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Map Request - Boesinghe area July 1915


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We're looking for maps of the Boesinghe area for July 1915 where the 5th Bat Yorks and Lancs were.


Seth and Rebecca


This is a part of a July 14, 1915, 1:5,000 scale map of the Boesinghe area. I do not know where the 5th Bat Yorks and Lancs were at that time, but if you need another section of the map, just ask. The blue lines on the map refer to German trenches--it is a French map. I do not know anything about its history of use, although it is at least possible that British forces employed it. Given that it was early in the war, and that the British had only just taken over this part of the line, it would not be surprising for them to have used a French map. Also, I bought this map with another one that was a 1916 British map of Guillemont, which also suggests this map might have been used by British forces. Of course, the person from whom I bought both maps lives in France, so I really can't say anything with certainty in regard to hoow it was employed. I'll add another excerpt momentarily, the area just to the West of the one pictured on this map. Hope these images help,



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To add to Josh maps, below is British map before attack of 6th July 1915, taken from a previous thread with lots of maps, I would do a link but not very good a finding old threads. International trench was captured in attack.

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We're looking for maps of the Boesinghe area for July 1915 where the 5th Bat Yorks and Lancs were.


Seth and Rebecca

Seth and Rebecaa,

Living at Boezinge myself I am (naturally) interested in the area too. I could email two or three maps of that period, off Forum, if you are interested (and give me your email address). Also the 2 1/2 pages describing the stay there of 5/Y&L (which was 9 July till end of 1915) from the Regimental History

I think the area where they were was a little south east of Josh's map(s), and maybe even - depending on the exact time and the company - a little more southeast of Annette's map. (Down to Pilkem Road)

The 5/Y&L Headquarters was opposite South Zwaanhof, near bridge 6 Y, which is 150 m south of 6D (HQ of ELR) on Annette's map.


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I think the area where they were was a little south east of Josh's map

This area

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Hi guys,

thanks for all the info and pictures of the maps,

the only info a ihave for the area is a couple of photocopies that are from the 5th bat. yorks and lancs history, the soldier we have been looking for is Ernest Paskell, (rebecca's great uncle) and according to the CWGC he is listed as missing 10/7/1915, from what i have read, they 5th bat y&l were sent to occupy captured german trenchs on 9/7/1915 and there is 2 men list as missing in this info, so we are 99% sure that this refers to Ernest.


i have scanned in what i have and coverted to text if it helps anyone pinpoint the area, i think the trench numbers are listed.

Aurel, any info you have on the yorks and lancs would be greatly welcomed, we live just around the corner from the yorks and museum, so hopefully they will be able to help with some info on them aswell, we have 3 other relatives who served with them aswell, but i'm not sure if they were all 5th bn or not, but i know one was.(i'll pm you my email address)

thanks again guys

Seth and Rebecca

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