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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Unknown location - Egypt

David Porter

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Amongst my Great Uncle's negatives was this one (see link). I know he was in Alexandria and this could be Port Said, but it doesn't look like the port building. I can see many differences. Does anyone know for sure where this picture was taken? Also would anyone know what "CORY" was seen in the bottom right?

Unknown Location

Many thanks,


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Thanks Bob & Kath.

It looks like at one time he was on board one of Cory's merchant ships. A great help.

Cheers David

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I don't know if this will help or hinder, but this is a photo my grandfather took of Port Said in 1918.

Mike Morrison


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Thanks for this Mike. On the left of your picture is a small part of the port building (at a guess). It is this building that could be in my picture. However all pictures of it I've found on the Net are not like the one I have, so I'm not sure if it Port Said. It's obviously a major port, probably in Egypt (people in small boat wearing the Fez), but I'm still confused.

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This is a modern photo of Port Said.


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Thanks Dave, this picture has the same building, supposedly in 1910.


Either the date is wrong and it was changed or I have a different location in my photo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Amongst my Great Uncle's negatives was this one (see link). I know he was in Alexandria and this could be Port Said, but it doesn't look like the port building. I can see many differences. Does anyone know for sure where this picture was taken? Also would anyone know what "CORY" was seen in the bottom right?

Unknown Location

Many thanks,



The building in question is the former Suez Canal Company Office Building. What it's used for now I do not know.


Photo from the after deck of my ship 1955.

I sailed past this building many a time.

See my next post.


(former P&O Shipping Coy. Engineer)

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Entrance to the Suez Canal at Port Said. Extract from an old map of the Suez Canal, circa 1900's, part of my collection.

The map is a fold out and lists all the old features of the Canal.



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Thank you for your posts and pictures.

I am still not conviced that the picture I have is of the same building. There are distinct differences - the lack of domes on the roof being the most significant. The map from 1900 gives the same frontal view that can been seen in later pictures. My photo was taken about 1917 and is clearly a large port building but it does not look like the contemporary shots of the Suez Canal Company Office Building. Maybe during WW1 it was altered and then put back the way it was? Can someone find a similar building in an Egyptian port? Please compare the photos for yourself - is it really the same?


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Thank you for your posts and pictures.

I am still not conviced that the picture I have is of the same building. There are distinct differences - the lack of domes on the roof being the most significant. The map from 1900 gives the same frontal view that can been seen in later pictures. My photo was taken about 1917 and is clearly a large port building but it does not look like the contemporary shots of the Suez Canal Company Office Building. Maybe during WW1 it was altered and then put back the way it was? Can someone find a similar building in an Egyptian port? Please compare the photos for yourself - is it really the same?


I have been checking all I have on that area, but no history of the building that I can find.

It certainly is a puzzle, the building in your photo has all the architectural features but minus the domes. The surrounding area is very much like that of the entrance to Suez at the Port Said waterway.

I will look at some war history for the period and area, see if any clues turn up.


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Yes, it is possible it could be Alexandria as I know my great-uncle was there. However, I have failed to find other pictures of this dominant building anywhere. The building at Port Said is by far the closest match but you can see many additions that are not on his photo. I don't think it is Salonika where he also served, but I guess another Egyptian port.

I have more pictures of mysterious locations but I thought I would try this one due to the striking building. Anyone else want to rise to the challenge?

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  • 7 months later...

Eventually found.

It's Admiralty House, Port Said.

See the Australian War Memorial collection (http://www.awm.gov.au/) and type in "Admiralty House" in collections search.

Tried to add a direct link but it didn't work.

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