tipperary.-1.

Holyhead (St. Mary's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Holyrood South Side Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Hong Kong St Michael’s Catholic Cemetery, China including Hong Kong.-2.

Honnechy British Cemetery, France.-40.

Hooge Crater Cemetery, Belgium.-55.

Hop Store Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Hore Abbey Graveyard, Tipperary.-1.

Hospital Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-14.

Houchin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Houplines Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-42.

Hourges Orchard Cemetery, France.-1.

Houtkerque Churchyard, France.-2.

Houyet Churchyard, France.-2.

Hove Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hucqueliers Churchyard, France.-1.

Huddersfeild (Lockwood) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Huddersfield (Edgerton) Cemetery, U.K-2.

Hull (Hedon Road) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Hull Western Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Huy (La Sarte) Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Hyde Park Corner (Royal Berks) Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Ilford Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Immingham (St Andrew) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Ingoyghem Military Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Inishkenny Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Inishlounaght Cemetery, County Tipperary.-1.

Innerwick-in-Glenlyon Parish Churchyard, Perthshire.-1.

Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Inverness (Tomnahurich) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Ipswich Old Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Iringa Cemetery, Tanzania.-2.

Irish House Cemetery, Belgium.-11.

Islandeady Graveyard, County Mayo-1.

Isle of Sheppy Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Islington Cemetery and Crematorium, Middlesex.-2.

Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-13.

Iwuy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ixelles (Elsene) Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Jambes Communal Cemetery, Belgium-1.

Jamestown Cemetery, County Leitrim.-2.

Janval Cemetery, France.-3.

Jarrow Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Jeancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-6.

Jerpoint Abbey (Hunt’s Church) Old Graveyard, Kilkenny.-1.

Jerusalem Memorial, Israel.-32.

Jerusalem Protestant Cemetery, Israel.-1.

Jerusalem War Cemetery, Israel.-59.

Johannesburg (Brixton) Cemetery, Gauteng, South Africa-1.

Johnston's Jolly Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

Jonchery-Sur-Vesle British Cemetery, France.-3.

Joncourt East British Cemetery, France.-1.

Jubbulpore Cantonment Cemetery, India.-2.

Julianstown (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-1.

Kajiado Cemetery, Kenya.-1.

Kamloops (Pleasant Street) Cemetery, British Columbia.-2.

Kamo Public Cemetery. Whangarei District, New Zealand.-1.

Kandahar Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-7.

Kantara Memorial, Egypt.-1.

Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-31.

Karabole Mission Cemetery, Uganda.-1.

Karachi 1914-1918 War Memorial, Pakistan.-16.

Karasouli Military Cemetery, Greece.-22.

Karonga War Cemetery, Malawi.-1.

Katoomba General Cemetery, New South Wales, Australia.-1.

Keel Burial Ground, County Kerry.-1.

Keighley (Morton) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Kells (St John's) Old Burial Ground, County Meath.-2.

Kemmal Chateau Military Cemetery, Belgium.-147.

Kemmel Churchyard in Belgium.-4.

Kempston Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Kenmare (Old) Burial Grounds, Co. Kerry-1.

Kensal Green (All Soul’s) Cemetery, U.K.-11.

Kensal Green (St Mary’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-24.

Kensal Green Cemetery.-1.

Kensington (Hanwell) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Kentville (St Joseph’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Kezelberg Military Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Khartoum War Cemetery, Sudan.-5.

Kilbarrack Cemetery in Sutton, Dublin.-3.

Kilbarron Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-2.

Kilbarry Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Kilbelan (St Conleth's) Cemetery, County Kildare.-4.

Kilbride Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Kilbride Graveyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Kilbrogan Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Kilcloony Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal-1.

Kilcock (St Joseph's) Cemetery, County Kildare.-2.

Kilcolman (St John) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Kilcommock Old Graveyard, County Longford.-1.

Kilcommon Cemetery, County Wicklow.-2.

Kilcommon Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Kilconierin Catholic Churchyard, County Galway.-1.

Kilcool Old Graveyard, Co. Wicklow-2.

Kilcoran Cemetery, Cork.-1.

Kilcreggane Graveyard in County Waterford.-1.

Kilcrumper Cemetery, Fermoy, County Cork.-7.

Kilcullen (Abbey) Cemetery, County Kildare.-2.

Kilcully Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Kildare (Grey Abbey) Cemetery, County Kildare.-1.

Kildare (St Bridget) Cathedral Cemetery, County Kildare.-4.

Kildeema Burial Ground, County Clare.-1.

Kilgariffe Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Kilgarriffe Cemetery, Clonakilty, County Cork.-1.

Kilgobbin Burial Ground, County Dublin.-1.

Kilgobnet Catholic Churchyard, Waterford.-1.

Kilkenny (St Canice) Church of Ireland Cathedral, Kilkenny.-1.

Kilkenny (St John) Catholic Churchyard, Kilkenny.-9.

Kilkenny (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Kilkenny.-2.

Kilkenny (St Maul’s) Graveyard, Kilkenny.-1.

Kilkenny New Cemetery, Kilkenny.-2.

Kilkinure Cemetery, Kiltimagh, County Mayo-1.

Kill of the Grange Old Graveyard, County Dublin.-1.

Killaghtee Old Graveyard, County Donegal.-1.

Killala (St Patrick) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Killaloe (St Flannan) Cathedral Graveyard, County Clare.-1.

Killaraght Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Sligo.-1.

Killarney (Muckross Abbey) Cemetery, County Kerry.-1.

Killarney New Cemetery, County Kerry.-4.

Killea (Holy Cross) Catholic Church, County Waterford.-1.

Killea Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Killeagh Cemetery, Cork-1.

Killeagny, Muckross, County Kerry.-1.

Killeek Old Graveyard, County Dublin.-1.

Killeevin, St Livinus Catholic Graveyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Killenard Catholic Churchyard, County Laois.-1.

Killeshandra Cemetery, County Cavan.-1.

Killeshin Church of Ireland Churchyard in County Laois-1.

Killingley Old Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Killinure Old Graveyard in County Laois.-1.

Killiskey Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Killoughy Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Offaly.-1.

Killoughy Old Graveyard, County Offaly.-1.

Killowen Graveyard, Murrough, County Cork-1.

Killybegs (St John's) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-2.

Killybegs Catholic Cemetery, County Donegal.-1.

Killygarvan Catholic Graveyard, County Donegal.-5.

Kilmachunna Graveyard, Co. Offaly.-1.

Kilmacowen Cemetery, County Sligo.-1.

Kilmacree Old Graveyard, County Wexford.-1.

Kilmacshalgan (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Sligo.-1.

Kilmaine (Holy Trinity) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Kilmainham (Royal Hospital) Cemetery, Dublin.-7.

Kilmainham (St James) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Dublin City.-9.

Kilmainhamwood Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Kilmallie Old Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Kilmeena Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Kilmocomoge Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Kilmoe (St Brendan) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.  -1.

Kilmoe Old Graveyard, County Cork.  -2.

Kilmokea Cemetery, County Wexford.-1.

Kilmore (Grange) Graveyard, Wexford.-2.

Kilmore Church of Ireland Cemetery, Cavan.-1.

Kilmoylan Cemetery, Galway.-1.

Kilnamartyra Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Kilpatrick Old Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Kilquane Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Kilrane Catholic Churchyard, Co Wexford.-1.

Kilross Graveyard, County Sligo.-1.

Kilruddane Cemetery, County Roscommon.-1.

Kilrush (Shanakyle) Cemetery, County Clare-5.

Kilrush Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Clare.-9.

Kilsaran Cemetery, County Louth.-1.

Kilsaran Old Graveyard, County Louth.-1.

Kilscoran Church of Ireland Cemetery, County Wexford.-4.

Kilscully Cemetery, Cork.-1.

Kilshannig Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Kilskeery Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Tyrone.-1.

Kiltallagh Catholic Churchyard, County Kerry.-1.

Kiltiernan Church of Ireland Cemetery, County Dublin.-1.

Kiltoghert Cemetery, County Leitrim.-1.

Kilturra Cemetery, County Sligo.-1.

Kilwa Kisiwani Cemetery, 20, miles S. by E. of Kilwa Kivingi. East Africa.-1.

Kilwirra Old Catholic Churchyard, County Louth.-1.

Kilworth Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Kinawley Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Fermanagh.-1.

Kingston (Cataraqui) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Kingston (St Mary’s) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Kingston (Up Park Camp) Military Cemetery, Jamaica.-1.

Kingston-Upon-Thames Cemetery, United Kingdom.-1.

Kington Magna (All saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Kinsale (Old Abbey) Graveyard, Co Cork.-14.

Kinsale (Ringcurran) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-3.

Kinsale (St Multose) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-7.

Kirechkoi-Hortakoi Military Cemetery, Greece.-17.

Kirk Patrick (Holy Trinity) Churchyard, Isle of Man.-2.

Kirkbean Parish Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Kirkcudbright (St Cuthbert) Old Churchyard, Kirkcudbrightshire, U.K.-1.

Kirkee 1914-18 Memorial, India.-55.

Kisumu Cemetery, Kenya.-1.

Klagenfurt War Cemetery, Austria.-1.

Klein-Vierstraat British Cemetery, Belgium-16.

Knawhill Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Knightsbridge Cemetery, France.-18.

Knockainy Catholic Churchyard, Co. Limerick.-1.

Knockaroe Catholic Churchyard, County Laois.-1.

Knockavilla Graveyard, Kill, Crossbarry, County Cork.-1.

Knockcommon Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Knockmourne Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Knocktopher (Old Abbey) Graveyard, Kilkenny.-1.

Knocktopher (St David) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Knutsford Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Kooigem Churchyard, Belgium.-2.

Kortrijk (St Jan) Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Kranji War Cemetery, Singapore.-2.

Kroonstad Old Cemetery, Free State, South Africa.-1.

Kut War Cemetery, Iraq.-6.

Kviberg Cemetery, Sweden.-1.

Kydgan New Cemetery, India.-1.

La Baraque British Cemetery in France.-2.

La Brique Military Cemetery No 1. Belgium.-8.

La Brique Military Cemetery No 2. Belgium.-18.

La Chapelette British and Indian Cemetery, France.-1.

La Chaudiere Military Cemetery, France.-12.

La Cheppe (Mont-Frenet) French National Cemetery. France.-1.

La Clytte Military Cemetery, Belgium.-13.

La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, France.-214.

La Gorgue Communal Cemetery, France.-10.

La Kreule Military Cemetery, France.-12.

La Laiterie Military Cemetery, Belgium.-40.

La Longueville Communal Cemetery, France-1.

La Motte-Brebiere Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

La Neuville British Cemetery, France.-49.

La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-10.

La Targette British Cemetery, Belgium.-9.

La Vallee-Mulatre Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

La Ville-Aux-Bois Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Labasheeda (Killofin) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Lagnicourt Hedge Cemetery, France.-4.

Lahana Military Cemetery, Greece-19.

L'Aigle New Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

L'Aigle New Communal Cemetery, France-10.

Laleu Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Lambeth Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Lancashire Cottage Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Lancashire Landing Cemetery, Turkey.-35.

Lancaster Cemetery, UK-2.

Landrecies Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Lansdown Burial Ground, U.K.-1.

Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France.-20.

Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery, Belgium.-12.

Laventie Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Le Baraques Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Le Bizet Cemetery, France.-1.

Le Cateau Military Cemetery, France.-26.

Le Catelet Churchyard, France.-2.

Le Ferte Sous Jouarre Memorial, France.-8.

Le Gonards Cemetery, France.-2.

Le Grand Beaumart British Cemetery, France.-6.

Le Mans West Cemetery, France.-6.

Le Neuville British Cemetery, France.-1.

Le Petit Lac Cemetery, Algeria.-1.

Le Quesnel Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Le Quesnel Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Le Targette British Cemetery, France-4.

Le Touquet Railway Crossing Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Le Touquet-Paris Plage Communal Cemetery, France.-6.

Le Touret Memorial, France.-803.

Le Touret Military Cemetery, France.-22.

Le Treport Military Cemetery, France.-13.

Le Trou Aid Post Cemetery, France.-4.

Leamlara Catholic Church Ground, County Cork.-1.

Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Ledeghem Military Cemetery, Belgium.-8.

Leeds (Harehills) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Leeds (Lawns Wood) Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Leeds Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Legnano Communal Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Leicester (Gilroes) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Leicester (Welford Road) Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Leigh Cemetery, U.K..-1.

Leigue Cemetery, Ballina, County Mayo.-2.

Lens Eastern Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Lerwick New Cemetery, Shetland. U.K.-1.

Les Baraques Military Cemetery, France.-29.

Les Gonards Cemetery, Versailles.-3.

Lettermacaward Catholic Cemetery, County Donegal.-1.

Leuze Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Levallois-Perret Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Level Crossing Cemetery, France.-7.

Lewisham (Ladywell) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Leytonstone (St Patricks) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Lievin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-21.

Ligny-En-Cambresis Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ligny-St Flochel British Cemetery, France.-9.

Ligny-Sur-Canche British Cemetery, France.-6.

Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.-202.

Lille Southern Cemetery, France.-8.

Lillers Communal Cemetery, France.-49.

Limbe Botanical Gardens Burial Ground, Cameroon.-1.

Limerick (King’s Island) Military Cemetery, County Limerick.-39.

Limerick (Mount St Lawrence) Cemetery, Limerick.-70.

Limerick (St Mary) Cathedral Churchyard, County Limerick.-1.

Limerick (St. Patrick's) Graveyard, Co. Limerick.-4.

Lincoln (Newport) Cemetery, U.K.-7.

Lindenhoek Chalet Military Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Linselles Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Lisbunny Cemetery, County Tipperary.-2.

Liscleary Graveyard, Ballygarvan, County Cork.-1.

L'Isle De-Sein New Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Lislee Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Lismore Old Catholic Cemetery, County Waterford.-1.

Listowel Cemetery, County Kerry.-2.

Little Bray (St Peters) Catholic Cemetery, Wicklow.-3.

Liverpool (Allerton) Cemetery, Lancashire-3.

Liverpool (Anfield) Cemetery, U.K.-15.

Liverpool (Everton) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Liverpool (Ford) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-16.

Liverpool (Kirkdale) Cemetery, U.K.-16.

Liverpool (Toxteth Park) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Liverpool (Yew Tree) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Llanaber (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Llandudno (Great Orme’s Head) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Llandudno (St Tudno) Churchyard, Carnarvonshjire, United Kingdom-1.

Llaneilian (St Eilian) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Llangefni Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Llanllwchaiarn (St Llwchaiarn) (or New Quay) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Llanwnda Cemetery, Pembrokeshire, U.K.-1.

Locre Hospice Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Locre No 10 Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Logie Old Churchyard, Sterling, U.K.-1.

Loker Churchyard, Belgium.-14.

Lokoja Memorial, Nigeria.-1.

London Cemetery and Extension, Longueval, France.-13.

London Cemetery, Neuville-Vitasse, France.-3.

London Rifle Brigade Cemetery, Belgium.-10.

Londonderry (or Derry) City Cemetery, County Derry.-11.

Lone Pine Cemetery, Turkey.-16.

Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli.-67.

Lone Tree Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Longbenton (Benton) Cemetery, UK-1.

Longford (Ballymacormack) Cemetery, County Longford.-11.

Longford Presbyterian Churchyard, County Longford.-1.

Longueau British Cemetery in France.-5.

Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, France.-89.

Longueval Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Longueval Road Cemetery, France.-3.

Lonsdale Cemetery, France.-9.

Loos British Cemetery, France.-19.

Loos Memorial, France.-566.

Lorrha, Cemetery, County Tipperary.-1.

Loughcrew Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-1.

Loughrea (Garrybreda) Cemetery, County Galway-3.

Loughrea (name of cemetery unknown), County Galway.-1.

Loughrea (St Brendan) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Galway.-1

Louth Old Graveyard, County Louth.-1.

Louvencourt Military Cemetery, France.-10.

Louverval Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Lower Fahan (Christ Church) Churchyard, County Donegal.-16.

Lowestoft (Beccles Road) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Lowrie Cemetery, France.-3.

Lucan New Cemetery, County Dublin.-1.

Lucknow Cantonment Military Cemetery, India.-1.

Luggacurren Cemetery, Stradbally, County Laois.-1.

Lumbo British Cemetery, Mozambique.-4.

Lurgan (Dougher) Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Armagh.-1.

Luton Church Burial Ground, U.K.-1.

Lydd (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Lyndhurst Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Lyness Royal Naval Cemetery, Orkney.-14.

Lyon (La Guillotiere) Old Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Lyre Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Maala Cemetery, Yemen.-4.

Macreddin Cemetery, Aughrim, County Wicklow.-2.

Madras (St Mary's) Cemetery, Chennai, India-2.

Madras (St Patrick's) Cemetery, India.-1.

Madras 1914-1918 War Memorial, Chennai, India.-19.

Magnaboschi British Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Maidstone Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Mailly Wood Cemetery, France.-8.

Mailly-Maillet Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Maintenon Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Maison-Roland Churchyard, France.-1.

Malahide (St Andrew) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Dublin.-1.

Malappuram (Christ Church) Cemetery, India.-2.

Malbork Commonwealth War Cemetery, Poland.-1.

Malden (Holy Cross) Cemetery, Mass., U.S.A.-1.

Mallardstown (Whitechurch) Cemetery, County Kilkenny.-1.

Mallow (St Joseph’s) Catholic Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Malo-Les-Bains Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Malta (Capuccini) Naval Cemetery, Malta.-21.

Manchester (Philips Park) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Manchester (Philips Park) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Manchester Southern Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Manitoba Cemetery, France.-4.

Manor Kilbride Old Graveyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Manorcunningham (Errity) Presbyterian Churchyard, County Donegal.-2.

Manston (St James) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Maple Copse Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Maple Leaf Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Mapleton (St Clement's) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Marcinelle New Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Marcoing British Cemetery, France.-2.

Marfaux British Cemetery, France.-4.

Margate Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Marlborough Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Maroc British Cemetery, France.-33.

Maroeuil British Cemetery, France.-3.

Maroilles Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Marske-In-Cleveland (St Germain) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Marteville Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Marthes Churchyard, Pas-De-Calais, France-1.

Martinsart British Cemetery, France.-7.

Maselskaya Burial Ground, U.S.S.R.-1.

Masnieres British Cemetery, France.-1.

Matehy Graveyard, Cork.-1.

Maubeuge (Sous-le-Bois) Cemetery, France.-1.

Maubeuge-Centre Cemetery, France.-2.

Maulinward Burial Ground, County Cork.-1.

Maurois Communal Cemetery, France.-5.

Maynooth (Lady's Chapel) Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Mayo Abbey Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Mazargues War Cemetery, France.-17.

Mazingarbe Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-21.

Mazingarbe Communal Cemetery, France.-4.

Meath Cemetery, Villers-Guislain, France.-1.

Meaulte Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Medicine Hat (Hillside) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Meedian Catholic Cemetery, Westmeath.-1.

Meelick Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Meerut Cantonment Cemetery, India.-4.

Melbourne General Cemetery, Carlton.-1.

Melcombe Regis Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Mendingham Military Cemetery, Belgium.-49.

Menin Road South Military Cemetery, Belgium.-65.

Mericourt-l’Abbe Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Merthyr Tydfil (Aberfan) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Merthyr Tydfil (Pant) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Merville Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Merville Communal Cemetery, France.-27.

Mesnil Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Mesnil Ridge Cemetery, France.-5.

Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial, Belgium.-12.

Messines Ridge British Cemetery, Belgium.-12.

Meteren Military Cemetery, France.-7.

Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension, France.-7.

Meuse Argonne American Cemetery, France.-129.

Mezieres Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Mhow New Cemetery, India.-1.

Midleton (The Rosary) Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.-5.

Mikra British Cemetery, Greece.-72.

Mildura (Nichols Point) Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Milford Haven Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Mill Road Cemetery, France.-19.

Mill Switch British Cemetery, France.-3.

Millburn United Free Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Millstreet Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Mindel Trench Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Minehead Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Minster (Thanet) Cemetery, U.K.-10.

Minty Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Mitchelstown Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Modreeny Church of Ireland Churchyard, Tipperary.-2.

Moeuvres British Cemetery, France.-1.

Moeuvres Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-11.

Mogeely Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Moglass Catholic Churchyard, Tipperary.-2.

Mohill Cemetery, County Leitrim.-3.

Mold Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Molliens-Au-Bois Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Mombasa (Mbaraki) Cemetery, Kenya.-4.

Monaghan (Latlorcan) Catholic Cemetery, County Monaghan-3.

Monasterevan (St John) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Kildare.-2.

Monasterevan Old Catholic Graveyard, County Kildare.-1.

Monasteroris Old Graveyard, County Offaly.-2.

Monceau St Waast Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Monchy British Cemetery, Monchy-Le-Preux, France.-2.

Monea Roman Catholic Churchyard, County Fermanagh.-1.

Monreagh Presbyterian Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Mons (Bergen) Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-8.

Mont Huon Military Cemetery, France.-40.

Montay-Neuvilly Road Cemetery, France.-23.

Montbrehain British Cemetery, France.-1.

Montcornet Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Montecchio Precalcino Communal Cemetery Extension, Italy.-7.

Montigny Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Montmedy German Cemetery, France.-1.

Montreal (Mount Royal) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Montreal (Notre Dame Des Neiges) Cemetery, Canada.-7.

Montreal Hawthorn-Dale Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Montreuil-Aux-Lions British Cemetery, France.-6.

Moorechurch Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Mooroopna Public Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Moose Jaw Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Morbecque British Cemetery, France.-1.

Morchies Australian Cemetery, Morchies, France.-2.

Morchies Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Morchies Military Cemetery, France.-3.

Moregem Churchyard, Belgium.-1.

Moreuil Communal Cemetery Allied Extension, France.-2.

Morlancourt British Cemetery No 1, France.-1.

Morlancourt British Cemetery No 2, France.-1.

Morogoro Cemetery, Tanzania.-10.

Mortlake (St Mary Magdalen) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Mory Abbey Military Cemetery, France.-9.

Moshi Cemetery, Tanzania.-1.

Moston (St Joseph’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-13.

Motor Car Corner Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario-2.

Mount Jerome Cemetery, Dublin.-39.

Mount Olivet Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Mount St Lawrence Cemetery, Limerick.-6.

Mounttemple Churchyard, County Westmeath.-2.

Moycullen Graveyard, County Galway.-1.

Moy-De-L'Aisne Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Moyenneville (Two Tree) Cemetery, France.-1.

Moyglare Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-1.

Moymet Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Mucklagh Catholic Churchyard, County Offaly.-1.

Muff Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Mullawn (St Bridget’s) Cemetery, Carlow.-1.

Mundesley (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Munich Trench British Cemetery, France.-1.

Naas (Maudlings, or St Magdalen's) Protestant Cemetery, County Kildare.-1.

Naas (St Corban’s) Catholic Cemetery, County Kildare.-15.

Nairobi South Cemetery, Kenya.-4.

Nakuru North Cemetery, Kenya.-1.

Namps-Au-Val British Cemetery, France.-14.

Nanaimo Public Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Nantes (La Bouteillerie) Cemetery, France.-1.

Narrogin Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Navan New Cemetery, County Meath.-2.

Naves Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Ndola (Kansenshi) Cemetery. Zambia.-1.

Neath (Ynysymaerdy) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Nechells (St Joseph) Roman Catholic Churchyard, Warwickshire, U.K.-1.

Necrople Nationale of Le Bois du Puits, just off the D931 east of Reims.-1.

Nelson Memorial Park, Canada.-1.

Nenagh (Barrack Street) Graveyard, County Tipperary.-7.

Nesle Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Nesles-La-Gilberde Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Netheravon (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Netley Military Cemetery U.K.-37.

Neufchatel-Hardelot (Neuchatel) Churchyard, France.-1.

Neuilly-Sur-Seine New Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Neuve Chapelle Memorial, France.-6.

Neuve-Chapelle Farm Cemetery, France.-1.

Neuville-Bourjonval British Cemetery, France.-2.

Neuville-St. Vaast in France.-1.

New Cavalry Cemetery, Queen's, New York, U.S.A.-1.

New Cemetery, Naas, County Kildare.-2.

New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-35.

New Munich Trench British Cemetery, France.-1.

New Ross (St Stephen) Catholic Churchyard, County Wexford.-5.

New Southgate Cemetery, U.K.-2.

New York City Brooklyn (The Evergreens) Cemetery, U.S.A.-1.

New York City Woodside Cemetery, USA.-1.

New Zealand No 2 Outpost Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

Newark-Upon-Trent Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newcastle Old Catholic Graveyard, County Tipperary.-1.

Newcastle West (Church Town) Cemetery, County Limerick.-1.

Newcastle-under-Lyme Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newcastle-Upon Tyne (St Andrew's and Jesmond) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (Byker and Heaton) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (St Andrew’s and Jesmond) Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (St John’s Westgate and Elswick) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Newchurch-in-Rossendale (St. Nicholas) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Newhaven Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newington (St Nicholas) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Newport (Christchurch) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newport (St Woolos) Cemetery, U.K.-8.

Newport Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Newport Prysbyterian Churchyard, County Mayo.-1.

Newry Old Chapel Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Down.-1.

Newtown (All Saints) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Newtown Cemetery, County Meath.-6.

Newtown Forbes (St Ann) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Longford.-1.

Newtown Forbes Old Graveyard, County Longford.-1.

Niagara Cemetery, Iwoy, France.-3.

Nicholastown Burial Ground, County Kildare.-2.

Niederzwehren Cemetery, Germany.-84.

Nieppe-Bois (Rue-Du-Bois) British Cemetery, Vieux-Berquin, France.-5.

Nieuport Memorial, Belgium.-7.

Nieuwkerke (Neuve-Eglise) Churchyard, Belgium.-3.

Nieuwpoort Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Nine Elms British Cemetery, Belgium.-23.

Nine Elms Military Cemetery, France.-15.

Ninth Avenue Cemetery, France.-2.

No 2 Outpost Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

No Man’s Cot Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Noeux-Les-Mines Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Noeux-Les-Mines Communal Cemetery, France.-49.

Nohoval Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Noreul Australian Cemetery, France.-1.

Norfolk Cemetery, France.-4.

North Cerney (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

North Ormesby (St Joseph’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

North Point Christian Cemetery, Kamaran Island.-1.

North Sheen Cemetery, Surrey.-2.

Northfleet Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Norton-Juxta-Kempsey (St James the Great) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Norwich Cemetery, U.K.-7.

Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec.-4.

Nottingham General Cemetery U.K.-6.

Nouvelles Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Nowshera Military Cemetery in the North West Frontier Province of Pakista-1.

Noyelles-Sur-L'Escaut Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Noyon New British Cemetery, France.-5.

Nunhead, (All Saints) Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Nurney Catholic Churchyard, County Kildare.-1.

Oak Dump Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Oakville Cemetery, County Laois.-1.

Oban (Pennyfuir) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Oise-Aisne American Cemetery-47.

Old Cemetery, Ennistymon, County Clare.-1.

Old Church Cemetery, Passage West, County Cork.-1.

Old Connaught Burial Ground, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin.-1.

Old Connaught Cemetery, Dublin.-1.

Old Kilcarne Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Old Kildimo Graveyard, County Limerick.-1.

Old Monkland Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Old Yard Chapel Yard, Chapel Street, Newry, County Down.-1.

Oldcastle Cemetery, County Meath.-1.

Oldcoats (St Helens) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Oldham (Greenacres) Cemetery, Lancashire, U.K.-1.

Omagh (Dublin Road) Cemetery, County Tyrone.-1.

Omey (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Galway.-1.

Ontario Cemetery, Sains-Les-Marquion, France-3.

Oostende New Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Oppeim Cemetery, Upper Silesia.-4.

Orchard Dump Cemetery, France.-11.

Orival Wood Cemetery, France.-3.

Orly-Sur-Morin Communal Cemetery in France.-3.

Orpington (All Saints) Churchyard Extension, U.K.-3.

Osmondwall Cemetery, Orkney.-3.

Osmondwall New Cemetery, Longhope Orkneys.-1.

Ostreville Churchyard, Pas De Calais, France.-1.

Oswestry General Cemetery in Shropshire, U.K.-2.

Ottowa (Beechwood) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Ottowa (Notre Dame) Cemetery, Ottawa, Canada.-1.

Oulchy-Le-Chateau Churchyard Extension, France.-1.

Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-14.

Ovillers Military Cemetery, France.-16.

Owning Cemetery, Co Kilkenny.-1.

Oxford (Botely) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Oxford Road Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Padua Main Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Paisley (Hawkhead) Cemetery. U.K.-3.

Paissy Churchyard, France.-1.

Pargny British Cemetery, France.-2.

Parish Cemetery, Scotland.-1.

Parkhurst Military Cemetery, Isle of Wight.-4.

Passchendaele New British Cemetery, Belgium.-9.

Paulstown (St Paul) Catholic Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Peake Wood Cemetery, France.-1.

Pemba Cemetery, Mozambique.-4.

Pembroke Dock (Llanion) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Pembroke Dock Military Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Penmaenmawr (Dwygyflychi) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Penzance Cemetery U.K.-3.

Pernes British Cemetery, France.-21.

Peronne Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-20.

Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt, France.-16.

Perreuse Chateau Franco British National Cemetery, France.-5.

Perth Cemetery (China Wall), Belgium.-24.

Peterborough Old (or Broadway), U.K.-1.

Peterculter Churchyard, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom.-1.

Peterhead Old Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Petit-Vimy British Cemetery, France-1.

Phalempin Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Philosophe British Cemetery, France.-118.

Picquigny British Cemetery, France.-2.

Pieta Military Cemetery, Malta.-13.

Pietermaritzburg (Commercial Road) Cemetery, Kwazulu Natal.-2.

Pigeon Ravine Cemetery, France.-1.

Pine Ridge Memorial Park, Australia.-3.

Pink Farm Cemetery, Turkey.-15.

Piraeus Naval and Air Consular Cemetery, Greece.-2.

Pittsburgh (St Mary's) Cemetery, U.S.A.-1.

Ploegsteert Churchyard, Belgium.-1.

Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.-399.

Plouescat Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Plovdiv Central Cemetery, Bulgaria.-4.

Plugge's Plateau Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

Plumstead Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Plymouth (Ford Park) Cemetery, U.K.-82.

Plymouth (Weston Mill) Cemetery, U.K.-16.

Plymouth Corporation Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Plymouth Naval Memorial, U.K.-619.

Poelcapelle British Cemetery, Belgium.-33.

Point 110 Old Military Cemetery, France.-1.

Point-du-Jour Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Poix-Du-Nord Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Polygon Wood Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Pommereuil British Cemetery, France.-3.

Pond Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-54.

Pont-A-Vendin Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Pont-D’Achelles Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Pont-De-Nieppe Communal Cemetery, France.-7.

Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, France.-167.

Pontefract Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Pont-Sur-Sambre Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Poole (Parkstone) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Poole Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Poona (St Sepulchre's) Cemetery, India.-3.

Poperinghe Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-40.

Poperinghe Old Military Cemetery, Belgium.-26.

Port Said War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.-4.

Portarlington (St Michaels) Cemetery, County Laois.-2.

Portarlington (St Paul) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Laois.-2.

Port-De-Paris Cemetery, France.-5.

Portferry Roman Catholic Churchyard, County Down.-1.

Portianos Military Cemetery, Greece.-14.

Portland (St George) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Portland Royal Naval Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Portlaoise (St Peter and Paul) Cemetery, County Laois.-5.

Portlaw (St Patrick’s) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Portmarnock (St Marnock's) Old Cemetery, County Dublin-2.

Portpatrick Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Portsdown (Christ Church) Military Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Portsdown (Christ Church) Military Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Portsmouth (Highland Road) Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Portsmouth (Kingston) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Portsmouth (Milton) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Portsmouth Naval Memorial, U.K.-256.

Post Office Rifles Cemetery, France.-6.

Potchefstroom Military Cemetery, South Africa.-4.

Potijze Burial Ground Cemetery, Belgium.-27.

Potijze Chateau Grounds Cemetery, Belgium.-23.

Potijze Chateau Lawn Cemetery, Belgium.-22.

Potijze Chateau Wood Cemetery. Belgium.-6.

Pottahee Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Powerscourt (St Patrick) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-2.

Powerstown (St Johns) Catholic Cemetery. Tipperary.-1.

Pozieres British Cemetery, France.-26.

Pozieres Memorial, France.-598.

Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery, Poland.-4.

Premont British Cemetery, Aisne, France.-9.

Prescot (St Mary’s) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Preseau Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Preston (New Hall Lane) Cemetery, Lancashire.-3.

Pretoria (Rebecca Street) Cemetery, Gauteng, South Africa-1.

Prince George Cemetery, Prince George, B.C.-1.

Prospect Cemetery, Toronto, Canada-1.

Prospect Hill Cemetery, France.-19.

Prospect Hill, Galway.-1.

Proville British Cemetery, France.-2.

Prowse Point Military Cemetery, Belgium.-42.

Puchevillers British Cemetery, France.-31.

Pulla Graveyard, County Waterford.-1.

Puttlehall (St Michael) Catholic Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Quarry Cemetery, Marquion, Pas de Calais, France.-1.

Quarry Cemetery, Montauban, France.-26.

Quarry Cemetery, Vermelles, France.-3.

Quarry Wood Cemetery, France.-5.

Queant Communal Cemetery British Extension, France.-8.

Queant Road Cemetery, France.-8.

Quebec Cemetery, Cherisy, France.-2.

Quebec City (St Patrick's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-3.

Queen’s Cemetery, Bacquoy, France.-10.

Queensferry Cemetery, U.K.-9.

Querrieu British Cemetery, France.-1.

Querrin (Temple Made) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Quetta Government Cemetery.-1.

Quin Abbey, County Clare.-2.

Quinn’s Post Cemetery, Turkey.-3.

R.E. Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Raillencourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Railway Chateau Cemetery, France.-10.

Railway Cutting Cemetery, France.-3.

Railway Dugouts Burial Ground (Transport Farm), Belgium-24.

Raimbeaucourt Churchyard, France.-1.

Raismes Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ramillies British Cemetery, France.-1.

Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel.-51.

Ramparts Cemetery, Lille Gate, Belgium.-14.

Ramscappelle Road Military Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Ramsgate (St Augustine) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Ramsgate Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Rangoon War Cemetery, Myanmar.-1.

Raperie British Cemetery, France.-3.

Raphoe (First Presbyterian) Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Rathconnell Church of Ireland, Churchyard, County Westmeath.-1.

Rathconnell Old Graveyard, County Westmeath.-3.

Rathcooney Cemetery, County Cork.-15.

Rathcormac Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Rathdrum (St Saviour) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Wicklow.-2.

Rathkeale (St Mary), Catholic Churchyard, County Limerick.-1.

Rathmore Church of Ireland Churchyard, Kildare.-1.

Rathmullan (Old Abbey) Graveyard, County Donegal.-1.

Rathmullan (St Columb) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-23.

Rathmullen Graveyard, County Donegal.-1.

Rathnew Cemetery, County Wicklow.-7.

Rathpatrick Old Graveyard, Co. Kilkenny.-1.

Rathtoe Catholic Churchyard, County Carlow.-2.

Ration Farm (La Plus Douve) Annexe in Belgium.-40.

Ration Farm Cemetery, France.-6.

Ravenna War Cemetery, Italy.-4.

Rawalpindi War Cemetery, Pakistan-9.

Reading Cemetery, Berkshire, U.K.-2.

Red Cross Corner Cemetery, France.-3.

Redan Ridge Cemetery No 2, France.-5.

Redcity Cemetery, Tipperary.-1.

Redoubt Cemetery, Turkey.-8.

Regina Caeli Cemetery, Mooncoin, County Kilkenny.-1.

Regina Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Regina Trench Cemetery, France.-18.

Relig Lionán, County Galway.-1.

Reninghelst Churchyard Extension, Belgium.-3.

Reninghelst New Military Cemetery, Belgium.-13.

Restalrig Parish Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Rethel French National Cemetery, France.

Reumont Churchyard, France.-2.

Rhyl Town Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Ribchester (SS Peter and Paul) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Ribecourt British Cemetery, France.-9.

Ribemont Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Richmond Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Ridge Wood Military Cemetery, Belgium.-10.

Rifle House Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Ring (Ballintemple) Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Ringville Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Ripon Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Rochester (St Nicholas) Cemetery, U.K.-.1

Rock of Cashel Cemetery, County Tipperary.-3.

Rockstown Churchyard, Ballyneety, County Limerick.-1.

Rockwood Necropolis. Sydney, New South Wales.-1.

Roclincourt Military Cemetery, France.-6.

Roclincourt Valley Cemetery, France.-4.

Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, France.-40.

Roeselare Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-9.

Roeux British Cemetery, France.-1.

Roisel Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-34.

Roisin Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Rome (Testaccio) Protestant Cemetery, Italy-1.

Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Roncq Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Ronssoy Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Roodiam Military Cemetery, South Africa.-3.

Rooidam Farm Cemetery, Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa.-1.

Rookwood Necropolis, Sydney, New South Wales.-5.

Roorkee Cemetery, India.-1.

Rosieres British Cemetery, France.-2.

Rosieres Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Rosscarbery (The Abbey) Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Rossinver Old Graveyard, County Leitrim.-1.

Rosskeen Parish Cemetery, Invergordon, Scotland.-2.

Rossmackowen Catholic Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Roupy Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Royal Hospital Cemetery, Kilmainham. Dublin.-1.

Royal Hospital Cemetery, Woolwich Road, Greenwich, S.E. 10.-1.

Royal Irish Rifles Graveyard Laventie, France.-26.

Royallieu French National Cemetery, France.-1.

Roye New British Cemetery, France.-15.

Ruan Cemetery, County Clare-1.

Ruddervoorde Communal Cemetery, Belgium-1.

Rue-David Military Cemetery, France.-3.

Rue-Des Berceaux Military Cemetery, France.-5.

Rue-Du-Bacquerot (13th London) Graveyard, France.-4.

Rue-Du-Bacquerot No 1 Military Cemetery, France.-30.

Rue-Du-Bois Military Cemetery, France.-11.

Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, France.-14.

Ruesnes Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Ruisseau Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Rumaucourt Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Rumilly-En-Cambresis Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Rumilly-En-Cambresis Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

Runcorn Cemetery U.K.-1.

Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery, France.-7.

Rye Cemetery, Sussex-1.

Sai Wan (China) Memorial-3.

Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery, France.-4.

Sailly-Labourse Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-7.

Sailly-Saillisel British Cemetery, France.-40.

Sailly-Sur-La-Lys Canadian Cemetery, France.-10.

Sainghin-En-Weppes Communal Cemetery in France.-7.

Sains-Les-Marquion British Cemetery, France.-2.

Sai-Wan (China) Memorial.-1.

Saldanha Public Cemetery, Western Cape, South Africa.-1.

Salisbury (London Road) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Salonika (Lembet Road) Military Cemetery, Greece.-114.

San Antonio National Cemetery, Bexar County, Texas, U.S.A.-1.

San Diego (Fort Rosecrans) National Cemetery, California, U.S.A.-1.

Sancourt British Cemetery, France.-3.

Sanctuary Wood Cemetery, Belgium.-18.

Sanders Keep Military Cemetery, France.-16.

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sandown (Christ Church) Churchyard, Isle of Wight, U.K.-1.

Sandpits British Cemetery, France.-5.

Sarigol Military Cemetery, Turkey.-12.

Saskatoon (Woodlawn) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Savona Memorial, Italy.-5.

Savona Town Cemetery, Italy.-4.

Savy British Cemetery, France.-15.

Scarborough (Manor Road) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Scariff (Moynoe) Cemetery, County Clare.-1.

Schoonselhof Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Seafield Cemetery, Scotland.-1.

Seaford Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Seaforth Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Sebourg British Cemetery, France.-1.

Sedan, (St Charles) Communal Cemetery. France.-2.

Sedan-Torcy French National Cemetery, France.-1.

Selvigny Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Senlis Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Sequehart British Cemetery, No 1, France.-1.

Serain Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-19.

Serre Road Cemetery No 1, France.-13.

Serre Road Cemetery No 2, France.-54.

Sewree Cemetery, Bombay.-1.

Sezanne Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Shaikh Old Cemetery Memorial in Amara War Cemetery. Iraq.-1.

Shanagarry (Kilmahon) Graveyard. Cork.-2.

Shandrum Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Shanklin Cemetery, Isle of Wight. U.K.-1.

Shanlis Old Graveyard, County Louth.-1.

Shanrahan Cemetery, Clogheen, County Tipperary.-1.

Shawbury (St Mary The Virgin) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Sheerness (Isle of Sheppey) Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Sheffield (Burngreave) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sheffield (City Road) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sheffield (St Michael's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Sheffield (Tinsley Park) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Shell Green Cemetery,Turkey.-5.

Sherborne Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Shere (St James) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Shorncliffe Military Cemetery, U.K.-13.

Shotley (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-5.

Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, Turkey.-7.

Shrewsbury General Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Shronnel Old Graveyard in Tipperary.-1.

Sierre Road Cemetery No 2, Serre-les-Puisieux, France.-1.

Simon’s Town (Dido Valley Cemetery), South Africa.-3.

Sittingbourne Cemetery.UK-3.

Skew Bridge Cemetery, Turkey.-3.

Skibbereen (Abbey) Graveyard, County Cork.-3.

Skibbereen (Chapel) Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Skreen Catholic Churchyard, County Wexford.-1.

Skull (or Schull) Graveyard, County Cork.-2.

Slane (St Patrick) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Meath.-3.

Sleaty Old Burial Ground in County Laois.-3.

Slieverue Catholic Churchyard Slievrue Co. Kilkenny.-1.

Sligo Cemetery, County Sligo.-5.

Sofia War Cemetery, Bulgaria.-5.

Soissons Memorial, France.-21.

Solesmes British Cemetery, France.-1.

Solferino Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-6.

Solon Cemetery, India-1.

Somer Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Somme Amercian Cemetery, France.-16.

Soupir Churchyard, France.-1.

Soupir Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

South Brisbane Cemetery, Australia.-2.

South Ealing Cemetery, U.K.-3.

South Hill (St Sampson) Churchyard, U.K.  -1.

South Kilmurry Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

South Leith Parish Churchyard, U.K.-1.

South Marysburg (Black River Memorial Bridge) Cemetery, Canada-1.

South Shields (Harton) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

South Shields (Westoe) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

South Shoebury (St Andrew) Churchyard. U.K.-3.

South Stoke (St Andrew) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Southampton (Hollybrook) Cemetery U.K.-1.

Southampton Old Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Southend-On-Sea (Sutton Road) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Southport (Duke Street) Cemetery U.K.-1.

Spanbroekmolen British Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Spiennes Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Spoilbank Cemetery, Belgium.-5.

Springvale Botanical Cemetery, Australia.-2.

Srugreana Old Graveyard, County Kerry.-1.

St Albans (Hatfield Road) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

St Amand British Cemetery, France.-3.

St Andre Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

St Andrews Eastern Cemetery, U.K.-1.

St Aubert British Cemetery, France.-4.

St Bridget's Cemetery, Toome, Lettermacward, County Donegal.-1.

St Budeaux Churchyard and Extension, Plymouth-1.

St Catharine's (Victoria Lawn) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

St Cronan, COI Graveyard, St George's Burial Ground, Dublin.-1.

St Desir War Cemetery, France.-1.

St Erme Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

St Eunan's Cathedral Burial Ground, Raphoe, County Donegal.-1.

St Georges Military Cemetery, Bermuda. -1.

St Germain-Au-Mont-D’Or Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

St Helen's Cemetery, U.K.-3.

St Hellier (Almorah) Cemetery, Jersey, Channel Islands.-1.

St Hilaire Cemetery Extension, Frevent, France.-3.

St Hilaire Cemetery, France.-6.

St Hilaire Les Cambrai British Cemetery, France.-1.

St Imoges Churchyard, France.-1.

St Ives (Barnoon) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

St John the Baptist Cemetery, Ballyfin, County Laois.-1.

St John the Baptist Cemetery, Cashel, County Tipperary.-1.

St John The Baptist Cemetery, Clontarf, County Dublin.-1.

St John’s Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-1.

St John’s Protestant Cemetery, Kilkenny.-1.

St John's (Belvedere) Roman Catholic Cemetery, St John's City East, Canada.-1.

St Johns Famine Cemetery, Tipperary.-3.

St Joseph Cemetery, West Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.-1.

St Josephs Cemetery, Galesburg, Knox County. Illinois.-1.

St Joseph's Cemetery, Middlesborough, U.K.-1.

St Julien Dressing Station Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

St Leger British Cemetery, France.-13.

St Leger-Les-Domart Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

St Martin Calvaire British Cemetery, France.-10.

St Mary’s A. D. S. Cemetery, France.-8.

St Mary’s Cemetery, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.-1.

St Mary’s Churchyard, Tipperary Town.-2.

St Mary’s COI Churchyard, Templemore, County Tipperary.-2.

St Mary’s, Ballygunner, County Waterford-1.

St Mary's Cemetery, Enniscorthy, County Wexford.-1.

St Mary's Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba.-1.

St Maul’s Cemetery, Kilkenny.-1.

St Michael's Cemetery, Athy, County Kildare.-1.

St Michaels New Cemetery, Tipperary Town-13.

St Mihiel American Cemetery, France.-35.

St Nazaire (Toutes-Aides) Cemetery, France.-6.

St Nicholas British Cemetery, France.-7.

St Olle British Cemetery, Raillencourt, France.-2.

St Ouen Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

St Pancras Cemetery, U.K.-4.

St Patrick’s Cemetery, Kilkenny.-6.

St Patrick’s Cemetery, Leytonstone,U.K.-1.

St Patrick’s Cemetery, Loos, France.-101.

St Paul’s Cathedral, London, U.K.-2.

St Peter Port (Foulon) Cemetery, Guernsey.-1.

St Peter-in-Thanet Churchyard, U.K.-2.

St Peters Cemetery, Bray, County Wicklow-1.

St Pierre Cemetery, Amiens, France.-15.

St Pierre-Le-Moutier Communal Cemetery in France.-1.

St Pol British Cemetery, St Pol-Sur-Ternoise, France.-2.

St Pol Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-3.

St Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery, Belgium.-11.

St Quentin Northern Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

St Riquier British Cemetery, France.-2.

St Sever Cemetery Extension, France.-122.

St Sever Cemetery, France.-114.

St Souplet British Cemetery, France.-11.

St Symphorien Military Cemetery, Belgium.-24.

St Thomas Church of Ireland graveyard Kilronan, Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscommon-1.

St Vaast Post Military Cemetery, France.-12.

St Venant Communal Cemetery, France.-4.

St. Colman’s Cathedral Cemetery, Cloyne, County Cork.-1.

St. Jean-Sur-Richelieu Roman Catholic Cemetery.-1.

Stabannon, Cemetery, County Louth.-1.

Stafford Cemetery, Staffordshire, U.K.-1.

Staghall Catholic Churchyard, County Cavan.-1.

Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa, Italy.-2.

Stanford-Le-Hope (St Margaret of Antioch) Churchyard, United Kingdom.-1.

Stanley Cemetery, Falkland Islands.-1.

Star of the Sea Cemetery, Linsfort, County Donegal.-1.

Stavern Churchyard, Norway.-1.

Ste Catherine British Cemetery, Pas-De-Calais, France.-5.

Ste Emilie Cemetery, France.-27.

Ste Emilie Valley Cemetery, France.-5.

Ste Marie Cemetery, Le Harve, France.-54.

Steeple Ashton (St Mary) Churchyard, Wiltshire, U.K.-1.

Stenbjerg Churchyard, Denmark-1.

Stickillen Burial Ground, County Louth.-1.

Stockport (Willow Grove) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Stockport Borough Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Stourbridge Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Stradbally Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford.-2.

Strade (Old Abbey) Cemetery, County Mayo.-1.

Strand Military Cemetery, Belgium.-30.

Stranorlar (St Anne) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-1.

Stratton Stawless (St Margaret) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Streatham Park Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Struma Military Cemetery, Greece.-104.

Stump Road Cemetery, France-4.

Sucrerie British Cemetery, Graincourt Les Havrincourt, France.-2.

Sucrerie Cemetery, Ablain-St-Nazaire, France.-3.

Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps, France.-38.

Sun Quarry Cemetery, France.-3.

Sunderland (Bishopwearmouth) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Sunderland (Mere Knolls) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sunderland (Southwick) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sunken Road Cemetery, Boisleux-St Marc, France.-18.

Suresnes American Cemetery, France.-10.

Sutton Coldfield Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Sutton Veny (St John) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Suzanne Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Suzanne Military Cemetery, No 3, France.-1.

Swift Current (Mount Pleasant) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Sydney (Waverley) General Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Syra New British Cemetery, Greece.-6.

Syracuse Communal Cemetery, Sicily.-1.

Talana Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-7.

Talence Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Tallaght (St Maelruan) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Dublin.-3.

Tallow Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Tancrez Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-9.

Tanga European Cemetery, Tanzania.-7.

Tank Cemetery, Guemappe, France.-2.

Tannay British Cemetery, France.-4.

Taranto Town Cemetery Extension, Italy.-9.

Targelle Ravine British Cemetery, France.-1.

Tasmania (Hobart) Garden of Remembrance, Australia.-1.

Tattenhall (St Alban) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Taukkyan Memorial, Myanmar.-1.

Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar.-20.

Taveta Military Cemetery, Kenya.-3.

Te Aroha Public Cemetery, New Zealand-1.

Teddington Cemetery, UK.-1.

Tehran Memorial, Iran.-3.

Tehran War Cemetery, Iran.-9.

Teltown Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Templebreedy Cemetery, County Cork.-6.

Templechally, Ballina, County Clare.-1.

Templemichael Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Templemichael Graveyard, Avoca, County Wicklow.-1.

Templemore Catholic Cemetery, Tipperary.-3.

Templenacarriga Roman Catholic Cemetery, County Cork.-1.

Templetown Graveyard, Wexford.-1.

Templeusque Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Templeuve Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Templeux-Le-Guerard British Cemetery Extension, France.-11.

Templeux-Le-Guerard British Cemetery, France.-65.

Templeux-Le-Guerard Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-1.

Temuka Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Terlincthun British Cemetery, France.-81.

Terryglass (St Columba) Catholic Churchyard, Tipperary.-1.

Tezze British Cemetery, Italy.-3.

Thaba Tshwane (Old No 1) Military Cemetery, South Africa.-2.

The Churchyard at Kaaskerke/Caeskerke, in Belgium.-1.

The Hague Roman Catholic Cemetery, Netherlands.-2.

The Huts Cemetery, Belgium.-18.

The Nek Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

Thetford Cemetery in Norfolk, U.K.-1.

Thiant Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Thiembronne Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Thiennes British Cemetery, France.-1.

Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery, France.-2.

Thiepval Memorial, France.-1924.

Thionville (Diedenhofen) French National (Mixed) Cemetery in France.-2.

Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, France.-2.

Thomastown (Church of the Assumption) Old Graveyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Thorn (Abbey) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Thornback Churchyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Thorrington (St Mary Magdalene) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Thunder Bay (St Andrew’s) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Thurles (St Mary) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Tipperary.-2.

Tidworth Military Cemetery, U.K.-13.

Tilehurst (St George) Church Burial Ground, U.K.-2.

Tilloy British Cemetery, France.-20.

Tilstock (Christ Church) Churchyard Extension, U.K.-2.

Timoleague (Old Abbey) Graveyard, County Cork.-1.

Timoleague Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork.-1.

Timperley (Christ Church) Churchyard, U.K.-2.

Tincourt New British Cemetery, France.-60.

Tingry Churchyard, France.-1.

Tinnahinch (St Michael’s) Cemetery, County Carlow.-1.

Tipperary (St Mary's) Churchyard, County Tipperary.-11.

Toberanierin Protestant Cemetery, Wexford.-1.

Toberclare Catholic Churchyard, County Westmeath.-1.

Todmorden (Christ Church) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Tomacork Graveyard, County Wicklow.-1.

Toronto (Mount Hope) Cemetery, Canada.-5.

Toronto (Mount Pleasant) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Toronto (Prospect) Cemetery, Canada.-6.

Toronto (St John's Norway) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Toronto Avenue Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Torreken Farm Cemetery, No.1, Belgium.-1.

Totland (St Saviour) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Tottenham Cemetery, U.K.-4.

Tourcoing (Pont-Neuville) Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Tourgeville Military Cemetery, France.-2.

Tournai Communal Cemetery Allied Extension, Belgium.-15.

Toutencourt Communal Cemetery, France.-2.

Tower Hill Memorial, U.K.-774.

Track X Cemetery, Belgium.-3.

Tracton Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Cork-1.

Tralee (Ratass) Cemetery, County Kerry.-9.

Tralee Military Cemetery, County Kerry.-9.

Tralee New Cemetery, County Kerry.-5.

Tramore (Holy Cross) Catholic Churchyard, County Waterford.-2.

Tranchee De Mecknes Cemetery, France.-3.

Trefcon British Cemetery, France.-2.

Triangle Cemetery, France.-1.

Trinity Cemetery, Ashford, County Wicklow-1.

Trinity Cemetery, Channel Islands.-1.

Trois Arbres Cemetery, France.-36.

Troon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Tuam (St Mary) Cathedral Churchyard, County Galway.  -1.

Tuam New Cemetery, County Galway.-2.

Tuileries British Cemetery, Belgium.-2.

Tulla Graveyard, County Clare-1.

Tullaghanoge Old Graveyard, County Meath.-1.

Tullow (The Abbey) Cemetery, County Carlow.-3.

Turlough Cemetery, Castlebar, County Mayo.-1.

Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial, Turkey.-2.

Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery, Turkey.-81.

Twickenham Cemetery.-1.

Tyholland (or Tehallan) Catholic Churchyard, County Monaghan.-1.

Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium.-64.

Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.-705.

Tynemouth (Preston) Cemetery, U.K.-3.

Underhill Farm Cemetery, Belgium.-4.

Unicorn Cemetery, Vend’huile. France.-33.

Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta-2.

United Kingdom Book of Remembrance, U.K.-62.


Upavon Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Upington (Station) Cemetery, Northern Cape.-1.

Upper Aghada Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Upper Fahan (St Mura’s) Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Donegal.-63.

Upton Wood Cemetery, France.-7.

Urlingford Old Graveyard, County Kilkenny.-1.

Usakos Cemetery, Namibia.-2.

V Beach Cemetery, Turkey.-143.

V.C Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial, France.-8.

Vadencourt British Cemetery, France.-3.

Vailly British Cemetery, France.-34.

Valenciennes (St Roch) Communal Cemetery, France.-22.

Valley Cemetery, Vis-En-Artois. France.-1.

Vancouver (Mountain View) Cemetery, Canada.-8.

Varennes Military Cemetery, France.-25.

Vaudoy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Vaulx Hill Cemetery, France.-4.

Vaux-Andigny Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Vauxbuin French National Cemetery, France.-5.

Veldwezelt Communal Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Vendresse British Cemetery, France.-7.

Venice (San Michele) Cemetery, Italy.-1.

Verberie Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Verchain British Cemetery, France.-1.

Vermelles British Cemetery, France.-122.

Vermelles Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Vernon (Pleasant Valley) Cemetery, Canada.-2.

Vevey (St Martins) Cemetery, Switzerland.-11.

Vichte Military Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Victoria (Ross Bay) Cemetery, British Columbia, Canada.-4.

Victoria Memorial, British Columbia, Canada.-1.

Vieil-Arcy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Vieille-Chapelle New British Cemetery, France.-11.

Vignacourt British Cemetery, France.-10.

Villeneuve-St Georges Old Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Villers Hill British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain.-1.

Villers Station Cemetery, France-18.

Villers-Bocage Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-4.

Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France.-129.

Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, France.-35.

Villers-En-Cauchies Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Villers-En-Prayeres Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Villers-Faucon Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-30.

Villers-Faucon Communal Cemetery, France.-3.

Villers-Pol Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Ville-Sur-Ancre Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-2.

Vimy Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Vimy Memorial, France.-164.

Vis-En-Artois British Cemetery, France.-10.

Vis-En-Artois Memorial in France.-136.

Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, Belgium.-31.

Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, Belgium.-23.

Voi Cemetery, Kenya.-1.

Vooremezeele Enclosures, No 1 and No 2, Belgium.-17.

Voormezeele Enclosure No 3, Belgium.-23.

Vraucourt Copse Cemetery, France.-2.

Wailly Orchard Cemetery, France.-3.

Waipukurau Cemetery, Central Hawkes Bay district, New Zealand-1.

Walker (Christ Church) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Walker’s Ridge Cemetery, Turkey.-1.

Wallasey (Rake Lane) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Wallsend (Church Bank) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Walton and Weybridge (Walton-on-Thames) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Walton-on-the-Naze (or Walton-le-Soken) (All Saints) Churchyard Extension, U.K.-1.

Wancourt British Cemetery, France.-8.

Wandsworth (Earlsfield) Cemetery U.K.-13.

Wandsworth (Putney Vale) Cemetery and Crematorium, U.K.-1.

Wandsworth (Streatham) Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery, New Zealand.-1.

Wanquetin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-5.

Wareham Cemetery, Dorset, U.K.-2.

Warlencourt British Cemetery, France.-21.

Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, France.-10.

Warlingham (All Saints) Churchyard. U.K.-1.

Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension, France.-27.

Warringal Cemetery, Australia.-1.

Warrington Cemetery, U.K.-5.

Warvillers Churchyard Extension, France.-3.

Washington (Our Lady Immaculate) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Durham, U.K.-1.

Wasselonne (Wasselnheim) Protestant Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Wassigny Communal Cemetery, France.-1.

Waterford Catholic Cemetery, County Waterford.-4.

Waterford Protestant Cemetery, County Waterford.-1.

Watford Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Watou Churchyard, Popeninghe, Belgium.-2.

Wavans Briish Cemetery, France.-1.

Wellington (Karori) Cemetery, New Zealand.-7.

Wellington General Cemetery, New South Wales, Australia.-1.

Wellington Provincial Memorial, Wellington, New Zealand.-1.

Welsh Cemetery (Caesars Nose), Belgium.-1.

Wenvoe (St Mary) Churchyard Extension.-1.

West Ham Cemetery, U.K.-1.

West Norwood Cemetery and Crematorium, U.K.-2.

West Roxbury (Mount Benedict) Roman Catholic Cemetery, Massachusetts, U.S.A.-1.

West Roxbury (St Joseph) Cemetery, Massachusetts, U.S.A.-1.

Westhof Farm Cemetery, Heuvelland, Belgium.-3.

Weston Turville (St Mary) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Weston-Super-Mare Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Westouter Churchyard and Extension, Belgium.-3.

Westoutre British Cemetery, Belgium.-8.

Wexford (St Ibars) Cemetery, Wexford.-14.

Weymouth Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Whalley (Queen Mary’s Hospital) Military Cemetery, U.K.-2.

Whinney Hill (St Gerard's) Roman Catholic Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Whitby (Larpool) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Whitchurch Cemetery, U.K.-1.

White City Cemetery, France.-3.

White House Cemetery, Belgium.-28.

Whitechurch Cemetery, County Cork.-3.

Whitechurch Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Waterford.-1.

Widnes Cemetery U.K.-1.

Willmount Cemetery, County Galway.-1.

Wilmslow Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Wimereux Communal Cemetery. France.-73.

Winchester (West Hill) Old Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Windhoek Old Municipal Cemetery, Namibia.-1.

Windmill British Cemetery, France.-4.

Windsor (Grove) Cemetery, Canada.-1.

Windsor (St Alphonsus) Roman Catholic Cemetery. Canada.-1.

Windsor Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Winnipeg (Brookside) Cemetery, Canada.-3.

Winnipeg (Elmwood) Cemetery,  Canada.-1.

Witham (Holy Family) Roman Catholic Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Withycombe Raleigh (St John in the Wilderness) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Witley (Milford) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Wivenhoe (Bellevue Road) Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Woburn Abbey Cemetery, France.-1.

Woking (St John’s) Crematorium, U.K.-1.

Wokingham (St Sebastian) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Wolverhampton Borough Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Wood Cemetery, France-1.

Woodgrange Park Cemetery, U.K.-1.

Woods Cemetery, Belgium.-1.

Wool (Holy Rood) Churchyard and Exension, U.K.-1.

Woolwich Cemetery, U.K.-6.

Worms (Hochheim Hill) Cemetery, Germany.-1.

Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery, Belgium.-34.

Wye (SS Gregory and Martin) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Wytschaete Military Cemetery, Belgium.-18.

Y Farm Military Cemetery, France.-7.

Y Ravine Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel in France.-16.

Yatesbury (All Saints) Churchyard, U.K.-2.

York Cemetery, Haspres, France.-1.

York Cemetery, U.K.-2.

York Minster Memorial, U.K.-1.

Youghal (North Abbey) Cemetery, County Cork.-4.

Youghal (St Mary’s) Collegiate Churchyard, County Cork.-2.

Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.-2190.

Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, Belgium.-44.

Ypres Town Cemetery Extension, Belgium.-27.

Ypres Town Cemetery, Belgium.-12.

Ystrad Mynach (Holy Trinity) Churchyard, U.K.-1.

Zantvoorde British Cemetery, Belgium.-20.

Zanzibar (Grave Island) Cemetery, Tanzania.-2.

Zaria Memorial, Nigeria.-2.

Zillebeke Churchyard, Belgium.-4.

Zivy Crater, Thelus, France.-1.

Zouave Valley Cemetery, France.-2.

Zuydcoote Military Cemetery, France.-3.

Edited by museumtom
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Fantastic meticulous work as always Mr. B.

I admire your ability to dig up every little detail about these great men.

Thanks to your unbounded energy, they will all be remembered evermore.


Well done.

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Bravo Tom



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Thanks lads. It is a very pleasurable past-time, and without your help it would not have been possible, thank you all.

Kindest regards.


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Wow !

I always wondered what you did in your spare time :thumbsup:

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Car boot sales I think!



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Rats, my secret is out.

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Hi, I am Chairman of Friends of Darwen Cemetery and I see you have 1 listed for Darwen. Can you let me know the name as there are several in the cemetery that don’t meet the CWGC’s criteria. Are you interested in these? Tony


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If you are interested in adding them to I.F.T.C.P you must have the death cert and his records. If you also had his burial register that would help greatly, but you must have the death cert and records first.

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2 hours ago, museumtom said:

If you are interested in adding them to I.F.T.C.P you must have the death cert and his records. If you also had his burial register that would help greatly, but you must have the death cert and records first.

The ones in Darwen Cemetery that are not recognised by the CWGC have been submitted to IFTC. Two are now waiting for their memorial stones and the other don’t meet the criteria



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Now there you go Tony, you do know that IFCP updated their criteria for inclusion about two months ago to allow those who contracted i.e T.B. during service, whether it was attributable  to or aggravated by service to be now accepted. I had to update and lot of files and go through those that were refused because of it. Happily more are being accepted because of this new rule.


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I will recontact IFTC as I know that one that I did submit did gave TB


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He would also have to had died from TB.

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Who are the 8 in Grimsby Scartho Road? I have done a lot of research for this Cemetery. I might have some info on them, but then again I might not!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here you go Temptage, sorry for the delay.

Hayes, Walter. (Kilkenny) Rank- Sergeant. Regiment/Service;- Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Unit;- 2nd Battalion. Ser No;- 2967.

Carroll, John. (Roscommon). Rank- Private. Regiment/Service;- Manchester Regiment. Unit;- 3rd Battalion. Ser No;- 9530.

Comerford, Gordon Patrick. (Dublin). Rank- Leading Stoker. Regiment/Service;- Royal Navy. Unit;- H.M.S. St George. Ser No;- 308587. (DEV).

Connor, Patrick. (Meath). Rank- Private. Regiment/Service;- Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Unit;- 10th Battalion. Ser No;- 6897.

Hannigan, John. (Mayo). Rank- Private. Regiment/Service;- Lincolnshire Regiment. Unit;- 1st Battalion. Ser No;- 8543.

Ronayne, John. (Cork). Rank- Stoker 1st Class. Regiment/Service: Royal Navy. Unit: H.M.S. Bullfinch. Ser No: 302322. (Dev).

Towler, George Henry. (Cork). Rank- Stoker 1st Class. Regiment/Service: Royal Navy. Unit: HMS Wolf. Ser No: K/25187.

Vaughan, John William. (Dublin). Rank- Private. Regiment/Service: Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Unit: "C" Company. 3rd Battalion. Ser No: 32080.

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Well done ***. I have about 25 casualties buried in the Cemetery that I have no further info on, and you have just named 8 of them.

What were the chances?

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Happy to help temptage.

Kind regards.


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Here are(is?) the Grimsby info in my files.



16 11 1917. Captain James Harding, of the Munsters, reported wounded and missing since the 10th inst. Second son of the late Mr Edward Harding, West View, Sunday’s Well, Cork, a gentleman well known in the city’s commercial affairs. He obtained his commission in 1914. Having completed his training, he went to the front and had completed all but two years active service, when he was wounded.

Baptised at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Plymouth, on 09/05/1889. Son of William and Ellen Harding, Kings Gardens, Plymouth. D.O.B. 21/02/1889. Wife (name unknown) address in his records-32 Broad Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth later at Somerset House, Hainton Avenue, Grimsby.


                Parsons, Frank. (Cork). Rank- Second Hand. Regiment/Service: Royal Naval Reserve. Unit: H. M. Trawler “Reindeer. “. Ser No: 631SA. Date of death:- 25/08/1915. Age: 48. Born: London. Enlisted:. Residence:. Death: Died from suffocation by drowning believed accidental at Castletownbere pier. Next of kin, etc: Husband of Emily E. Parsons, of 27, Woodsley Avenue, Cleethorpes. Newspapers/Books etc: Cork Examiner. 28/08/1915. 1218. Drowning Fatality at Berehaven. Naval Man’s Sad End. (From our Correspondent) Berehaven, Friday. To-day there was interred at the Castletown cemetery the remains of Frank Parsons, leading hand on one of the naval patrol ships operating off the south coast of Ireland. On Wednesday night the ship was in harbour, and about 6 O'clock the captain and chief engineer were talking to parsons, who was sitting on the ship’s rail. In this position they left him, and some time afterwards his dead body was picked up in the water. It is surmised that he overbalanced on the rail, fell head downwards, striking the lifeboat’s gunwale on his face, and being rendered unconscious was unable to save himself. Coroner Neville and a jury, of which Mr Denis B McCarthy, was foreman, held an inquest, and returned a verdict of accidental drowning, at the same time recommending the deceased’s family to the kindly consideration of the Admiralty authorities. Parsons was a native of Grimsby, aged about 48, married and had a large family dependent on him. Ha was buried with full naval and military honours, the 4th Battalion , Connaught Rangers, supplying a brass band and firing party. Grave/Memorial: In the North East part. Cemetery:- Castletown Berehaven (St Finian’s) Cemetery, County Cork.                                                                                                                                                                                          


18/09/1915, Skibbereen Eagle. 1462.

Three Men Killed.

 Some details of an extraordinary occurrence at sea have been revealed by the arrival in the Humber on Monday of a Dutch herring lugger, accompanied by a Norwegian steamer. It appears that the lugger was observed by the steamer about 130 miles off Scarborough on Sunday morning drifting helplessly about. The captain of the Norwegian vessel sent a small boat t the lugger to investigate, and the whole of the view, including the skipper of the latter, were found to be insane. They were taken aboard the steamer and brought along with their vessel into the Humber, The naval authorities too the matter in hand, and discovered form the ship’s papers that three men were missing. The remaining ten men were questioned, and it transpired the missing men had been killed, and their bodies thrown overboard. The crew of the lugger, it seems, had become frenzied with drink, and proceeded to dismantle the ship. The rails were torn down and thrown overboard, hatchways wrenched away, and the decks were practically cleared. The captain was unable to navigate the vessel, which drifted about until observed by the Norwegian steamer. The Grimsby police state the crew of the lugger are still more or less insane, and are detained aboard their vessel under charge of an armed guard. The Dutch Consul had been informed of the affair. He says the three men died as the result of wounds received during an affray.


10/02/1917. Lieutenant Roy Buckley, Manchester Regiment, who fell in action on the 3rd Inst., was the youngest son of Mr John Ross Buckley, formerly of Killincarrick, Delgany, and now retired Collector of Customs, Grimsby. When war began he was in Canada, as a clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Edmonton, and he gave up a good appointment to serve with the Canadian Troops. In the April of last year he was buried in trenches by a shell explosion and injured. On recovery he was commissioned in the Manchesters, and on the evening of the 3rd inst., a shell killed him.


25/09/1915. Owen Kinsella went to Grimsby and was engaged in a fishing fleet, but afterwards joined the mine sweepers. He has not been heard of since. He formerly resided in Dublin, and any information concerning him sent to this office will be conveyed to his people. His younger brother was badly wounded at the Aisne while serving with the Royal Irish Fusiliers, and has been discharged as physically unfit.


German Mines.

A Diabolical Device.

 A Hull trawler has reported that a British gunboat has captured a trawler, purporting to belong to Grimsby, which has been mine laying. There were 200 mines aboard her. The German plan appears to be to capture British trawlers, man them with German crews, and then start mine-laying. A cunning German ruse to destroy shipping has been discovered by the Grimsby steam trawler Agatha—Her master states that a ship’s boat was sighted, and the trawler went towards it. A boat was put out, and the derelict bound to be a ship’s lifeboat. A line was secured to it, and passed to the trawler which intended to tow it home. When towing was begun a terrific explosion occurred, too far off from the trawler to do damage. A mine had been attached to the lifeboat by wire in such a manner as to blow up and ship which steamed alongside the lifeboat to pick it up. (TS, 09-1914).



Edited by museumtom
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14 hours ago, museumtom said:


10/02/1917. Lieutenant Roy Buckley, Manchester Regiment, who fell in action on the 3rd Inst., was the youngest son of Mr John Ross Buckley, formerly of Killincarrick, Delgany, and now retired Collector of Customs, Grimsby. When war began he was in Canada, as a clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Edmonton, and he gave up a good appointment to serve with the Canadian Troops. In the April of last year he was buried in trenches by a shell explosion and injured. On recovery he was commissioned in the Manchesters, and on the evening of the 3rd inst., a shell killed him.


Thanks Tom,

For those interested in the Grimsby casualties, Buckley's Canadian attestation and service papers are available online:


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Hello, would you mind sharing with me the names from Netley Military Cemetery please.

Thank you



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Hi, I'd appreciate the name from St. Joseph's RC churchyard at Birtley please if you don't mind. There are a few men on Birtley Cenotaph who are not recognised by the CWGC I'm researching at the moment, thanks.


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