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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembered Today:

27/396 Sgt John Carr Kirkup Northumberland Fusiliers


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Hi Guys and Gals

Just started researching the military side of the family and came across this wonderful looking site.

If anyone can help me with the my Wifes Grandfather it would be greatly appreciated.

I dont know when he joined or left the Army or what he actually did.

The details I have are as above with the exception that I know he was awarded the Military Medal in the supplement to the London Gazette dated 9 July 1917. His number shown on there was only 396. On his Medal card it is shown as 27/396. Also on the Medal card it shows his Victory Medal withe following beside it 0/1/105 then either a b or an f 19 (0/1/105?19) then page 3994. In the remarks column is the writing

bt"2". Can anyone tell me what these mean.

Is it possible to find out what Bn/Regt/Coy he was with ? or can someone give me a shove in the right direction. I have read the Guide and think I have done everything right and have googled myself out of sight trying to find information.

Thanking you in anticipation




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Welcome aboard. My guess with a 27/ prefix is that he was 27th NF (4th Tyneside irish).

The experts will be along in a minute ;)

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A sergeant in 27th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers (4th Tyneside Irish) and possibly present during the defence of Scots Redoubt on 1 to 4 July 1916. A member of 16th Royal Scots mentioned an NF with this unusual surname to me several years ago in connection with the bombing attack on Horseshoe Trench. (John Sheen - in Tyneside Irish - lists him as coming from 53 Jackson Square, Annitsford.)

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27/396 Sgt John Carr Kirkup served in 'B' Company, 27th Bn, N.F., and later went onto serve with the 24/27th Battalion, 11th Battalion and 1st Battalion's of the Northumberland Fusiliers. An additional address linked to him was 13 Lytton Street, South Shields and he was eventually discharged to the Class 'Z' Army Reserve.

Sources for Sgt Kirkup can be found in Irish Heroes; St.Georges Gazette; the Illustrated Chronicle, the Newcastle Chronicle; Medal Roll Sheets and London Gazette.


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Graham, Jack and Steven

Thanks very much for the info, I am amazed the speedy replies.

Now for the stupid questions:

What is Irish Heroes (I found http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~i...st/heroes.html) which I presume is Irish Heroes although I have not done any searching on it yet. I googled St. Georges Gazette, Illustrated and Newcastle Chronicle but nothing sprung out at me. I did add the name Kirkup when I googled but only got stuff from the DLI or am I just plain stupid and dont see it.


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"Irish Heroes in the War" by John E.Redmond, T.P.O'connor & Joseph Keating, believe it's now been reprinted by the Naval & Military Press. "St.Georges Gazette" is the regimental journal of the Northumberland Fusiliers, but not on line. Editions are known to reside at Central Library, Newcastle, The Fusiliers of Northumberland Museum. Neither the Illustrated Chronicle or Newcastle Chronicle are on line, again these have to be viewed at Central Library, Newcastle or the National Newspaper Archive at Colindale, London.


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