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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

r.n.r. ships logs


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hello, can anyone help me with trying to trace the ships logs for the auxillary trawlers halcyon2, braconlynn, colonia, glow, bombay, bradford and the montano. any help in steering me in the right direction would be greatly appriciated. regards john

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John, regret to inform you there are NO logs in ADM 53 / PRO for any of these ships.

ADM 53 is `Main file' for ships logs. Other details may be in ADM 1 / ???? ADM 377 / ??? etc.

Details MAY be found if other ships were in area and they give any reports.

Good Hunting, Sadsac

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hello sadsac, thats a pity, i will just have to keep hunting. maybe i can get some idea where they where from individuals service records, thanks for trying regards john

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Hello Sadsac,

What is the ADM? I am new to this.

Could you steer me in any direction for anything to do with an ex-cross channel ferry ELLA which was owned by the Shipping Federation in Bristol, loaned to the Admiralty, who loaned her to the Belgians and the Master was my Great Grandfather Captain J G Gray, who was Registrar of Shipping in Bristol from 1915 until 1935.



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Noel, ADM in PRO/NA terms = ADMIRALTY files, as opposed to AIR = Air Force etc.

Sorry, regret cannot be of help re ELLA, but I am sure some `Pal' on this Forum will come forward with relavant info - they usually do !

Good Hunting, Sadsac

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I think the link failed but if you google up the National Maritime museum site and work through to the historic photograph enquiry page then type in 'Ella' it throws up a few choices. Click on the page icon on the individual items and it gives a bit more info.

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I'm on the way

Thanks Tom

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been looking for a picture of ELLA for some time.

No image so one has to order blind,

never mind.

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