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RFA numbering


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I'm hoping somebody can tell me how the numbering system worked for the "Locally recruited" brigades of the RFA in 1915.

175 brigade was raised in Staffordshire, and although later in the war would absorb men from all over, I'm trying to get some form of initial roll.

From war diaries, relatives, casualties etc, I have quite a few service numbers. e.g L/33330, L/35595, L/39179, L/44080., all men from Staffs, but obviously a wide range of numbering, but men I know enlisted roughly the same time. at

What I'd like to know is what numbers were allocated to the brigade?, were different recruiting stations allocated certain blocks?

I've had a whizz through the medal card index on the NA website at the numbers around the few mentioned above, but would like some form of confirmation that I'm on the right track.


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I have been wondering about this too - with 168th Brigade recruited around Huddersfield in a brief period in 1915, most of the L/ numbers seem to be L/25*** and L/29***, and a few L/28***, but I have only identifed about 40 soldiers from the original recruits so far -- they presumably must have been working with blocks of numbers in the recruiting station(s)?? I have not identified any L/ ... numbers other than these series' associated with the Brigade or its casualties ..

some examples :-

Sgt Peter Battye Royston L/25406

Bdr Bernal Wood L/25414

Sgt Frederick Cooke L/25421

Gnr Frederick Charles Kiddle L/25458

Drvr J W Brook L/25470

Corporal Samuel Earnshaw L/25473

Gnr Leslie Varley L/25483

Corporal John Thomas Sherwood L/25491

Drvr Harold Bamforth L/25524

Bdr Richard Howarth L/25530

Sgt F J Beaumont L/25548

Gnr Arthur Rushworth L/25653

Corporal Harold Albert Tucker L/25663

Driver Friend Cocker L/25671

A/Bdr James Edward Cain MM L/25688

Bombardier Harry Broomhead L/25756

Bombardier Tom Dollive L/25779

Gnr Joe Sykes L/25781

BQMS Frank Stead L/25791

Drvr Douglas Shaw L/25805

Gnr Thomas Wilkinson L/28038

A/Bdr Ebbey Wadsworth L/28096

Driver Frederick Harrison L/28204

Driver Arthur Berry L/29245

Sgt Walter Chambers L/29324

Driver Harold Barraclough L/29381

Bdr Arthur Hitchen Riley L/29382

Gnr Gilbert Henry Wood L/29431

the number ranges - of 100s - represented here would provide enough for a Brigade & Ammunition Column I would suspect along with a smattering of regulars and others??

perhaps 25400-25800s... 28000-28200s .. 29200-29400s ??


I'm hoping somebody can tell me how the numbering system worked for the "Locally recruited" brigades of the RFA in 1915.

175 brigade was raised in Staffordshire, and although later in the war would absorb men from all over, I'm trying to get some form of initial roll.

From war diaries, relatives, casualties etc, I have quite a few service numbers. e.g L/33330, L/35595, L/39179, L/44080., all men from Staffs, but obviously a wide range of numbering, but men I know enlisted roughly the same time. at

What I'd like to know is what numbers were allocated to the brigade?, were different recruiting stations allocated certain blocks?

I've had a whizz through the medal card index on the NA website at the numbers around the few mentioned above, but would like some form of confirmation that I'm on the right track.


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