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Kings Regulations

Guest KevinEndon

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Guest KevinEndon

We see on M.I.C's soldier discharged under Kings Regs blah blah blah. Is there a list anywhere of the Kings Regulations and the codes for M.I.C.'s?

Please direct me to this site.

Many thanks


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its on here some where....

found this ... I copied it ages ago and take no credit for the work it took to do

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Cause of Discharge

(i) References on enlistment being unsatisfactory

(ii) Having been irregularly enlisted

(iii) Not being likely to become an efficient soldier

(a) Recruit rejected both by medical officer and approving officer

(B) Recruit passed by medical officer, but rejected by a recruiting

officer stationed away from the headquarters of the recruiting area, or

by approving officer

(c ) Recruit within three months of enlistment considered unfit for service

(cc) Recruits with more than three months service considered unfit for

further military service

(d) Recruit who after having undergone a course of physical training is

recommended by an examining board to be discharged, or in the case

of a mounted corps is unable to ride

(e) Soldier of local battalion abroad considered unlikely to become efficient

(f) Boy, who, on reaching 18 years of age, is considered to be physically

unfit for the ranks

(iv) Having been claimed as an apprentice

(v) Having claimed it on payment of 10/- within three months after his


(vi) Having made a mis-statement as to age on enlistment

(a) Soldier under 17 years of age at date of application for discharge

(B) Soldier between 17 and 18 years of age at date of application for


(vii) Having been claimed for wife desertion

(a) By the parish authorities

(B) By the wife

(viii) Having made false answer on attestation

(ix) Unfitted for the duties of the corps

(x) Having been convicted by the civil power of ___ or of an offence comitted

before enlistment

(xi) For misconduct

(xii) Having been sentenced to penal servitude

(xiii) Having been sentenced to be discharged with ignomony

(xiv) At his own request on payment of ___ under Article 1130 (i), Pay Warrant

(xv) Free, after ___ years service under Article 1130 (ii), Pay Warrant

(xva) Free under Article 1130 (i), Pay Warrant

(xvb) Free. To take up civil employment which cannot be held open

(xvi) No longer physically fit for service

(xviii) At his own request after 18 years service (with a view to pension under

the Pay Warrant)

(xix) For the benefit of the public service after 18 years service (with a view to

pension under the Pay Warrant)

(xx) Inefficiency after 18 years service ( with a view to a pension under the

Pay Warrant)

(xxi) The termination of his ___ period of engagement

(xxii) With less than 21 years service towards engagement, but with 21 or

more years service towards pension

(xxiii) Having claimed discharge after three months notice

(xxiv) Having reached the age for discharge

(xxv) His service being no longer required

(xxvi) At his own request after 21 (or more) years service (with a view to

pension under the Pay Warrant)

(xxvii) After 21 (or more) years qualifying service for pension, and with 5 (or

more) years service as warrant officer (with a view to pension under the

Pay Warrant)

There appears to be no clause (xvii) and I have also come across clauses not listed here (xxva), (xxviii). I would assume that these were later additions to the regulations. If anyone out there in the ether can give me any further information on the clauses mentioned I would be most grateful.

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We see on M.I.C's soldier discharged under Kings Regs blah blah blah. Is there a list anywhere of the Kings Regulations and the codes for M.I.C.'s?

Please direct me to this site.

Many thanks


Hello Kevin,

Here is another to add to list , it was on my late grandfathers discharge certificate.




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