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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Armenian Soldiers

Guest Pete Wood

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Guest Pete Wood

Although I was aware that the Armenian nation suffered mass genocide by the Turks, during WW1, I know almost nothing about the survivors/volunteers that then served with the British in Palestine.

Can anyone tell me some more the Armenian army - what action they saw, what uniforms they wore, their composition, if any books have been written about their part in the campaign etc etc??

Are there any pictures of the Armenian soldiers??

Did they have their own officers??

Did the Armenians fight elsewhere in WW1??

I looked up the term Armenia and Armenians on the forum search engine, but found no mention of a previous discussion.

My thanks, in advance, for any help and leads.

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Although I was aware that the Armenian nation suffered mass genocide by the Turks, during WW1, I know almost nothing about the survivors/volunteers that then served with the British in Palestine.

Can anyone tell me some more the Armenian army - what action they saw, what uniforms they wore, their composition, if any books have been written about their part in the campaign etc etc??

Are there any pictures of the Armenian soldiers??

Did they have their own officers??

Did the Armenians fight elsewhere in WW1??

I looked up the term Armenia and Armenians on the forum search engine, but found no mention of a previous discussion.

My thanks, in advance, for any help and leads.

There was an Armenian Legion serving with the French forces. Here is a link to a 52 page article on them:


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