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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

grimsby auxillary trawlers


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hello all, can anyone help with this, the grimsby trawlers GY1126 AND GY504 where called halcyon and as i am trying to find out about halcyon2 , could anyone shed any light on these two pennented ships from grimsby called halcyon. the halcyon 2 was used in the great war and i am trying to clear this. thankyou best regards john

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John, according to Toghill, Halcyon II was requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve in 1917 and served to 1919, when returned to owners.

190 TG, Port reg A 514 (Admiralty), launched 1898.

Best wishes


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thanks david, so the gy pennant would befor ww2 as its on the hearts of oak website. thanks again john

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hello again david , this is just an add on, when the halcyon 2 was requisitioned in 1917 was it into the rnvr and where the crew under the admiralty. cheers john

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Because of the large number (about 1400) of trawlers that had been requisioned by the Admiralty for war service, plus losses to the enemy, the volume of fish landed was vastly reduced from pre-war figures. This led naturally to a steep rise in prices.

On 29/5/17 War Order N 67028 placed all the British steam vessels engaged in private trawl fishing under immediate requisition. A special Fishery Reserve of the Trawler Section was created for these vessels to be commissioned under the white ensign. It was planned that vessels would fish in groups of about 20, of which 25% would be armed.

The fishing activity remained private but the ultimate control lay with the Admiralty.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

Best wishes


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hello david, that was great, it clears things up nicely, thanks again regards john

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