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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Ypres Salient

Guest Hill 60

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Here's one example for you.I appreciate it is not a competition and you may even exclude them as I am not certain if you mean the entire War or 1917.

8th Royal Scots(Pioneer Battalion to the 51st Highland Division) from their History.


"During the summer of 1917,the Battalion had another long continuous spell in the line.It went into the line at the Yser Canal Bank,-------,on 18th June,and remained in the line until 25th September.-----.During the time that the Division was out of the line,the Battalion was attached to the 17th or 18th Corps and carried out work on the forward roads."

Do you want to clarify if it is the whole War or just 1917?


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Hi Lee

For starters the 6th Division spent about 18 months in the Salient, but I am sure there are Divisions who spent more time then that there.


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Hi Lee

The 6th Division were there from 31st May 1915 to 31st July 1916 & 30th March 1918 to 1st September 1918.


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I have to second Annette,

6th Division were there the longest. 49th were at canal from june '15 till the end of the year. 38th Welsh also spend more or less a full year in the saliënt, from aug. '15 till june '16.

I have a checklist for the period april '15 - july '17 for Ypres salient with the divisions and their locations. It is excell so can not post it here but send me a pm if you are intrested

many regards,


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Guest Hill 60

Bert - Thanks for adding to Annette's info. I'll also PM you re the other info.

Many thanks to everyone for their help :D

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Looking at the order of Battle of Divisions, I would say the 3rd, 4th & 5th Divisions could have spent more time then the 6th Division but I do not have their histories so could not say how many months or years.


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Guest Hill 60

Annette - A pity Divisional histories weren't put on-line, with free access!!!

Many thanks for adding some more Divisions to the pot.

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Lee, 49 Div. did spend a lot of time in the Salient 1917/18:-

13/14 July 1917 left Laventie Area for the Fort Mardyck Area (in the dunes near Dunkerque).

18 July-2 August the St. Georges sector of the front line trenches at Nieuport.

3 August-end of September most of the Div. was out of the line at Uxem-Teteghem.

1 October Div. moved up towards Ypres in readiness for their attack on 9 October.

They appear to have stayed in the Salient until around the 19 August 1918 apart from a spell out of the line waiting for new drafts after the Battle of Mount Kemmel on 25 April.


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Looking at the order of Battle of Divisions, I would say the 3rd, 4th & 5th Divisions could have spent more time then the 6th Division but I do not have their histories so could not say how many months or years.


Hi Annette,

My own info is march '15 - July '17. During that period 6th division spent most time in the Salient. Third division must have been in the Ypres area since 1st Ypres or just after and stayed for at least a year. No idea whether they came back after the summer of '17. I've never found a divisional history for the third.... I don't think it exists actually.

For some divisions the only 'histories' are the IWGC booklets that are in the IWM library. They are really quite good and tell every move the division made. To find out where a certain division was at a certain point they are the key documents next to the divisional diaries of course.



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Hi Bert

The IWGC booklets look useful, I must try and get a look at them. The 3rd Div. were back in Salient in or by Sepember.


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Well, I find that I can clear up all confusion. :D

I am reading just now Haunting Years by William Linton Andrews who states quite clearly "Our division, the 39th, had the longest spell of any in the Ypres salient."

Problem solved. :P


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Guest Hill 60
Problem solved.

Until another book throws up 'our Division was in the Salient longer than ANY other Division' :D

Cheers Ian

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