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Officer rank I.D


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Hi all

Could anybody tell me the ranks of these officers of the RFA?




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From Left to right-

first 2 are Lt or 2nd Lt. [The cuff has a single line of braid around it] Can't see how many 'pips' are on the cuff.

3rd Is a Captain [2 Lines of Braid around the cuff]

4th is a major [but could be a Lt.Col., but apears to have a single badge of rank on cuff ie, a Crown.]

Also Battery comanders were usually Majors, and this photo looks likely to be of a Battery.



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can't see the next chaps rank badges, which are on his shoulder strapes. The last two are either 2nd Lt's or Lt's.



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Thanks for that, had to reduce the photo a lot because of size limits, so it's lost a lot of detail. It is indeed a battery photo, 'A' 175 brigade.


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It's great that you know what Battery it is. Do you know the names of any of the officers? I see a few seem to have the medal ribbon of the MC.



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Unfortunately I can't put names to faces. I have the war diaries of the brigade, and although it does mention some of the officers, and their awards it doesn't mention which batteries they were with. It part of a photo of the N.C.O'S of the battery, of which my Granddad was a member.


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