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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembered Today:

11th Hull Heavy Battery RGA


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Today, 90 Years ago, in a forgotten campaign in a forgotten theatre, the left section of the Hull Heavy Battery (originally 11th Divisional Heavy Artillery) arrived at Kondoa Irangi in German East Africa to support General J. L. Van DeVenters 2nd Division who had become beleaguered there.

The 2nd SA Division had advanced rapidly from thir success at Kahe in March 1916 ,and in trying to beat the arrival of the rainy season had captured Lolkissali in pursuit of Von Lettow's units retreating from the Kilimanjaro area; and now converged on Kondoa Irangi to prevent DeVenters advance to the main artery of the colony , the Central Railway.

The battery, who had arrived in East Africa in February 1916, now formed part of a column led by Captain Orde Brown to relieve Van Deventer's forces at Kondoa.Taking up position on Battery Hill at Kondoa Irangi on the night of the 3rd June 1916.

Today we remember the lads from Hull in their epic traverse of the Massai Steppe from Himo Bridge Camp, ridden with disease and weakened by hardship taking 17 days to trek the 200 miles from Himo to Kondoa.


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Hello Roop.

Today is my 65th Birthday and every day that passes I think of those brave lads who fought and died for us. WW1, WW2 and subsequent battles around the Globe. and our boys are still doing it in several places. You have every reason to be proud of your Grandad, without him and others since, we would not be living in freedom. One of the Oldest Demorcraties in the world, for all our faults.


Terry W.

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Happy Birthday Terry.

Roop its our duty not to let them be forgotten.


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Happy Birthday Terry.

Roop its our duty not to let them be forgotten.


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I would like to thank them for their contribution to my way of life; the part they played in Africa is rarely remembered. The relief of Ladysmith and the movement of the guns are remembered with national pride, that group of lads from Hull (and surrounding areas) moved bigger guns with less men and did the job they went to do.

Happy Birthday Terry.

Regards Charles

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Hello Pals.

Thank you for your Birthday greeting's, much appreciated.

Roop, your original post was extremely interesting, it's good to see those brave lads being remembered once again, may they rest in peace.

Terry W. :)

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