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Auxiliary Military Hospitals


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A bit of a long shot, but I was wondering if anybody had any information on/or knew where I could find information about Stokesay Court in Shropshire during World War I. I know all about the history of the house as I grew up there, but its usage during World War I is a bit mysterious to me.

All I have is an article stating:

"During the First World War Stokesay was used as an Auxiliary Military Hospital, for convalescent soldiers, affiliated to the Berrington War Hospital at Shrewsbury."

The family residents (not including servants) would have been (ages from start to end of war) the widowed Margaret J. Allcroft (aged 47-51) and her children John R. Allcroft (aged 9-13) and Jewell Allcroft (7-11). The house has around 89 rooms, so I have often wondered if the family (particularly the children) were in residence during its use as a hospital.

I believe that Margaret Allcroft may have been a nurse (but I don't know that for sure). Certainly after the war she took an interest in nursing. Serving as the Chairman of the Craven Arms Nursing Association, and on the governing bodies of the Salop Mental Hospital and Berrington Hospital. She also took an interest in "After Care" work.

What type of people (as in injuries) would have been there?

I have also seen the following site:


And found one which states that a soldier from the Leeds Pals had been cared for at Stokesay.


As I said, a bit of a long shot but if anybody could help it would be much appreciated.

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There should be something reported in the local newspaper between September 1914 and early 1919. There will have been local collections of money and eggs, local volunteers employed, and entertainment parties organised, local doctors will also have been involved. And there will have been some sort of ceremony (with the obligatory speeches) when the hospital closed, and it will have been reported in the local press.

You should find the local paper at the library that is local to the newspaper’s area. I have found a considerable amount on the Holmfirth Auxiliary Hospital from the local paper. A new wartime hospital will have been just as newsworthy elsewhere in the country.


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Information I have is that Stokesay Court was for convalescent only but not for any specific injuries. It was an affiliated hospital to Shrewsbury, Berrington War Hospital.

Not much but hope this helps


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