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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Fremantle Cemetery W. Australia


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Just so this one doesn't slip through the net.

Private James GIVEN (Depot) born Lamardy Derry Ireland died in Australia 23.04.1917.

Lance Corporal Norman Henry SPEAKMAN 43rd Battalion born Dambury England died in Australia of gunshot wounds to the spine received on the Somme on 17.03.1920.

For whatever reason SPEAKMAN was buried with James GIVEN which is curious in that there was not a problem with room at this cemetery. In fact, even as of today, the land allocated will see it operating for another 50 years or more.

The OAWG erected a headstone on the grave for SPEAKMAN and there was no mention of GIVEN in this grave.

In June 2005 I photographed and documented the Official War Graves in Fremantle Cemetery and discovered this anomaly and applied for a headstone to be put on the grave for James GIVEN. Later in 2005 a headstone was placed on the grave.



Bright Blessings


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Well done.

I am ashamed to say that, the last time I was in Fremantle (for the America's Cup), I was not the least interested in war graves and never visited the cemetery. Something I now regret!

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All the more reason to come back Terry and I am sure Andrew or I could organise a personally guided tour :D

I think we all have our regrets when it comes to our love of military history, however, you had a reason for being here at the time and military graves was not one of them :)

Send me your address by PM and I will send you a complimentary copy of the work.

Bright Blessings


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Hello Sandra,

To my shame I didn't know there were official war graves in Fremantle Cemetary. Are they in a special part, or placed throughout?



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Thanks Kim. :)

Shirley ... to answer you question. The war graves in Fremantle Cemetery are is the respective denomination sections mostly in groups although there are a few that scattered about.

Sadly these groupings are not afforded the respect that we see in war cemeteries. The OAWG told me they visited the cemetery once a year and that was in May.

This is Anzac Day 2006


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Thanks Andrew,

Would you have names of those in Fremantle (if this is not too complicated). I am thinking in terms of a holiday visit for the grandkids, with a trip to the Museum afterwards.



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Hi Shirley

The Army museum is well worth a visit and is open each day of the school holidays from 11am to 4pm.

As for the list of those buried there I know I have it somewhere.

I'll have a look for it but Sandra might be able to lay her hands on it quicker. I'll let you know if I find it.



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you can download the grave names, numbers and locations from the CWGC website.


When you are at that page type in Fremantle and it will deliver the list.

Probably the quickest one to find would be the Anglican AA section where is where that photograph was taken. It is the section (from memory) where GIVEN is.

Bright Blessings


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Had a really good visit to Fremantle Cemetary and the museum today. We had a bit of difficulty locating the graves, so it was interesting for the kids to recognise the distinctive headstones. We visited about 25 graves, including J.Given. No. 2 granddaughter aged 8 thought all the PTEs were pirates, a thought they would have liked.

Thanks again for all the info



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Hello Shirley ... I am pleased you had an enjoyable time :)

Even if you only found those 25 I am sure they boys enjoyed the visit.

Yes ... GIVEN is the one buried with SPEAKMAN ... at least people know where he is now when they visit.

Next time you are heading down this way give me a cooee and I can meet up with you there.

Bright Blessings


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