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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

ebay KIA pair


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See this pair - 290009165041

I can't seem to do the shortcut thingy.

The description on him being rounded up and sent to the front, without any training - sounds more than a bit fanciful but does anyone know of this happening?


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I dont know anything this but I couldnt see this happening, as a trainned solider is worth more than an untrained one, it would be a waste of a good man. (just my opinion)

The end part of the drunks being rounded up sounds like pressganging of old times into the navy in the 1700 and 1800's.


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Sounds like someone got their "History" from a TV programme!!

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I have asked him what evidence he has for that statement.


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well, some people obviously believe the 'tale' as there are 11 bids and at present the highest is @£123!

how does that phrase go..'a fool and his money?....

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He has replied and added the answer. it was the family who passed on the info.


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he did say he was KIA 10 days later after being arrested

would 10 days be enough to complete the basic training and get to belgium? seems improbable.

what would make more sense is he had done basic, the day before being shipped out went out with his mates for farwell drinks got caught went back to barracks and shipped out and the story just got twisted over time. (thats my thoery)


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Well there was a considerable gap between the start of the war when he joined up to the date when he was killed on the 27th March 1915. So it must of been some bender he was on.


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Sorry, I took it as he was sent to front and KIA 10 day later, Should really wake up fully before posting.


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