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Colour Sargs...how rare?


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I spotted a nice piece to a colour sargent R. Robinson 1880 today...Just how rare a rank is colour sargent before I start to search for him?

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Hmm! Bed of nails, can of worms. Firstly, it was an infantry-only rank, three chevrons pont down upper sleeve and crown above, with a few extra embellishments in some regiments such as Guards. The equivalent badge-wearers in other corps were called different things, staff sergeant etc.

But AO's including 207 and 210 of 1914 [before war began] as a consequence of the new 4-Company organsiation of the REGULAR army, appointed the 8 existing colour sergeants into four pairs of CSM/ CQMS, a pair to each new company. They both continued to wear same badge as hitherto until 1915 when CSM became a Warrant Officer. Regardless of what the unit called the CQMS, he was badged as a CSgt, but from that time the numbers were halved "at a stroke". As the TF slowly adopted the four-company system, they would have followed suit.

So, an approximate answer is: August 1914, eight CSgt per battalion times number of battalions, plus a few in external appointments. A year later, half as many in a battalion, twice as many battalions and more on the way!

As far as records will show, very many will be given as CQMS, strictly an appointment not a rank. Medal rolls usually show CQMS.

I dare say a more knowledgeable hand than mine can add.

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In the RMLI the rank of Colour Sergeant was seperate to and lower than a CSM, the former being a rank above that of a Sergeant and below a WO2. Statistically more CSMs in the RMLI were WO2s but some held WO1 rank.



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