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Royal Red Cross Awards from the Gazette


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These have probably been collated elsewhere but I found this link on my travels and thought I would post it in case it was useful to anyone.

War Office,

4th April, 1919.

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Royal Red Cross to the undermentioned Ladies in recognition of valuable nursing services under " The British Red Cross Society" or "Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England," rendered in connection with the War: —

Awarded the Royal Red Cross, 1st Class.



And an earlier issue from 1917



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These have probably been collated elsewhere but I found this link on my travels and thought I would post it in case it was useful to anyone.

War Office,

4th April, 1919.

His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Royal Red Cross to the undermentioned Ladies in recognition of valuable nursing services under " The British Red Cross Society" or "Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England," rendered in connection with the War: —

Awarded the Royal Red Cross, 1st Class.



And an earlier issue from 1917



Thanks for your consideration of others!

It is most appreciated!



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The RCN archive has a similar list for awards made on 18 September 1918 which has less informwetion on each nurse than your lists. Do you know if there is a Gazette list similar to the ones you have provide links to?

Has anyone found any lists apart from those in TNA for Queen Aleaxandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service?


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I have photocopies of all London Gazettes dealing with the award of the RRC or ARRC from 1914 to 1970.

Who are you interested in ?


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I have photocopies of all London Gazettes dealing with the award of the RRC or ARRC from 1914 to 1970.

Who are you interested in ?


Hi Norman

I'm interested in the Elsie Philp who was awarded an ARRC in September 1918.

Elsie May Philp, born in Cornwall in 1893, was my grandmother and I would like to think it was her!

We know she nursed all her working life, but know no more. If you can make a positive ID I'd be delighted.

Kind regards


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Sue are you sure she was cornwall born as theres no record of her in the 1901 Census , The only ones with the right initial are in London and Cardiff.


Yes, I have a copy of her birth certificate. She's in the 1901 (ancestry.co.uk) liing in Wadebridge, registration district Bodmin Household schedule 77. The transcript of the names is awful. Her parents were Thomas Read Philp and Mary tresize (Paull)


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Sue, I am sorry to disappoint you but there is no Philp awarded the ARRC in September 1918.

The nearest is in the Gazette of 3 June 1918 and appears in an Admiralty list.

She is Elsie Christian Philp, Matron, Northern Infirmary Inverness.

She is NOT Naval Nursing Service - my guess is a qualified nurse heading up a VAD or private hospital which took a lot of RN patients.


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How odd Sue your right shes in Ancestry Co. but not in the National archives census 1901, Im confused or doing something wrong. I was looking for a Helen C Philp but shes not in either census. gareth

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Sue, I am sorry to disappoint you but there is no Philp awarded the ARRC in September 1918.

The nearest is in the Gazette of 3 June 1918 and appears in an Admiralty list.

She is Elsie Christian Philp, Matron, Northern Infirmary Inverness.

She is NOT Naval Nursing Service - my guess is a qualified nurse heading up a VAD or private hospital which took a lot of RN patients.


Looking for elsie philp - Found 1 files

Showing results 1 - 1

Hi you may well be right buit this is the extract from the Nursing Journal I've been hoping on! It's not the full document wgich you can see on the RCN Archives Website. It'ds dated Spetmeber 1918 and starts something like His Majesty..... on the 18th Inst weas pleased.

Volume 61, 28th September 1918 (p194)

the Central Powers dg not trouble me at all. Sister SARAH MCCLELLAND. Queen Alerandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service 1 have simply done my duty in encouiaging my Reserve.-Sister VERASpARIc and Sister ZOE STRONGE. soldiers, in cheering up a defeated army, and in

Royal Naval Auxiliary Hospitals.-Matron MARGARET distributing food and clothes t o a starving people. TOD,

Matron ELSIE PHILP,] and .Matron ELIZABETH " My conscienceis clear, and I defy all calumnies. RITCHIE. No one can rob me o the love of my people. Our f Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service common sufferings have b u t brought: us more Reserve.-Matron MELITA MAkTIN, Sister HENRIETTA DALY, Sister EDITHDAVIES, Sister ANNIE ELLIS, Sister closely togethel .IJ ANX GIBB,

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The extract you quote above is from the Index to the British Journal of Nursing 1918. Have you looked at the actual page where the award is mentioned ? You can consult it online. I recognise the names of Vera Sparkes and Zoe Stronge as sisters in the QARNNS, but Philp is NOT so described, nor does she appear in the Navy List. She is clearly a civilian.

I can only repeat that this is not your relative. You say she is Elsie May. The London Gazette clearly has her as Elsie Christian. Two different people. Sorry !!


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How slow I am I in spotting this

Nursing Sister Veira Lickley Spark QARNNS Reserve, Royal Red Cross 2nd Class

Is a cousin of my grandfather

London Gazette 3rd June 1918.

I have no idea where she served but I think her name has become garbled in some of the messages in the thread.

Info gratefully received


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All Reserve Nursing Sisters* who served during the Great War have service record sheets at The National Archives in class ADM104. They're on microfilm, and very similar to the seamen's records. Some are very brief, just a couple of lines, and some much more in depth - much depends on length of service.

*Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing service


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Thanks Sue

I didn't know that - will put it on my "to do " list for when the PRO is back to normal.

There is nothing there on VAD Nurses is there? - her cousin Gladys Agnes Spark was a VAD nurse?

Just out of interest both these women went on to become doctors after the Great War


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The QARNNS records are on film in 4 different runs according to date of entry into the service - ADM104/162-165. Each run has a rough index at the front with a reference to the page number on the film, and it's all a bit quaint and Heath Robinson, but because there aren't thousands of records it isn't too much hassle to find what you're looking for.

All surviving VAD records are with the British Red Cross Society - details here:

BRCS Personnel records

There are a few VAD files within WO399 at The National Archives - just a few of those who worked in military hospitals - but very small fry compared to what's at the BRCS. A search of the Catalogue for WO399 entries would show up any likely entries.


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Thank you Sue

I have re visited yout excellent Scarlet Finders website.

It is THE place to start for anyone researching Great War Nursing


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