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Good books?

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Can any Pals help me by recommending to me any good books thay may have read on the Sudan war of 1884-85 expedition and also of Sudan 1889 Omdurman etc. Also are there any that are good on the Beor war.

Its back ground work for WW1..Honest.




For a Boer War bibliography see:

Boer War

And there is a 'Links' link [so to speak] at the top of the bibliography page. Enough books to keep you happy, I think :)

Regards - Sue


Hi Arm,

Thomas Pakenham's book on the The Boer War is the only one I've read but I found it really interesting and engaging. A great read but I'm not sure how it would be as a research work.

Take care,




Churchill wrote a book on the sudan campaign called "the River War".

Although I have a copy I've not got around to reading it so can't say

what the contents like. There's also a book called "Victoria's enemies"

but obviously covers other campaigns as well, and I believe Featherstone

did a book on the Sudan.



Pakenham's is probably the best general history, is fully noted and is a good read. Byron Farwell's "The Great Boer War" is probably the next best, not quite as erudite, and a slightly better read.

If you want a neutral opinion the "German Official Account of the War in South Africa" in translation (2 volumes) is probably the best option, although French and American observers wrote on the conflict.

Kruger's "Goodbye Dolly Grey" is slanted towards the Boer viewpoint, Belfield's "The Boer War" is a good intro, and Holt's "The Boer War" concentrates on the first half. The latest is Nasson's "The South African War 1899-1902" and its reported to be a good survey (aimed at undergrad level).

Good accounts from the Boer side are Reitz's "Commando" and De Wet's "Three Year's War". A number of the Great War generals' biogs refer to their service in South Africa.

A great web site is "Perspectives", which contains numerous extracts from various sources, including the whole of "Three years War".


The USAF Air University's Bibliography is at South African War



Try the following

Anglo-Boer wars by Michael Barthorp

War on the Nile by Michael Barthorp

The Savage Wars (British Campaigns in Africa 1870-1920) by

Lawrence James

I believe the above are all out of print now but you

may be able to pick them up a second hand book stores and fairs



Hi Arm,

Battery Press in the US has some of the titles suggested by Geoff.

Scroll down the list to Victorian War Series.

They also have all the Official Histories.

Take care,


Battery Press Nashville TN

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