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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Field Artillery

Kevin Keeley

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I would appreciate recommended reading on Royal Field Artillery and in particular 55th (West Lancs) Division and 277th Brigade.

Kevin Keeley

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A general tome on the RA is Farndale's History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery Western Front 1914-1918.

The 277th Brigade do get a mention.


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  • 2 weeks later...

War Diary of the 1st West Lancashire Brigade RFA compiled by Captain WW Wadsworth MC published in Liverpool by the Daily Post Printers in 1922. This is a book with commentary rather than the 'official' war diary

There are references in the short history of 288 (2nd West Lancashire) Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery: A History by Captain AW Simpson published after WW2

A Short History of the 59th (4th West Lancashire) Brigade RA TA by Colonel LM Synge TD (and it is short) and I think much of this appears appears in the post WW2 History of 359 Regt RA TA. Published in Liverpool in 1934

I presume that you have seen Coop's Story of the 55th Division (not brief but not long either).

There is material in Liverpool Record Office relevant to the 55th Division

There are also a series of jocular publications called Kamp Knews published in Liverpool as the 'official news-ance of the 3rd West Lancashire Brigade Royal Field Artillery' as Christmas issues that you may be able to track down. They seem to have casualty lists.

You may get more information posting under a 55th Division Artillery title

Obviously official war diaries tied with trench maps (including the divisional artillery diary) in the National Archive.

Brigadier-General Perreau, Commander Royal Artillery for 55th Division from late 1916 seems to have left no papers or diaries that are traceable (or at least none that are known to his surviving family).


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Kamp Knews was published in December each year during the Great War and each issue averages about 15 pages. They contain information mostly about officers but there is occasional information about other ranks. The 1917 and 1918 issues contain list of killed and wounded, both officers and other ranks. I have all the issues for the Great War and all the books mentioned by Ian in his message above; are you looking for something in particular? Regards, Dick Flory
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  • 7 years later...

The research group studying the actions of Sgt. Cyril E Gourley V.C. and men at Little Priel Farm on 30th November 1917 have recently been sent copies of two Army Form W.3121's signed by Brigadier-General Perreau, the Commander of the 55th Divisional Artillery.

I believe his initials are A M P. I checked out Revd Coop's book and I think I'm correct but not sure.

Also, was he Canadian by any chance?

With grateful thanks,

Wayne Finch

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