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Dorset Officers 1st Batt


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Found a great pic of the officers of the Dorsett regiment if anyone is interested...named and lists if wounded missing or dead....will scan if theres any interest.

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Can I add my name to the list Mark. Particularly interested in Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE, 1st Dorsets, KIA 14/09/14.

Many thanks


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Yes Please!! Add me in too! This is my battalion (my specialty anyway). Is it the Blackdown 1912 photograph?

Many thanks,


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(will scan later)

The photo was taken in Belfast just before they left for the continent

The names are-

Capt HS Williams

Capt WAC Frazer

liutcol bols

Major RT Roper

Major C Saunders

capt C Davidson

Capt Ransome

lieut burnard

lieut king

capt roe

capt gyngell

lieut pantridge

lieut leishman

capt rathborne

lieut chutterbuck

capt hyslop

lieut clarke

lieut pitt

lieut turner

lieut hawkins

capt priestly

capt kelsall

lieut butcher

lieut frazer

lieut grant dalton

lieut akd george

lieut gregory

capt white

lieut shannon

capt wills

lieut woodhouse

capt kitchen

capt moulton barrett

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Particularly interested in Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE, 1st Dorsets, KIA 14/09/14.

Many thanks



Just curious as to the nature of your interest in AKD George? I have an abiding interest in the 1st Dorsets.



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He is one of the names listed on the Romsey war memorial (see my signature) and commemorated by his family in Romsey Abbey. I'd welcome any snippets of information that you may have on him or a decent picture.

There are 4 other 1st Dorset servicemen featured on the memorial:

7587 Sjt Charles Gambling DCM

16246 L/Cpl Harry Moore

7555 Pte Walter Munday

19691 Pte George Northcott


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Hi Mark,

I’m also interested in viewing the scan.

In our church records there are type-written copies of letters sent by and concerning Major Bede Liddell Fenton 1st Dorset’s to his father who was the local vicar. According to a Major H.D. Thwaytes, Bede was killed on the 15th July 1916 in front of the German lines whilst searching for Lt. Coley, a young officer who Bede thought might have been wounded, but who had actually been killed earlier in the day. What confuses me is that all correspondence quotes “1st Dorset’s” except the letter of condolence from Lieut.-Colonel F.D. Smyly commanding officer of the 7th Dorset’s, quote “he was my Assistant Adjutant” Can anyone make sense of this?

There is also a stained glass window dedicated to Bede in our parish church.



(As you can guess, I’m not an expert on these matters!)

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  • 2 years later...
Can I add my name to the list Mark. Particularly interested in Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE, 1st Dorsets, KIA 14/09/14.

Many thanks


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Can I add my name to the list Mark. Particularly interested in Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE, 1st Dorsets, KIA 14/09/14.

Many thanks



What is your particular interest in Lieutenant George?

I have in my possession a photo album of an A.K.D. George, of the 4th Battalion Dorset Regiment. The album spans his life from Caius College Cambridge in 1904, to his regiment days in India, circa1909.

I acquired this album purely by chance and presume this is the same A.K.D.George you are seeking information on?



Can I add my name to the list Mark. Particularly interested in Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE, 1st Dorsets, KIA 14/09/14.

Many thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...


Are there any photos of his fellow officers in the album? I would be greatly interested to see it - ideally scans/copies of the photos would be brilliant.



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As an expert in the 1st Dorsets please can you see if you have any background details of Pte W Wilson, 25233, died 11/08/1918?

Many thanks,


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I have nothing specifically on this man. SDGW shows him as having previously served as 21135 Royal Berkshire Regiment, but reference to his online MIC shows only his Dorsetshire Regiment number. Therefore he must have transferred to the Dorsets whilst still in the UK i.e., before entering his first Theatre of War.

He was one of 79 men of the 1st Battn KIA on 11th August 1918, during the Battle of Amiens.

CWGC records him as follows:


Initials: W

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment/Service: Dorsetshire Regiment

Unit Text: 1st Bn.

Date of Death: 11/08/1918

Service No: 25233

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: VI. E. 18.


Unfortunately as he did originally enlisted into the Dorsets, I cannot even hazard a guess as to when he did sign up. Sorry not to have been of more help.



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My granfather was with the Dorsets in WW1 - his name was Arthur Joseph Hoskins.

I understand he was a Sergeant-Major, though so far have found very little info.

His service number was 13134.

He survived the war and, with my father's permission, I have my grandad's medals.

Very nice they are too!

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Many thanks for looking up W. Wilson. I had seen the CWGC entry but was particularly interested in where he worked before enlistment

With best wishes,


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I have in my possession a photo album of an A.K.D. George, of the 4th Battalion Dorset Regiment. The album spans his life from Caius College Cambridge in 1904, to his regiment days in India, circa1909.

I acquired this album purely by chance and presume this is the same A.K.D.George you are seeking information on?




I tried to PM you but was unable due to restrictions in place.

I would be very interested to see the photos in the album, particularly any that include any of his fellow officers of the Dorsetshire Regt.



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  • 9 months later...

I tried to PM you but was unable due to restrictions in place.

I would be very interested to see the photos in the album, particularly any that include any of his fellow officers of the Dorsetshire Regt.



Hello Steve and Ash,

My first cousin twice removed 9180 Frank E Biggs landed in France 16/8/1914 with the 1 Dorset Regt and he died on 5/5/1915 according to his MIC. His MIC gives an entitlement to the 1914 star but there is no mention of a Clasp and Roses. The regiment was involved in several actions up till the time of his death I presume K.I.A.. I presume that he would have served under fire prior to Nov 1914. The Regt Diary states on the 5th May 1915 that they were at Hill 60 Ypres during a gas attack but it lists no casualties for that day. I gather that there were 100s of casualties in that attack

Were clasps and roses sent to the next of kin automatically or did they need to be claimed, assuming eligibility?

Any ideas on how I could find out how he died rather than the CWGC's KIA? I'd be very interested in seeing the Blackdown photo. My email is savage@dcsi.net.au



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I have in my possession a photo album of an A.K.D. George, of the 4th Battalion Dorset Regiment. The album spans his life from Caius College Cambridge in 1904, to his regiment days in India, circa1909.

I didn't think 4 Dorsets were in in India - my grandfather was there with 1 Dorsets till 1909 and they were, I believed, relieved by 2 Dorsets. My (admittedly poor) understanding of this was that 4 Dorsets were a TF home-service unit?

If this album does have anybody from 1 Dorsets in it, I'd be very interested in any mention of 5656 Searle, Corporall F please.

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The following is cut and pasted from The Long, Long Trail ...

1/4th Battalion:

August 1914 : in Dorchester. Part of South Western Brigade, Wessex Division. Moved to Salisbury Plain.

9 October 1914 : sailed for India, landing Bombay 10 November 1914.

23 February 1916 : landed at Basra with 42nd Indian Brigade and remained in Mesopotamia for the rest of the war.

The Territiorial Bns were essentially Home Service Bns, but they virtually all volunteered for Overseas Service to a man in oprder to relieve the Regular Bns garrisoning the Empire. 3 months after the 1/4th left the UK for India, the 2/4th followed them!

I never received any reply from Ash re the photo album, which is a pity.



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Frank BIGGS was one of the original contingent of the 1st Bn Dorsetshire Regiment, who disembarked at Le Havre from the SS Anthony on the 16th August 1914 and was therefore one of the 'Old Comtemptibles'.

You are correct in that his Medal Index card does not show the award a clasp to his 1914 star [note that as he was killed in action his NoK would not have been issued with the roses, as these were intended for wearing on the ribbons when 'ribbons only' were worn by the recipient.] That is not to say that he did not meet the qualifying criteria for entitlement to the clasp. Any soldier KIA/DoW during the period covered by the clasp (5th Aug - 22 Nov 1914) was automatically awarded the clasp but it had to be claimed by the NoK of those dying after the 22 November - just one of those annoying quirks I'm afraid. It doesn't devalue his star in anyway, as having been killed in action at Hill 60 he was quite obviously a front-line man and likely to have been in the thick of the action during his service with the Battalion.

Are you aware that his Service Papers survive at The National Archives, in series WO 363 on microfilm B.908? These records are also available to download from Ancestry.co.uk if you have a subscription.

The recording of casualties for the period that the Battn was on Hill 60 is not straightforward, particularly due to the numbers involved and uncertainty about exactly when a man had perished when his body was found some days after either of the two gas attacks (1st and 5th May). Therefore they are recorded as having died on the date of discovery, leading to the following distribution according to SDGW:

01/05/15 : KIA = 14

02/05/15 : KIA = 66 / DOW = 2

03/05/15 : KIA = 23

04/05/15 : KIA = 24 / DOW = 1

05/05/15 : KIA = 23


I'll have a read through his papers when I get the chance, but I very much expect them to record him having died as the result of poisonous gas.



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I never received any reply from Ash re the photo album, which is a pity


There is an interesting story connected with this album and also a public message of thanks to be made to 'Ash' and his wife.

The album is of Lieutenant Athelstan Key Durrance GEORGE (AKDG) and spans in photographs his life from Caius College, Cambridge in 1904 to his regimental days in India circa 1909 with other photos until 1912. AKDG died of wounds 14 September 1914 and is buried in Coulommiers Communal Cemetery.

The album was acquired by Ash purely by chance and had spent the last 40 years in a farm workers loft having originally been found in a ditch.

Strenuous efforts were made by Ash and his wife to contact AKDG's family but they were apparently not interested in having the album and so, late last year, it was offered to me at no cost, a very generous gesture on behalf of Ash and his wife for which I publicly thank them.

My interest in AKDG stems from my research into the Romsey War Memorial which, together with a good friend, I have undertaken over the last few years. AKDG is listed on the Town memorial and his Grandparents erected a plaque to his memory in Romsey Abbey; he has been a part of the town’s history ever since.

When complete, the results of the memorial research and any associated artefacts that I have acquired will de donated to either the main local history group for Romsey or the heritage centre, the album will form part of this donation. In this way, the album will be conserved and others will be able to view the album as it is a record of a man's life. If this is not an option, I will donate the album to The Keep Museum.

Prior to sending me the album the Curator at the King's Liverpool Museum was sent a scan of the relevant photographs for AKDG's time in the 4th Battalion, KLR.

I am more than happy to scan and send you the photographs depicting AKDG's time in the Dorsets and will extend this offer to The Keep Museum.

Tomorrow, I will post a list of the named individuals that are depicted in photographs in the album in case others are interested.


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Thanks very much for your very interesting update! I would be delighted to have scans of any photos relating to AKDGs time in the Dorsets and will look for your post tomorrow too.



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The following 2/Dorset Regiment photographs exist in the album:

Presentation of the Colours to 2/Dorsets by H.E. Lord Minto, Madras 1910

Poona, Madras and Bombay Fours 1909 - other than AKD George the names of those shown are Fanshaw, Leahy, Thornton, Simons, Atlay, Lincoln, Wilson, Barber, Arbutknot, Kemp, Franstadt, Harrison, Pearson, Tompson, Scott McKenzie.

E Coy, winners of inter-company Football Tournament Poona 1911

A Coy, winners of tug-of-war inter-company shield Madras 1910

School of Musketry, Satara 1911

A Coy, returning from route march, Fort S.George Madras 1910

A Coy, Alleman's Nek Team winners of the inter-company race Poona 1912

Machine Gun Section 1912 - other than AKD George the names of the other ranks shown are Haskell, Bowditch, Freeman, Boorer, Stone, Moorish, White, Martin, Trickett, Elsworth, Williams, Trevor, Sgt. Hughes, L/Cpl Ashford.

Just to reitterate these are all 2/Dorset photographs.

Steve - If you can send me a PM with your e-mail address I will get copies of these photographs off to you.


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Hi Steve

I was confused by the fact that the OP suggested that he had been in India in circa 1909 with 4th Dorsets - which threw me rather.


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