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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

How to have a soldier 'remembered' at the top of this page?


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Sorry. I couldn't find anwhere suitable to ask this question.

So.......How are the soldiers above, (in the 'remembering today' window) 'chosen' for rememberance? I would really like to have my soldier's name up there at the end of this month.

All the best


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I believe its computer generated. its taken from the CWGC database. Thats as much as I know I'm sure somebody cleverer than me will be able to tell you more.


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Ali is nearly right I think. It is random but it cant just be CWGC as includes Germans, Austrians, Turks etc.

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You can always start a thread with your soldier's name on it - it has been done in the past and has allowed some very interesting information to be shared


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I produce the list for this feature - a year at a time and well in advance (I will start the process in September for 2007!).

Nobody can request a name to appear as it is meant to be as near to random as possible - allowing that I do adjust the numbers appearing to give a spread of nationalities and units. However, no casualty is chosen because of fame, mode of death or burial location - nor because of any relationship or connection to a Forum member. The selection of a name from a particular unit on each specific day is as random as I can make it with a pin on my computer screen!

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O.K. Thankyou everyone. I suppose that means that every soldier gets remembered at some point. Which is how it should be.

Thanks again.


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I suppose that means that every soldier gets remembered at some point. Which is how it should be.


Technically, you could be right! However, don't hold your breath!

The thought occurs to me now that, as this feature has been running for over three years, there is the possibility also that a name could be repeated!

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Terry - now that the Forum has grown to a point where more and more Pals have shared their research on relatives might it be possible that we could commemorate thier men on the banner? Perhaps it could be used to generate revenue for the upkeep of the Forum as well. For a small donation you could 'buy' a day for your soldier/sailor/VAD to be remembered. Strictly first come, first served, and keeping with your schedule you would have to have all the pertinent info by Sept.



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Not keen at all, Andy.

Firstly, I like the randomness of it - particularly as it brings up the different nationalities, units , etc of people in the CWGC's care.

And secondly, I don't like the idea of commercialising the remembrance.


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To my mind that would destroy the purpose of the feature.

It is meant to be as general as possible and to give many men some form of remembrance which they may not otherwise get. The idea was generated by the reading of random names at the Menin Gate ceremony.

I feel that men who are relatives or research subjects of Forum members are already well remembered but should have the same chance of appearing as the tens of thousands who are but names in stone.

I certainly would not agree with people 'buying' remembrance - no matter how worthy the cause.

As was said above, there is nothing to stop anyone starting their own remembrance thread.

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