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Thoughts on touring August


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Just wondering on anyone's thoughts on travelling to the Somme this August as it looks likely restrictions will be lifted re quarantine.

We were due to go April and had to cancel but the ferry company would only offer me re booking by December. The last couple of years we have gone in April and August, as i work in a school i can only have time off when the kids are off.

Thoughts please.



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I guess it's a case of looking at the Gov.uk website to see what restrictions on travel are by then. Personally speaking, I wouldn't go near the Somme of Salient, as they will be very crowded when travel restrictions ease, plus I'm not that interested in the areas any more. 


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Everything remains unclear in my opinion. If the number of infections would rise again, there may be new lockdowns/travel restrictions. I think that the summer may be the only period left to do some travelling in the foreseeable future as the new flu season in the autumn may cause new corona hysteria and thus again strong measures until ... This is only my opnion though.

2 minutes ago, Michelle Young said:

I guess it's a case of looking at the Gov.uk website to see what restrictions on travel are by then. Personally speaking, I wouldn't go near the Somme of Salient, as they will be very crowded when travel restrictions ease, plus I'm not that interested in the areas any more. 



I don't think there's that much of a risk when one is outside and keeps enough distance.

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Currently on the Somme. French passport control at Dover required a Corvid19 medical status written statement (they supplied the form) but were friendly - although they were "friendly" almost entirely in French, which always puts me a bit on the back foot . Friends over here are quite astounded by news reports from the UK as the French are apparently paying heed to their Gov't recommendations and are quite widely conforming to social distancing and mask wearing etc. This evening's get-together took place outdoors at adequate spacing and was very convivial. Did some shopping in a supermarket in Bapaume today and everything was very well ordered - distancing - till arrangements etc. I understand that all "usual" 1st July activities are cancelled.


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I'm looking at 11th July for a week and again mid August , fingers crossed. Looking at eurotunnel web site, they say there is high demand at the moment. Don't know if this is for today/ tomorrow or bookings for the future. Have to confirm with vet first before booking, we don't mind late or night crossing when less busy.

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I totally agree with AOK 4 on the window of opportunity !

Was in Arras yesterday and had no problems at all. Mask is not required but recommended in the shops, people are nice and friendly, even to a Belgian…

I'm off to the Somme-Seine-Côte d'Opale next week wednesday for three days and don't expect any trouble.



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2 hours ago, Marilyne said:

I totally agree with AOK 4 on the window of opportunity !

Was in Arras yesterday and had no problems at all. Mask is not required but recommended in the shops, people are nice and friendly, even to a Belgian…

I'm off to the Somme-Seine-Côte d'Opale next week wednesday for three days and don't expect any trouble.



Thanks Marilyne that is helpful. Masks would not be a problem as respectful. We would mainly be paying respects at cemeteries and field walking as i invested in linesman for our cancelled trip and would like to try it out.



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7 hours ago, chaz said:

I'm looking at 11th July for a week and again mid August , fingers crossed. Looking at eurotunnel web site, they say there is high demand at the moment. Don't know if this is for today/ tomorrow or bookings for the future. Have to confirm with vet first before booking, we don't mind late or night crossing when less busy.

We would be looking mid August i have had a look at the ferries and see the price has increased (expected) so i would have to pay the difference from my cancelled ticket, and the crossings are reduced considerably.

I think by August we should be ok as i believe Leger are still doing their western front trips towards the end of August so they must think it will be ok by then.

The only problem i may envisage is booking a gite as i suppose some may not want to accept British tourists just yet, but i will get in touch with the Somme tourism and ask them first.

If you do go 11th July could you update later how you got on.




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11 hours ago, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:

Currently on the Somme. French passport control at Dover required a Corvid19 medical status written statement (they supplied the form) but were friendly - although they were "friendly" almost entirely in French, which always puts me a bit on the back foot . Friends over here are quite astounded by news reports from the UK as the French are apparently paying heed to their Gov't recommendations and are quite widely conforming to social distancing and mask wearing etc. This evening's get-together took place outdoors at adequate spacing and was very convivial. Did some shopping in a supermarket in Bapaume today and everything was very well ordered - distancing - till arrangements etc. I understand that all "usual" 1st July activities are cancelled.


Hi Tom

Hope you are enjoying your time on the Somme. Thanks for the info re the covid form, it seems you haven't had any problems getting there, i wear a mask at work so that would not be a problem if required. We would be self catering so also good info re the supermarkets.



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12 hours ago, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:

Currently on the Somme. French passport control at Dover required a Corvid19 medical status written statement (they supplied the form) but were friendly - although they were "friendly" almost entirely in French, which always puts me a bit on the back foot .



Tom, SWMBO has already downloaded the English version of the document but I guess it might be wise to have the French one too.  Glad you had no problems


8 hours ago, chaz said:

I'm looking at 11th July for a week and again mid August , fingers crossed. Looking at eurotunnel web site, they say there is high demand at the moment. Don't know if this is for today/ tomorrow or bookings for the future. Have to confirm with vet first before booking, we don't mind late or night crossing when less busy.


Chaz, took the plunge and booked on-line yesterday for a trip beginning 8 July using our frequent traveller account.  No problem but noticed the train scheduled for after ours was listed as "full".  Never seen that before though have noticed some overspills etc in the past resulting in delays.  Just hoping it will not be too crowded - we are used to going when the kids are still at school!  Still waiting to hear from the vets - fingers crossed.


3 hours ago, Marilyne said:

don't expect any trouble.



That might change Marilyne if I bump into you near the Devonshires! ;)


Have a good trip.



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12 hours ago, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:

mask wearing


Tom, I meant to ask: are they wearing masks or are there any snood-type face coverings allowed?  We happen to have both but I would prefer to use the snood - it will come in handy if I decide to go fishing or rob a bank.



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1 hour ago, Don Regiano said:


That might change Marilyne if I bump into you near the Devonshires! ;)



I'll best come prepared then and make sure the frigo-box in the tank is full …


joke aside… the Devonshires is planned for thursday Morning, but I'll be around Pozières and La Boiselle on Wednesday late afternoon…. maybe a more politically correct time for this sort of  things.



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10 hours ago, harley1962 said:

 Thanks for the info re the covid form, it seems you haven't had any problems getting there, i wear a mask at work so that would not be a problem if required. We would be self catering so also good info re the supermarkets.


French passport control at Dover were friendly. No Brit passport control in evidence. Border Agency wiped door handles. DFDS boat was a bit weird - main lounge shut - also snack bar. Boat was full - mainly freight transport though. Masks were compulsory on the boat - mask wearing was actually about 50%.


Saw a bunch of Brits field walking through the crops today near Trones Wood. Hopefully the farmer and his mates went shooting shortly after I passed. Everywhere is planted at the moment.


10 hours ago, Don Regiano said:

Tom, SWMBO has already downloaded the English version of the document but I guess it might be wise to have the French one too.  Glad you had no problems


Hello Reg - You will have guessed that I'm just a few hundred yard up the hill from your French abode. The form I had to fill in was the French language one - I had a "reason to travel helping with business letter" in English and French saying where I was going / staying and that I would be - etc etc etc. They weren't too interested in that - but when I filled in the form they were quite happy.


10 hours ago, Don Regiano said:

Tom, I meant to ask: are they wearing masks or are there any snood-type face coverings allowed?  We happen to have both but I would prefer to use the snood - it will come in handy if I decide to go fishing or rob a bank.


Strange - I was in the big Intermarche in Peronne today and maybe 30% of people were wearing masks. Mac D at Calais (I was starving and would have eaten hay !) was no mask = no entry. Apparently GIFI are the same (I love GIFI - who buys their stuff ? - fascinating place). Seems to be very hit and miss. None of the supermarkets or shops here seem to be controlling numbers going in as they are in the UK. Kids are back at school. All seems very normal.


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Hmmm: in the Carrefour (? I think) at Bucquoy. Maybe 30% wearing masks; the cashiers were not. Intermarche in Albert, at the best mixed as regards distancing and masks etc. (To digress: Actually masks are a monumental pain for me as my glasses steam up when wearing same and I end up almost 'blind' within seconds - this no matter having a go at 'patent' cures for the problem have been suggested.) The impression is a good proportion taking notice of all the various measures; but a good proportion seem to be ignoring same, tho' with varying degrees of non-compliance.

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On 30/06/2020 at 22:21, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:

Hello Reg - You will have guessed that I'm just a few hundred yard up the hill from your French abode. The form I had to fill in was the French language one - I had a "reason to travel helping with business letter" in English and French saying where I was going / staying and that I would be - etc etc etc. They weren't too interested in that - but when I filled in the form they were quite happy.


Yup I figured where you have landed and you are quite correct about our place.  We hope it is still standing!

On 30/06/2020 at 22:21, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:

Strange - I was in the big Intermarche in Peronne today and maybe 30% of people were wearing masks. Mac D at Calais (I was starving and would have eaten hay !) was no mask = no entry. Apparently GIFI are the same (I love GIFI - who buys their stuff ? - fascinating place). Seems to be very hit and miss. None of the supermarkets or shops here seem to be controlling numbers going in as they are in the UK. Kids are back at school. All seems very normal.


Thanks for the info Tom.  Looking quite promising and we've just got the vet's appointment (for our dogs, not us) so that they can get back home.  All looking normal as you say.



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9 hours ago, Don Regiano said:


 (for our dogs,


Note to self: bring dog cookies for the fierce guardians of the Devonshires in case I bump into them…



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1 hour ago, Marilyne said:


Note to self: bring dog cookies for the fierce guardians of the Devonshires in case I bump into them…




They are black labradors Marilyne - they would lick you to death!

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41 minutes ago, Don Regiano said:


They are black labradors Marilyne - they would lick you to death!

I can take it!!!



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22 hours ago, Don Regiano said:

Yup I figured where you have landed and you are quite correct about our place.  We hope it is still standing!


Hello Reg - I stopped at yours briefly today and had a chat with the people you have rented it out to. They seemed to be a bit miffed by the amount (lack of) food you had left in the freezer, but as there seemed to be about fifteen adults and an uncountable number of kids that's hardly surprising. They've had to take your gates off to get four of the caravans onto the frontage, but they said you'd ok'd that and as you apparently told them they took the gates etc to the scrappy in Fricourt. There was a funny smell outside and they seem to be growing a lot of green pointy-leafed plants inside …..



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30 minutes ago, Tom Tulloch-Marshall said:


Hello Reg - I stopped at yours briefly today and had a chat with the people you have rented it out to. They seemed to be a bit miffed by the amount (lack of) food you had left in the freezer, but as there seemed to be about fifteen adults and an uncountable number of kids that's hardly surprising. They've had to take your gates off to get four of the caravans onto the frontage, but they said you'd ok'd that and as you apparently told them they took the gates etc to the scrappy in Fricourt. There was a funny smell outside and they seem to be growing a lot of green pointy-leafed plants inside …..






I guess I won't have as bad a job as I thought in having to cut the grass - unless they've flogged off the tractor too.  Hoping we won't get quarantined when we get there.  Some strange noises being made that the reciprocal non-quarantined "corridors" is not as straightforward as first thought.  But as the French only imposed theirs as a retaliation to ours, who knows ....



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Obviously nobody is following the ‘Voluntary’ 14 day Quarantine rule when entering France from U.K.?

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the voluntary quarantine was in reply to the UK one "tit for tat". from the French  COVID-19 web site

Travellers arriving from the UK, whatever their nationality, are asked to go into a voluntary 14-day quarantine when the British 14-day quarantine measure actually comes into force, i.e. on 8 June..

as its only voluntary, why would you want to follow it? if you dont go out why would you go in the first place? most places we go to , we are the only ones there apart from shopping a couple of times a week.

as an example, we are selling our house, we could voluntarily stay in doors , but why bother spending 8oo miles travelling to sit indoors, we will probably spend a day or two tidying/decorating/packing then go out visiting cemeteries. the other option, stay at home and go to work!! which would I prefer?

Also if I spent 14 days quarantine and 7 days "touring around" , thats 21 days off work. yes, right, i can see my manager standing for that. with the shift Im on 4 on 4 off, I look at 5 or 6 visits a year, so that could mean 4 days holiday for 12 days off, 12 days plus 14 =26 days  times 5 = 130 days off, thats over a third of a year off work.

As we have not been allowed over since March, and dont get relief from Foncieres or habitation taxes we are getting screwed by the government with no help from anyone.

Edited by chaz
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6 hours ago, gillchadwick said:

Obviously nobody is following the ‘Voluntary’ 14 day Quarantine rule when entering France from U.K.?

As Chaz said the voluntary 14 day quarantine was tit for tat with the U. K introducing it and you wouldn't travel to stay indoors also most people only go for a week. The great thing about the Somme is you are outdoors walking, visiting cemeteries and very rarely come into contact with anyone else. 

France may also lift the 14 day voluntary quarantine rule now the U. K  has. 

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4 hours ago, chaz said:

"... most places we go to , we are the only ones there apart from shopping a couple of times a week. …"


What Chaz said. Only very occasional people I've seen in the odd cemetery have been CWGC gardeners. At the Thiepval Memorial the other day there were five other people - none in UK registered cars. I'm visiting friends and social distancing isn't a problem - as is meeting up with other friends in gardens etc. The general populace seem to be acting no differently than people back in the UK - maybe 50% is the average for wearing face coverings in supermarkets etc - except in some places who flag it as compulsory (very few of those). In several big supermarkets no staff seem to be wearing masks. Drove through the centre of Arras earlier this week and it was heaving with both traffic and pedestrians. Found myself driving past "the experience" and turned in to see if it had improved in any way - empty car park - very short stay. Was greeted by two ladies behind a wall of Perspex, both kitted out 1/2 an inch short of full hazmat suits. Something just told me to leave.


Quarantine / isolate yourself for the next - how long - and risk your mental health - or be pragmatic and take reasonable / sensible precautions. Stay calm and carry on. Dictating to people just isn't going to work for more than a short time.


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