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The Capture of Beersheba 31 October 1917


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I have many problems with the outline of the battle given above, most which vex me when dealing with this battle.

First from the above,

"Tel el Saba, allocated to the NZMR Brigade, proved to be a much more difficult nut to crack. It was defended by about 300 Turks whose role was to protect eight machine guns that dominated the wadi and the flat land along its banks"

Total strenght of the Turks on this hill is shown in there histories of the War and eight MG's is no where near the right number. when only four guns were captured, 25 killed 132 captured that makes around 150 ran from the battle all carrying away four heavy maxim MG's?

I can go on like why did Chavuel allow such a limited force to attack Tel el Saba at the begining?

It took till the afternoon for a larger force to be ordered (by Chavuel) move to assist the NZMB who were strugling to fight up the hill, after the 1 LH Bde arrived things began to go better. why wasn't a large force sent in the first place?

Artillery help, why was only one battery sent to help the NZMB when before this battle Allenby had grouped all the guns of each Mounted Division, Chavuel instead broke up these large groups and used his guns (batteries) singlurly rather then as a group.

In the end some three to four batteries were firing, which should have happen at the start not near the end.

I can go on but this was not to perfect battle given in aussie accounts again we completly over look the fighting by the British Infantry Divisions which fought a far larger force of Turks and draw them away from the Chauvels horse.

And not to forget that the Turks had began there withdrawal of Beersheba before the 4th LH Bde had charged, and only a small rear guard remained to fight them when they did charge. the capture of so few Turks shows only the rear guards and those not quick enough got caught in the end and the larger forces excaped to continue the fight.


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