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4th R.B. & 4th K.R.R.C. 6th & 7th Jan. 1915

6th Shropshires

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I was hopeing someone with knowledge of the 4th R.B. or 4th K.R.R.C. could help please. The 80th Bridage relieved part of the 32nd French Division, on the night of 6th/7th January 1915, with the P.P.C.L.I. and 4th R.B. in the front line, I know the line of the P.P.C.L.I. ran from the Vierstraat-Wytschaete road to near the west corner of Bois Quarante. The 4th R.B. were on the left but I do not know where their line ended, my guess is some where near Piccaddly Farm but would like to know for sure. The following night the 4th K.R.R.C. extended the Brigades line to the left as far as the right flank of the French 31st Division somewhere at St. Eloi, again I would like to know where at St. Eloi their line ended.

Any help greatfully received


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Away from my War Diaries at the moment,(I was going to answer your e mail when I got back home on Tuesday). At present I can give you the War Service Record of this period in time for the 4th RB which will not give you the detail you need but here goes.

1st January:- At Blaringhem. Inspected by the Commander-in-Chief, two officers and two N.C.O.'s spent twenty-four hours in the trenches.

5th January:- 9.30 a.m. marched about 13 miles to Meteren.

6 to 8th January:- Marched via Dickebusch and took over trenches from four Companies of the French about one mile south of Voormezeele. The Quartermaster sick, and 2nd Lieutenant Wood acted for him. 2nd Lieutenant Tennyson transferred to 'B' Shelling heavy. Part of Battalion Headquarters caught fire.

8 to 10th January:- In support at Elzenvalle.


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Thanks Andy

I forgot to add to the post above that the 2nd K.S.L.I. and 4th R.B. shared H.Q. fron night of 14th to 16th Jan. 1915 at what looks like la Farme ? de la Confluence ? but I can not find on such place on map, my guess its Redoubt Farm or Snipers Barn or further back, any if the 4th R.B. diary can shed any light on that I would be greatful.

Thanks again


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I have, what looks like, Bois Confluence in a map for the 4th R.B and the counter attack on St. Eloi and the mound. If this is the same it is in the right section, not too far from snipers barn. About a third of the way between snipers barn and Piccadilly.


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Hi Andy

My map spells it Bois Confluent, a British mis-spelling of Confluence ?, so Snipers Barns being the closest could be Confluence Farm? wonder if any or our Belgium pals know.


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Hi Annette,

At home now, looks like the 4th RB War Diary will not be much use to you, but, I do have the 4th KRRC War Diary for the same period which is a little more detailed.

Quite a bit of it so I will e mail the 4th KRRC to you.


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4th Rifle Brigade War Diary for January 1915.

1/1/15 Blaringhem.

Digging in the morning. Afternoon inspection by the Field Marshall Commanding-in-Chief. Strength on parade 28 Officers (including M.O.) and 680 other ranks. No Machine Gun detachments or Transport on parade.

10 men reported medically unfit for service. Party who proceeded to the trenches returned to Head Quarters.


Digging on the 2nd line of trenches, in the same place as on 27/12/14 i.e. one and a half miles N of Blaringhem.


Digging. Continuation of work commenced on 2/1/15.


No digging done; General Cleaning up.


Marched to Meteren about 13 miles. Strength 28 Officers 903 other ranks.

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Marched via Dickebusch to the trenches and took over trenches occupied by 3 Companies of the French about 1 mile South of the R. in Vormezeele. Lieut. and Q.M. H.E. Worthing admitted to hospital suffering from a hernia.


Heavy shelling most of the day, part of the Battalion Head Quarters set on fire. Took over trenches occupied by the remaining French Coy and Machine Gun.


Relieved at night by 2nd K.S.L.I. and moved in support to Plas Elzonvalle (3 Coys) and 1 Coy at Chateau near Kruisstraathoek.

Casualties in trenches; Killed 2, Wounded 4, Missing 1.

9/1/15. In support as above.


Relieved at night by A. & S. Highlanders and marched to Dickebusch.

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Marched to Boeschepe about 8 miles. The men having suffered severely from their feet in the trenches and from want of boots, the march was a considerable tax on their endurance.


In reserve at Boeschepe. 100 men admitted to hospital and approximately another 100 men unfit to march.


Marched to Dickebusch.


Relieved together with 2nd K.S.L.I. the 2nd D.C.L.I.




Relieved by Royal Irish Fusiliers and marched to Dickebusch.

Casualties in trenches; Killed 1, Wounded 3.


Marched to Reninghelst in reserve.

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In reserve.


In reserve.


In reserve. Battalion state:-

Strength on leaving Blaringhem 28 Officers 903 other ranks.

Wastage 2 Officers 323 other ranks.

Present strength 26 Officers 580 other ranks.

Killed 3

Wounded 7

Admitted to hospital(sickness) 1 Officer 217 other ranks

At Boeschepe (unfit for duty) 1 Officer 94 other ranks

Missing 2


In reserve.


In reserve.

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Marched from Reninghelst to Dickebusch.


Relieved the 2nd D.C.L.I. in trenches.


Trenches, Captain M.H. Helyar killed and one man killed.


Relieved in trenches by the 2nd D.C.L.I. and marched back to Dickebusch. 2 men died of wounds.


In support at Dickebusch.


Relieved the 2nd D.C.L.I. in trenches.


In trenches. One man killed and one wounded.


Relieved by the Gloucester Regt. and marched back to Dickebusch.


Marched from Dickebusch to Voormozeele in close support.

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Many thanks Andy for taking the time to type out the info. Do not forget to ask if you want anything in return.


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No problem, our interests cross in many areas with the K.S.L.I. and the R.B. so there is sure to be areas that we can help one another.

Will start e mailing the 4th K.R.R.C. diaries off to you soon.


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Hi Andy

They came through ok, and again thanks.


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