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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Daily Acts of Remembrance

Tom Morgan

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Are there any daily Acts of Remembrance in the UK? I know that many libraries/Town Halls turn the pages of Books of Remembrance and Rolls of Honour on a daily basis, but are there any more daily remembrances?

(I remember hearing somewhere about a bell which is rung at a certain time each day and there is a Great War Remembrance reason for this, but can't remember where I heard about this or where the bell is - in a cathedral, I think.)


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The turning of the page ceremony at the Warriors' Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral is accompanied by the ringing of a ship's bell (HMS Kent I think). This was once attended by a soldier who marched down from the barracks but I'm not sure if it is still a daily occurence.


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I just found out that it is the bell of the Canterbury and that is traditionally rung by ex-RN. the ceremony is at 11:00.

I can get more info if you want Tom

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The Books of Remembrance at the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle are turned every morning to the relevant date. That's a lot of books.

The Golden Book in St John's Church , Perth is also turned each day.

Some Regimental Museums have remembrance books on display, usually opened at the relevant page but I don't know of any ' ceremony ' of doing this.



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