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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

DH2 WIP - color study

Russell Smith

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I finally got around to tackling the color study for this one. There are a few minor details that need to be adjusted before I go full scale with this one - particularly to the uniforms. I may tweak a couple of the figures a little more as well. However, this is generally what it will look like.

With all of the detail in this one, I knew that there would be several potential pitfalls and trouble spots throughout the composition. i took my time on this study, though, and I think I've gotten all of the trouble areas smoothed out. Fortunately there is no rush on this one. I've got to finish up a couple of other paintings before I tackle the big version of this, so I have plenty of time to think this one over.

As usual, its available to anyone interested. Email me or PM me if you want some details.



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I wholeheartedly agree with Owen (except what I consider a somewhat self-deprecating endnote: Owen, I've seen enough of your work in the War Art section to say that your work is better than that of many people earning a living as illustrators!)

I'm curious about a technical issue: Where the wing-bars of those old planes strong enough to be held in the manner they are being hold by the man on the left? sorry if it sounds like a silly question.


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I wholeheartedly agree with Owen (except what I consider a somewhat self-deprecating endnote: Owen, I've seen enough of your work in the War Art section to say that your work is better than that of many people earning a living as illustrators!)

I'm curious about a technical issue: Where the wing-bars of those old planes strong enough to be held in the manner they are being hold by the man on the left? sorry if it sounds like a silly question.


Thanks folks, for your compliments

Gloria, someone in another forum asked the same question. If you take into consideration that those struts had to hold the aircraft together when the pilot entered a turn, I have a feeling that the weight of a man pulling back on one wouldn't overstress it. Just my opinion, though.


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Another outstanding piece of work. Once again, thanks for sharing it with us.

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I'm curious about a technical issue: Where the wing-bars of those old planes strong enough to be held in the manner they are being hold by the man on the left? sorry if it sounds like a silly question.

The person to ask for a definitive answer is probably LowNslow, as he is currently restoring a Be2c reproduction. I'm sure he'd be happy to try it out, though I suspect Russell is right.


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