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WW2 Movies (help wanted)


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Growing up as a kid through the 70s, I can remember passing away the hours reading the commando magazines, and watching WW2 War films.

There were two films that I saw just once but can't remember the names of them

The first one was a 70s film which followed a section of british paratroopers the only scene that I can remember is one of the paras stalking a german leapord-crawl style through a garden with a commando dagger, whilst the viewer is listening to the paras thoughts.

The second one all I can remember is the ending where two Brits end up in a cellar of a Church, the Germans had tried everything to dislodge them, end up flooding the cellar, so the two brits shoot each other?

Can anyone remember these film along with the titles

many thanks

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The second one sounds like Operation Daybreak but the characters in it were Czechoslovakians, although most of the actors were British apart from one American, Timothy Bottoms. It was the true story of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.

IMDB on Operation Daybreak

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I do not know anything about the first one, paratroopers makes me think A Bridge Too Far, however there is no scene like the one you described, or anything even coming close. Would the second film be anything to do with assassination of Reinhard Heydrich?


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The first Film you mentioned,finally had one of the SAS/Para Men killing Helmut the German Prisoner with a skewer through the Heart.I remember the Film Well but maybe a few Beers will help me Remember the Title

.Regarding the second film about Heydrichs Assassins,the Czechs also made a subtitled Film actually Filmed in the Church were the Czech Commandos made their last Stand.

EUREKA !!!!!!!,the First Film you Mentioned is Called THE LONG DAYS DYING.

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Just to a Pedantic Hair splitter,just checked David hemming Filmography,and the Title is Defintetly THE LONG DAYS DYING

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thank for all your responses, now i can look for these film


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