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Naval ranks in the Great War


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My great uncle died at Jutland on HMS Indefatigable and according to his service record he was ERA 4 but on the complete list of the dead on board he is a 'tiffie' 5. Which is the higher rank and how did tiffies progress up the ladder?

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Jelladabad, welcome to the forum.

If your great uncle was named William White, his Admiralty death record has him listed as ERA 4c:

WHITE, WILLIAM G., E.R.A. 4c, M 7204 (Dev), INDEFATIGABLE H.M. Battlecruiser, 31-May-16, SHIP LOSS.

Best wishes


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Great care was taken to ensure that the list of casualties had the correct ranks shown, it affected payouts. There was a casualty list preduced indicating who were next of kin and often when they were informed.

ADM 116/1533 Loss of H.M.S. INDEFATIGABLE Sunk in action 31st May - Casualties (only)

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Many thanks to all your helpful replies. My great uncle was Arthur George Floyd who saw service as ERA 4 and it seems unlikely, in view of his service log, that he would have been demoted in war time.


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It would state in his service record if he had been reduced in rank, it should also give a date when he was promoted to ERA 4th Class (5/6 a day) which equates to a Chief Petty Officer. ERA 5th Class (3/- per day) is Leading Hand.

Regards Charles

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I have items to M15245 ERA4 P.Callender RN. He joined Indomitable Aug 1915 but was transferred to Invincible just before Jutland due to shortage of ERAs in that ship. Was this common - battlecruisers getting short of crew?

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Jellalabad, your GU was an ERA 5c according to the Admiralty death record:

FLOYD, ARTHUR G., E.R.A. 5c, M 3283 (Dev), INDEFATIGABLE H.M. Battlecruiser, 31-May-16, SHIP LOSS.

If he ever made ERA 4 it would, as Charles states, be shown on his service record, with reasons for the demotion.

Best wishes


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Naval ratings work on the higher the number, the lower the rank!

ERAs are a very specialist rank Phil so would get swapped around more than most.

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