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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Military Police in Salonika


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l-r: French, British, French, Serbian, Russian, Italian. So only five armies in actual fact.
It's one of three photos of a larger group, taken at Plateia Eleftherias (Liberty Square, junction of Nikis and Venizelou),

e.g. http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib/303/media-303305/large.jpg
(Search the IWM site for Salonika Police to see the others!)


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Thanks Adrian.

The second Frenchman was confusing me. As he has tropical uniform perhaps he came with Colonial troops.


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  • 1 year later...

Hello to All can i pick up the pace  and make the following question ...Hellenic Police or Gendarmes had the right too take allied Soldiers in custody or simple Arrest then ....

Example in a Bar or in a Public house (Brothel) or something similar an Unrest broke out  greek soldiers or Civilians came in trouble with Russian-French or British Soldiers off duty ..they call for help naturally Hellenic Police or Gendamerie ...Gendamerie or Police came and clubbed the violaters and Arrest then ...must they directly transfer then to their Nations Pm or was this a way through the different Provost Marshals.....

Any help is Welcomed.


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Welcome to the forum, I posted your question on the Western Front sub forum to see if any of the experts could provide information on what happened in France here:


Western Front Question


Only one reply so far, I suspect there was some kind of agreement whereby the Military Police of the army whose soldiers were causing a problem would be called in as soon as possible and the miscreants handed over.

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