Flamstead Posted 2 June , 2011 Posted 2 June , 2011 Last year a project was begun to record all those men from the Parish of Eckington, Derbyshire who died in the two World Wars. That work continues and we have already identified the following : 1914 - 1918 ADAMS (Military Medal)Frederick ALLCOCKEdward ANDRESSWilliam ARCHERCharles Albert ARTHERTON or ARTHURTONSidney ASKEWJoseph ATKINJohn Percy ATKINPercy ATKINSONCyril Marcus ATTENBOROUGHWilliam BACONAlfred Ernest BAILEYDavid BAILEYEdgar BAILEYFrederick BAILEYFrederick BAILEYHugh BAILEYJoseph BAILEYJoseph BAMBOROUGH (or BAMBROUGH)Herbert William BARBERAlbert BARKERFred BARKERHarold Marshall BARKERJames Thomas BARKERSibray or Sybrav BARSBYThomas Taylor BATTYHayden BATTYHorace BEALJohn William BEATTIEWilliam James BENNETTCharles BERESFORDGeorge William BLACKBURNErnest Edward BOLSOVEREdwin BOLSOVERGeorge F BONDF BOOTHGeorge Arthur BOSTOCKAlbert BRAMHALLGeorge BRISTOWHenry BROWNFrank BROWNJohn BROWNJohn William BROWNLOWWilliam BULLASJoe Alfred BURKINSHAWC BURROWSGeorge Walter BUSSEYGeorge BUTLERLeonard BUXTONErnest BUXTONHerbert BUXTONHerbert CARDINGAlbert CARLINHilary CARRINGTONWilliam CARRINGTONWilliam CARTERAlbert Victor CHAMBERSCharles CHAPMANH CHARLESBenedict CLARKEJohn CLAYTONEdwin CLAYTONHerbert COCKINGJ W COMMERFORDThomas COXHCROFTSHarry CROUCHFred CUMMINSThomas Coote CUMMINSThomas Coote CUNNIFFEBernard DALEAlfred Parks DAVIESRichard DAVISRichard DAVISONJohn F or John E DAWSONJohn James DEFFLEYGeorge Arthur DEFFLEYGeorge Arthur DEL MONACORomolo DENBYJohn (Edward or Edwin) DILKSE DITCHER (KITCHER on Memorial)Herbert Colin DOXEYIssaac H or Isaac Henry DRAKETT (or DRAYCOTT)Frank DRAKETTJames William DRAKETT (or DRACKETT)William DRAPERHenry DREWIvor DUTTONJoseph DUTTONWilliam DUTTONWilliam James EASTONAlbert EASTONAlbert EASTONJames EASTONJames EDSONErnest EL(L)COCKFrancis Willie ELLIOTTClarence Charles ELSTONEFrederick ETCHELLAlbert FARRELLThomas FENTONJohn FERGUSONHerbert FIDLEREdwin FIELDGeorge Henry FIELDSWilfred FIELDSWilfred FISHERCharles FLEMINGTeddy FOXDenis FRETWELLErnest FRITHClarence FRITHGeorge B FROSTSam FROSTSamuel GARDINERGeorge GARTONWilliam GILLSidney GODBERThomas Archibald GODDARDJoseph GOODWINCharles Henry GREAVESAlfred GREAVESGeorge William Marples GREAVESWilliam C GREENArnold GRIFFEN or GRIFFINErnest GUESTOscar Hubert HADDOCKAlfred J HADFIELDAlfred HADFIELDFred HAGUEJohn HALLBertram HALLPercy HALLReginald HAMILTONC HAMILTONMaurice HANDBURYHarry HANDLEYCharles HANSONArthur HARDWICKHarold HARDWICKJohn Goodwin HARGATELeonard HARPERJames Frederick HARRIS (Distinguished Conduct Medal)Alfred HARRISJohn Thomas HARRISWilliam HARRISONJoseph HARRISONWilliam Henry HARTLEYGeorge William HAYESFred HAYESFrank HAYESHarry HAYESHarry HAYESHarry HEADFORDJack HEBBLEWHITEW HEEDSLewis Albert HENSTOCKJohn William HERRINGJames Alfred HIBBARDHerbert HINGLEYU HOBSONJames Farewell HODGETTArnold HOLLANDJames William HOLLINGWORTHEdmund Bruce HOLLISWilliam HOLMESHerbert HOLMESLeonard HOPKINS Sidney HOPKINSONCharles Arthur HOPKINSONDavid HOPKINSONErnest Arthur HOWARTHHenry HOWEJohn HOWEJohn William HUGHESJohn HUGHESRalph HUMPHRIESFrank Teece HUNSLEYEdmund HUTCHBY or HUTCHLEY (Military Medal)Joseph William HUTCHINSONErnest HUTCHINSONGeorge HUTCHINSONSydney Howard JACKSONGeorge William JACKSONWilliam JACKSONWilliam JEWITTWillie JOLLY or JOLLEYArthur JONESBenjamin JONESEnoch JONESEnock (or Enoch)KEETONJohn KEETONJohn KINGR KIPLINGHarry KIRBYWilfred KIRKGeorge Whinfrey KIRKBYHarold KIRKLANDGeorge KITCHENArthur George KITCHING LAVENDERCharles LAXGeorge LEVERTONRichard LEVICKHerbert LEWISCharles Henry LEWISJohn Edward LEWISJohn Edward LIDGETTWilliam LISTEREric LISTEREric LUND (Military Medal)Harry MANGHAMJohn MARLOWJohn Henry MARPLESFrederick A MARPLESGeorge MARSHChristopher MATHERAlbert MAXFIELDJohn Thomas MCDONALDJames MELBOURNArthur MERRICKThomas MIDDLETONClarence MILLINGTONBernard MILNERT Sidney MONKG W MOODYAlbert (Edric or Edriss) MOORESamuel MORGANF MORLEYHubert MORRISJoseph MORRISR MORRITTJ MORTONDennis MORTONSamuel Walter MUNDAYWilliam MUNDYRawson MUNDYRawson MURDOCHWilliam Arthur NEEDHAMAlbert NETTLESHIPArthur NICHOLSONErnest F NICHOLSONEwart NICHOLSONJohn William NIGHTINGALEArthur NIGHTINGALEEdgar NIGHTINGALEEdgar NORTHBRIDGE (or NORTHRIDGE)George Albert OATESJames ORMEWilliam Richard OWENArnold OWENWilliam Patrick PARKEREdgar PARKERRichard PARKES or PARKSHorace Oswald PARRRalph PARTRIDGEAlfred Thomas PATTISONErnest PATTISONJoseph PEARSONCharles Sydney PEARSONGeorge H PEARSONHarold PEARSONHarry PEPPITTFred PICKERINGGeorge PRICEGeorge PRICE (Military Medal)James PRICEPercy PRIDAYCharles E PRIDAYCharles E PRIESTLEYJohn William RAMSDENLancelot RENSHAWFrank RHODESAlbert T RHODESL F RILEYArthur RIPPONAlbert RIPPONDolling William RIPPONHarold ROBERTSJohn Henry ROBERTSJohn Henry ROBINS Ellis ROBINSONAndrew ROBINSONArthur Harold ROBINSONRobert ROBINSONSimeon RODDISJoseph Edward RODDY Frank RODDY (Military Medal)Frank ROGERSJoseph A ROSEJohn ROSEVEARFrank ROSEVEARFrank RUSS F RUSSONBenjamin SALMONJohn Charles SANDERSWilfrid (or Wilfred) SCHWARTZPercy SCOTHERNBenjamin SCOTTJames (or John) William SEATONBernard SEWELLJoseph SHAWGeorge SHAWHarry SHAWHenry SHAWJoseph Osborne SHAWJoseph William SHAWRussell SHAWWillie A SHEPHERD (Military Medal)William SIBBRINGAubrey Crawford SILVERSJames SILVERSReuben SIMMONS or SIMMONDSEdwin SIMMONS James William SKELTONFred SKEVINGTONGeorge Ernest SMEDLEYSamuel George SMITHGeorge SMITHGeorge H SMITHG H SMITHJohn Henry SMITHJohn Thomas SMITHJohn William SMITHRichard SMITHRichard SMITHRichard SMITH (Military Medal)Samuel SMITHWilliam SMITHWilliam SMITHWilliam SNOWDENJohn William STANIFORTHPercy STANIFORTHPercy STATERichard STATONArthur STATONArthur STENTONG STENTONGeorge Arthur STONEGeorge H STONESGeorge Henry STONESHarry STONESJesse STRAWTHERJohn Jones SUTTONJohn Henry Holbeche SWINDELLAthal Frederick TAGGBenjamin Haydn TANTRAMJohn William TAYLORFrank TAYLORFrank TAYLORGeorge H TAYLORGeorge Henry TAYLORJohn Frederick TAYLORWilfred TAYLORWilfred TAYLORWilliam THOMPSONWilfred TOMLINSONWilfred TONGUESamuel TREECEF TURNERFred TURNERFrederick TURNERHarold TURNERJoseph VICKERSFrederick VICKERSJoseph WADDINGHAMJames Herbert WADDINGHAM or WADDINGTONTom WADEFrank WADERichard Francis WADLEYJohn William WALKERGeorge Frederick WALKER (Military Medal)Joseph WALKERWilliam WALLERFrederick WARDFrank Reginald WARDGeorge Elgie WARDReginald WARINGWilliam WARINGWilliam WELLS (Military Cross)Douglas Henry WHITECharles WHITEJames WHITEHEADGeorge John WHITEHOUSEJess WHITFIELDSamuel WHITHAMWalter WHITINGHorace WHITMOREWilliam WHITMOREWilliam WIDDOWSONE WIDDOWSONWilliam Byron WILBOURNEJoseph WILKINSONThomas WILLISPercy WILSONCharles WITHAMWalter WOOD Arthur WOODHEADArthur WOODTHORPEWilliam Albert WORTHINGTONErnest WRIGLEYJohn William YATESHarry YORKEAlbert P 1939 - 1945 ARCHERHenry BAKERErnest BAKERKenneth BAKERKenneth BARKERAlec Walker BARLOWFrank BARNESLuke BATTERSBYClifford BENTLEYErnest BENTONGeorge BINGHAMThomas BINGHAMThomas Henry BIRCUMSHAWFred BOOTHAllan BOULTONEzra BOWNSydney BURTONLloyd George BUXTONThomas CLARKEAlbert COLEEdward COOKEGeorge Cecil COOPERJohn William CRAMPFrank CROOKESFrank Raymond DAVYKenneth DYERJames Reginald ELSEHarry FROGGATTHaydn GILBERTBromley GODFREYFrank GRANTJohn HARRISAlfred F HAVENHANDJohn Cooper HAVENHANDLeonard HILLBruce HILLFrank HIPKISSAlwyn HOPKINSONAlan HUNTHenry HUNTWilfred JENNINGSHerbert W JONESErnest KETNORCharles Edward KINGFKINGFrederick Lewis KNOWLESJohn J KNOWLESJohn James LANEAlan LEEFrank LEWISFrancis (or Frank) LONGDENJ W LONGDENS MARSH (Military Cross)Harry John Wilson MORGANRhedge Haydn Durham MORRISONT A MOXONArthur MUMBYRichard NORRISMatthew PEARSONAlbert PERKINSChristopher Harry PERKINSChristopher William PORTEOUSGeorge Robert RODGERSLlyod ROSEGerald Bertram ROTHERHAMFred ROYLESB SALESFrank SAVAGEJack SCHWARTZReginald D SHORTHarold SKINNERAlice SMEDLEYFrederick SMITHLeslie SMITHLeslie STANLEYTrevor STAPLESN STENTONErnest STUBBINSCyril C STOKESAubrey STONEHarry TAYLORAlfred TAYLORW H THORPEColin TURNERGeorge WARDLEYFrancis James WETTONArthur WETTONArthur WHITELEYEric WHITMOREEric WOODGerald WOODGerald WOODWARDCissie YEOMANSS YOUNGPhilip Mervyn We would be delighted to hear from anyone who might have any further information on any of these casualties or family ties to them.
Flamstead Posted 2 June , 2011 Author Posted 2 June , 2011 My apologies, the formatting seems to have gone wrong on this list of names - I will try and sort out why. Whilst I'm on here I should just say that the above list includes a number of villages within the Eckington Parish boundary. Including, Renishaw, Ridgeway, Halfway, Mosborough, Marsh Lane.
Adam Llewellyn Posted 2 June , 2011 Posted 2 June , 2011 There are a few Leicestershire Regiment men with connections to Eckington, what information do you already have? Regards. Llew.
Ian N Posted 2 June , 2011 Posted 2 June , 2011 Hi Sounds a great project, my step great grandfather was born in Eckington in 1880. He was in the Middlesex Regiment and survived. His name was Albert Shonhut, his father having emigrated from Germany a couple of years before Albert was born. They were pork butchers in the centre of Eckington Ian
Flamstead Posted 2 June , 2011 Author Posted 2 June , 2011 Hi Llew / Steve Morse, Thanks for your messages. I do indeed have quite a bit more information on many of these men (although there are always the "unknowns") and will send that to you by PM.
Flamstead Posted 2 June , 2011 Author Posted 2 June , 2011 Hi Ian, Thanks for that. This all began because I lived in Eckington from 1979 to 1986 and still have family in the area. I was at the Parish Church (Sts Peter & Paul) on Remembrance Sunday 2010 and listened to them read out the names of the fallen and realised that half of those named only had initials rather than a full name. It seemed a shame to me that, almost a century later, we couldn't find christian names for them all so decided to try and do something about it. Since then it has just grown and grown as a project - don't they always !
KevinBattle Posted 2 June , 2011 Posted 2 June , 2011 It's a little off topic, but I can't see Cissie Woodward in the CWGC Debt of Honour..... I assume she is either a Civilian War Dead or one of the Womens services, but couldn't find an entry that seemed to match....
Flamstead Posted 3 June , 2011 Author Posted 3 June , 2011 Yes - Cissie Woodward is one of those for whom I can currently find no further information. All I know is that she is named on the Halfway War Memorial.
Ian N Posted 3 June , 2011 Posted 3 June , 2011 Hi Creswell boy myself! Well 1955 to 1973 Ian Hi Ian, Thanks for that. This all began because I lived in Eckington from 1979 to 1986 and still have family in the area. I was at the Parish Church (Sts Peter & Paul) on Remembrance Sunday 2010 and listened to them read out the names of the fallen and realised that half of those named only had initials rather than a full name. It seemed a shame to me that, almost a century later, we couldn't find christian names for them all so decided to try and do something about it. Since then it has just grown and grown as a project - don't they always !
Flamstead Posted 4 June , 2011 Author Posted 4 June , 2011 Hi Ian, Creswell makes you almost a neighbour ! In fact there are a number of men on local War Memorials with Creswell links ... BENNETT Charles Lance Corporal 25544 17th Bn Sherwood Foresters 27 March 1917 Age 36 Son of Edwin and Augusta Bennett of Creswell Husband of R E Bennett of 43 Baker Street, Creswell, nr Mansfield VI D 14 Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery b. Eckington enlisted Worksop, Notts resident Mansfield, Notts BOOTH George Arthur Rifleman R/2933 9th Bn King's Royal Rifle Corps 30 July 1915 Age 25 Son of Mary Emma Booth of 3 King St, Creswell, Mansfield, Notts and the late Arthur Booth Panel 51 and 53 Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial b. Eckington enlisted Mansfield BULLAS Joe Alfred Private 14657 12th Bn Sherwood Foresters 6 August 1917 b. Mosborough enlisted Creswell, Notts Age 21 Son of Mrs Sarah Mallender (formerly Bullas) of 156 Model Village Creswell, Notts and the late J W Bullas I F 9 Voormezeele Enclosures No.1 & No. 2 GOODWIN Charles Henry Corporal 240945 2nd/6th Bn Sherwood Foresters 26 September 1917 b. Killamarsh enlisted Creswell, Notts Panel 99 to 102 & 162 to 162A Tyne Cot Memorial
Ian N Posted 5 June , 2011 Posted 5 June , 2011 Hi Don't particularly recognise any names,whilst I aws brought up in Creswell my family are from Clowne, Worksop and Scarborough Ian Hi Ian, Creswell makes you almost a neighbour ! In fact there are a number of men on local War Memorials with Creswell links ... BENNETT Charles Lance Corporal 25544 17th Bn Sherwood Foresters 27 March 1917 Age 36 Son of Edwin and Augusta Bennett of Creswell Husband of R E Bennett of 43 Baker Street, Creswell, nr Mansfield VI D 14 Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery b. Eckington enlisted Worksop, Notts resident Mansfield, Notts BOOTH George Arthur Rifleman R/2933 9th Bn King's Royal Rifle Corps 30 July 1915 Age 25 Son of Mary Emma Booth of 3 King St, Creswell, Mansfield, Notts and the late Arthur Booth Panel 51 and 53 Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial b. Eckington enlisted Mansfield BULLAS Joe Alfred Private 14657 12th Bn Sherwood Foresters 6 August 1917 b. Mosborough enlisted Creswell, Notts Age 21 Son of Mrs Sarah Mallender (formerly Bullas) of 156 Model Village Creswell, Notts and the late J W Bullas I F 9 Voormezeele Enclosures No.1 & No. 2 GOODWIN Charles Henry Corporal 240945 2nd/6th Bn Sherwood Foresters 26 September 1917 b. Killamarsh enlisted Creswell, Notts Panel 99 to 102 & 162 to 162A Tyne Cot Memorial
Brian Smedley Posted 15 July , 2011 Posted 15 July , 2011 I am related to about 20 people that are recorded on the War memorials in the Parish of Eckington. I also have further info on some of the other names from both wars. I also have info on other nearby Memorials, for example Killamarsh. Lance Corporal Charles Bennett (25544) 17th Battalion Notts and Derbyshire Regiment, son of Edwin and Augusta Bennett, I have their picture. Augusta's mother was a Smedley from Eckington and is related to Samuel George Smedley and Frederick Smedley who's name are recorded on the Eckington War Memorial and several others.
Brian Smedley Posted 17 July , 2011 Posted 17 July , 2011 9th Bn Sherwood Forester men with Eckington connections. I should have photos of names/graves and further info if you require it. Edmund Bruce Hollingworth , 9th Bn Sherwood Foresters, buried Eckington. Died of wounds home. Probably wounds received 26 Sept 1916 on Somme. Thomas Farrell, 9th Bn, Helles Memorial, 9/9/1915.KiA John Thomas Harris, 9th Bn, Menin Gate, 9/6/1917 (messines) Ernest Fretwell, 9th Bn, 26/9/16 - Thiepval Mem, Battle of Thiepval. Samuel George Smedley, 9th Bn - Thiepval Mem, 29/9/16 Edwin Simmonds 9th Bn, Tyne Cot, 4/10/1917, Battle of Broodseinde.
Brian Smedley Posted 17 July , 2011 Posted 17 July , 2011 Steve, Please don't release the picture of Samuel George Smedley without stating courtesy of the Smedley and Whiteheads families. You made that mistake before and lost out on further 9th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters information including a postcard. With regards to Cissie Woodward who is recorded on the Halfway War Memorial, Parish of Eckington. Many years ago an old lady used to come and place flowers on the memorial. The card read Happy Birthday Cissie, it was about this time of year. The old lady may have been her mother, aunt, or sibling. I interviewed an old gentleman a few years ago who shall remain nameless, he stated that a family called Woodward lived on Palmer Street at Halfway. The houses on Palmer Street were knocked down in the 1950's, most of the men would have worked at nearby Holbrook Colliery. Further information can be provided on several more men that died in the first world war and there connections to historical events before, during and after the first world war
RammyLad1 Posted 17 July , 2011 Posted 17 July , 2011 Sounds like a great project, I know myself how these things start and seem to snowball into something much bigger,Good luck.
Flamstead Posted 18 July , 2011 Author Posted 18 July , 2011 Hi Gents, Many thanks for the recent correspondance on this thread - that will serve me right for going away for a long weekend to Herefordshire and not checking my e-mails ) RammyLad1 - many thanks for those best wishes, they are much appreciated. Brian Smedley - I think, given the amount of information you are describing, it would be best for me to e-mail you a copy of what I have so far. Could you please let me have an e-mail address for you (please feel free to send it to me by PM if you would prefer). Steve Morse - I hope you will forgive me but I can't now remember if I sent you a copy of my database or if I just requested your e-mail address so that I could send it to you. Maybe you might like to let me know. Simon
KevinBattle Posted 18 July , 2011 Posted 18 July , 2011 Brian needs to get to 5 posts before the PM system is available to him, so perhaps a reply to you Simon will get him there and then you can swap details.
Flamstead Posted 18 July , 2011 Author Posted 18 July , 2011 Hi Kevin, Well spotted - I hadn't noticed that Brian hadn't made 5 postings. Thanks for flagging it up. Simon
stevem49 Posted 20 July , 2011 Posted 20 July , 2011 Hi Gents, Steve Morse - I hope you will forgive me but I can't now remember if I sent you a copy of my database or if I just requested your e-mail address so that I could send it to you. Maybe you might like to let me know. Simon Simon I did not receive anything but then again I have had computer problems which led to me deleted all hotmail account addresses/mail etc. Steve
REGIN23 Posted 2 November , 2012 Posted 2 November , 2012 I am interested if anybody is aware of a Harry Marshall of Eckington who I believe was a casualty in the Great War. His name was mentioned during a Service for the fallen in 1919. Another from Eckington was mentioned, Frank Humphries - I have been able to find his CWGC record. Both were apparently Bellringers at Eckington. Thanks in advance. Alan
Flamstead Posted 12 November , 2012 Author Posted 12 November , 2012 Hi Alan, Unfortunately, I don't have any information on Harry Marshall but i do have the following on Frank Humphries (although I think you will already have much of it) ... HUMPHRIES Frank Teece Sergeant 240849 2nd/6th Bn Sherwood Foresters 28 September 1917 Age 21 Son of Isaac & Mary Ann Humphries of 40 Church St, Eckington VII E 17 Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Poperinge, West Vlaanderen, Belgium b. Eckington enlisted Eckington He is named on Eckington War Memorial. I would certainly be very interested to include anything further on Harry Marshall or Frank Humphries in a little database I am compiling if you discover anymore. Can I ask what your interest is in these men - I grew up in Eckington and actually have family who are currently bellringers at the Parish Church. Simon
aradgick Posted 12 November , 2012 Posted 12 November , 2012 I can empathise with looking for Harry Marshall. I am researching men from the Bracknell, Berkshire area and I have a Henry W Marshall on my list of names. I've identified the man but not his military details (there is an error is SDGW as the William Marshall listed as being from Bracknell is actually from Brightwell) Andrewr
David_Underdown Posted 12 November , 2012 Posted 12 November , 2012 Can I ask what your interest is in these men - I grew up in Eckington and actually have family who are currently bellringers at the Parish Church. Simon Simon, in case Alan doesn't see this for a while, CCCBRROH = Central Council for Church Bell Ringers Roll of Honour, Alan is responsible for the rolls and ensuring they are as comprehensive as possible, see http://www.cccbr.org.uk/rolls
Flamstead Posted 12 November , 2012 Author Posted 12 November , 2012 Hi David, Many thanks for that explanation - I must admit that I hadn't previously been aware of the CCCBRROH so that's filled a gap in my knowledge. The Roll Of Honour on the website looks a very worthy project so I'm happy to help Alan further if I can. If he would care to send me a Personal Message, with all the information he has on Harry Marshall then I might be able to ask if any of the current Eckington ringers have any information. Regards, Simon
REGIN23 Posted 12 November , 2012 Posted 12 November , 2012 Dear Simon, Thanks for posting a reply. As David mentions above I look after the Bell Ringers Roll of Honour, do please have a look at the link above. I am an active Bell Ringer in London I have been researching historical copies of the Bell Ringers Weekly Magazine, "The Ringing World". I noticed a report of a Service of Remembrance that was held in Sheffield Cathedral to honour the fallen in 1919. It mentions a Roll of Honour with a number of names, among which was one Harry Marshall who was shown as being from Eckington - The Bell Ringers Roll of Honour does not list anybody with that name or in fact anybody from Eckington. Having looked again at the list that started this topic I think I may have worked it out, near the top there is listed one "Harry Marshall Barker", possibly the Roll of Honour or simply the Report in the Ringing World missed his Surname? CWGC Has: Private H M Barker, 13790 12th Bn. West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own) Died 19/05/1916 and Buried at La Laiterie Military Cemetery Son of Mrs. W. Barker, of 43, Marshall Rd., Woodseats, Sheffield. Soldiers Died has additionally that he was Born: Ridgeway, Chesterfield, Derbyshire and Enlisted at Sheffield Any thoughts? Alan
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