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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Iron Cross souvenir


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My wife's grandfather served from Aug 1914 to Feb 1919 in infantry battalions, was wounded four times and won the DCM in 1917. Among his souvenirs, that have recently been passed down to us, is this Iron Cross.

I wonder if anyone can tell me anything at all about it. I presume it was awarded in 1914 and I'm particularly intrigued by the "W" on the front and the symbols that are cast into the back which seem to be "FB" and "RO"

Any help gratefully received.




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Hi Jef, Yes you are correct its a first war one, they where also issued for the period's 1870 and 1939, go by the dates on the front.

The "w" is for Wehrmacht, I am not sure about the letters on the back, and normally the year 1870 appears on the bottom back, hope this is of some help. Peter

Hi Jef, Yes you are correct its a first war one, they where also issued for the period's 1870 and 1939, go by the dates on the front.

The "w" is for Wehrmacht, I am not sure about the letters on the back, and normally the year 1870 appears on the bottom back, hope this is of some help. Peter

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Wehrmacht in 1914?????

You mean Wilhelm, I suppose.


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...Germans must have been very desperate when they made these ' Iron Crosses 2nd Class'


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it doesn't look like any 'awarded' iron cross,more like a broach or privately bought/made keepsake or souvenir type thing.

Best one to ask may be Dave 'croonaert'.

Well done Cnock on a well thought out response that didn't even involve the posers original question.


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There is a previous very comprehensive thread about this subject....souvenir items....


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Sorry cnock, Wilhelm 11 it is.............

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Thanks everyone, especially Mick for the links. I followed those up and, although the one I've got isn't like any of the Crosses there - they seem to have been produced for propaganda purposes - it nonetheless appears to be a cheap fake.

It has all the symbols of an Iron Cross 2nd Class but doesn't have the quality of a real one. Disappointing, but it looks as if it might have been cast by a couple of moulders in a Wolverhampton foundry using up spare hot metal to make a few bob on the side.

Thanks again for your responses.


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Your item looks to be too crude to pass as "Patriotika",

there were many W.W.1 Iron Cross related items produced ranging from minis

with added wreaths, produced in a range of material from gold to enamel, given to sweet-hearts

and mothers, minis on broaches made from the driving bands of shells,

even hinged bracelets made from a complete driving band, to china coffee service sets adorned with the Iron Cross.

However most were executed with pride, and quality, seeing this was Prussia highest Military award.

There was the official Iron Cross I Class / II Class award made to the soldier,

and by showing the issuing brevet / Urkünde he could buy a spare, or replacement,

often the original was sent home to his family and the spare used for day to day wear.

Connaught Stranger :D

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  • 1 year later...

The cross shown here is a "spoof Iron Cross", but a different kind. It also comes with the year 1915. They were all produced in England, and used as a kind of "support" for the home front and parody on the German Iron Cross. The letters on the reverse is the trademark of the producers!



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Hello Jef,

this is the real Eisernes Kreuz, II. class.




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... it nonetheless appears to be a cheap fake.

+Not a "Fake" but as stated above a Souvenir Spoof Iron Cross sold to raise funds for various War Charities etc,The Diamond & "Rd" on the Reverse would suggest a "Registered Design" the foundry mark being above it.

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