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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Unknown Soldiers

paul guthrie

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Terrific book, story of an American, German and British soldiers with no known grave,k each had written extensively and there is a great deal of information about how they lived. The German was unusual in that he was in from the start til August 18. The American too, cause as a pilot attached to British, 148 the Aero, fell behind British lines you would think he would be identified.

Then there are terrific accounts of Unknown Warrior, Unknown Soldier, Cenotaph etc.

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I meant to add that there are disturbing photos included. Graves registration work at Romagne is being done by about 15 men, all black. The men carrying the Unknown are of course all white. Disturbing but not surprising, that's the way things were.

He also says considerable effort was made to insure the Unknown Warrior was a 1914 casualty and almost certainly an army man.

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THere are so many great bits of information here, the carriage that bore Unknown Warrior also carried Edith Cavell and Charles Fryatt the executed franc tireur who attempted to ram a sub with his civilian ship.

I must be the only one who's read this, too bad, author is English.

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I agree with you; it's well written and contains lots of interesting information.

While not Great War related, the same author's book on the Spanish Armada of 1588 The Confident Hope of a Miracle is also excellent.



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Had this Book for some time..Cracking read it is too.

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Glad others of you like it, it just keeps getting better and I just happened to find it at my local library. There are so many jewels in this.

The US decided to award CHOH to Unkown Warrior, it's still in WA, Pershing presented it.

Government knew it had to reciprocate but there was a very long delay and trouble was brewing, it was the King who did it saying VC was the greatest military award in the world and much older than ours. Actually it was 1856 v 1861! He was finally overruled very much against his wishes but the French and Belgian Unknowns got only MC.

At dedication of Cenotaph a Thomas Pestorisk of Scottish Rifles was there missing a leg, his 8 brothers were killed.

A must read in my book.

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