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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Being lazy yesterday afternoon I decided to watch the film "Oh What A Lovely War" again.

In the film the song "Brother Bertie went away" contains the line

"with his Lieutenant's pips on his shoulders"

and the scene, set during the 1914 - 1915 period, showed him going off to France in a brand new uniform with his one pip on his shoulder.

Is this an accurate picture of the uniform worn in 1914/15? In my ignorance I thought that at the time officers wore their rank on their cuffs and that the use of the rank on the shoulder only came in later in the war.

Over to the uniform experts please.


No expert, but I think the Gaurds regiments wore pips on their shoulders. But i bet he was not a Guards officer.


Being lazy yesterday afternoon I decided to watch the film "Oh What A Lovely War" again.

I have looked for this before but failed. Where can you get a copy?




I recorded it when it was on TV about 10 years ago. The annoying thing is that it was on ITV so keeps getting spolit by adverts!

It was announced a few months ago that it is going to be released on DVD early in 2004 but so far no sign of when.



I forgot to mention that it is possible to buy a copy on video.

It was issued for a short time in the UK and original copies sell for £200+, or so I have been informed.

If you put a search in Google for Oh What A Lovely War there is a box on the right hand side of the page advertising a company who say they can supply the film.

However you may find that what is available is a tapong from one of the film's US TV showings.


just to add

to anyone who want oh what a lovely war

it is comming out on DVD next year with loads of extras.



Many thanks for the info, I had given up hope.

Too late for Christmas this year, but I shall be an early customer for the DVD when it comes out.



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