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British Forces in Italy


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Hi All

A little while ago I wrote an article for 'Cross and Cockade International Journal' on 'Italian Contact Patrol Procedures in 1918'. This should be published in a future edition of that journal. It deals with the time that the RFC/RAF was also there and mentions how Italian and British aircraft would support each others ground troops so had to adopt each others procedures to some extent. This may be of interest to some of you.

In the research I found a fair few original Italian procedure documents in TNA concerning the co-operation between aircraft and infantry (AIR1/498/15/325/2), these had been sent back to the Air Ministry in London by RAF 14th Wing in August 1918. There are also various translations of Italian Documents.

Having a subscription might be a good investment if you are interested in the aviation side on all fronts. At present I am working on French procedures, this may be of interest to some in the future.


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  • 2 years later...

Has this group been formed or is anything happening re the Italian Campaign. My wife's Grandfather Capt (Act Major) Angus Taylor fought in Italy - 285th Co Royal Engineers ( prior in 177th tunnelling Co)- received the Italian Bronze medal for Valour as well as MC after war, would like to learn more about this campaign. Am regular visitor to Ypres Somme and Verdun through school trip but aim to be in northern Italy next summer.

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Clarrie, I never found the time to do anything with it and as far as I know no one else has ever done anything with it, either. I remain of the opinion that an Italian Campaign Association or suchlike would be valuable.

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Clarrie, I never found the time to do anything with it and as far as I know no one else has ever done anything with it, either. I remain of the opinion that an Italian Campaign Association or suchlike would be valuable.

I agree. Put me down for membership please.

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If anyone is planning to visit northern Italy I'd strongly suggest they contact Forum Pal Kibe. He and his friend Paolo gave Ruth and I a fantastic time on the Asiago plateau last year.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I visited in 2009 and, with the help of a local guide who lives in Fara, had a marvellous time walking in the footsteps of my grandfather. If you can get to Asiago then go there, you won't be disappointed. I put some of my visit on my web site dedicated to my grandfather's war http://www.bertspires.co.uk. You might find the google earth file helpful.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest Dlaratta1

Hello Everyone ,

I was just curious if this association was crated ?

Our Company's Owner owns Vineyards in the Montello hills where a lot of these battles took place including the land that the L’Abbazia di S.Eustacchio sits on in Nervesa della Battaglia, In one of our vineyards we found a dog tag of an 18 year old Canadian pilot (Donald Gordon Maclean) that was in the 45th squadron of the RFC's , in his memory we have created a statue of Donald standing on the wing of his plane that will be displayed in the vineyard he crash landed in. We are currently attempting to find any distant relatives of Donald but have been unsuccessful so far , I'm searching for any information on this Pilot and the battle itself . We will be unveiling the Monument in September of this year with a big ceremony with Media and special guests , It would be great to have people that are interested in this Battle to attend .

Has anyone been to the war Museum in Montello ? its quite fascinating..

Copy and Paste the link below for the obituary of this young pilot


Thank you All

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  • 1 year later...

I have just finished reading The White War by Mark Thompson, a great book on a campaign that does not appear to get a lot of coverage. I am fortunate to have friends in Schio, Italy and have been to Mount Pasubio and Lagazuoi to see the paths carved in the rock and the tunnels through the mountain, an incredible battlefield. I intend to increase my knowledge of this campaign and it would be great to see a dedicated interest group, is there any update of anything to come in the future?


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Thanks for quick reply, that is unfortunate but I appreciate how busy you are. I've just returned home from a lecture in Perth by Mike Taylor on Total War 1917, excellent lecture. He briefly touched on Italian campaign amongst everything that else that was going on in 1917, I could have listened for another hour. 


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  • 1 year later...

I live in Italy and I look for British artillery maps in Valle di Ledro (Trentino) in July 1918. There were 3 RGA batteries of the 94 brigade.
Do you have information on this area of the little-studied front?

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