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Taken from the BBC website on Tuesday.

War memorial stolen from church

Police have condemned thieves who stole a war memorial commemorating lives lost during the two World Wars.

The 4ft by 3ft metal plate was prised off All Saints' Church, in Middlesbrough town centre, on Monday.

Father Glyn Holland, who discovered the theft, said he was devastated and an important piece of the town's history had been taken.

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said the theft was "sickening" and appealed for help to find the culprits.

'Left sickened'

Father Holland, also a chaplain to the British Legion, appealed for anyone who had a list of the names appearing on the memorial to come forward.

He said: "This is a very important piece of history and is the only war memorial in the centre of Middlesbrough which relates to local people.

"It may never be commemorated again."

A large hole has been left on the stone where the metal plaque was mounted.

The police spokeswoman added: "Police were left sickened by the callous theft and are asking the public for help in tracing those responsible."

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Taken from the BBC website on Tuesday.

A similar fate befell the Bedfordshire Regiment War Memorial in Ampthill Park, Bedfordshire. Several of the metal plates were prised off and presumably sold for scrap. A dedicated group of wonderful chaps are now raising the funds needed to replace the missing panels.

You really do wonder at some people :angry: but take heart that there are others who do care :)


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Is it a new craze of today's undisciplined kids?

I suppose I shouldn't be, but am stunned that this has happened.

I have always commented how nothing is ever disturbed after poppy wreaths have been laid, but now this.

Makes you wonder what the world is coming to.


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If i`m not mistaken i think it has now been found in a scrapyard. It was on another thread which i can`t find at the moment.


Phil Henry

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Is it a new craze of today's undisciplined kids?

I suppose I shouldn't be, but am stunned that this has happened.

I have always commented how nothing is ever disturbed after poppy wreaths have been laid, but now this.

Makes you wonder what the world is coming to.


I've seen the places where poppy wreathes were taken from but that(while being either a nastiness or necessity),doesn't bother me as much as the personally placed family tributes that go missing.A cap badge was taken off one of our graves in Auberchicourt before Christmas,left by a Canadian family to their NoK.

I know for a fact that it wasn't the CWG French guys that moved it(& other bits)as the Beauraines office logs these.

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Words just cannot expess our feelings at this outrage and many others that have occured in recent times.

We here on the Forum without exception care passionately about these things, as do many others. I could express my disgust in words that our moderators would not approve of!

I just hope that the memorials will turn up / be recovered and the ........ that stole them are brought to book.


Terry W.


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"...I hope they Catch the Scum that stole the Plaque!..."

Unortunately they'll probably only get as ASBO; They certainly won't get what they deserve - The Law doesn't allow public flogging any more.

Tom the Walrus.

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Thank you for posting the other link, didnt notice it had already been discussed, so sorry.

Yes, thankfully they have been found....

in a scrapyard.


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No problem i was as disgusted as you were.

I have seen the photos in your other thread thought they were superb many thanks for posting them.


Phil Henry

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