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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

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Pte. R Hughes

Guest KevinEndon

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Guest KevinEndon

Could any pal please give me info on 11805 Pte R Hughes or the North Staffs Regt.

I have just bought his 14-15 trio and SWB.

His btn/ coy would be nice to know along with his address if possible.

Anything will be nice as I admit I have a great interest in researching but not the skills or knowledge that a lot of the pals on here have obtained. Maybe just maybe one day I will get there.


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If you follow this link to the National Archives this will enable you to access Private Hughes medal card but itwill cost you £3.50, it won't give you an address or anything like that, you would have to find out his his army service record survived the war and view it to find this information.

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Bid hard to on the old eyes to read the card , but given the dates , to the best of my knowledge the 1st Battalion was in France as part of 6th Division, 17th Brigade and the 2nd was in India for the whole war. I think all the other reserve battalions were back in England,

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theatre of war is Balkans, clearly visible when I blew up MIC. Further research required as to N Staffs involvment in that theatre. I'll have a look tomorrow if you want.


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I'm pretty sure your man served with the 7th Battalion North Staffs regiment in Gallipoli and possibly later in Mesopotamia.

The code 2B with Balkans means Gallipoli if you follow this link for the N Staffs on this site you'll see that this was the only N Staffs battalion deployed in Turkey and deployed early enough for him to earn a 1915 Star.

There's a chance that he could have served with the 9th Battalion who also went to the Balkans at the right time but in Salonika, however the 2B code seems pretty definite.

I suppose the next thing for you would be to try and find when he earned his SWB.

Hope this helps a bit or at least confirms what you'd already thought.


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Guest KevinEndon

Can anyone give me his address, I have hunted high and low on the net all day but to no avail, please help before I stick my head in the gas oven.

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